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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 12:45:49 AM

Montague’s Message for Sunday, 30 July 2017

The battle intensifies. There are no limits to which the Cabal will not stoop in order to hold on to power. This is becoming obvious even to the most sceptical of you. They see the human race as low life scum that must be removed from the Earth. They look down on you. Yet they use you to do their dirty work for them and they pay you to kill your own kind. Sadly, there are enough of you who are willing to do this for them. Think for a moment about those of you who were paid to set up 9/11 and 7/7, and other such events. You have all had time to ponder the enormity of what was done. How many pieces of silver were they paid to kill their own? How can those individuals live with what they are guilty of? They were being used and they are still being used. Their loyalty should be to their own kind.

Your world is becoming overrun with clones. These are easily produced in factories that specialise in their production. You have all seen Hillary Clinton’s clone in action. Ask yourselves what country are you not allowed to investigate or question. They have created barriers all around themselves that you are not allowed to penetrate. What else are they hiding? Check this out for yourselves. It’s a very interesting phenomenon. They were made to fool you and hold the Cabal in power.

As she lay in bed last night, Veronica was shown the Church, babies, and young children. We brought to her attention what is being done. THE CHURCH IS HARVESTING THE ENERGY OF THE CHILDREN. THEY USE THIS TO TRAP ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD. This entrapment means that they must return to the Earth again and again to serve the Church. It is criminal.

They take them as babies at baptism, and again at 7 years old at first holy communion. The church is harvesting this beautiful energy so that it can be used against you. Did you agree to this? It is your duty to demand that all that energy is given back for the use of humanity. The harvesting of innocent souls for evil purposes is despicable and must be stopped. The children’s families lead their children like lambs to the slaughter, totally blind to what they are actually doing.

I have pointed out many times that when souls enter the world, the Cabal checks to see if they have a mission to fulfil. If they have, then everything possible is done to kill them, in order to prevent them from fulfilling their purpose. In the case of Veronica, the Greys showed themselves to her when she was a year old. She was terrified. This resulted in terrible nightmares all through her childhood. At two years old, she was put in a freeze condition. It took three weeks to get her out of it and she still has attacks to this day. This was done again at five years and at 16. At the age of 6, they put something into her spiritual body to stop her. They did it again at 21 years old. At 65 years old, they severed her energy connection between her heart and her circulatory system. I lived through this with her. Many nights I held her as the tears flowed from me. I did not want to lose this love that was so precious to me. I have had to watch my dear wife endure two more attempts to take her soul recently. It is only with our help, and the help of a few devoted friends, that she has managed to survive.

I tell you now that the young man who is locked up in jail in America had to endure the same attacks as a child. He, too, struggled against the odds to survive, in order to serve humanity. What is being done to him is criminal. Please create the energy necessary for justice to prevail, so that he and my dear wife can do what needs to be done for the survival of us all.

Other forms of attack occur regularly, such as yesterday when the computer would not connect to the internet; it took nearly four hours for the engineer to fix the problem. Her mobile phone would not work. When she needed to print something, the paper became jammed in the printer. When she cooked dinner, it was not edible and had to be discarded. On days like this, she cannot even boil water, as it is prevented. She decided to watch the television for a while, but it too would not work. There are also constant problems with the car. They draw her energy from her until she is left helpless. The young man in jail called her last evening, so she told him what was happening to her. HE TOLD HER THAT EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS HAVE BEEN HAPPENING TO HIM FOR YEARS. He thought he was going out of his mind, so he did not tell anyone. This shocked Veronica.

These attacks are done by using a special programme that is directed at the young man and Veronica. It is done through hacking. It is being done to many others too. Does learning about this help you to understand just what you are up against? Those within the Cabal do not have a conscience They destroy everything that gets in their way. Do not wait until they come knocking on your door before you take action. Action is needed now.

Wake up before it is too late. Step off the Cabal’s treadmill. Look around you and see for yourself what is being done to keep you trapped in servitude. Look at those who are pulling the strings. They all have one thing in common. Can you see what it is? Ask yourselves how can this be? Are the 99% so stupid? Black magic was used to trick you into trusting them. All the ancient rituals of black magic are used in their secret societies to keep control of humanity. Look at them as they strut around in their ridiculous paraphernalia; parasites living off human misery. It is the energy of your suffering that gives them their power.

