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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/17/2017 11:35:00 PM

Let’s Turn the World Upside Down

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Hello, Beloveds, how are you today? Actually, let Me tell you how and Who you are. Let’s have a new take on you and all this that you call Life.

You may have been thinking that Life is worrisome. Surely, you have thought to one depth or another that there really is something the matter with you, or, you are soon to be in some kind of trouble or turmoil, that it is inevitable that you will be undone sooner or later. How about getting out of the whole concept of trouble and so erase fear and fatigue from the whole of Earth?

As it is, there are costs My Children apply to living Life on Earth. You may think you are to pay up all the presumed costs of living. One is financial and your tribute to the idea that costs will always be going up. Let’s remove this idea from the face of the Earth. Let’s better suggest Blue Skies and Sunshine and radiate them.

What if My Children have the idea that, if everything is going to go up in smoke, everything is going to come up roses! Oh, yes, please rise to this thought, and the whole world will change before your eyes. This isn’t pie in the sky, Beloveds. This is Celebration. What a Celebration every day will be! About time, wouldn’t you say?

What if you had the idea that you never had to replenish anything? And the idea that you never had to be repaid for anything, that no one has to even say thank you to you? Rather, uphold the idea that everything is A-OK -- just the way it is!

What if you let go of the idea that you are to be the fixer of the world? Cast yourself in a different role that you are here for one reason, and that is to enjoy the world and to bless Joy to the World and bless Joy to everyone in the world. Never mind so much what others have to do and be.

Consider yourself a Great Artist in Life on Earth and everyone else as a Great Artist in Life as well. No one pretends. No one pretends there is loss, and there is no urgent need to finish a Painting of Life to a preconceived idea.

Turn the world upside-down indeed. This isn’t a big deal. Do you recall pineapple-upside down cake? Enjoy. Yes, let’s turn the world topsy-turvy. Turn the world upsa-daisy. Be sprightly. Be all you want to be. This is not a performance. This is a revelation. Reveal Truth as I do from the Sunny Side of the Street.

Truth is Beauty. Oh, yes, you may have thought that Truth was a Trick of the Mind. Immerse yourself in Revelation. Revelation is when the Sun comes out. The Truth is that the Sun never dims. The Sun ever shines brightly. You may have been looking from a different angle.

Remove from your mind the thought of any concept such as unhappy Truth. Truth is Light, and Light is Beautiful. Un-dwell your mind from gossip about the world. Let’s shake hands on this.

Get it through your head that you are here for Love, for the Love of Everything. To be a Knower of Truth is to be a Knower of Love and Joy. Jump for Joy!

Enter into the world with joie de vivre and no more unending discussion. Enough moaning and groaning and pursing your lips about the state of the world.

Beloveds, enlighten the world. Enlighten the world simply. All you have to do is to herald the world. Make room for the world in your Heart. In your Heart is where the world exists anyway.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:11:52 PM

For You…

Galactic Free Press's picture

Today, take some time to breathe. With all the Earth plane chaos over the past few days, it may feel as if your soul has taken a beating. If it is quiet time you need; take it. If you choose to share your time with others; do it. If you prefer your reflections and releases remain private; give that to yourself. Remember, my darling child, you do not have to do anything or be anything to anyone else unless you choose. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:24:46 PM

Archangel Michael: Live as the Beacon of Light

archangel michael eraoflightDear Ones,

What a bumpy ride you are currently experiencing – the closer you move towards the end of 2017 (the year of endings and new beginnings) the faster closure that needs to happens progresses. Time speeds up exponentially.

GROUNDING is so important – staying on your side of the fence, staying calm and centred whilst all rages around you.

Live as the Beacon of Light on the cliff top, observe as the waves crash beneath you. Keep that Light shining brightly as many more souls are now radiating towards your strength and stability never knowing what it took for you to become that Beacon.

By osmosis all will change.

You have worked diligently to become Conscious Beings once more. The sacrifices and the learning has not been in vein. You can feel within your Being what it has taken for you to stand in this new energy. To hold your ground – to be the LIGHT in an ever evolving New Earth.

Dear Ones, take a breath – breathe – relax. Applaud yourselves for what you have over come to be in this critical moment in time. A time NEVER experienced before. There were no guide lines, nor rules to follow, it has indeed all been just one foot in front of the other. Learning as you go and finding the tools along this untrodden path. This path you have created is indeed lined with GOLD.

