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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2017 9:00:44 PM

Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson: Transformation with Gentleness

Audio version. Video version.

Greetings beloved ones and angelic beings upon the Earth, I am Archangel Amethyst, I am the feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel. We are known for our ability to purify your being, ignite transformation, accelerate your ascension and connect you with your journey of Creator exploration.

I, Archangel Amethyst, bring forth my essence to you for you to receive and draw upon. I give to you an energetic amethyst crystal and place it in your hands; it represents my love, truth, clarity and consciousness. I am an angelic being although many perceive me as a crystalline being because I hold the similar frequencies and qualities such as magnification, purification and strengthening of your entire being and spiritual evolution.

As I place my amethyst crystal in your hands let yourself absorb my violet/purple energy, it will fill your entire being. You will be able to feel my presence around and within you. I will begin to purify your energy, magnify your truth and strengthen your connections, especially with the Creator. Sit with me, be with me and I will support beautiful and fulfilling transformations within your being which will lovingly transfer into your reality.

Ascension Now

Ascension at this time is powerful and constantly increasing in acceleration with numerous diverse energies and light frequencies continuing to download into the Earth. Humanity and Mother Earth are constantly awakening, moving through numerous layers and levels of inner energy, seeing the truth of the Creator within so it may be brought to the surface.

The constant inner transformation can be tiring, strenuous and demanding on your mind, emotions and physical body. While there are many beings assisting and numerous light frequencies anchoring to support the impact of your inner unfolding, I, Archangel Amethyst wish to share my consciousness to further assist the matter.

Currently, it is your nervous system within your physical body and emotional body which is being upgraded by the light of the Creator. When your nervous system and its connections are strong both your physical body and emotional body are fortified. Your physical body feels stronger, more able and balanced while your emotional body is cleansed of limiting emotions, balanced, stabilized and grounded.

Not only will your emotional body feel more at peace so will your physical body, being able to draw from the powerful source of light within you to replenish and rejuvenate your entire being. Your physical health and wellbeing will increase which will mean your physical body and emotional body are more able to deal with the intense transitional process of growth you and others are experiencing.

A harmonization between your physical body and emotional body will take place. Thus, their united vibration will gradually filter into your mental body creating balance, peace and harmony.

The strengthening of your nervous system will assist your connections to the Creator; you will be more able to allow high-frequency vibrations to flow through your being anchoring into your reality, humanity and the Earth. Weak or broken connections between the nerves will be re-established, this healing will be projected into your entire being and reality.

You may feel more connected to yourself and true essence, experience a deeper connection and communication with the Creator and experience the presence of the Creator within and around you. The state of your mental, emotional and physical bodies are projected into your outer reality.

For example, as your nervous system is strengthened and broken connections reformed you may notice a relationship with another deepens, or your meditation practice evolves aiding states of expansion and bliss. Healing which takes place within your being will impact your physical reality positively.

The strengthening of your nervous system and the balancing of your emotional body will allow you to access a deeper state of peace within your being while supporting the ascension of humanity. This healing process being delivered to and encouraged upon the Earth will create a gentleness between people and their self. With the quality of gentleness awakening within many, this will create reactions, creations, experiences of gentleness.

Everything and everyone will be approached with gentleness which will give space for awareness, compassion, observation, inner reflection and healing. Gentleness will dissolve judgment, explosive anger, harmful expressions, separation and illusion.

With everyone experiencing a greater gentleness to themselves and to others, people will be able to meet, co-create and experience from the heart space rather than the ego or illusions of separation. A deeper identification with unity and oneness that exist within all and between all will manifest into the consciousness of humanity.

The Creation of Gentleness

Gentleness is the result of the current ascension shifts and activations connected to your nervous system, and emotional body, the energy and emotion of gentleness is also the instigator. The Creator is inviting all to activate, explore and express their inner gentleness, the gentleness of your soul and essence, bringing this sacred energy into your being and body. When you activate your inner gentleness you allow your nervous system and emotional body to heal and strengthen.

Firstly, there is a need to awaken your inner gentleness with yourself. It is time to observe yourself, the way you act towards yourself, the thoughts, emotions and illusions you direct towards yourself. How gentle are you with yourself? What does it mean for you to be gentle with yourself? How would you act differently to the way you do now? Are you harsh, demanding, unforgiving, hurtful or tough on yourself? Do you punish yourself or do you treat yourself with love and respect? Take time to contemplate this.

