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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:33:32 PM

Saul via John Smallman: You Will Be Enraptured and Enchanted to Recognize Yourselves Just as You Truly Are

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Humanity is most definitely awakening, there are powerful signs of this everywhere, “for those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear!” Allow your intuition to guide your web searches for evidence and you may well be greatly surprised by what you find. The collective intent to awaken – your individual intentions joined together and greatly amplified – will be achieved because that is the divine plan, your plan.

Yes, you have been hearing and reading messages like this for what seems a very long time indeed, and the reason for this is because we, here in the spiritual realms, are being constantly called on for uplifting and inspiring messages about the awakening from so many of you. We are your holy support team, and we are always fully awake to hear and respond to your calls. We agreed to this before you incarnated so that you would know that you would never be left alone to work things out on your own, for as individual humans, seemingly disconnected from Source, that just would not be possible. You need constant guidance and mentoring, and we provide it 24/7. Of course frequently you choose not to listen because the distractions of the illusion are so alluring and demanding, capturing your full attention as you lead your daily lives, often fearfully and in great anxiety.

If you would listen to us those fears and anxieties would diminish as our peace and love flowed through you and out through your energy fields to meld with and influence those of all the other people with whom you interact. When you are peaceful and loving those with whom you are interacting – physically in person, or by thought or emotionally – do feel the love that you are sharing and extending, even if they remain unaware of its source. As we have told you so often, your individual energy fields affect the whole of God’s divine creation, spreading peace, joy, love, and harmony, or – while you are in human form and choose otherwise – anxiety, anger, resentment, and fear. So make sure to engage with your Real nature so that you are sharing and extending only Love.

You are always extending and sharing Love, but when you engage with fear, and all its varied manifestations, it causes a mist or fog to arise that dims your true nature, and the Love that it is, so that you and others are hardly cognisant of it. Remember, the illusion is where you are playing a game of separation, and fear and its various aspects and manifestations are promoters and intensifiers of that sense of aloneness, or even complete abandonment.

Now, because the collective decision to awaken has been made, it is essential that you focus very powerfully on engaging with your true nature, your divine nature, Love. It has lain hidden and forgotten within you as you have played out the game of separation. But, by constantly holding the intention to be loving in every moment, you will allow and encourage the brilliant Light of your Love to shine forth clearly, bathing all in Its loving embrace. This is why you incarnated, and now is the moment for you to become fully aware of the amazing task you have set yourselves, and in that awareness, to fulfill it.

You are all one, and your natural state is one of harmonious cooperation with yourself in all of your individual human forms which, when you are cooperating lovingly and harmoniously, create Heaven on Earth. To come together as one within the illusion, which is what the collective now intends, will transform it into the most beautiful, uplifting, and inspiring dream, where all your wants and desires can instantly be made manifest for each individual human, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, color, race, or creed. You are one, and when you acknowledge that and live it, then there is no poverty, conflict, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, or sense of being a victim, because all, through the one, are utterly and most joyfully satisfied.

Your brilliant creative abilities then come fully on line, allowing you – as someone so aptly put it – “to follow your bliss.” And you will, while experiencing the most amazing sense of joyous fulfillment. You are enormously, in fact infinitely creative, just like your heavenly Father, because He created you to delight and wonder in the creative talents and abilities that He breathed into you at the moment of your creation, which are in every way as brilliant as His.

Discover your Real Self. Do so by going within daily, to your holy inner sanctuary where Love resides permanently, and open your hearts to receive the magnificent gifts It has to offer you. Then you will find yourselves “walking on air” as you feel Love embracing and supporting you in every moment as is Its sole intent. You were created from Love, for Love, and when that realization dawns on you, as it will, you will be enraptured and enchanted to recognize yourselves just as you truly are. You will finally understand and experience what it means to be a perfect child of God.

With so very much love, Saul.


John Smallman

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:35:42 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday November 11, 2017

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Dear Ones, if you ever feel like you are unsupported or alone on your journey, we suggest taking a moment to announce, “I gratefully accept all the help and support that is available to me.”