Protect the good energy that is being released. It is your lifeline. Connect with nature whenever possible and use its energy to energise you and yours. Waking up is never easy but it must be done. It enables you to create a new reality in which the only aim is to create peace and harmony. Everything negative will be removed without trace. Our plans are great and our two worlds will unite to enable this to happen.

You need this young man to be set free so that our plans can be completed. Take courage, my friends, you can do it.

My dear, I know that you feel alone. I am with you in spirit. What both you and he are enduring on behalf of humanity is too much at times. When enough people use their energy to restore justice, it will happen.

I am proud of you, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
I suggest that readers watch the following YouTube video:

Robert David Steele interviews Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot

» Source – Channel: Veronica Keen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 1:44:37 AM

GFP Newsletter - 8/1/2017

will's picture

If the wife escapes, divorces you, goes to somebody else, you are completely shattered - because she had been paying attention to you, caring, loving, moving around you, helping you to feel that you were somebody. Your whole empire is lost, you are simply shattered. You start thinking about suicide. Why? Why, if a wife leaves you, should you commit suicide? Why, if a husband leaves you, should you commit suicide? Because you don't have any center of your own. The wife was giving you the center; the husband was giving you the center.

This is how people exist. This is how people become dependent on others. It is a deep slavery. Ego HAS to be a slave. It depends on others. And only a person who has no ego is for the first time a Master; he is no longer a slave.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 1:53:32 AM

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - August 1, 2017

Caroline Oceana Ryan

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, Way-showers!

We speak to you now through the channels of frequencies surrounding and permeating Earth’s atmosphere, body, and spirit.

We speak via the waves of energies aligned not only with the higher realms but with Earth’s higher aspect—that fifth dimensional being She is quickly becoming.

And all of you, as beings living upon Her, likewise increasingly resonate with that higher Light that is becoming your greatest food source, your greatest inspiration, and your greatest collective vision.

You may not be consciously aware of those you meet with in the etheric as your physical body sleeps.

But you have been holding a very high vision with them, and with many millions of other Light Beings supportive of your soul families’ missions.

You have together been collectively envisioning and adding Divine Light to living images—potential realities—of the peaceful, abundant, and whole (healed) Earth you have long desired to live upon.

These live, energetically created visions are not mere images that you delight in; they are the beginning and middle stages of any new co-Creation in this Universe.

The result is that Earth has become an increasingly difficult place for those who revile that vision and those higher energies, and who have resisted their pull into higher frequencies of thought, being, and cellular makeup that most of Earth’s people are now acclimating to.

This explains the occasional political, social, economic, or military threats and posturing you see being expressed by those who have been placed in certain visible roles of what they call authority.

They were placed in those roles not to protect certain cultural or national groups, but to keep humanity’s recognition and awareness of its co-Creational ability under wraps, and under ridicule.

You have been told you are weak, highly faulted, and utterly limited, yet that has been a lie and a prevarication, from the start.

If you are thinking that a people operating with a highly reduced number of DNA strands, who are under the constant influence of a dumbing-down matrix based in fear and disempowerment, has had little choice but to believe what they are told, for survival’s sake, you would be correct.

The very great exception to that scenario is the era in which you are increasingly entering now, and this time of Lion’s Gate and August 21 solar eclipse—the energies of which are already present with you—is a powerful symbol and energetic expression of the ending of that slave state based in fear energies.

You are in fact coming to a time when you will smile at the word “fear” and realize its potency is gone; it no longer has the hold over you it had for millennia.

Related to your collective etheric visions are the actual cellular shifts and evolvement occurring in your bodies and brains—you cannot separate them.

A Lightworker has written us regarding a recent online article[].

It notes scientific findings regarding how everyday diet, environment, and lifestyle decisions affect not only mind-body processes, but actually send genetic information from cells that are not involved in reproduction to those that are:

“[I]f your somatic cells [those cells which are not reproductive cells], which are continually affected by your nutritional, environmental, lifestyle and even mind-body processes, can transfer genetic information through exosomes to the DNA within your germline cells [those cells which pass on genetic material to offspring],then your moment-to-moment decisions, behaviors, experiences, toxin and toxicant exposures, could theoretically affect the biological ‘destinies’ of your offspring, and their offspring, stretching on into the distant future.”

Noting this article, that Lightworker asks, “Would this not imply that as we are all One, the changes each one of us makes in our diet and attitudes etc. influence the ALL?

