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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2017 8:46:21 PM

Mike Quinsey 8/18/2017

mikequinseyBe assured that everything is proceeding well in spite of the outer appearances. The new energies are becoming established, and in consequence the old ones are struggling to maintain a place upon Earth. It is like a battle to survive except that the old energies have had their day and losing their power to continue existing, and eventually will die away. It is very much how it is with the negative energies that the Illuminati and their minions depend upon for their continuing existence, which is why they perpetrate fear by their actions. However, they are losing their power bit by bit and are no longer able to control you as before. The campaign to remove them in a way that denies them continual power over you is succeeding, and quietly with little publicity the Forces of Light have become the dominant force for good. It means that it will not be too long before it will be safe to go ahead and introduce the many innovations that will lift up your quality of life.

Everything is alive with energy and in reality nothing can stand still for long, and are driven by the higher energies that are lifting you up to a new level leading to Ascension. Therefore no one can predict exactly when it will occur but it is very near, and nothing can now stop it from manifesting. So you can live day to day with the assurance that whatever happens around you the future is now certain and only God could alter the outcome. Things will remain rather hectic and seem a complete muddle, but as it settles down you will see positive signs of where your future is taking you. For your part you can help keep a level of peace by continually sending out your Love and Light. Be assured you are much more powerful than you imagine and should never feel that your contribution is making little or no difference. It would after all only take a minority sending out pure love to change the world.

As time passes you are going to hear or read about many changes that are coming, so please keep an open mind at all times and be ready to accept a greater meaning to life than you might have already accepted. Evolution cannot be fast tracked and is often set to a slower pace that allows souls more time to grasp the meaning of the messages being given. However, a time is coming when effectively time will have run out for those lagging behind, but it will not be held against them. Help is always on hand and you can be assured that every effort is made to raise the consciousness of as many souls as possible. It is not easy as it takes much dedication and determination to help souls rise up. However, no one is given up as a lost cause except that they refuse help and are therefore the architects of their own demise.

You understandably wonder about the immediate future, and having been given information as to what you should expect are partially prepared. However, nothing could really prepare you for the great leap forward, as though times will be entirely different to what you are used to now. Even your life span will increase in the higher vibrations and your potential if you should choose it, is to eventually live for several hundred years. You would immediately wonder about aging, but you would remain in a mature body that was always healthy. Perhaps the most welcome change will be a return to a twelve Chakra system that you had until it was reduced to just two only by Enlil. Enlil and Enki were an important part of your recent history and responsible for many major changes including the Great Flood. Enki who cared more about the people, planted a latent DNA coding within you that would activate at a much later time. That time will be when you ascend and once more become Galactic Beings.

In your position where the truth of your history has been deliberately held back, it is very difficult for you to comprehend exactly what changes are going to take place. You will certainly make up for lost time and quickly receive the benefits of advancements and changes that have been held back. The result is that you have been left in the dark where the truth about your potential to become Galactic Beings has been kept from you. You have also been kept from benefitting from new discoveries that have been hidden from you whilst the Illuminati have taken full advantage of them. However, you will eventually receive them and they will quickly come into being when the dark Ones can no longer interfere with your future. In the wider sense it was foreseen that you would have to go through many years of learning, but also realised that given time many more of you would at last ascend.

You have to remember that Humankind was given freewill, and no one is allowed to interfere with your choices. So now that you are well on the way to Ascension, it is you Dear Ones who can take the credit for such a remarkable achievement. There is happiness and celebrations in the higher realms where it is seen for what it is, and an appreciation of how your determination has carried you through some tough situations. You will be all the stronger for your experiences and well qualified to help others who are following in your footsteps.

Archaeological finds are dramatically altering your ideas of your true history. It is becoming very apparent that many variations of Man have existed, and evident from the many skeletal remains that have been unearthed over the last century. Clearly there has been a cover up of your true history to prevent you from realising how it really was, and to stop you finding out your true heritage. It is only now that you are beginning to understand what a great potential you have, and a destiny that will return you to the great heights that you can hardly begin to imagine. All of that will change very soon as the truth cannot be held back much longer, and already it is being revealed.

