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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:38:28 PM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 15 October 2017

My last words to Veronica on the 15 January 2004, as she sat by my side at the Royal Society of Arts, moments before I was due to speak: "When the timing is right, my dear, when the timing is right". I began to speak to the audience and I quickly passed to Spirit. Now, I remind humanity that the timing is right for you to expose and remove all that has held the human race in bondage.

Though they operate under many different names, be assured there is one overall ruling force that tries to remain in the background. It rules without mercy. It is totally driven. Its offshoots are everywhere. It is the JESUIT ORDER.

READ THEIR OATH OF OFFICE, it will shock you to the core. Look at those who receive the highest honour from the Vatican, The Knights of Malta. That alone, tells you everything. The Vatican controls all.

Facts must be faced, for the survival of humanity depends on how willing you are to deal with the situation you are in. They did not gain the power they have today by being kind and caring. Their real history does not make pleasant reading. The Jesuits are ruthless in their pursuit of power. They are responsible for the fact that you do not know your true history. They ensure that whenever ancient artefacts are discovered, anywhere in your world, they get their hands on them, to prevent humanity from ever finding the truth.

Saddam Hussein announced to the world that artefacts had been found in Iraq. This ensured that there would be a war, in order for the Jesuits to get hold of them. Research this and you will learn that the US Army was instructed to find all the artefacts before one shot was fired. This order came direct from the White House. Where are they now? The Jesuits and the Cabal have to ensure that the human race never learns the truth of who they are.

There was a Jesuit Holocaust in Ireland to prevent the Irish ever finding out who they are. Many Irish people were forced to escape the horrors that ensued. The Irish had a great tradition of passing on information by word of mouth with stories about their history and their origins, etc. The Jesuits had to prevent anyone learning of the importance of Ireland, and that Ireland is actually the Holy Land. They were determined to prevent this information becoming known.

The Jesuits have gone to great lengths and have left no stone unturned in their quest for world domination. All religions were created by them to ensure constant friction. The evidence is all around you. Stop being puppets, dancing to the their tune. They are behind every scam on Earth. Their different cloaks confuse you. The Jesuits and their minions are always the ones pulling the strings.

I know that many of you are confused. You think it is the Zionists. Yes, it is; for the Jesuits are a Jewish organisation. Some amongst you say it is the Moslems and their religion. It was the Jesuits, for they control them too.

All these different factions were created to confuse you and thereby ensure that your eyes are kept off the Jesuits. It is their evil hand that controls all. It destroys all who dare to rock their boat. The Cabal, the Zionists, the Moslems, all under the umbrella of the Jesuits. How clever is that! All are driven by greed and power. Love and respect have been removed from your lives. Every aspect of life has been contaminated.

Many of you remember the 1960s Flower Power, when love was the order of the day. Long hair was the antenna that connected them to who they are, to their spiritual life. If only that had continued. But the Cabal/Jesuits had to act fast to get those young men into uniforms and put guns in their hands to replace the flowers. They nearly lost their power and control in the 60s, so they have ensured that you are in a continuous war situation ever since. They also ensured that life became a struggle to survive, to get a job, and to find a home to bring up your children. Their deadly vaccinations are forced on your children. You have to be strong to protect your children from all the predators, whether medical or sexual. It takes courage to say NO to such a powerful body as the Jesuits and their cohorts. The word is more powerful when it is said with ONE VOICE. For they are but 1% controlling the 99%. How can that be? Are you prepared to find your voice and say NO, and mean it? Remember, you allow them to rule over you, and they make your lives miserable.

When I was on Earth, I decided at the age of 11 that I did not want to be a Jew. I would not live as one and I would not marry one. It was a big decision at that young age but I never regretted it. I did not die a Jew.

I was free to explore life and its deeper meanings. I must say, I enjoyed my research into the afterlife, and I am happy to be able to tell you that it is everything I expected it to be and more, so much more it is. It is important to stand up for what you believe, and live by it. I did not say it is easy, as my dear wife has found. Her life is under constant attack. One problem after another to cope with. The love we shared, and continue to share, sustains her. The work that she must complete with the one in jail, is what is keeping her on the Earth at this time. Please pray and help in any way possible, to free Dave McCann.

Whenever people come forward to help her, the Jesuit/Cabal goes into action. They set to work to use whatever means they can to remove that help. Sadly, they are always successful, for even people who appear to be strong, fall like dominoes. The mind control works every time. It is so sad to see this. It takes strength of character not to fall by the wayside. Be strong, my friends. You have everything to gain.

I can tell you now, you are knocking on the door of freedom from drudgery and domination. The Cabal/Jesuits are losing the battle. One push forward by you and all that is dark and corrupt will fade away into the distance. The timing is right for you to do this. Free Dave and all the others who are being unlawfully held by the Cabal. They need your help.

My dear, every day you have to overcome obstacles on your own. It is not easy. You had to act quickly to ensure that fire did not ensue. It is being done to scare you. They are throwing everything at you. They face extinction, so they fight to hold on to control.

