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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/24/2017 6:48:57 PM


Thursday, August 24, 2017

New Moon Phase: begin anew, set intentions for the month

Moon in Libra

Sun: 02 Virgo - "a large white cross - dominating the landscape - stands alone on top of a high hill"

True Alignments: signs and messages, faith, disciplined, into the mystic, highly influential, loyal, sensitive to the feelings of others

Catalysts for Change: lonely, blaming someone else, hard on oneself or stringent, unrealistic expectations, insensitive to the feelings of others

Earth: 02 Pisces - "a squirrel hiding from hunters"

True Alignments: strategic, several steps ahead, deferential, well guarded, seeking food for the soul and the fellowship of humanity, cracking a code or solving a problem

Catalysts for Change: missing out by staying in or off, neglect of physical body, bullying, victim-mode, worry

When the Sun and Earth discharge these two frequencies of energy, we are on a mystical path. The higher self comes close to help us find the best way -- what we need.

These particular energetics fix things. They find what is not functioning well or what is in need of healing. This is the nature of the day.

The energy can go into the darkest places to bring something out into the light.

If you are experiencing anxiety or worry (which is really fear), it is important to keep the faith today. Remembering the "2 P's - positive attitude and persistence" - will serve us well, much better than worrying or fretting. The "fear mindset" leads nowhere; it just loops and saps our energy. Take an exit from that mind loop (hoop) by looking at things a different way.

What opportunities might be opening up?

Consider also that the negative mind loop may be a concerted attempt to keep you away from those opportunities. Why? Because people on the path become powerful, and their influence ripples out in infinite ways. It threatens the forces behind the power and control systems. All of this is energetic, and all of this is happening at a higher level of consciousness. It's a spiritual thing.

And today is indeed a spiritual day, amidst a spiritual week. Let's seek. Let's find.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/24/2017 6:59:06 PM

Meet the Parents: Adam and Eve Kadmon – Part 2/2

Depiction of Billy Meier’s meeting with Semjase

(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.)

Steve is on holiday until Aug. 25, 2017.

Ashtar of the Ashtar Command tells us that he lives beyond the twelve dimensions, (1) but, when he takes a form to descend as far as the Fifth Dimension, he assumes the Adam Kadmon form.

“If you were to think of me as a man — in many ways, as you know, I am Adam Kadmon, Ad-man, hu-man — we share this.” (2)

His fleet works with all manner of humans around the universe, he tells us.

“We’re aware that there are humans all over the universe, that the Adam Kadmon template, the human template, is common and not restricted to those who reached the human level of evolution by mammalian lines only.

“We recognize our human brothers and sisters who reached that level of evolution by reptilian, insect, and even plant lines. We realize that the divine experiment proceeds along many lines at once and that no one line is better than any other but that each contributes to our overall learning and evolution.” (3)

Therefore, the human body is to be found everywhere in the universe, with perhaps a different head attached perhaps – perhaps a reptile, or a cat, or an insect.

Depiction of SaLuSa of Sirius

One 2012 Scenario conference-goer described morphing into a feline form when she experienced her Lyran ancestry. Still a human but of feline background. What is basic to all these forms is the Adam Kadmon body. This is an available design feature for life forms.

It’d be chauvinistic and inaccurate of us to think that the only good and decent beings in the universe are those humans who look like us. Many, while human, have descended from other lines. They wear the Adam Kadmon body but they have some features that don’t look like us. But they, if they are higher dimensional, will be every bit as good and decent as us, and in many cases more so.
Nonetheless, the Company of heaven considers it prudent to present us at first only with those civilizations like Agartha, Venus, the Pleaides, and Sirius who most resemble us.

Therefore no one needs to fear meeting a Tyrannosaurus Rex or an Octopus.

We’re meeting the folks that first colonized Earth a very long time ago. Evidently, we’re not descended from apes. We’re descended from civilizations on far distant planets, like Andromeda, the Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus.

“We are your Space Family and we are a part of you,” Mira of the Pleiades tells us. “The days of separation are on their way to an end.” (4)

This is their reunion with us. However, for many of them, it’s too dense to hang out in the Third or Fourth Dimensions. I think we’ll really rub shoulders with the great majority of them when we get to the Fifth.


