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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2017 11:26:09 PM

Mother Mary: Preparations

m maryI am Mother Mary and I have a message for your today. There is much happening on our Earth even if it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Preparations for building up the new Earth have already started. In some countries developments are already under way. There is much that needs to be connected and put together, and it is a large and dear task dear children on Earth. Do not fill your hearts with doubts, but fill them with song and joy. See beyond your egos and understand that a new and beautiful world is at the doorstep. It is your door dear children – your door that you just need to open and pick up the beautiful rose that lays there. Add it to your heart and you will find the truth there – Your truth my beautiful wonderful children, you truth you can find there and nothing or nobody can take it away from you. It is only you that can find it, it is written for you. Seek in your heart dear children on the Earth. All your answers you can find there. I know we have said this many times before, but it is worth repeating until you all have found it. It is so easy to get distracted by all the information that is pouring over you, but no information is as important as that which you have in your own heart. You have all guidance there. Get to know your own voice and you will never again have to hesitate about which direction to go. Trust your silent true voice inside you and let go of what does not feel good. It might not be the easiest path for you to follow, but it is the best way and accordance with your contract. It will lead you all the way home. It is towards your home that you now have decided to go. It is the light that beckons your souls now and they try in all possible ways to get you to go in that direction. It is the light that is starting to glimmer in your souls and they are trying their utmost to get you to head towards the light. They reach out for more light and want to fill your whole heart with light and love.

It is a dance taking place on Earth now – a dance to the light. The light beams down on Earth and your souls want to dance in this splendid light. Let it do so, you dear children on Earth. Let your souls dance in the light and feel the love and joy there. It is then that you understand where you are heading and which path you should follow. Follow the heart dear children on Earth – follow your heart and you will notice that you soon can walk with light and bouncing steps. Everything will be revealed for you and your vision will become clear and sharp. Today I want to emphasize that you should find your answers within you. This is where you find the answers to yourselves. Somebody else cannot have the answers for you. It does not work that way since you have done so many and unique journeys. No journey is the other alike. You have only your own unique journeys and then you have only your own unique answers – answers that fit the journey that you today are in the process of experiencing. It is a very unique and special journey that carries you and your Earth home again. Think of this my dear children – you have a unique journey to carry out. Listen inside and follow the guidance that comes up there and you will see that you walk with light feet on Earth again.

I know that many of you think this a steady stream of repeats, but I can see that many have a hard time to focus on their heart and to be sure that what they hear are the right answers. Practice is needed to distinguish the voice of your heart from that of your mind. Your mind has a tendency to stir things around a bit and sometimes it can be hard to set them apart. If it is a light and beautiful message it is always your heart. It can also ask you to be brave and to take a step in a direction that you had not considered, but if it feels good in the moment it certainly is the right one. The mind will certainly come up with objections, but hold on to the feeling and be open for new possibilities. Do not be afraid to try something new. Listen and feel to determine if this is something good for you. Do this in a moment of stillness and calm. The clear answers that appear might surprise you, but at the same time give you the push you need to move on now.

This is what I want you to take in and think about now dear children on Earth. I love you so much and I can see how you strive to make it as good as possible. It is now time for the light my dear ones and this is what you all have strived for. It is now that the tone of joy and love will resound all over Earth. This tone has already started my dear ones so listen carefully to it, it can be heard deep inside your heart. It is a wonderful time with many hearts that sound the same tone and I long so for you all to wake up and see the light world that again is being built up.

Much love,

Mother Mary.

» Source – Channel: Ann Dahlberg – Translation from Swedish to English: Per Staffan


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/15/2017 11:29:45 PM

Life as It Seems to Be

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

It can be said that you get in the way of yourself.

If you did not gravitate to interference, I am thinking you would zoom along in Life. Of course, you do not have to zoom along. That you have to zoom is a contrasting idea you have like so many other contrasting ideas. Opposing ideas seem to start and halt your ideas.

Many of these particular ideas are called doubts. The world is full of them. Doubts are yours for the asking.

You have doubts because you hold fears to you. One of your monumental fears is fear of failing! The joker is that you cannot fail! How can you fail at Life when it is your Life to Live?

You are the author of your Life. I created you, indeed, and I also gave you free-standing Free Will, undeniably yours.

No one fails at Life. The common concept is, of course, that Life has to be fail-safe, as if your Life has to be one way, and, of course, one perfect way. Who is it in the world that says what is right for you or not right for you anyway? Is it they, them, others? Who?