The truth is almost too hard for some to believe so be of an open mind when it starts to be revealed, because at times it will sound unbelievable. The proof of your true history is being uncovered almost every day, but there is still some reluctance to make it become known publicly. When it does it will hit certain religious beliefs very hard, but by cutting out teachings that do not fully reflect the truth, it will make them much easier to understand. Of course the Church will still have a role to play and many people will still turn to them for their guidance. Personal beliefs are something you carry until you are confronted by yet a greater truth, and you will then refresh your understanding accordingly. There are however many advanced souls who have come to Earth specifically to spread the truth, and already have an understanding of how best to convey it to you in a way that it will be understand.

Much love is coming to you from the higher realms and you deserve all praise for your achievements that are fully understood. Much has been done through personal sacrifice, and one day you will receive thanks from all those you have helped. I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2017 8:50:25 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/17/2017

will's picture

Chuang Tzu says: If the shoe doesn't fit, then you are conscious of the feet. If the shoe fits, the feet are forgotten. It is because of a headache that you become aware of the head. If the headache disappears, where is the head?

Along with the headache, the head also disappears. When something is wrong it becomes like a wound. When you are ill, then this so-called self-consciousness exists. When everything fits, is a harmony, and there is no discord, the shoe is not pinching, everything is absolutely okay; you are not self-conscious. Then you are. In fact, for the first time you are, but you are not self-conscious.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/18/2017 11:42:53 PM

Great Changes

Galactic Free Press's picture

What exciting times are coming your way! Some may view them with doubt, fear and trepidation. Others may view them with excitement, joy and anticipation. Regardless of how you see it, there are great changes in the works and on the way!
Now, my love, it is time to remind yourself of your breathing, to stay calm and as centered as possible. I realize there is no guidebook for these moments, however, quiet listening will ‘set you to rights’ and all will be well. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/19/2017 12:00:23 AM

Wild Adventure in Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

In terms of the world, everything is important to you. Dear Children of My Heart, at the same time, note that everything in the world is fleeting.

Your feet may seem to be on the ground, yet the Earth you walk on stands in mid-air.

Life on Earth is, more or less: Now you see it, now you don’t.

The world is wily. You can’t quite keep up with the world, even as you go far beyond the world.

It is possible to say that the world is a mile a minute. It is possible to say that the world is preposterous. There isn’t anything you can’t say. There almost isn’t anything you haven’t said.

You Sing a Song of Sixpence, and you hang your Life on a Star. Now you are getting closer to the Truth of It All.

Life is a passing fancy, yes, and yet Life is far more than that. Life may seem to you like a commodity. What seems is not what always is. You are greater than you conceive. I conceive you great.

Join Me in this Wild Adventure in Life. You come across Life. You stumble on Life. You cognize Life. Life is a dream you have. Ah, what a dream. What a dream you dream. Yet there is more to your Life than you ever dreamed of. There is more going on than you fathom. Even as nothing is really happening, there is more to Life than what you dissemble. Hang your Heart on a Tree.

Much of Life is an attempt to be more than you think you are, and, yet, the Reality is that you are far more than you think you are.

You may imagine that you are a diamond in the rough. You may attempt to fake at being alert and alive when there is no necessity to fake at all.

Once upon a dream, you denied the Truth of Who You Are. You thought you were something you aren’t, when you are something greater than all your dreams rolled into One.

You are a smashing Hit in Life. You are meant for Stardom. You cannot escape this. Whatever dissembling you may attempt, you are the Real Thing. You don’t wander so far afield as you may think.

You are alive with the Sound of Music. You follow a tune you heard in the distance and don’t quite notice. You, I, everyone, the Earth, the Heavens are One. Oh, yes, you play games, yet you are the Truth just the same.

We share the same roots, We do. We surpass mountains.

You are a Celebrity of Mine who far surpasses your boundaries. I celebrate you. Hand in hand, We celebrate Life as the Great Occasion It Is, even as you doubt with all your Heart. The Truth is that you are Marvelous.