“Wouldn’t that make public policy regarding food production, exercise, diet, vaccinations—the whole range of health- and food-related areas overseen by government departments—even more vital?

“Doesn’t fifth dimensional life hold tremendous implications in that sense?”

And indeed it does, though you will note that humanity is not waiting for public policy as it is directed by governments to show any particular forward movement in this and other areas, before it creates them on its own.

There are two streams running powerful currents at present: One requires accountability on the part of government in areas such as elections, holistic foods and medicine, clean water, education, public safety, peace among nations, among many other areas.

The other current is running independent of government, and is not waiting for special permission to engage in use of free energy devices, enlightened forms of education, holistic medicine, organic food growing, healing the Earth’s air, soil, and waters, and many other areas.

This dear one is correct in seeing that the shifts to a more holistic diet, belief systems that engage the soul and higher self, increases in self-love and self-esteem, and forward movement in inner evolvement, all affect the collective in powerful ways.

Each person is similar to one cell in a complete organism, that in its self-healing and increasing vibration, draws up with it all the other cells in that organism.

This is why mass social movements, religions, and political ideologies have been used as they have been, for thousands of years—to get certain cells of the organism on board with certain limiting beliefs, until the whole organism becomes a mere shadow of its true, original self.

Understand that any time you or anyone engages in a life- or health-affirming activity, belief, or feeling, you are extending that reality through the energy gridwork of larger potential reality that is all life on Earth.

Your mainstream science is only just now catching up with what you have known intuitively for millennia—that all forms of consciousness and all beings are related, and all are capable of great outer change that is first instituted from within, in the heart-mind.

We have also been asked by several Lightworkers why there seems to be a higher suicide rate at present, and what happens to those souls who take their own lives.

Regarding where these spirits travel after leaving their bodies, this is a highly individual path, and we would not give a simple answer regarding that spiritual journey, nor for any other, regardless of how physical “death” occurs.

We would say, please be aware that there are as some call it, the “slow suicide” of eating unhealthy foods or taking recreational drug or drink, of rarely engaging in exercise, of closing the heart emotionally so that after a time, it begins to shut itself down physically, and many other forms of quiet self-destruction.

Fewer persons experience worry for the spiritual well-being of those who choose to leave their bodies in this way, to the same degree that they worry over those who leave suddenly, by their own hand.

This is understandable. Yet as everyone’s path is sacred and holds its own degree of mystery, you cannot know what went on for those who leave suddenly, on a soul level, before they incarnated, and so to assume to know (via worry) what would follow.

And so peacefully release these ones who choose to leave now, regardless of their circumstance.

Send them Light for their journey, and bless and thank them for all they have done, for all those gifts and contributions they have made, though you may not necessarily see or appreciate what these were.

Even those who come to agitate or oppress have their role to play in the great unfolding that is occurring now.

We would say, regarding the higher number of those leaving now, that people are not only leaving the physical in higher numbers by their own hand, but in numerous ways.

The energies on Earth are now such that it is not for everyone to evolve with them at present. And many realize on a higher level that they are now able to do more out of the physical than in it.

Know that in many ways they are still with you, working to heal the Earth and aid humanity in numerous beautiful ways.

Often these dear ones have felt that their path and soul group’s mission, and their own individual soul growth, was better served by them leaving their current incarnation.

There is never a reason for bitterness at what your minds perceive as a loss, any more than there is a reason for resentment against those who have appeared to oppress and restrict you for so long.

Though we, as you, do not find their methods anything to celebrate.

Yet your increasingly conscious freeing of yourselves from their oppression is a very great thing to celebrate indeed.

And so, we watch over you, not as the shepherd tending the flock, but as the cloud that drifts by, conscious of the beauty of the life within and around it, gathering its rain or giving way to more sun, per the expectations of the crowd below.

For indeed you have that co-Creative ability—to change weather, to shift the course of rivers, to purify oceans and soil, to enlighten minds by filling hearts with the special Light you yourselves came here to know and to affirm in all others.

To realize that you are Divine Love itself.

We see your great vision, and we add our Love and co-Creative intentions to it, for this New Earth is of your making, dear ones. Rejoice in that.

Namaste, co-Creators! We are with you, every moment.