How can you or anyone be so sure that you are not already perfectly right as you are, with or without stumbling blocks? How would you know that it is not perfect for you to be dyslexic or a stutterer or whatever else you may hold yourself accountable for?

You blame yourself in the world inasmuch as you believe someone else knows better than you. You may even believe that everyone else in the world knows better than you! There tends to be at least one counterpart who is always certain that he knows better than you, and you know less, and so you lose faith in your own inborn nature.

You might desire to change aspects in your Life -- or to change everything -- and you find your hands tied. Of course, you would have meant to please your parents and your teachers and your brothers and sisters and this neighbor or that, yet it’s unlikely that you succeed in this anyway.

What would such a Life be anyway had you left you, yourself, out of sorts and out of the equation? It has happened.

I desire that all My Children had been loved more -- had, at the very least -- felt more loved.

There are parenting rules laid down in the world. Rules may change and then change back and change again. Certain styles are in favor one year and out of favor the next.

Fortunately, I do not set down all the rules that have been ascribed to Me. My rules are few. Love is good advice -- Great Advice -- and I will shout it from the rafters. I will also shout out again and again to my beloved frayed children:

"Love! And Love more, and, Dear Ones, don’t worry so much. Perhaps peace is simply letting go of worries."

Certainly, I favor Peace. Everyone knows this. Yet I also give you Free Will and never do I take it away from you. I give Free Will to everyone.

Basically, this means:

Smoke the Peace Pipe -- or even raise your tomahawk, if you must, if you really must.

Give -- or take.

Smile, or, if you prefer, frown.

Everyone wants to breathe on his own. At the same time, everyone has a clue as to what, from a bigger picture, I, God, find meaningful.

There seems to be a recurrent desire that the Earth be cleared and started all over!

Yes, there are different drummers who hear different tunes.

Just think, you strive to be perfect.

How do you know that your Life is not perfect just as it is? How do you know that the often accepted right way is perfect for you or not? Who is it who establishes what is right for you? Who is it who knows for certain what is the right way for another anyway, dear ones?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2017 8:55:07 PM

The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild: October 14, 2017

Blossom: Welcome to you. I am raring to go, so let’s see what wisdom is to be shared today?

Federation of Light: Welcome to you also, Dearest Blossom. We are certainly keen to continue our conversations with you and we are aware of a question you shall pose from a gentleman follower.

Many thanks.

The FOL (and other sources) say that the power to manifest has never been stronger or more powerful than now. However, given that our ‘Higher Self’ is presumably in charge, no matter what, then is it not true that as much as we consciously try and manifest (eg, trying to create a new job, attract more money, find a partner etc.), if any of these ‘wishes’ are not in alignment (at this time) with our ‘Higher Purpose’, as controlled by our ‘Higher Self’, then none of these manifestations will come to pass, no matter how powerfully or passionately we try to create them? If this is true, then it kinda defeats the purpose of us trying to manifest down here in 3D land, and instead we may as well just sit back and relax and follow the path pre-prepared for us.

We thank the gentleman for this inquiry for indeed, it is an interesting supposition. Let us explain as best we can, in that, that which one decides to ‘want next’ is simply another step along the journey of life, the journey of the soul. Its choices come and go, and it really is very much the epitome of ‘playing The Game’. Having fun and moving forward, sideways, yet, never backward.

The Higher Self wants for you the very best, as pointed out. Yet, it is also ‘happy’ for you to create anything that your Earthly self desires, because from that experience, no matter what it is, one shall expand, learn and grow.

In essence, the ‘wants and desires’ of a soul, MUST BE the ‘wants and desires’ of the Higher soul, leading on through thought, into the aspect of soulself that resides within the body at this time.

May I interrupt here by saying that, for instance, surely the Higher Self of a soul (on Earth) who desires to kill another or many, is not keen for the Earthly aspect of the soul to do so?

Yet Blossom, it is an integral part of that soul’s journey … to eventually become in fullness who he/she is, BY travelling along any particular chosen path in order to experience themselves … in order to experience LIFE.

So, would the Higher Self be encouraging that? Surely not, Scott!

It is not a matter of encouraging. It is a matter of freedom of choice, which one was Gracefully given when volunteering and being chosen to reside upon your Planet.

So, is the aspect of self upon Earth in control over The Higher Self?

It is one and the same. We realise it is difficult to understand.

I can feel you trying to put all this in order of ‘appearance’ so to speak. Let’s take it slow.

Many thanks to you Blossom. It is indeed so very awkward to translate into words that which will make sense of the situation.

It is one and the same because EVERYTHING IS ONE AND THE SAME! EVERYTHING is FROM/OF the ONE ENERGY that exists … Love. This you know. This we have talked about many, many, many, many times.