(1) Ashtar: “What we have done is we have brought our vibrations to the fifth dimension in order to be at a place where we can meet you. If you are to think of the human realm and what is available currently to you, if you were looking for me, I would be out of the realm of human experience. So, let us make that clear as well. But if you were to…

Steve Beckow: That means above the twelfth dimension, is that correct?

A: That is correct. (“Transcript of Ashtar on An Hour with an Angel, April 23, 2012,” at

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council,” channelled by Valerie Donner, June 11, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/24/2017 7:02:15 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday August 24, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, you have all changed markedly as you continue to shift with the energies. So much so, we recommend taking the time to get to know yourselves again.

What do we mean by this? You have released so much – so many wounds, limiting belief systems, fears, and blockages – it is important to stop and ask yourselves what you really choose and prefer and what you are willing to do differently now to ensure that you aren’t carrying forward old conditioned responses simply out of habit.

This only takes a second. Instead of giving an answer to anything immediately, just take a moment to check in with who you are today. If you normally speed through tasks, take a moment to slow down and be present. If you used to like to control things, why not try to surrender and flow and see how that feels? It might help to ask, “How does the newest version of myself like to do things?”

There are so many options and ways to expand moving forward. Give your souls the freedom to shine and express themselves in their new energetic states, for there is much to discover and explore, both in your internal and external worlds. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/24/2017 11:08:14 PM

Refining The Authentic Self

Lisa Renee

To heal, we must inquire on our true authentic nature and take steps to align our lifestyle to the circumstances where we can feel connection, acceptance and purpose, which leads us to experience greater peace and joy. It does not matter where we are right now, by being brave enough to really look at our current conditions and make assessments about where we are at, if we can accept what we see as it is, and continually focus on improving our higher qualities and attributes, we can overcome anything.

Finding the neutral point even when exposed to great chaos and pain, brings positive energies, which help us to generate energetic balance in our lives. Finding inner energetic balance heals our body and heals our life, as this allows spiritual energy to be better circulated among our body parts and to evict out any obsolete or dark constructs. The key to balanced health and sanity is restoring energetic balance throughout all of the multidimensional body parts (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) of our consciousness. We can assess the level of balance we have when we honestly look at our behaviors and lifestyle. How much time do you spend in negative emotions like anxiety, feeling worried and unsafe in the world? Are you able to be peaceful and centered while in the center of the storm? No other person can do this for us, we have to be willing to learn how by dedicating personal effort to achieve this for ourselves.

Many of us want to place blame and responsibility on external objects or other people because it’s easier to do than take the time to get still, go within and source the painful feelings. But the truth remains that all conflicts start internally, in how our minds perceived what has happened. When we escape from reality, and refuse to face and resolve conflicts in our life, we are harming ourselves and undermining our self-discipline, which gives us the ability to overcome our weaknesses. The next time that you run into some kind of conflict in your life and feel resistance, look within first. It is not outside forces or people that make us necessarily feel something, it is our intrepretation through what we tell ourselves that creates our emotional landscape and perceptions. How can we bring more balance to our emotions and perceptions so that we have more clarity to face and resolve conflicts?

When we bring self-awareness towards how we can achieve energetic balance within ourselves and in our personal lives, we must consider that balance must occur within our own male and female energies. How well are we reconciled between the masculine principle of our mental body and the feminine principle of the emotional body inside ourselves and in our relationships? Are your mental and emotional bodies sending messages and communicating in ways that are primarily self-loving, self-accepting and harmonious? The principles of energetic balance must include reconciling the conflicts that exist in the pairs of opposite, within the inner and outer worlds. To return to energetic balance we must understand that sacred marriage between the gender principles exists within every living thing, and cannot be ignored or rejected. If we discard, abuse or ignore the principles of energetic balance, we create more suffering for ourselves and others.

