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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 6:25:42 PM

The Council – Now You See It. Now You Don’t.

the councilThe Council – Now You See It. Now You Don’t.

Not long ago we asked you to accompany us to a quantumly small place. We took you to a place where you could stand upon an electron and use your telescope to see other electrons that were astronomically distant from you. And , of course, what we are doing now is recreating this image in your minds.

You remember that our conclusion was that reality was indeed real. And we will say again that reality is indeed real. So what is all of this talk of “it’s all an illusion?” When you kick the chair leg with your toe, it certainly seems real enough!

Now let us look once more at what your science has discovered. We would also offer you that these are not recent discoveries. Most of this work was done over one hundred years ago. Yet, apples still fall and knock folks on their heads in many of your school books. That is something that is very poorly explained even now, by the way.

On our trip to the infinitely small, we saw that the smallest of what you call particles flash in and out of existence. We mentioned it then, but we did not mention that is happens to all of them at speeds so fast that they would make no sense to you. In other words, the title that we gave to that message, and that our channel did not use, “Now You See It. Now You Don’t”, was very true. So we will use it now.

What does this mean? It means that the reality of the matter that you perceive around you, while truly being matter, never ceases to be in a state of change. Never. No thing, anywhere, is not changing. That huge granite mountain is changing. Your earth is changing.

Now while this is true, it is also very inconvenient. Why? It is inconvenient because thinking about it eventually means that your mind must come to the place of seeing that it is not going to be here at some point. And most of you never allow those thoughts to surface. Again we ask why. It is an obvious fact. The reason is that you do not understand or believe who you are and what that means. And therefore it is a frightening thing. And we will tell you that Truth is never frightening.

Now the mind that thinks it needs to be frightened of this is the mind of the body and the ego. And that mind, those minds, are winking in and out of existence at dizzying rates… from a cosmic perspective. That is an awareness, and it is frightening to that mind. And it does not like being reminded of it.

So what does it do? It clings desperately to permanence. Furniture legs are permanent. Buildings are permanent. Mountains are permanent. And “I” am permanent. Never mind that none of those things are permanent. And now you can plainly see where the illusion lies. The illusion lies in the lies. It is the clinging to a state of being that does not exist.

Now we said that in Truth there is no reason to fear. “Well you just told me that I am going to cease to exist!” No, we did not. We told you that your body will expire, and it will. Even though your science is about to extend your lifetimes to the seeming impossible, they WILL end. Your current life will still reach its “sell by” date.

So let us see why there is no reason to fear. Back we go to the impossibly small place. And we are not going to stand on that electron because it will wink out of existence and back many times while we float here. Look around at all of this impermanence. All of this winking. Now you see it. Now you don’t. What have we failed to point out to you until now?

There is something here that is NOT winking in and out of existence. There is one thing in this universe of impermanence that is not. What is it? Do you see it? No. You do not see it. It is not visible. It has no shape. It has no color. There is a consciousness here that is observing all that exists in its impermanence. And it is knowing the one thing that is permanent. The consciousness is always and ever. Who is that? Who is that? Who?

Now when we answer that question, we eliminate your ability to answer it. And that we will not do. It is something that you MUST find within yourselves. It is why you are where you are. And when we say you, we mean you as in humanity. Who are you? And why are you here? And why do you resist seeing it?

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:14:26 PM

Which Side Is Your Bread Buttered On?

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God said:

What if you could start an all new Life, start from now without holding anything over from the past that is unfavorable to you or to anyone who may have caused you or anyone heartache. If you could start over, where would you start from now?

If you could start over with a clean slate, what age would you be when you start over? Where would you live? What would where you live be like? Would you live in the same state or country as you do now?

Who would your wife or husband be, or would you be picking out your True Love in the distance yet?

What would you be like?

What would you miss from your other Life? In your new Life, would you ever fall from Grace as you may have in the past?

Would you ever want any of your old Life back? Whom would you miss? Might you miss who you used to be and want to take back what you gave up for a new chance in Life?

Come to think of it, what would compensate you for this new Life, the one you might think about now that you’ve had it for a while in less than perhaps Golden Light? Even all the millions of dollars might no longer please you as you thought they would.

Which side is your bread buttered on?

Might you crave your Real Life back? Might you? What might you give up of what you gained in your New Life in exchange for your Old Life back?

If you could step back into your former Life again where you left off, would you love it more than you used to? What might make a big difference for you?

Shall I tell you?

Appreciation would make an endless difference. Your appreciation alone could change your whole Life right before your eyes.