Gentleness with yourself is loving yourself no matter what you do or what occurs in your life. It is to respect, honor and be kind to yourself. Gentleness allows you to let go of pain, release fear and dissolve separation. You become your own comforter, caring for yourself. Your energy becomes calmer because you know to exist in any other state causes you pain within. To practice gentleness is to be generous with yourself, sharing with yourself all you need to be healthy and strong, such as fresh air, exercise, wholesome food and relaxation.

Secondly, there is a need to be gentle with those around you, whether they are human, animal, plant or other. To be gentle with others does not mean walking softly, speaking quietly and not getting in anyone’s way. To be gentle with others means emanating and radiating the energy of gentleness from within your being, directing the energy to others as you communicate or exist in their presence. As you become comfortable in radiating your inner gentleness, then you can allow your inner gentleness to guide you in actions, expressions and ideas of how to be of service to others.

When you emanate your inner gentleness in the presence of others, although they may not be aware of your inner gentleness you may feel vulnerable, exposed or defenseless. This may manifest because it is a new practice and you are experiencing a new open state of being. You will, in fact, be more powerful, protected and connected to your intuition, therefore more able to react and act in a balanced, centred way that serves all.

How to Activate Your Inner Gentleness

Speak to your body: ‘Through my body, I activate and access the gentleness of my soul. I invite the gentleness of my soul to come forth, merging and synthesizing with my entire body and being. I am the gentleness of my soul in manifestation and expression.’

Take your focus into your body, the energy of gentleness from your soul is activating and moving into your body. Allow yourself to become aware of an area of your body where you can access the gentleness of your soul. Focus on the energy allowing it to expand and develop to fill your entire being. Take time to be in the space of your soul’s gentleness, exploring and becoming familiar with this sacred quality.

I, Archangel Amethyst, am present to support your journey of exploration with your inner gentleness, please call upon me for assistance.

With gentle blessings,

Archangel Amethyst

Read More from the Archangel Amethyst

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

“Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson: Transformation with Gentleness,” October 13, 2017, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2017 9:03:06 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/13/2017

will's picture

You are hungry - you don't say: Hunger is inside so how can I eat the food which is outside? You eat the food and the food becomes your blood, and the blood becomes your bio-energy, and your bio-energy becomes your thinking, and your thinking becomes your heart, your feeling, and your feeling becomes your witness, and your witness becomes the Divine, the Ultimate. There is a subtle digestion on every plane.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2017 9:06:39 PM

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Where Are Your Dreams Held Before They Manifest?

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the subject of physical manifestations vs. vibrational manifestations. To us, they are one in the same. Allow us to further elaborate. You see everything is energy, which then vibrates at a particular rate and frequency. Each of your physical senses detect different ranges in frequency.

In other words, you cannot see sound waves with your physical eyes, but you can hear them with your physical ears. You do not taste colors, but your physical eyes can see them. Each of you reading this message are divine eternal beings who have temporarily incarnated into a physical body for the pleasure of doing so.

The reason we want to draw your attention upon the subject of vibrational realities is to help you feel, know and perceive the realness of the vibrational realities that surround you. Most humans rely upon their five physical senses in order to detect whether something is in fact real or not. But imagine for just a moment if you allowed your intuition, your imagination and your third eye to perceive the “realness” of your reality.

You see, just because you cannot detect it with your physical senses does not mean it isn’t here. In fact if you have conjured the dream and now desire it, we can assure you that the reality in which this dream is manifested is right here beside you. In fact there is no “where” else for it to be. When you feel for the realness, rather than look for it you will surely be able to perceive your dream.

Allow us to share a simple analogy. Suppose you were outside and you heard a plane in the sky above you. But the clouds were to thick to see it, would you immediately discard it and say that your ears were making it up? No, of course not, because you rely upon each physical sense equally to provide you with proof that something is real. You would continue to look for the plane in the sky and perhaps eventually you would be able to perceive the plane with your eyes as the cloud cover dissipated.

