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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 11:30:25 PM

The Council – Support

The Council – Support

Our topic for today will be support. We will explain to you what we can do, how we do it, and why.

It should be obvious from the title we have chosen, that our role in the processes of the transformations that are occurring now for you, for your societies, and for your planet is one of support. We support with our energies. We support you with the alignments of energy beings in your heavens. They are known by some of you to be conscious beings, as well, as is your earth. We support with our teaching of each of you that continues when you visit us in your dream times and when you live through the scenarios that you have chosen to manifest. Some of these you choose in order to learn from. Some of them you have chosen in order to teach with. And most of you will not be able to tell the difference unless you step into the truth of your beings.

Since, in your terms, our role is a 24/7 job, we also urge, nudge, and if necessary, push you into certain actions and perhaps concepts. We are that little voice that just won’t shut up. We are the voice that you knew you should have listened to.

Now, here is the thing that you really need to learn about this. All of the above is true because the most influential seat in your personal council is held by you. You have guides. They guide. You have teachers. They provide information and viewpoints. Sometimes, actually often, we are able to show you probable outcomes. But the decisions are always yours.

When you say, “I would never have chosen this!” you are leaving the greatest part of yourselves out of the picture. Sorry, but that is the truth of it. Only a small fragment of your being is ‘down there’. Some of the greatest teaching you have ever done is done by living through what appears to be the impossible, the painful, the overwhelming.

We said we would tell you the why. The reason that we – you and we – do this is that we are hardwired to seek to better ourselves and everything around us.

You have been carefully taught that you should never include yourselves in that “we”. But the truth is that you are as integral a part of that “we” as any of us. Think for a moment. How could you not be? You are as much a part of all-that-is as anyone. And as that ”We”, we only want to grow and learn. And we want that for even the least part of us.

Until you manage to get past the separation thing, the undeserving thing, you will at best be moving into and back out of understanding. When you can accept and step into the truth, the love, and the understanding of who you are, your lives will change forever. Once learned, always known.

This is why for many of you it is more like remembering something that you knew last week. All of you have a very deep seated knowing of the truth of these things. If you did not, you would not be reading this or any other of the many messages of this kind that are now available.

Some of you have been in body for quite some time and can remember when almost no one would have any hope of understanding this message. We say that in order to give you another perspective on the amount of change that you have lived through and are living through. Think now in terms of how much change you have made, because you, friends, are the boots on the ground. And your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes are the heavy weapons. Keep smiling. Keep loving. Blessings to you each this day.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/3/2017 11:31:49 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday August 3, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

In older times, if someone wished to embrace a spiritual path it often involved cloistering themselves. The belief was that you needed to separate yourself from society in order to devote yourself to your practice.

As so many of you are old souls, you have had many, many experiences with that practice. So when you started your enlightenment process on earth, it felt natural to seclude yourself in order to focus on that process. That is what your soul had done, time and again, over the course of your many lifetimes.

As you are stepping into the second phase of your incarnation, that need to cloister yourself is being left behind. You are now ready to embody your energetics beautifully while being in the world, in a state of connection with others.

While the time of solitude served you well, the great joy will be in moving beyond that self imposed seclusion into experiencing yourself authentically no matter what the circumstances because your attainment is not dependant on any external factors.

More and more you will be able to hold your balance, regardless of where people are on their own personal paths, or what dramas may be playing out around you. You will simply be the light, bringing your energy wherever you go, being of active service through your beingness, and that, Dear Ones, is a magnificent thing to behold and the next natural phase of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
8/3/2017 11:32:57 PM

Archangel Michael: Empowering the Easy Way

Ailia Mira

Dearest One,

We love you and are happy for this invitation to connect. Today we want to talk about how to allow your life to have even more ease.

If you did what felt right to you, without trying to do things that are seemingly at odds with your own energy you would simple be true to yourself, aligned and flowing in the present and your life would feel wonderful to you.

When you get excited about things you want, and are in alignment, often you’ll receive ideas. We want you to start to practice noticing that ideas are manifestations you’ve allowed to happen. An idea being received IS a manifestation. Notice when you get wonderful ideas that you’re flowing, you’re allowing yourself to receive. If you flow naturally into action on ideas your receive, wonderful! If not, if action feels overwhelming, or somehow hard, then know that it’s not time to act. Enjoy the idea. Savor the idea. Feel the promise of the idea for as long as it feels good to you.

We want you to realize, to really grasp in a way that sticks, that your divine wholeness, KNOWS the path to all you desire. And not just any path, but the best path. The easiest way, the action, the mode of being, the movement that will work, for you, reliably, right now.

When you allow yourself to be in harmony with who you are in the present you empower that path. When you get ideas and can glimpse how that path might be brought into being with action too, that can be celebrated. Clarity in and of itself can be enjoyed and it does feel good to get ideas and be clear.