This is a wonderful affirmation because it activates your team of helpers by giving them permission to assist. It also clearly shows your intention to receive help in the many ways it can arrive, and to shift beyond where you are into a better feeling, supported space. The gratitude acts as an energetic anchor to what is desired. It is a profoundly empowered act of moving out of separation into being led by Source with faith, trust, surrender, and acceptance.

If you say the affirmation and feel resistance to it, we would suggest you take the time to look at why you have trouble accepting help. Do you only feel comfortable when you are giving? Why does receiving feel uncomfortable to you? Can you start to see if you reject help from others you are denying them the joy of giving and being of service to you? Can you start to move into a more balanced flow of both giving and receiving? Can you see how if you are well supported you will be even better able to serve others?

You don’t have to go through elaborate rituals to make changes in your life. Heartfelt declarations such as affirmations that are worded in ways that feel energetically good to you and match your intentions are powerful declarations of self. That is a tool you can use, whenever you like, to shift yourself with all the support of a universe that adores you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/12/2017 7:02:28 PM
Montague’s Message for Sunday, 5 November 2017

The push to take over the Earth has escalated. This has even become obvious to those of you who are not yet fully awake. Weapons are now being used that are not known to man, that can cause fire wherever and whenever they choose. This can be done at a distance and controlled by an operator from his desk. Check out the fires recently in California. They were not normal fires, I can assure you. They have had to start their takeover sooner than planned, before any more of you awaken and try to prevent it. To understand fully who is responsible, I ask that you read
Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Gerard Menuhin. Please ensure that you are not sent the spoiler book with the same name by Melina Marchetta. This is a typical Zionist move to try to prevent you reading Gerard Menuhin's book and learning the absolute truth from one who knows. I guided Veronica to some statements from that book to help you understand its importance.

Page 254: Over 400 years ago, the Florentine statesman Niccolo Machiavelli engaged in a profound study of methods used by various rulers to attain power. The findings of Machiavelli and other students of power decree that to obtain power it is essential to ignore the moral laws of man and of God; that promises must be made only with the intention to deceive and to mislead others to sacrifice their own interests; that the most brutal atrocity must be committed as a matter of mere convenience; that friends or allies must be betrayed as matter of course as soon as they have served their purpose. But, it is also decreed that these atrocities must be kept hidden from the common people except only when they are of use to strike terror to the hearts of opponents; that there must be kept up a spurious aspect of benevolence and benefit for the greater number of the people, and even an aspect of humility to gain as much help as possible. (E. C. Knuth in his book The Empire of the "City". THE SECRET HISTORY OF BRITISH FINANCIAL POWER, Book Tree, San Diego. Calif., 2006).

Page 255: All property of other Nations BELONGS TO THE JEWISH NATION, which consequently is entitled to SEIZE UPON IT WITHOUT SCRUPLES. An orthodox Jew is NOT BOUND TO OBSERVE PRINCIPLES OF MORALITY TOWARDS PEOPLE OF OTHER TRIBES. He may act contrary to morality, if PROFITABLE TO HIMSELF OR TO JEWS IN GENERAL. (SCHAULCHAN ARUCH. Chozen Hamiszpat 348, the CODE of JEWISH LAW; AUTHERED 1563: of Shneur, Achulchan Aruch of Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Ladi Kehot Publications Society, Broklyn 2014.

"Remember my children that all the Earth MUST BELONG TO JEWS, and that the GENTILES, being MERE EXCREMENT OF ANIMALS MUST POSSESS NOTHING. (Amschel Mayer ROTHSCHILD on his deathbed, 1812 according to Major General Count Cherep-Spiridovich)

The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain WORLD DOMINATION by the dissolution of other RACES, by the ABOLITION OF FRONTIERS, THE ANNIHILATION OF MONARCHY.... and by the ESTABLISHMENT OF A WORLD REPUBLIC IN WHICH THE JEWS WILL EVERYWHERE EXERCISE THE PRIVILEGE OF CITIZENSHIP. In this New Organisation of Humanity (New World Order -Author) the "children of Israel" will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.... The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty INTO THE HANDS OF THE JEWS.... It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the TALMUD BE FULFILLED, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the JEWS WILL HAVE ALL THE PROPERTY OF THE WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS. (Baruch Levy in a letter to KARL MARX, quoted by Salluste, "Henri HEINE et KARL MARX; Les origines secretes du bolchevisme" La Revue de Paris, June 1 1928, pp 567-589, here p. 574.