Yet, the Energy that IS your Higher Self is of a much greater ‘degree of Loving Pure Energy’ than that which is living and encased within the physical body in which you reside, upon the Energetic degree of Mother Earth.

Here we would like to state that it is not the Energy of Mother Earth ‘Herself’ that we are talking about, yet, the Energy that has ‘come upon it’ that we speak of.

It is this Energy that has dampened down your TRUE Energy.

OK. So, is our Higher Self our God self?

Every part of everything is THE GOD SELF … resonating on/at different frequencies of Vibration.

Would we say that your Higher Self is of a Purer essence, because it is able to be, because … it is not residing within the dense Energies of your Planet.

So, back to the question … to manifest that which we want upon Earth is possible (no matter what it is) because our Higher Self, although more knowledgeable from the position in which it resides … ‘allows’ us to basically have free rein, so that we can experience that which ‘we think’ is good for us.

Would you like our job, Blossom?

Actually, I often feel that what I say is often you, feeding it through me, in order to help these conversations flow.

For, we are One and the same! Again, we shall revert back to that which we have said many times before … in that, if it be the case that ‘nothing matters’ … which is so … then ALL and EVERYTHING is just another experience, no matter HOW /WHAT /WHY /WHEN it takes place … it is just LIFE unfolding throughout EVERY conceivable possibility.


KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE WATCHED OVER, and if it be so that a job /partner/ home/ etc. is not the best of that desire that is awaiting you, a way will be found ‘Universally’ to divert the circumstances, in order for one to then walk into the Highest Good of that same intention.

I’m a little confused. So, the Higher Self IS in control of what is best for us?

No. The Higher self WANTS what is best for you, in that which you have asked for. The best of the best … depending on YOUR beliefs of what CAN come to you … and as you well know … this takes place through the Vibrational KNOWING that, that which you ask for shall be received.

I know this is ‘way out there’, and Lord alone knows why I am going down this dodgy avenue, yet, does that then mean that The Higher Self will find the best way for a soul to kill another, if that is their intention?

What it means Blossom is that the Higher Self will present a circumstance to that soul … IF that is the way a soul wishes to walk.

Yet, what about the poor soul that is wiped out? Surely that is not on their list of ‘Things to do today’. 1. Get killed! (I know the answer here, yet, I am feeding you this to assist those who don’t. With respect.)

The soul who is to be ‘wiped out’ as you put it, has already agreed with the soul who is to do the deed that this is to take place. One would say, it is an honorary position. In that, by offering oneself up in this way, they are assisting not just the soul who is to take the action, yet many, many who are affected by such action.

Although I knew this … it sure is a sacrifice is it not?

It all depends on how you look upon sacrifice. Life continues on forever and ever, whether or not you are ‘dead or alive’ upon your particular Planet!

It is interesting how these conversations travel in many directions. So, because I have no idea really where we are at, at this point in the conversation, I would like to add another question if I may?


It seems that many are still struggling with what are termed as ‘Ascension symptoms’. Is forgetfulness, short term memory loss, one of them?

Yes, only in that the rewiring that is occurring within your ‘every part of Being’ is being upgraded. Little, inconsequential activities can be dismissed, whilst such VAST CHANGES are taking place on so many levels.

Another wrote in to say that you had mentioned that the next three to four months will bring a Lightness in and things would be effortless. Yet, many are still feeling such a heaviness of Being. Is everyone feeling this way still, or just some?

Dearest souls, the releasing and letting go of ‘old’ can be quick and painless or slow and painful, depending on, once again … the soul’s journey … the soul’s attitude. This is one of the reasons being played out. There are those who are choosing ‘underneath it all’ to hang on to the old, besides the fact that are so very keen to let go of it. It is a surrendering of self to the new … and is acted out in many different ways. We suggest for those who feel they are ready to let go, yet, are still experiencing the old, that they are transmuting now, not for themselves, yet, for the Energy that is ‘hanging around’ and in need of either dispersing altogether, or changing into Light.


Many may also be experiencing ‘symptoms’ of thoughts that are estranged from that which they know themselves to be. This too, is an example of ‘releasing and transmuting’ FOR THE WHOLE.

Part of the reason you came. To do this FOR THE WHOLE.

Did you not come down to Planet Earth to move her up into the TRUTH of Herself?


You do not JUST have the ONE JOB of seeing yourself through into this Higher position.