All the things you might not mind now, not mind at all. And how many new and better occasions might you draw to yourself now?

You might express joy in many circumstances that on the first run you didn’t. You did perhaps experience some treasures and some hazards. In reverie, you live a hint of them again. Now you might crave your past, weep for it, even wish that your heart had been fuller, wish that you had moments back then when you appreciated more with all your heart.

Oh, yes, there are those moments that you would not want to re-experience, yet for some others, it might well be worthwhile to go through the hard times even for one moment when that once-upon-a-time Life could be yours once again just as it was.

They were good times, weren’t they, cherished times that will come back again only in your daydreams. You may remember every detail, and yet you can’t catch the same train. You can’t even ride on the same caboose again. The past times are like in the gloaming, a special time when dusk is approaching, can be remembered yet not be relived as before.

If in this time of reverie, apart from people you now treasure, and if you could have only one moment from then, what might you choose? As you think, you may think of other preciousness as well. It could be a picture you drew, the first book you read. A certain moment. How real it almost is now.

Or, today, you may remind yourself of too many objects you have collected and held onto that would be good to divest yourself from now. What does that baby spoon or china tea cup really matter? It is an object that you attach value to. How much does it really matter to have it displayed on a shelf in your kitchen or in a cupboard where you forget about it?

Something does matter, although you may not exactly know what it is.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:19:33 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel ~ 11:11 Gateway into Full Embodiment

We repost Shanta Gabriel’s description of the 11/11 portal.

Dear Ones,

From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for those who are called. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the Earth at this time. The new Light frequencies are enabling this 11:11 Gateway to open for you to move into your original blueprint, your most divine essence, represented through your Light Body, in oneness with All That Is.

We will offer suggestions and visualizations at the end of the message so your own guidance system can empower a Light-filled 11:11 Ceremony if you are unable to join with others. It is highly encouraged that you work with at least one other person in sacred ceremony to honor the 11:11 Portal in Time.

You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in your evolution, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the 11:11 Gateway to hold you in strength and courage. Those who are attracted to this time of Grace, can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Angelic Realms.

This conscious dedicated action, in harmony with Divine Light, will accelerate the evolution of consciousness within your own life and on the planet now.

The powerful energies you have been experiencing in your lives and on the Earth since August have led to activations within your Light Body Field. The Archangels have been diligently involved and are creating greater awareness within you of the field of Light around your heart. As you know, there is a magnetic field around your heart that is in the shape of a Torus.

This sacred geometry creates a regenerating field of energy which you can purposely integrate into your heart chakra. Because of the auspicious nature of the frequencies the Earth is moving into, we have activated your Torus regeneration field to include Divine Love as the main tool of awakening your new life.

This field is the beginning point for your new Merkaba – the light body field that works for your spiritual growth and ascension. This activation strengthens your awareness of the freedom that is possible when you expand your heart energy and open these new high frequencies into the cells of your body.

Divine Union

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to Divine Union within yourself. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that may plague your days are only a prayer away.

Each prayer raises your vibrational frequencies and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution within your life and on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point – the key that fits the codes for your newly evolved Self.

For the past few months, the downloads of Light have been working to empower your light body. With the 11:11 gateway the integration of that Light Body will now be fully possible. The intentions you hold for this time of your life are paramount.

Remember that at your true core, you are a radiant being of Divinity. This connection is key for your new life unfolding. It is the expanding field that activates the corresponding codes which allow your light body to come into manifest form.

Regardless of the energetic manifestations you have witnessed in your own life or in the world, this field has been developing. You are literally growing your divine human body from the inside out.

Anchor Love

Before walking through the 11:11 Gateway, know that the love you anchor in your heart is key to the activation of the light body field. Fully integrating Divine Love within your being is creating the resonance that opens the way to fully activating your Divine Human Form.

As you walk through the Archangel’s 11:11 Portal, you will be synchronizing both the higher and lower expressions of yourself to bring forth your most authentic, blended and empowered Divine Self. This is a connection to your Soul that will allow you to more fully access and express yourself with Grace and Ease, to bring forth your highest Soul’s Destiny.

Call in your Angelic support and know that you are being inspired, guided and led through the 11:11 Gateway with full honor and respect for all the work you have given to the world during this time of massive change.

A ritual prayer offering for your own personal ceremony of the 11:11

Divine Presence and the Archangels of Light:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 portal of time, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness and into my new Light Body Field.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Unity Consciousness. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love and Healing energy into the Earth to assist its evolution.

I join with the Angelic forces and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light frequencies to engage my human structure in the completion of my crystalline light body Union within my being with the Divine.