These are but a small selection on just two pages of Gerard Menuhin’s book exposing the Plans of the Zionists/Cabal to destroy humanity and all it has strived to establish on Earth. You owe it to your children and your children's children to face the facts.

Come to terms with the fact that everything will be taken from you by force and deception. Gilad Atzmon is trying to open your eyes before it is too late and he understands what humanity is up against. He is putting himself out there to help you. What is more important to you than your family. Every fibre of your being will want to protect them. Time is running out as the parasites have stepped up their efforts to take, by force, all that you have. Listen to those who are trying to warn you of the great danger that you are in. The Cabal thinks that you do not have the intelligence to stand up to them.

BREXIT is the only block to their plans that they have had to face. Foolish people who do not bother to see the full picture are trying to prevent it. BREXIT must not be overruled. The Zionists/Cabal is in a hurry to make slaves of you. Is this what you want? They have been planning for this moment since the Council of Nicea in 325AD. They started with nothing: look where they are now. The parasites are everywhere in control of everything that is necessary for human life to continue on Earth. What are YOU, yes, YOU, prepared to do about it. This is something you must not close your eyes to. It will not go away until it has stripped you bare of all that you are and all that you have. Do you want to see humanity wiped out without you lifting a finger in protest. I cannot stipulate enough the danger you are facing. I implore you to talk to each other. Face what is happening and start working together. Work as humanity. The parasites are not even 1% of the population of the Earth. Humanity has help available from various planets. You have only to ask and it will be there. They are your greater family, ready and willing to help.

This is why many people, all over your world, have been killed or locked up, to prevent any and all opposition. This is why you are being asked to help these people. We are grateful to all who have reached out to Dave McCann with your thoughts, prayers, and love. All these things are valued and appreciated.

Remember, my friends, together you stand, divided you fall, and you do not wish to fall. In this time of great change, you must not be found wanting.

My dear, you have to cope with one shock after another, I cannot promise it will get easier. The Zionists/Cabal are fighting with all guns blazing and you and others are in their firing line.

Darling, I always said we made a great team. Soon we will be three once more . . . invincible.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

A Jewish Defector warns America. Benjamin Freedman speaks on Zionism

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/12/2017 9:16:39 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/11/2017

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If you don't learn, how can you become mature? And if you don't learn and you repeat the vicious circle again and again, it becomes more and more solid within you, reaches to your very foundations. This is the state of ignorance.

If you start learning, then the circle breaks from somewhere. Then you start seeing the whole pattern of your mind, how it functions - first in love, then fed up, then again in love, then fed up - the circle revolves. And if you understand it, suddenly one day the very understanding of its nonsense brings you out of it. Nothing is to be done; you have just to understand, you have just to learn through life.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/12/2017 9:21:20 PM

Sandra Walter: Merge Sequences and the Open Gateway: Meditate to Activate

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

Gratitude to all who participated in this week’s Cosmic Stargate interaction on Tuesday-Wednesday. I had another time anomaly present after the stargate focus on Tuesday. Gatekeepers focused on 1pm-2pm, when I would be up on the mountain.

After Gatework I drove back down (snowy roads, so it was slow), visited the headwaters to collect water, where I waited for some siSTARs with many large bottles, drove to the store to get juice, where my order disappeared and I had to fill out another form and wait again. And yet when I arrived home, the clocks said 1:54pm. It should have been 3pm; a whole hour of activity went out-of-time.

When I asked what happened, I received that the influx was about to push us through another Secondary time-loop. It identified the loop (quite clearly), then we dissolved it using the storm magnetics (when things are in flux.) Thank you to all who focus on assisting during these final Gateways of 2017; there is so much going on.