To stop the vicious cycle of feeding low self-esteem, power struggles and potentially the self-hatred that exists in the archetypes of the victim or the victimizer, we must find the courage and bravery to push through discomfort to restore energetic balance within ourselves. You have the personal power to overcome anything by changing the dynamic that exists within the self by restoring balance between the inner male and female. Digging deep for the personal strength, asking help from God-Christ spirit every day, to prevail no matter what the circumstances at hand. All positive change begins within the self. As each of us begins to hold value for all of life, while developing our self-worth and self-love, we are empowered to become a positive force of spiritual transcendence that acts as an environmental harmonizer that restores energetic balance to many situations. Sometimes in order to restore balance in extremely imbalanced situations, we will encounter explosions and dramas that force us to transform out of that stagnant situation very quickly. Sometimes we may feel this problem we have in our circumstances is negative and terrible, yet it is based on the need to restore balance into our life when we have veered off course. Love is the force that ultimately restores balance and harmony to all things and we must be kind to ourselves and others as many stagnant situations are crumbling and falling apart in order to move forward in life more authentically.

This month, the intensity of the Solar activity will elevate our focus to continue to face and heal our emotional wounds, sacred wounds, ego wounds in order that we restore balance between our male and female energies. The sacred wound healing is most challenging for all human being’s on this earth and are all issues concerning sexuality and gender conflicts. The current bifurcation intensity will highlight our relationship to inner polarities that may exist out of balance with our gender and sexual belief systems. The sacred wound is ultimately facing the emotional healing of the split between our male and female or sexual energies, and when we can face our gender-sexual trauma by creating a safe container for those energies to be witnessed and dissolved safely, we can start to make some strong progress on unifying and healing these energetic imbalances.

Most humans are not aware we hold both masculine and feminine energies inside our Lightbody, and when we are out of balance with one or both genders, it will create a variety of energetic disturbances and potential destructive patterns leading to very unhappy and troubled relationships, as well as other burdens in our life circumstances. When we are out of balance with our inner male and female, we cannot create healthy, connected, loving and balanced intimate relationships with anyone. Self-acceptance and gender acceptance, going beyond our biological parental patterns, going beyond destructive relationship patterns we had in the past, is very important as a foundation to begin to create fulfilling and loving relationships in all areas of your life.

These areas of defining all roles connected to the male and female and how they demonstrate as behaviors inside the self, as well as the harmful sexual patterns in the past, may need to be compassionately witnessed for energetic balancing, in order to clear painful obstacles to the next stage of spiritual growth. Ultimately, we will need to see that these are painful distortions that have been placed there by the NAA mind control agendas that we played out unconsciously. We will need to forgive our parental figures and those whom we may feel hurt us as children and adults that set us up for really unhappy relationships. Many of people have no idea of the actual pain and trauma they have caused others because they can only see from the filter of their own unhealed pain. When we are brave enough to heal our pain and trauma, we stop the abusive cycles from happening again. These abusive agendas and unhealthy relationship models have no bearing on our self-worth or spiritual relationship with our true God Parent.

If you are facing sexual abuse trauma, it is important to do what you need to, and create a safe space for yourself where you can relax. Acknowledge that you are validated in all of your feelings and emotions, and that you did have a painful, tough and traumatic experience. It is important to acknowledge this happened and also find acceptance as it is, without feeling shame and guilt or taking the blame. It is not your fault, and reaffirm to yourself that this event was not your fault, you can see more clearly today and know that it is your job to unconditionally love and accept yourself. It takes time and experience to recognize our own emotional needs and develop appropriate boundaries and healthy behaviors for great relationships. We certainly have not had many positive role models to build trust and create fulfilling, loving and spiritually connected relationships. We have this opportunity right now, but the first step involves getting in touch with our deeper feelings and getting really honest about ourselves.

While journaling your experiences, it is easier to find truthful expression in the sexual trauma event and as well as exploring emotional conflicts by seeing the ways it had changed you as a person. This may be helpful to observe the larger patterns of what you have learned through these experiences. Be grateful to acknowledge what you have learned from these life experiences, and apply what you have learned in creating new relationships that do not have those painful patterns. Once you see the patterns operating in your thinking and feeling bodies, you have the power to resolve conflict inside yourself and you are free to move on to create something new. All of our consciousness memories and emotions, especially painful and traumatic emotions are stored within the body. Many times we need to find expression of pent up or suppressed feelings in the body by writing it out freely. This allows our higher consciousness to bear witness to the trauma from the perception of just observing the event.

This is a time to practice total relaxation and meditation, with the intention of bringing healing and restoring energetic balance into your bodily systems. During this phase, we will have extra consciousness power to address healing for emotional wounds and gender-sexual issues. Many survivors of sexual trauma experience a sense of hatred or disgust for their bodies subconsciously. Repeat affirmations of how much you love yourself and your body, focusing upon self-love and loving kindness in all ways possible. As you learn to create appropriate boundaries and grounded safety for yourself, a sense of liberation from these painful feelings of the past is possible.

