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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2017 12:30:56 AM

You Are Living a New Life Now

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

There is no frittering away Life, even as you may be certain that all your Life on Earth may seem to identify itself as passing time.

You have to be doing something while you are here on Earth even as you sometimes may feel sure that you waste your Life in details. Beloveds, obviously, you don’t know what Wondrousness amounts to even as you stare Wondrousness right in the face.

Begin to salute Life no matter what Life may seem to look like. Give Life a run for its money. There’s more to Life than you credit Life to be. Credit your Life highly. This is a Great Journey you are on. There has never been another Life just like yours nor will there ever be. Take My Word for this.

You may think that your Life is old hat when Life is the Newest of the New. There is no other Life like yours. You are the only One leading your Life. You may think your Life is a dime a dozen. This is impossible, of course, for you venture forth.

Unless you are on a Great Journey, why would you desire a pillow to rest your head on and Room at the Inn?

Beloveds, perhaps the most amazing thing of all to you is that you are to twirl your Life around to serve Me. You may have thought that your Life is all about you, and that I am, above all, to serve you when it is for you to serve Me! It is for you to serve Me even when you may have no idea what this means.

Unless you rise High in Life, dear ones, well, you are mistaken, as mistaken as can be.

That’s okay too cuz you are in process of finding out your True Identity. You do not remain in ignorance forever. You grow and expand and take flight. You are, in actuality, a High Flyer. You may think you take a swan dive often. Here’s the thing:

Regardless of what bells the world may intone, you cannot fail. So long as you are alive on Earth, you can only succeed in living your Life. There are no ifs, ands, and buts about this.Whatever you achieve or think you do not achieve, you are a High Flyer. You are here for a High Purpose. Well, yes, you may still be holding on to ignorance, yet you are gaining in awareness right and left.

No one fails in Life. No one else holds your Life seemingly in the details but you. Your Life is singular. Have no doubt about this. Your Life may serve differently from the way you see it. Later, you will see more clearly from a larger picture. Hallowed be Your Name, beloveds.

In any case, you are finding your way, and I am with you. As the Sun rises in the East, so do you. You are always rising, and you are always rising Higher.

You may well be stubborn. We know this. It may be hard for you to surrender. What surrender often means is to let go of a stopgap that you hold dear. This stopgap has often been called ego. You really don’t require it. Not at all do you. You are far better off without this illumination of imposing ego. You are not this so-called ego. You are not this ego at all.

That which is called ego is far from the Truth of You. Decidedly far from the Truth of You is this offshoot of self-importance. You never needed it. It is misbegotten. It is a sham. Come, establish your Self in Me.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2017 12:33:48 AM

After The Storm

The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2017 5:45:37 PM


Sunday, August 20 - Monday, August 21, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase until New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse Monday at 2:29 pm ET/6:29 pm UT

Moon in Leo

Sun: 29 Leo - "a mermaid emerges from the ocean ready for rebirth in human form"

Earth: 29 Aquarius - "a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis"

On the eve of the Sun's main event, we find ourselves in the ocean, underwater, looking up toward the light, ready to surface and become something more.

In a similar way, we also find ourselves stretching out of a cocoon of familiarity, ready to break free and spread our wings.

Has the beauty of the Sabian symbols ever been more evident?

Since the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago, I have been discussing the New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse and offering suggestions about how to make it most meaningful.

Now that the time has come, I feel it is time to be silent and allow space for the energetics. As we enter this portal in time, space, and consciousness, remember:

A grand collaboration between the Sun, Earth, Sky, and Humanity is in process. It inherently produces vague feelings of being unready or unprepared for something that seems bigger than what we understand. Generalized fear is a natural part of growth and transformation. This is because it leads to something new. The feeling is not actually fear - it is "new." We tend to fuse the two. Align the inner self with Source. Collaborate with open arms of change. Jettison archontic intrusions and attempts at fear and separation.

We turn to the Sun and to Renaissance!

See you on the other side, wise owls!

*Link to archive of Phoenix Rising Radio, Thursday, August 17 discussing the Total Solar Eclipse and (some of) what it all means:

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.

Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2017 6:09:01 PM

Daily Message ~ Sunday August 20, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, as you move forward into the next phase of your journey, many of you will be changing service, or stepping into service in a tangible way for the first time. Just as each person's enlightenment path is individual, so will be your service offerings.

Some will focus on the earth, some on animals, some on energetic work, some on healing, some on teaching. There will be a myriad of ways to serve, just as delightful and individual as each of you are.

One service path is not better than another! Know that you will be drawn to service that matches your talents and soul agenda, and each service path is a beautiful and appropriate expression of the individual that is perfect for them.

It is the combination of many different people waking up and offering their love through the service that best serves them, and the whole, that will continue to drive the shift on your planet and create the new earth you are pioneering. It is a grand and glorious dance that you are all participating in, contributing lovingly for the greatest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/20/2017 6:17:42 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2017

will's picture

In meditation, you are one with your consciousness, so it doesn't function and exist as a mind. You are one - there is no division. When there is no division and unity comes in, all self-consciousness disappears. Let me repeat, because you can misunderstand it. It is not that the Self disappears, just the self-consciousness disappears.

And remember, you will not be in a state 'of unconsciousness; you will be perfectly aware, but not self-conscious. You will be perfectly aware, fully aware, but there will be only awareness, no division who is aware of whom - no subject, no object, simply a complete, a total state - a circle of awareness. That awareness in which self-consciousness is not is egoless. And that awareness has a grace, a beauty, a beauty that doesn't belong to this world.

Even an ugly person will become beautiful in that state; ugly as far as the criterions of this world go, but suffused, illuminated with something from the Beyond. The body, the shape may not be beautiful, but it is filled with some unknown grace. And then you forget the body; the grace is so much that you simply cannot attend to the body - you feel the grace.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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