Copyright 2017, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 2:00:11 AM

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Certainly, you feel afloat in the world. Your feet may be on solid ground. Your feet may even be glued to the ground. Nevertheless, you feel up in the air, suspended in midstream as it were. You may feel that you haven’t yet landed, that you fly around somewhere getting ready to come to Earth, yet it hasn’t happened yet. You haven’t hit Earth yet. You wonder if you ever will, or if you will be spending your Life in midair suspended between two worlds, neither of which you may feel you really belong in.

You are a dispatch that was sent and, as yet, hasn’t reached the landing place. You are in an awkward place. How long does it take you before you can say fully that you have come to Earth? You wonder if you will ever get down-to-Earth the way others appear to do.

Other people seem to have some chance of command over their lives whereas you seem to just keep looking at a Life in the distance, front or back, as if you are looking for an opportunity to glide down to your Life or over it or around it. It doesn’t seem to you that you have even gotten your sights yet. You don’t know where to look.

How strange it is to not be anywhere, or not to know where you are, and not to know who or what you are. You don’t know if you are a star in a far-off galaxy. You don’t have a compass to give you good directions. When you are adrift, you long to steady yourself.

What dream is this you are having? Are you the Dreamer of the Dream, or are you the Dream itself? What do you have to drop off, or what is it you have to catch onto?

Sometimes it seems like you are smack between two worlds and never gain real admittance to either. Can you be a wanderer who belongs nowhere instead of somewhere? How can you attach yourself to ideas and still not even be close to them?

You wonder what happened to the shores you thought you would reach. Did something happen to the shores, or did something happen to you on your way? Where do you get back to now? Is it worth the striving -- or not? How would you know what anything is worth anyway?

There seems to be some music that the Sirens sing, and you are compelled to try to find the music. It comes from somewhere, and it sure does call to you. This music from the Sirens comes from somewhere, yet you barely hear the music. There are no lyrics, or the lyrics are long gone.

All you can think is: “Once upon a time…”

Or all you can think is: “Far away and long ago, I dreamed a dream…”

Or all you can think is: “Somewhere, over the rainbow…”

Or all you can think is: “Someday my prince will come…”

And your prince hasn’t come.

Are dreams more true than the realization of them?

It has been a long time since you have thought of how you used to play hopscotch. What did hopscotch hope to accomplish now that you are all done with it?

You used to play jacks, or you never did.

Now that this vapor of time is gone, you wonder what is the difference between Truth and Dream. In either case, you don’t know where they exist now if ever they did.

You feel that you stand in the Center of the World, a Vortex of the World, and you’ve never been anywhere anyway. And, if you had or hadn’t, that wouldn’t make any difference anyway. This could be the meaning of there is only now. It is something that was or wasn’t and you are left thinking there is no difference. You feel immobilized at the same time as you take flight.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/3/2017 6:37:37 PM


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust

Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn 8:38 pm ET/11:38 pm UT

Sun: 12 Leo - "an evening lawn party of adults"

Higher Expression: the present moment, harmonious, dignified, ease, connecting with like-minded people, maturity

Lower Expression: social status and hierarchy, ignorance, avoidance, poor choices

Earth: 12 Aquarius - "people on a vast staircase graduated upwards"

Higher Expression: processes unfolding, search for meaning and hope for the future, looking at something from someone else's perspective, seeing variations

Lower Expression: feeling is being left behind/abandoned, ranking value of things that are inherently equal, feelings of failure

Today's energetics involve the themes of "our place" or "where we belong" and "home."

It is very important today to understand that everyone is on their path and to trust our own paths.

Gibbous Moon phase asks that we cultivate or strengthen our level of trust.

This can be hard for a species that has been traumatized (us) because trauma naturally breaches the boundaries of our self-hood. It causes us to doubt ourselves and our judgment (because with trauma, we try to figure out ways to prevent similar experiences, hoping we can control the uncontrollable about life). Above all, trauma shakes our faith.

I go into this because the Moon is leaving Sagittarius today, after a couple of intense days with the Black Moon and Saturn. The Black Moon and Saturn stir conflicts and tugs-of-war. Ultimately, they are about overcoming fear and starting time over / rebirthing.

Before the Moon leaves Sagittarius, however, we have a blessed opportunity. The Moon will conjunct the Galactic Center (the Pleroma to the ancient Gnostics). One might say the Galactic Center is our spiritual "home" in the galaxy. We have the chance to "touch Spirit" and reconnect. Remember that this is happening on a day that already emphasizes the themes of place, belonging, and home.