Be strong, my dear. I know that you are.

Together forever, your adoring, Monty.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

The Jesuits Plan to Rule the World (in progress) YouTube

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:47:23 PM

See Life as Your Good Friend

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

What a difference a day makes! One day in Life, everything comes up roses. Another day, you may feel torn apart.

Part of you wishes Life would make up its mind, yet Life arrives as it arrives, whether you like it or not. However Life appears, you have to go along with it.

You may feel that Life isn’t rock-solid when it may be you who wavers. Yes, Life doesn’t stay the same, yet must you see Life as an affront and allow yourself to be railroaded?

Is your happiness really so dependent upon what happens around you? Turn your face to the Sun or to the rain with openness. You wonder why Life doesn’t give you a break, yet, how about you, Beloveds? How about your giving Life a break? Could you be more amenable to Life as it shows up? Is it so much how Life shows up, or is it the way you receive Life as if Life is out to get you?

There are days when you are really out of sorts. Does Life owe you a living? Must Life coddle you and toss you only gifts wrapped in ribbons of gold? More vital than ribbons of gold lie gratitude, regard, and appreciation from you even for what you call hard times. Yes, for even the experience of Life the way you may see it.

You so desire Life to bow down to you. Beloveds, lean toward the idea of taking it for granted that Life does love you and does value you and does have you in mind and heart no matter how Life appears. You don’t have to keep score. You don’t really want a tug of war with Life, so let go of the idea that Life must suit you. There is more than one wave on the Sea.

You want Life to be momentous, spectacular, out of this world. Of course, this is the actuality. Meanwhile – as another expression of time – you may see life as incomplete and inconvenient. Life can appear as you expect, or Life can be too much or too little, or just not your cup of tea. It can also be said that My Children are willful. Certainly, you would like Life to please you, even spoil the daylights out of you, why not? Naturally, you have your mind set on first-class service.

Beloveds, you do deserve first class service. You may feel you have to beg for it. You may feel you have earned it, and, Beloveds, you’re not all wrong there. You would be so happy for Life to think well of you. As it is, Life does throw you a few bones, rather, Great Surprises and Great Recognition. Accept Life as it comes even when it is hard for you.

If Life is a dance, the thing is: You may not know the steps. You trip. You fumble. Once in a while, you sail and you fly, and the sky’s the limit. There are even days when it seems that you can do no wrong. Alas, there are other days when you feel you can’t do anything right.

You hear about the Stars and how they may rule. You do wonder about Free Will. In theory, you understand Free Will, yet, too often, you don’t feel Free Will as yours. Certainly, there are times when you feel that Life is imposed upon you. There are days when you would welcome a definition of Life that you could steer by, yet that just isn’t how Life always comes. There is more to Life than how you view it, dear ones. Life is a Treasure, and this you don’t always see, yet there is Greater for you to see.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 8:54:54 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - October 18, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

And we see that your vibrations have shifted in the course of this presentation, to where you are awakening on a new level.

You are seeing ways in which you have not always loved and valued yourself, which is a great step toward understanding the nature of Love itself.

And you are realizing more fully that you greatly desire to finally Love and believe in yourself in ways that allow you to stop the judgments, the criticism, the sadness of feeling you are not enough in and of yourself, and so must engage the attentions of another in order to feel whole.

You are seeing now that Love is not something that comes to you, nor something that someone else “gives” to you.

You are seeing that it is an experience you walk into with full realization of its power, feeling it as a kind of morphic field, or radio frequency that you tune in to.

In that moment, you realize that ALL is Love.

That you are simply re-calling and re-claiming that powerful soul realization that you are Love itself.

You re-member that you do not have to wander the Earth or anywhere in this Universe seeking Love.

For You are the proof and the demonstration of Love, and the Essence of it.

That which has been called Love has often been not the Love of your own soul, your own higher aspect.

It has been a right-brain, ego-mind need to attach to another, to win their approval, attention, praises, and high valuing of who you are, or who they believe you to be.

You are aware at all times, on a higher level, that despite the mental training and social conditioning of Earth life, that this is not Love.

This is simply a way in which the ego directs you to get what you need from another, while bypassing the powerful expression of the high heart and its inner knowing.

Which is, that as you are Love itself, you need never seek it outside yourself.

You have only to realize the power of it in yourself, to value yourself as a living expression of it, to realize you can never be without, unless you were to cease to exist, and that can never occur.

It is so that the vast majority of adult human beings wish very greatly to Love themselves, to understand the true nature of Love at its higher levels, and to know themselves as Love Itself.

Yet this experience eludes them, as the ego-mind leads them ever further down the path of ego attachment.

(This is not so for children, who know they are Love itself, until told otherwise.)

And so in simply entertaining the idea that Love is not something that one needs to “find,” but something that you can actually realize experientially from within, you have begun a very great revolution in the world.

And so we invite you continue your journey on this crucial, quite central matter, and to realize your own higher intent where Love is concerned.