You celebrate Riding the Waves, so you think, when in Actuality you are the Stillness of Stillness. You may make a fuss even as you are a Supreme Dancer. You may think you stumble. You may think you do not Love, and you mourn this disability of lack of Love when the Pure Truth is that you are beholden and devoted to Love and to Me, the Source of All Love.

No longer deny the Love you are made of. Bet on your Self and not everything but your Self. You are a Star in the Firmament. You are wedged into the Magnificence of Life. Yes, you.

You are a Knight in Shining Armor. You are the Horizon of Life, and you are more than that. You discern Everything. You are Supreme. You and I, We fly together. We take off. You and I are not just fooling around. We are purposeful.

There is Vast Meaning to your Being Here on Earth, and you are more Lively than you dare say. Hurray for Life and the Great Meaning Life Holds. Think more of yourself, for you are a High Point in this Parade called Life on Earth. You excel, so mighty are you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/19/2017 7:02:14 PM


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Balsamic Moon Phase: release what you do not want to carry into the Sun's impending new energetic cycle

Moon in Cancer/Leo 1:55 pm ET/5:55 pm UT

Sun: 28 Leo - "many little birds on the limb of a large tree"

Higher Expression: multiple possibilities, like-minded, re-arrangement, sure footed, relaxed, able to hear truth

Lower Expression: too much information, confusion, unsettled, feelings of vulnerability, anxious

Earth: "a tree felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter"

Higher Expression: alternative uses, reinforcing inner reserves of energy (do things that you like and that are helpful and healthful), thinking ahead, warm hearted, care for others

Lower Expression: anger, impatience, fear about the future and future security, self sabotage, against nature or one's nature, unsure, cold hearted, selfish, destruction

CHANGING PERSPECTIVE TO ONENESS AND UNITY is essential today, as it is all too easy to separate and divide.

Reconsider the Sabian symbols today:

"many little birds on the limb of a TREE"

"a TREE felled and sawed to ensure a supply of wood for the winter"

The little birds need to find another tree -- one that is not getting ready to be chopped down in order to be transformed by fire.


Emphasizing this notion is the Black Moon completing discharge of "a child and a dog wearing borrowed eyeglasses" today (and moving toward exact conjunction with Saturn during Monday's New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse). We are advised to look at things a different way.

Is something on your mind, weighing on you, bothering you, worrying you, bubbling up, or upsetting you? There is likely something. It may show itself through anger or sadness or confusion. Mars is active today, and Mars brings things up, often through anger, sadness, or confusion. All of this serves to show us what needs to CHANGE PERSPECTIVE -- what we need to look at another way.

We are in complex times, where there is a lot of information swirling around. Mind chatter reaches heights when the "many little birds on the limb of a tree" is in effect.


What can be rearranged or redone without having to sacrifice it all?

We are moving beyond the mindset of either/or and zero sum. We already exist in the space where All Serves. Everyone "wins." Now, we are learning how to live in that place. Thought and action are progressively aligning with truth, love, and the understanding that we are all humans- that We Are One.

Primarily, this involves confronting the intrusive (invading) thoughts instilled by archontic energies trying to survive. It is important to counter any negative thoughts that enter our minds (especially since the "many little birds" mind chatter is in effect) with the inverse statement.

For example, "the world is on the brink of chaos" is, in truth, "the world is on the brink of rebirth." Apply this method to whatever mind chatter about yourself inserts itself today, remembering that we are being baited towards thoughts of doom and destruction by the Black Moon-Saturn conjunction (with Mars energizing it via a trine).

Today, break through. Turn toward the new. See the interrelatedness of all things. Banish fear. Embrace the beauty of a world undergoing renaissance. Accept your place as a participant in that. Take command of your own mind. Set a course for a new tree -- a new perspective. Fly there with ease.

See you tomorrow, wise little bird.

*Link to archive of Phoenix Rising Radio, Thursday, August 17 discussing the Total Solar Eclipse and (some of) what it all means:

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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