Our focus has been on overriding the delay tactics in the Secondary timelines, in order to reveal the pure, organic Ascension timeline experience. Overriding is easier, especially since the eclipse and opening of the Trinity Stargates, because the experience of crystalline consciousness grows stronger in the Light Tribe. Unity consciousness is pulling us together as one force of Source. Time anomalies present as we push through the time-loops and blockages, clearing and opening the pathways to the Primary timeline experience for all. Two down, one more to go. We anticipate this to occur with the next Gateway; the November 21-25 passage. As always, call forth the Primary Christed timeline experience as a palpable reality for all willing Souls.

The intense geomagnetic storms due to Solar Winds and plasma influxes during the Gateway brought us deeper into the timeline split experience. DNA activations and crystalline-plasma light body expansions reflected the higher light influx. This whole passage is bizarre and beautiful, and we continue to co-create the wonderful, the miraculous. Watch your internal and external language as we level up; the effect of an energized light body amplifies thoughts and words.

We have been warned for years about psychological fallout from intensifying energies. Whatever you can do on a personal level to release, purge, clear, purify and support leveling up will greatly assist in balancing the collective. Cry, clear, detox, meditate, pray, decree, connect with nature, and create wonderful. Be not swayed by lesser vibrations. Own your Mastery, it is your birthright.

Merge Sequences: Meditate to Activate

Meditation brings forth merge sequences during this acceleration; the veil-lifting visions of intense light through the Ascension column. When we connect with the multidimensional self in this way, the crystalline DNA activates and resonates with the vibration of the Primary timelines. This is our etheric timeline task at the moment; anchoring these pathways to the New Earth platform through our DNA and consciousness. This continues to amplify, along with the guidance to allow the Christed Logos to escort us through these Solar and Cosmic Stargate experiences over the next 2 months. Get centered in the stillness and allow these transformative rewrites.

The more focus we can give on a personal level to these sequences and experiences, the more light is infused into the collective to turn on crystalline HUman DNA. Remember the Solar component; Solaris has changed in frequency since the September Equinox. This changes the way we project into these realities, strengthens the power of pure heart centers, and allows our Christed embodiment to change the grids and realities for all willing Souls.

We have unlocked the Gateways of Christed/crystalline DNA. The resonance of your DNA is speaking to, and interacting with, the cosmic consciousness of Gaia, Solaris, Galactic levels and Universal Creator levels. DNA speaks to the cosmos; use your cosmic microphone to broadcast pure LoveLight as we interact with the Cosmic Stargates during this passage. Visualize and feel it; that is the key. Be creative and light-ground it through art, word, and deed.

Starseed Encouragement

Starseeds are planted where weeds grow the densest, where the undergrowth choked Divine tendrils and blocked the Pure Light in the garden. We utilize – not wait for – these cosmic factors which support overriding and overwriting distortions. Remember to engage with our Galactic Legacy in a creative way. As we take full responsibility for calling forth the purifying Primary timeline experience, the garden will experience cleansing.

This is a core self-revelation passage. We are prepared for the great unknown as cosmic factors amplify and accelerate the shift and Ascension. Remember our Higher teams are stepping aside to allow the full force of cosmic frequencies to do their work. This is largely because so many are activated, aware, stepping in to integrity, HUmility and unifying in Divine purpose. Cosmic perspective serves us well, however it also a wing-stretching passage which honors all active, unique expressions of the Christed Self.

The 11-11 Unifications

Many are honoring November 11 for Unified intentions of peace. We will have a special Unity Meditation at 11:11amPT on Saturday to assist these intentions. SUNday Unity Meditations will anchor this week’s activations and feed the unique codes of this passage through the grids, High-Vibe Tribe and HUman heart collective. All Ascending hearts are welcome to join in these supportive activities. Details HERE. Please share with your groups.

The Positive Head podcast with Brandon Beachum will air next week. We had a brilliant and heart-expanding conversation. I AM honored to share the multidimensional experience with new Tribes; another sign of the acceleration of Unity Consciousness.

See you all in the Unity Meditations. This is our Sacred window; Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

“Sacred Transformation: Light Tribe Choice Point,” by Sandra Walter, November 9, 2017, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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