Yet most humans discard their feelings and their imagination because they cannot perceive it with any of their physical senses. Everything that you perceive with any of your five physical senses are vibrational in nature as well. You can perceive them with your physical senses because you have matched or shall we say tuned perfectly to that frequency so perfectly that your physical senses can detect it. This is why we always say, you cannot experience what you do not resonate with.

As you look around your world, know that everything you perceive is a vibration. If you desire to perceive other realities that hold different experiences, all you must do is change what you are tuned to.

So we remind you, when you have a dream that you desire to create and you doubt if it will ever manifest physically for you, FEEL for the realness of your dream. Though you may not be able to perceive its existence with any of your physical senses yet, let your intuition and imagination be the senses you rely upon for conformation that it does in fact exist.

Soon enough you will match the frequency of that dream so perfectly, that you will pull it into focus so that you may experience it with all of your physical senses as well.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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Copyright © 2017 by Taryn Crimi. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy, share and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

Taryn Crimi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2017 9:21:57 PM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - October 13, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Transformational Ones!

We note many powerful and Earth-shifting changes occurring now, not in only the atmosphere surrounding Earth, but the vibration of Earth life itself, including empowering shifts in your own individual and increasingly unified group consciousness.

Some of you have been aware of the great influx of Light that reached the planet, with an initial outpouring and new Light-grid creation that occurred on October 11, over a twelve-hour span.*

This Light is unlike that which has reached your planet for many millions of years.

This is a form of energy once only experienced in the higher realms, and felt and experienced by those of higher consciousness, for millennia.

It has come to the planet now not only due to astrological shifts and occurrences, but because human consciousness has called out with intention and desire to experience that which you once would have once considered impossible to experience on Earth, except in rare moments of Divine insight and revelation.

This is what is meant by the term “revelation.”

It is simply the opening of a portal in consciousness that opens the way for an experience or vision which your everyday vibration and awareness do not generally offer.

You are aware of the Book of Revelation, known as the “last book in the Bible,” as if it were a definitive statement of the end of the old era.

Though written in symbolic terms, this writing, much revised over the centuries, cannot be considered a map for what is occurring in these “end times,” which are not the end of your world, but the end of an era.

You are moving forward now—some days joyfully, some days with utter exhaustion as you experience the birthing pains of one bringing forth new life—into a place in space/time that is not entirely new to you energetically, yet new to your Earth experience.

Most of you have had lives in the times of Atlantis or Lemuria, or in Inner Earth where the vibrations are still that of the fifth dimension or higher, and other higher dimensional Earth experiences, including times spent living amongst Earth-based Angelic beings or the faery realm.

Yet you have not yet experienced the feeling, the reality, of Earth life as it moves from the depths of density in the third dimension, into the fifth dimension.

You are already seeing increasing fifth dimensional aspects to Earth life, whether you realize it fully or not.

Some of that is a greater desire and even greater demonstration in many aspects of your media to tell the truth regarding what is occurring amongst the old power structure now, rather than obediently hiding the truth of what is happening, out of fear of retribution.

Certainly, some of that still exists.

Yet there is also a brave new stance taken on over the past decade or more, and growing all the stronger, as the internet and other non-mainstream forms of communication take their place as expressions of consciousness that will not be contained or controlled to serve another’s dense purpose.

You are aware as well that those who call themselves white hats in media, government, education, medicine, and other areas of Earth life, including your space programs, are gaining an increasingly stronger foothold as they come forward with histories, explanations, solutions, and inventions that would have been suppressed in past decades, and violently so in past centuries.

You are seeing unrest in parts of the world such as Spain and other countries where some of the populace are asking for an identity other than that which they were assigned at birth, or handed by an invading and occupying force.

Do not be disturbed as these last vestiges of of the old order express themselves, wherever you may see them occurring in the world.

There are also moments of great beauty, courage, and expression of higher Love.

You are seeing now groups of African-American athletes and their non-Black colleagues kneel in protest at the worship of a symbol that is duplicitous at best, having come to symbolize freedom and equality for an elite minority, and not the majority it was originally meant to serve.

We view this not as disrespect on their part, for we see into their hearts, and note the bravery with which they question a system that claims to reward them but in fact punishes them with physical and psychological injury in a Roman gladiator-style contest, as it turns a blind eye to the unnecessary deaths of innocent persons of color.

From the high heart, one is able to view their actions as grasping individual and group freedoms.