We want to pay close attention to what is happening in our lives and in the world between 1:19 pm ET/5:19 pm UT. This timeframe foreshadows the Sagittarius cycle beginning December 18 (which will be an amazing lunar month). This timeframe also will provide some answers, understanding, wisdom, or guidance that we seek. Pay particular attention to animal sightings.

If your spiritual vision needs improvement, be certain to ask for it. Higher forces are taking requests.

Today's energetics are cultured, refined, and dignified. Take your place because Divine Providence is finding you.

“Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson


CNN LOGO DISCLOSURE: Creator of CNN Logo Encoded Sacred Geometry

In her own words, a longtime reader of the Oracle Report (and verified source) reveals the sacred geometrics encoded in the CNN logo, created by her late mentor, advertising legend Guy Bost, and offers her perspective on the controversy.

"Seeing the recent unveiling of the truth of all the shenanigans going on at CNN, I thought of my earlier involvement with the now defamed CNN.

My first job was with an advertising agency that did work for Turner Broadcasting, and thus the birthing of CNN in the early eighties. The creator of the famous logo for CNN was my boss and was my teacher in school, Guy Bost. He was the teacher every student loved to have. He would fly back and forth from Atlanta to Auburn University to teach.

Guy was not a favorite of the faculty because he took it upon himself to teach what students needed to know to get a job in advertising and graphic design when they graduated. The curriculum was focused more on the design basis; he took it to the reality of the real world of Advertising. Think Mad Men. He had been a 'Golden Boy' in New York in the sixties and now he was one of the 'Big Boys' of advertising in Atlanta.

Guy had become a partner of an ad agency focused on the "new" cable industry and stopped teaching a quarter before I graduated. Fortunately, I had him as a teacher. He was admired by all his students because he told the truth and did not sugar coat it. There was a silence in the classroom when he spoke because every word was of value and made so much sense. He gave us tips to get a job, how things were done, who was who, and what the agencies wanted. I learned a great deal from him. He was ethical and stuck to his word. Always.

Every student who graduated and went to Atlanta would interview with him. Very, very few got hired by him. I was fortunate enough to not only get hired by him, but paid more than the average right-out-of-college salary. I felt so lucky. He taught me every facet of advertising, focusing on Art Director and helping me hone my skills. This was long before computers -- when everything was done by hand and with a lot of blade work with Exacto knives and magic markers. He was like a uncle to me.

One day, Guy was presented with developing the logo for this new network that Ted Turner said would be just for news on cable. I watched Guy work on this for days. He showed me he was using sacred geometry with it, employing certain numbers to work with the curves of the letter. He said he had used this system before with much success.

Guy had such a powerful and simple logo when he finished. I could feel the power coming from it. He had put so much of his energy into the logo, making it the best, as he did with everything he touched. He put the intention in the logo that it would be of the best.

I remember when the head of the agency, who was a personal friend of Ted Turner, came back to our offices and told Guy how much Ted Turner loved the logo, and that she had sold it to him for $5,000.

Even at the time, this amount was peanuts compared to what that was worth. I saw Guy's neck and then his face turn red. He was so angry at her for selling it for so little. I was afraid he was going to have a heart attack right then and there! He stormed out and did not come back for a day.

Now fast forward to today with CNN employees showing what they are really made of with all the 'sticking one's foot in one's mouth' and subsequently exposing the truth of lying for ratings and profit (as well as the brainwashing).

I thought about how Guy, who passed away years ago, would not have liked the lack of integrity surrounding the logo he had put his heart and soul into.

I recalled how you can call on people from the 'other side' and/or angels to help. They can help you but you have to ask and you have to call on them was what I had been taught and what I had seen work. So I called on Guy Bost to come in and have a good time with it all. You know- you just never really know.

Next up for reality to play out was CNN hunting down the person who created the GIF that had a CNN logo head. His logo was top news now. Then the multitude of GIFs followed that. Well, as Guy taught, humor sells! I thought they were so creative and funny. It was as if Guy was creating on another level.

When people see something that makes them laugh, they remember it. People have made the point that CNN has struck out, and it is sticking in everyone's heads.

So you never know what your intentions can do. Maybe Guy was involved, maybe not. But to me, he did something to return integrity and telling the truth to our reality as something that matters, and matters a great deal."

Editor: The sacred geometrics Guy Bost encoded in the CNN logo when he created it took care of the lack of integrity with which the logo has become associated. It solved itself. We honor Guy Bost and the truth warriors who came before us.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.

Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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