I dance through the Light-filled gateways, feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness for new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat. I awaken in your Light and embrace my Soul’s gifts being offered to me now with supreme gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light into the Earth as the presence of Nature awaits my awareness.

Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the higher dimensions, where my most Divine Self awaits me. May I bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being and be a blessing for the Earth.

For these and all your blessings, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So be it, Be it so. Amen

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
November 3, 2017

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:28:44 PM

Hilarion: Humanity’s Resurrection

hilarionBefore ascension, the resurrection of mankind will take place, and before you will complete this journey, you will resurrect in this world.

I am MASTER HILARION – resurrected living human consciousness that is one with God. I am amongst you – now and forever!

Beloved humans,

you can see how the world is changing, and you can see how you yourself are changing. The emergence from the cocoon is happening right there in your everyday life. You are amazed by it – and sometimes melancholic. In the midst of these challenging times you are confronted with yourself, and it isn’t always easy or simple to keep perspective and persevere. But yet you accomplish a lot, yet you achieve great things, and yet the power of your love is increasing by the day.

Now that in some places so much anger, jealousy and hatred is unloaded, you have the opportunity to answer to that with human kindness. And you have seized this opportunity, because more and more people drop the “eye-for-an-eye, tooth-for-a-tooth”-mentality.

One can see all over the world now that humans join together and unite in spirit. The split in society is overcome internally by more and more people.

Even if “huge successes” haven’t happened yet and if you believe that you are stuck not getting anywhere and taking on a Sisyphean task, it becomes more and more evident and clear that things are moving in a completely new direction in a positive, luminous and peaceful way.

Water is mightier than rock

So far many believed that the mentality that is stronger, more aggressive or reckless would prevail and be victorious. However, it now slowly turns out that the ones who are peaceful and loving triumph.

Some of you are unaware of this development and therefore become desperate. They lose confidence and faith in the Golden Age.

I am telling you: The Golden Age is emerging right before your eyes and within a human life span. There is no doubt: water is mightier than rock.

The resurrection of human beings who are completely devoted to God is ongoing. And the leap in consciousness is now leading to the following:

1.) In the midst of hopeless situations the wind turns and something unexpected happens.

2.) Your courageous behavior and the manifestation of your light no longer have life-threatening consequences.

3.) Peace and love reach more and more human hearts, so that the fruits of your labor become visible more and more evident.

But what about those individuals who remain incorrigible and unswervingly continue on their path into darkness?

These individuals will be offered opportunities to turn around until the very end, and by the time all those opportunities have passed them by idly, they will restart or continue their incarnation in a galaxy far away.

See achievement, not failure

The clear trend that you will turn this earth into paradise and bring mankind closer to the divine is emerging. This trend is irreversible.

So now you need to focus your attention on all that you achieve each and every day that is positive, luminous and kind. Don’t look at what you fail to do, but look at the light you create.

What you missed or failed to do is part of your transformational process, but it should never dominate your thoughts or block positive actions. Realize who you really are. Your everyday life continuously shows you where you are exercising humanity and humanness.

Neither judge light nor darkness, but notice the light that comes into the world through you with increasing awareness!

You have come a long way, and now it is time that you rise above and extinguish all self-limitation.

Many things in this world cannot be realized only because an individual has doubts, hesitates or displays too little self-confidence.

Say good-bye to these delusions today, liberate yourself from them. Simply send them off and start a new life. A new self-awareness is the most important thing now, because what is to come should be welcomed and not resented. To make this happen it is necessary to see what you have already achieved and why some intentions are still failing.

Not by rising from the dead, but by bringing to life your complete human power on this earth, you shall resurrect. And this resurrection of the individual will turn all future events in the right direction.

Did you understand this, beloved human? Can you internalize this? If so, rise up! Never again allow yourself to be deceived by this matrix and kept from your true power. If so, rise up and remove all self-limitations once for all.

Heaven stands by you, and I will accompany you until your resurrection has taken place and you have entered life completely.

I love you endlessly.


» Source – Channel: Jahn Kassl


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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11/11/2017 9:30:13 PM

GFP Newsletter - 11/10/2017

will's picture

Right now, you are there, the mind is there and the world is there: the trinity that all the religions have talked about - the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. Hindus call it TRIMURTI. You must have seen three images, of Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh; three faces together. These three faces disappear because these three faces are illusory. Hidden just behind these three faces is one. With that one, there is no object, no subject - you simply see whatsoever is. That which is, is revealed. But to come to this understanding you will have to understand your illusions, and you have known many.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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