YOU ARE ONE… and therefore, you are serving FOR THE WHOLE and this involves ‘taking on board’ … ailments and negative thoughts of others … just for a split second, in order to recognise them for what they are and then ridding the Earth of them with that recognition … and allowing them to pass on through in the KNOWING you have either transformed or released them … for The Highest Good of all.

So, Dearest Ones, if you look upon this heaviness of mind, body and soul in this way … then you can give thanks for them ‘coming to you’, so that you can work your magic and do what has to be done, without it ‘getting a grip’ … so to speak. Once you KNOW this is the case … it can be resolved in the blink of an eye … and if it should take longer than that … then recognise that the particular experience presented is in need of more Love being sent ‘through it’, rather than feel defeated by it.

Well, I think that will be very helpful to many. Thank you so much.

The pleasure is all ours.

Oh no, it’s not. So much of it is mine also, and those who are blessed to read your messages.

We are ONE. To finish we would add, that when we spoke of things in the next three or four months becoming Lighter and Brighter … we mean what we say. You will find this particular shift to BE A SHIFT WITH A LIFT!

Lovin’ ya style Crocodile! In Love and thanks. As always, an honor to serve.

The Federation of Light: October 14, 2017, channeled by Blossom Goodchild at

Source Link: Blossom Goodchild: Federation of Light

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2017 8:57:47 PM

GaiaPortal 10-15-17… “Inner technologicals are recognized by all, as outer ones fail”

This GaiaPortal really struck the bell today, as more and more are REALizing that the true technology is within us, namely inner, not outer. And the last sentence describes how our new teachers are “from the Stars”, even though they may appear in human type bodies.

Inner technologicals are recognized by all, as outer ones fail

Inner technologicals are recognized by all, as outer ones fail.

Up steps are credible.

Stellars found the Nova Gaia Schools.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/16/2017 9:04:34 PM

Spiritual Advantage Libra and New Moon

full moonDear Friends,
on October 19th or 20th, depending on where we are located in this world, we will experience the peak energy of this years New Moon in Libra, which appears at 26degree and 35minutes. This is a time to refresh our relationship with the world and to bring more soul to our human interactions. We will collectively have the chance to make another leap into manifesting the Golden Age of Aquarius deeply from within.

During this New Moon phase the Sun is positioned together with the Moon in the zodiac sign Libra, while the planets Jupiter and Mercury are both placed in the sign of Scorpio. All four of them together are in opposition to the planet Uranus, the initiator of rebellion, in the star sign Aries. This creates a strong drive for us to break free from old pattern and imprints that are holding us back in life.

Don’t live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Germany Kent

If you do not see light at the end of the tunnel, consider it an opportunity to create an opening yourself, wherever you want.
Ashok Kallarakkal

Life is too short to waste any amount of time on wondering what other people think about you. In the first place, if they had better things going on in their lives, they wouldn’t have the time to sit around and talk about you. What’s important to me is not others’ opinions of me, but what’s important to me is my opinion of myself.
JoyBell C.

The rare stellar constellation during this Libra New Moon will also bring forward a profound inner scream for authentic freedom, on personal as well as collective level. This is big a very big chance for the awakening of many souls on our wonderful planet.

When he was younger, he used the slightest opportunity to slip away from people, without his being able to understand very clearly why he did so: a longing to break free and to breathe in the fresh air?
Patrick Modiano

There was beauty in the idea of freedom, but it was an illusion. Every human heart was chained by love.
Cassandra Clare

Those people, who hate you, envy your freedom.
Santosh Kalwar

Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.
Toni Morrison

During this Libra New Moon phase one of the undeniably major themes for all of us on this planet are our love relationships, and the intimate connections we have build. We will have the chance to release what ever does not serve our soul path any longer, and create for ourselves a true new beginning. Even many human beings who have given up on finding a meaningful intimate relationship or partnership might now reconsider and gather the courage to give it all a new shot.

Life is too short to waste your time on people who don’t respect, appreciate, and value you.
Roy T. Bennett

I never said, ‘I want to be alone.’ I only said ‘I want to be let alone!’ There is all the difference.
Greta Garbo

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.
John Joseph Powell

What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for life; to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?
George Eliot

I hold this to be the highest task of a bond between two people: that each should stand guard over the solitude of the other.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Dear Ones, I hope you are already in love with the upcoming Libra New Moon energy field, and that you will tune into this amazing opportunity for a new beginning in all your connections. It is an exciting and blessed time we are sharing on planet earth right now, a collective chance to reinvent ourselves in all our relationships. Allow yourself to become more intimate with those you already love and make space for new people, new experiences, new excitement for life.
Love & New Moon Blessings!

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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