To release the feelings of “needing” and even desire, if it tells you that your happiness lies outside of your own being.

You are the Universe in its highest aspect, expressing in human terms.

You are the beauty of this Universe, created from Love itself to be Love itself.

Created from the design that is Life Force—the river that experiences the current of Love, whose every molecule carries its essence, and that leads ever on to that great sea that is the Love running through the highest vibrational levels of your Universe.

It is impossible that you could ever be without it.

Namaste, dear ones! We are always with you.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2017 8:55:23 PM

Sandra Walter: Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe

Our next acceleration and collective timeline choice-point arrives October 21-25. Gatekeepers opened yesterday for the influx (very strong on Mount Shasta last evening), and this morning the SUN began to get active, right on schedule.

As mentioned in last week’s article, these incoming amplifications hit much higher levels during the 21-25 in both October and November. Last week’s Divine Feminine influx provided a strong geomagnetic storms, prompting a strong release of Divine Feminine expression in the external (the Me too revelations and disclosure dynamics increased). Notice how quickly magnetic field stimulation causes polarity releases in the collective. This sets us up for the second half of October’s shifts; let us actively participate in this unfoldment.

We, as the High-Vibe Tribe, hold tremendous vibrational influence in the collective choice because of our activated Hearts and highest intent. Remember the quantum effect of raising our vibration; it pulls many others up. Highest trajectories are being attained by many; the Primary Christed Timeline has us locked into the experience of pure Presence. Our intent to lift as many with us into this new experience – right now – can assist the Secondary timeline tipping points. In brief, we can end the delay tactics by utilizing our pure intent through grounded activity.

Assisting the Collective Timelines

Let us use this New Moon (Thursday, 12:11pmPT) and the Gateway (October 21-25) to assist in OVERIDING and OVERWRITING the programs used to stretch time dynamics to delay the inevitable fall of old systems and the full experience of Ascension for all concerned. This is part of completing our Ascension; learning to use our collective consciousness to create what we desire in the Now.

Right now, this week, this Gateway, take as many steps as possible (please, just one will assist) in moving forward with your creative expression, new service work, anything that you have been procrastinating. One small energetic shift from each of us pushes the envelope to break through any remaining blockages to the highest timelines and outcomes – in the NOW.

Let us end the old waiting game through our collective action. Just one grounded, physical action in this reality to override the procrastination programming will help. Whatever it is for you: a conversation you put off, a new creation you’ve been desiring, an action to move forward, a Unity Meditation you’ve intended to participate in, a change you have delayed, something you always wanted to create … anything shifting the personal reality assists the global shift-point. It doesn’t have to be huge (although that is appreciated), just forward momentum in the Now.

Changes in the SUN

We continue to go deeper into this highly-charged area. I AM sure you have noticed the different quality of SUNlight as Solaris receives this consciousness-shifting energy. Gatekeepers ask if we can collectively call forth the flashing activity we have seen in our visions into the Now. Events are quickening – even with the manipulation – for the Secondary timelines. Our collective nudge will greatly assist this unfoldment of needed events. Certain things must occur to tidy up the lower experiences, and it can be quickened by benevolent action.

With the bifurcation in progress, many of us are beginning to experience the intended consciousness shifts which the Solar flashing activity will create on a global level. Many have seen the SUN flashing this year, both in vision and external reality, and this activity is opening our Hearts to the more palpable, consistent Now Presence. We are receiving the encodements and reality-shifting frequencies already. We are anchoring this, through embodiment, into the HUman heart collective to make it easier for all when the brilliant moment arrives. In this Now, that series of flashes already exists.

Global Unity Meditations on SUNday

It is our 18 month anniversary of this weekly activity! Let us utilize our collective empowered BEingness to co-create the return of peace and the Christ consciousness, shift the timelines into high gear, and assist this influx of Divine Light. The energy field during these meditations is palpable, healing, and activating. Add your light, every Heart is witnessed. Join us on SUNday at 8:11am, 11:11am and 5:11pmPT. Details can be found HERE.

We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You for your service and dedication to HUmanity, Gaia and Source.

In Love, Light and Service,

“Gateway Choice Point: Assisting the Collective Timelines,” by Sandra Walter, October 18, 2017, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/19/2017 9:00:22 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2017

will's picture

Excitement is a sort of anxiety - anxiety is a sort of excitement. If you are after excitement, you cannot be meditative, you cannot move to a solitary place, you cannot move inwards, because there you will be alone and there is no excitement. Excitement needs the other. Alone, how can you be excited? - Nothing is happening, how can you be excited? For anything to happen the other is needed. So if you are alone you become bored. If you move with society, live in relationship, then you become much too tense.

So going into loneliness won't help. But if you can drop your self-consciousness while living in society with others; in relationship if you can drop your self-consciousness, suddenly there is no tension and no boredom, and life is a constant celebration without any excitement. It is a very silent celebration. It is a joy, but without any excitement; it is a very, very cool happiness; it is a deep fulfillment, but without any excitement.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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