Look back at how far you have progressed – much of what you left behind no longer resonates with who you are NOW.

No longing to return to the old YOU – that person no longer exists and is unrecognisable as who you are NOW.

Conscious Beings you are – Conscious Creators you are.

As you grow into your new bodies of Light, and Love, who you were will only be a distant memory.

Your memories are being upgraded daily and you are evolving past anything you could have possible imagined even a few short months ago.

Dear Ones, CHANGE is all you know in this moment – NOTHING is remaining as you knew it to be in the distant past.

In a few short years you will marvel at who you are now, how you got here and more importantly the Miracles that unfolded to take you into your magnificent future.

Dear Ones, call on us, allow us to walk beside you constantly. The future is unravelling rapidly and having our assistance and assurance is pivotal to your well being.

As always we ask for your assistance to focus your Attention and Intention on –


This and so much more awaits you Dear Hearts.


Loved beyond measure


» Source – Channel: Leslie Anne Menzies


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:29:40 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2017

will's picture

You may have observed in yourself and in others also, that there is a very deep urge to become unconscious. Puritans cannot understand it, moralists cannot understand it, hence the appeal of all types of alcohols, drugs, chemical intoxicants - why?

Preachers go on preaching against it but it has not changed a single person; not a single man has been changed through it. Humanity goes on moving on its path: puritans go on condemning, but nobody listens to them.

It cannot be an ordinary thing, something extraordinary is involved. That's why it is so difficult to try to change an alcoholic - very, very difficult, almost impossible. Why is there so much appeal in becoming unconscious? - because self-consciousness is such a disease, it is such a burden.

And there are only two ways to go beyond it: one is to fall into unconsciousness, the other is to become superbly conscious. Either move to superconsciousness, or move to unconsciousness.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/18/2017 6:37:07 PM

Update New Moon in Libra 10/19

astrology eraoflightThis is a POWERFUL New Moon in Libra on October 19th, 2017 at 4:12pm ADT. With a strong aspect to Uranus we have Unexpected Surprises! Maybe a powerful Relationship? Abundance? Change? With the fixed Stars Arcturus and Spica aligning with this New Moon also, we have the potential for Wealth and Honour.

Now of course where YOU are at and what you are going through is all part of the Ascension Process. GOING ~ through, is the WAY. Without (eventually hopefully) resistance or attachments, which are the causes of suffering.

We do not suffer from external situations, we suffer from the mental and emotional REACTIONS from the situations. Being in Bliss no matter what is going on. When one is in Bliss always (Harmony) one is free from suffering and is the DIVINE FLOW of being.

Now with Uranus Opposite the New Moon ~ we can ONLY receive the Wealth, Honour, Abundance (what is in your Blueprint) when we ALLOW the unexpected. Which Literally requires of us ~ to GIVE up ideas and beliefs of how things should look externally AND COMPLETELY trust your Higher Divine Light; your plan.

THIS means it will take all of YOU. In total surrender.

Every single thought you think, allow to be in the Harmonious state of ALLOWING.

TRUST as a Divine Virtue ~ of your Divine Plan, plays a huge role in this. Again, it is a going THROUGH. Which then, allows and draws to you the unexpected. Because then, a certain WAY is not expected and an unexpected way is NOT resisted. Are you feeling what is required?

Everything that you are. To BE in the New Way of Being. ALL of YOU. Allowing the Divine You to flow through you.

And a reminder again., this is all part of the Unfolding since the August 21st New Moon and Solar Eclipse, playing out till the end of January, 2018.

The New Moon is Sextile Saturn and Saturn is Trine Uranus. Mars is Quincunx Uranus also. Lots of Energy. Lots of Blessings. With staying power, as long as you are truly open to the unexpected.

Which really is the way of New Earth. It is not how you imagine it to be. IT is the YOU that shifts and all changes. Moment to moment….YOu are shifting and changing. You already exist in the many variations of the so-called future.

YET you are here NOW also. Transforming aspects of your Consciousness that allow you to awaken to YOUR Being Your Divine Ascended Being.

What you feel you want to gain, is in fact, THAT which you are in the process of expanding into. This is beyond what you can imagine now. When fully in the constant state of expansion, it will be the life beyond your wildest dreams.

Transformation is taking place Now.

How you go through this and how you let go of the control, determines your experience. Your state of freedom. Your consciousness awareness of truly Being the Divine Glorious Being. That you already are.

An Alignment, An Activation. In Love and Glory ~ always.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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