Unconditional Love and Acceptance

It is positive to bring to your awareness that these anti-hierogamic union programs have existed to split apart our inner male and female energies on the earth. When we can identify what the male and female aspects actually are and how they are really designed to function harmoniously together, we seek to clear all separation and conflicts that exist in our own mental body and emotional body so they function together harmoniously. When we synthesize our mental and emotional body into harmonious patterns, this has a major impact on restoring balance and supporting male and female energies unifying. We have to recognize what we are dealing with on the earth, before we can be effective in clearing these reversal structures that are designed to keep males and females disconnected and feeling separate. How many truly loving, fulfilled, and harmonious couples that are driven in heart based spiritual purpose do you actually know? Why would this be threatening to the 3D control mechanism? We will find more awareness directing us to clear these destructive programs from ourselves as we become more authentic. Improving our awareness to listen to the incredible wisdom of the body’s innate intelligence, will be a part of this. The body knows that your inner energies are both male and female, whether or not the conscious mind realizes that. This is why people suffer so much when they are out of balance in their body between the male and female energies. A person cannot exist unnaturally or in reverse to what is actually the design of their body’s creation, as when we live in disharmony with ourselves we suffer greatly.

For now as we go deeper to purge emotional wounds, and to make room for upcoming changes to refine our authentic nature, there may be issues stemming around the sexual misery programs and how that impacted our relationships. Be brave and observe what you are feeling. This is the time to truly unconditionally love your body, love all of your parts, love your sexual organs, and feel deep respect your body. We are moving into another octave, which will help us to transcend these lower belief system programs from exerting so much control over our minds, emotions and bodies. For those of us willing to see the truth, we can reach another level of freedom from the burdens of the past.

All issues related to our sexuality and our intimacy with ourselves and with our partner will be heightened in so we can find improved balance in our relationships. This is the time to be courageous. This healing is beginning as a necessary merge within us in so that we can connect with the Holy Father Principle and the Holy Mother principle to heal our gender principle and restore balance and

There are stages of spiritual marriage between the gender principles that are being highlighted for healing now, as well as being attacked by dark forces in order to maintain the split between the male-female. For these reasons some people may revisit or experience painful memories and feelings of past events when their sexual energies were violated. We may need to better understand the difference between anti-hierogamic sexual mind control programming rampant on the earth and the true highest purpose of our sexual energies and organs. We are moving to experience conscious loving and the act of intercourse as the exchange of organic life force between partners centered in their heart, rather than their loins. Making love was designed as a spiritual tonic to circulate forces of love throughout our bodies, to heal, amplify and strengthen the life force and consciousness growth for both parties involved.

For those that may be going through great shifts in intimate relationships, these are affirmations to help seal your gender clearing process as a newly single person or within a couple:

I Accept the Male and Female within Me. I AM Perfect Balance.

I am in love with my Body. I am in love with my partner’s body.

I AM in Sacred Marriage. My Partner and I serve God’s plan together and share our Love with the World.

Until next stay in the luminosity of your Avatar heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other.

Love, Lisa!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/24/2017 11:17:17 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2017

will's picture

If the life has been lived according to nature, TAO, DHAMMA, if it has followed an inner discipline, not forced; if you have loved, if you have been aware, if you have been meditative, then every day you become more and more beautiful. And an old man who has passed through all the turmoils, all the ups and downs of life, who has known maturity, who is now seasoned, will have a beauty which nobody else can have.

In the East it has happened, that's why the East worships the old, not the young, because the young is still incomplete. The young has to pass through many things yet, and there is a possibility that something may go wrong. When an old man is beautiful, now there is no possibility of his falling down; he has known all, he has passed through all the experiences, all the anguish of existence, all the miseries, all the blessings. He has seen nights and days, he has moved to the peaks and to the valleys, and he has attained an inner integrity through all these experiences. Now he is balanced, now there is no right or left, now there are no extremes; now he neither longs for peaks nor avoids the valley - she simply accepts. Life has prepared him for this acceptance. Life has prepared him not to fight but to let go. And when you can let go, you have attained.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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