An expression not of disrespect, but of their higher selves’ desire for the dismantling of an old oppressive system as the newer one, supported by these astounding energies, comes into place.

They are in their way doing as the majority of humankind are doing now: requiring that what they experience, and even the air they breathe, be blessed with the kind of freedom that ensures dignity, safety, and respect for all.

These are not simply momentary glitches in the old order.

These actions and that of many others, such as the brave mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and those within the Hollywood system coming forward to report the criminal actions of those in power there, requires a democracy that unquestioningly and consistently serves all, regardless of a person’s ethnicity, beliefs, gender, or other social identifiers.

In releasing and refusing the victimization placed upon humanity for so long, and in taking in through every cell of your being this astounding new higher Light vibration, you are in fact becoming an entirely new race of beings.

A higher race vibrationally—one in which the Light of your souls pulses through all the more powerfully as each day you resonate more and more fully with the new Light data and energetic waves pouring over your planet.

And so we may now call you god-men and god-women, and not only the humans you have been known as for millennia.

For why would you not recognize the incredible growth, grace, joy, and creative expression of your Divinity, as it pours forth through every aspect of your new humanity, freeing you to be New Earth Beings of higher Light and higher Love.

We bow to you, as always, dear ones.

Do not be disturbed by the waves of change and the apparent disturbances and shocks they can bring, in any given moment.

For none of this defines you.

You yourselves are defining the moment, defining the Earth, defining what many call the New Human Template.

And we bless you and give thanks for all you are and are becoming in this glorious new day.

We see and we celebrate the Divinity within you.

Namaste! We are with you, always.

*For information on the great onrush of Light that reached the planet this past week, see and]

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/14/2017 9:31:45 PM

Helping Your Neighbor

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God said:

Beloveds, come close to Me. Set yourself apart from some things but not from Me, oh, no, dear ones, no, no, no, not from Me. Stay with Me, close to Me.

Set yourself aside from being consumed from past choices you may have made. Do not continue to hold decisions you have made and regret against you. Must you take your choices in the world so to heart? Don’t wrap regret around yourself.

Help others. Help others a lot, yet not harrow yourself unduly in the process.

When you conceive of many dangers, it is easy to run away from daring to help your neighbor. In the world, as you know it, there are many occasions for danger. It becomes easy to emblazon yourself with the ideal of serving you and yours before others as a fact of Life. It is easy to think this. It is easy indeed.

Often this way of thinking can be a way out for you, for you to see yourself as duty-bound in every instance to stand up for yourself: “Obviously, my family has to come first before all. This goes without saying.”

Nevertheless, great heroes in the world have chosen the Highest. Yes, it can be wise to take risks on behalf of others. I don’t see selfishness as a virtue. With all this being said, there are those of you, My Children, who just can’t go as far as you -- and I --might wish you would. In the process, if you make a wreck of yourself, you serve no one. That is the kicker.

Oh, there is such a fine line. When you are beyond your endurance with your own difficulties and unable to cope with others’ difficulties as well, well, you simply may be unable to. You just can’t make yourself, no matter what, go beyond your endurance. This is the way it sometimes is when you do not have the constitution to lift 200 pounds. The task is simply beyond you now.

If, in striving to be a hero, you become hysterical and overtaken with fear beyond your reckoning, to whom are you going to be of help anyway?

On the other hand, there can be times when you are stronger than you imagine, times when you may surprise yourself as to what you are truly capable of and find yourself sailing with flying colors.

Bear in mind, dear ones, that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone or yourself. You are not here on Earth to prove matters to yourself. You don’t have to take dares. Others also may not have known until this moment what decisions they could make freely on their own. They once may have been unable to. Who yet can make choices that they are, so far, are unable to make?

Those whom you see as sacrificing are doing what happens to rise within them to do -- or, it could be said, a choice arose and chose them.

No one is obliged to live with guilt over the past. Guilt of the past -- you must let go of it.

Don’t accrue guilt and punish yourself. Surely, guilt is not the purpose of your Life on Earth. Guilt is not a purpose I would unleash on you or anyone, for you all, each one of you, are My Beloveds. Let this heaviness of guilt go for because of what you in the past could not muster. Let go of guilt. Forgive yourself. Move out from the past when the past harbors guilt. You must.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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