Seeing your way, your role in things coming about IS fun. If taking action on those things requires of you energy you don’t feel right when you get the idea, then it’s not time to take action.

Your timing is perfect when you know to act. When you cannot help but act! If you’re not feeling an enthusiastic, unstoppable drive to act, then don’t. Instead and whenever you think of it, whenever you can, do what does feel unequivocally YES to you.

Choose the easy way and you empower the easy way of life.

Sometimes you see how you might act, you get clear about possible action, a way you might play a role in collaborating, in bringing it about, but don’t feel inspired to act now. Enjoy that! Enjoy the clarity and the manifestation of the ideas, the insight. When it is time for you to act, you’ll feel like acting and it may or may not be that action you glimpsed before. It will be the action that brings things about what you’re ready for, and it will come to you, to act, when the way is open.

You see? We know that things can be easy for you and fun. We want you to learn to let things to be easy for you.

We want you to realize you can have an easy path, and often it means more focus on alignment and how you’re using your attention and less action. More vibrationally focus. Do less, be aware of yourself as a focuser of energy more of the time. Pay attention to how you feel and do what you can easily do, what feels natural and effortless and good. Do what feels good to you! Think in ways that feel good to you. If this is unfamiliar to you, learn how. How? Practice and pay attention. Notice how you feel.

You can spend more time, focusing, on purpose, and learning how to tune into who you truly are and all you’ve become and less time taking action and accomplish more. In fact, if you tip that balance significantly you’ll see your life moving in the direction you want, faster and with more ease.

What we’re suggesting to you is to empower the easy way. Only you can do that.

The easy way is easier! It’s about letting it be easy and for many of you that might be letting go more. Letting go of trying when you don’t feel like trying. Let go of thinking manifestations only happens when you act. Learn to recognize the manifestations of feelings, of ideas and enjoy what feels good to you without needing it to be more, without pushing it beyond what it is.

Enjoying what is showing up in your consciousness, be it ideas, be it knowing that lying down would feel good, be it a sudden impulse to vacuum and more your furniture around. Let what occurs to you and feels right, easy, natural, let that guide you.

All of this is about you learning to trust YOU. Learning to live this way is learning to let the eternal you and the physical you be present at the same time, consciously, on purpose, in unity and in harmony. Each have perspectives and roles and you can empower that unity and flow and it will feel so good to you! Learning how to tune into all that you are and allow your experience to flow forth easily, is an exquisite and entirely realistic way to live.

No one need agree with you for this to be true. What you pay attention to, and how you pay attention to it, create your life. Our suggestion is simply that you learn to feel and trust yourself. Learn how to line up with who you are more often and to experience what comes from this empowered relationship between you and YOU. Ease!

Whatever feels easy and right to you IS beneficial to you and it is showing you, moving you, pointing you into a more receptive state in regards to what you want.

You will know when you’re in sync because when you are you feel good. The more in sync you are, the better you feel. You’ll know when action will flow when you it feels natural to you, effortlessly even.

To empower the easy way pay more attention to how you feel and make that the priority. You can live that way, rather then the more common way of using lots of effort and action to accomplish things. Do this and life will be easier for you. Let yourself experience the easy way; the flow of empowering who you truly are, here.

We are complete.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light.

» Source – Channel: Ailia Mira

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
8/3/2017 11:34:23 PM

GaiaPortal 8-3-17… “Fortifications have been removed from all Higher Energy realms”

The title of this GaiaPortal update originally had the word “unveiled” attached to it. Perhaps an editing mistake, but perhaps it also means the “Fortifications [having] been removed from all Higher Energy realms” is being unveiled to all. Anyway, it all sounds quite positive to me.

For further interpretations, I suggest checking Rosalie DeGregory andThe Event Hub.


Fortifications have been removed from all Higher Energy realms

Fortifications have been removed from all Higher Energy realms.

Classicals are abandoned.

Ancient houses collapse.

Nova ground is laid.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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8/3/2017 11:38:02 PM

GFP Newsletter - 8/2/2017

will's picture

Start looking for the ego, not in others, that is not your business, but in yourself. Whenever you feel miserable, immediately close your eyes and try to find out from where the misery is coming and you will always find it is the false center which has clashed with someone.

You expected something, and it didn't happen. You expected something, and just the contrary happened - your ego is shaken, you are in misery. Just look, whenever you are miserable, try to find out why.

Causes are not outside you. The basic cause is within you - but you always look outside, you always ask: Who is making me miserable? Who is the cause of my anger? Who is the cause of my anguish? And if you look outside, you will miss. Just close the eyes and always look within. The source of all misery, anger, anguish, is hidden in you, your ego. And if you find the source, it will be easy to move beyond it. If you can see that it is your own ego that gives you trouble, you will like to drop it - because nobody can carry the source of misery if he understands it.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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