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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2017 6:15:55 PM

Matthew’s Message, June 28, 2017

June 28, 2017

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When you hear of natural disasters, fires, vehicle crashes and terrorist attacks, sadness about the lives lost and compassion for those who love them are natural feelings.

Thinking of all the souls affected by such events and the millions caught up in humanitarian crises in the context of chosen karmic lessons so they can evolve is not a natural reaction, and at times you wonder if violence and suffering ever will end.

Yes, dear family, it will. Earth’s karmic merry-go-round is slowing down. When physical lifetime ends for individuals who cause pain and traumatic circumstances for others outside of soul contracts, they will go to the spirit world of a deep third-density civilization, then embody in that population and enter their karmic cycle.

People still will transition from Earth at the time they chose in soul contracts, but the society will know about the wondrous life in Nirvana and that love bonds reunite persons and animals who are dear to each other.

We welcome your questions about bodies’ cells and DNA—what your cells do profoundly affect your life, so this interest is indeed well placed. “If we ‘just radiate our light’ in doing good things, our DNA will be changed…is that true?” Yes, that is true, but in order to radiate light, persons first must absorb it, and that comes “in doing good things.”

As third density bodies absorb light, carbon-based cells that have two intertwined DNA strands gradually change to the crystalline structure wherein the strands can increase in number, and as that occurs, persons’ mental acuity, spiritual clarity and manifesting abilities also increase.

“I heard we can communicate with our cells. If this really is possible, how do we do it? What would we say?” Not only is it possible to communicate with your cells, but you constantly are doing it unawares. Each of the countless number of cells in a human body has a consciousness, each knows exactly how to function and how to respond to whatever is stimulating it. Unfortunately, often the stimulation is the low vibrations of fear, anger, bitterness, guilt, jealousy, dishonesty, greed—that is why physical, mental and emotional dis-ease is so prevalent in your world.

Cells respond equally knowledgeably to the high vibrations of love, joy, gratitude, peacefulness, compassion and generosity, and they will do the same to what is communicated consciously. Be mindful that cells react to vibrations emitted by words and intent, which has its own vibration, so what you say must be genuine, from your heart, and it’s not necessary to speak aloud—you can convey your messages by thought.

You can thank the cells for keeping you healthy, for example, or ask them to please keep your blood flowing smoothly, boost your energy level, or help your mind, body and spirit stay in balance. If you are prone to headaches or eye strain—any discomfort—ask the cells in the particular area to show you in a recognizable way what you are doing that is preventing them from functioning properly. And always it is appropriate to tell them you love and honor them for making up the physical aspect of you. We add that talking to cells is not a replacement for seeing a healthcare provider about a condition that has become chronic or is worsening.

“Do souls from evolved civilizations who volunteered to come here have cells and/or DNA that differs from Earth humans’?” The vast majority of these souls have the same cellular structure and two-strand DNA as the peoples of Earth, and they knew when they volunteered that they would have the limitations and deficiencies inherent in third density bodies. It is by heeding soul level guidance that they have elevated their conscious and spiritual awareness above the level of the planet’s civilization; and when their lifetime of service ends and they return to their homelands, they will manifest bodies with the original DNA. We have been saying “they” and “their” because this pertains to the many souls who don’t know they are volunteers as well as to you who do know you are.

Now then, a comparatively small number of souls that could be thought of as a Spiritual Special Forces unit have missions that require capabilities far beyond the limits of 3D bodies. Those whose native form differs considerably from yours manifest a humanoid body prior to arrival, those who more closely resemble you come as they are, and in all cases the light in their cellular makeup keeps the DNA intact.

They spend several months in secluded “halfway-houses” while adapting to Earth’s atmosphere and refining their appearance and behavior to fit into the populace in the countries of their assigned missions. Some of the “regular” volunteers create documentation and insert it into appropriate records to substantiate the unit members’ birth, citizenship, education and qualifications in such fields as artificial intelligence, astrophysics, engineering, linguistics, and computer and medical science.

Although these extraterrestrials act much the same as their neighbors and coworkers, that is as far as similarity goes. They can dematerialize and rematerialize objects and they communicate telepathically with each other on the planet and colleagues in their homelands. They have photographic memories and can transfer images by thought to other sources.

When there is a need for secrecy in carrying out a mission task or for personal safety, they can accelerate their vibrations so 3D vision can’t detect their presence or teleport to a safe location; and if a helper is in danger, they can surround him or her with a protective light shield. Dear brothers and sisters, you have the capacity to do that and more—you haven’t tapped into it because your mission doesn’t require those abilities or perhaps you haven’t yet developed them.

“I would love for Mathew to touch on the subject of the new 5G millimeter wave that is being rolled out in the next few years from cell phone companies. The research I have done has shed some light on the subject and all of it is not good for our cells and DNA.” One reason souls from evolved civilizations are helping Earth is that the peoples’ spiritual and conscious advancement has lagged way behind technological advancement. For instance, nuclear power in the hands of a third density population is pure folly and nuclear weaponry is suicidal—on numerous occasions universal family members have prevented catastrophic outcomes in both areas. What a great day it will be when the people of Earth can thank their family from other worlds whose help in myriad ways has been invaluable!

But back on point, some of those souls, aware of how specific bandwidths of electromagnetic waves adversely affect bodies’ cellular structure, are in industries where they can promote changes to render harmless cell phones, towers and other products that now are keeping DNA strands at two. In this moment, though, vibratory levels on the planet are reducing those products’ injurious effects on the populace and individuals who are absorbing light have additional protection. Please do not let reports of damaging effects let you feel fearful as fear energy’s low vibrations will block protection—and don’t ever underestimate the power of vibrations to uplift or undermine any situation.

“How can MKUltra mind-controlled individuals clear out that programming? What about people who don’t know they have been programmed? Does programming affect DNA? Why can’t our guides just pull us out of this?” First we say, never is mind control a soul-contract choice because it interferes with the growth of the soul. This insidious aspect of deep third-density mentality, which uses brutal methods to program captive individuals, has reached the end of its time. Prevailing vibrations are easing minds out of the programming that implants a “trigger” command so the persons will perform assigned tasks—that is why some individuals are able to speak about experiences they were programmed to forget.

They cannot absorb light under mind control, but once free of it, they can, and their cells and DNA respond accordingly. All individuals who were subjected to mind control, whether or not they escaped prior to entering Nirvana, receive personalized healing there. Their psyches are expunged of the torturous programming process so they don’t have to re-experience that during lifeprint review; and neither the process nor mind-controlled experiencing is carried forth in cellular memory to affect subsequent embodiments—the soul’s choices for its next personage will include a strong aversion to harming any human or animal life.

Long before that form of mind control was devised, the masses were programmed by religious dogma and, centuries later, by Illuminati in governments and mainstream media. People who are absorbing light are doubting the veracity of information from “authorities” and are learning to trust their intuition as to what is true and what is not; this rise in consciousness is changing cellular structure to permit an increase in DNA strands.

Individuals who don’t realize they are stuck in one or another programming system can choose once in spirit life to “see the light” in another incarnation. Terrorists have no reason to think they have been programmed because the bigotry, ignorance, oppression and greed that spawn terrorism are a fact of life in your world.

God’s emissaries—spirit guides, angels, souls in evolved civilizations, beloved family and friends in Nirvana—are helping you continuously by beaming light to all life on Earth. By universal law, they are not permitted to “just pull you out,” and there is no need for it—you are doing this yourselves by absorbing light.

“It isn’t only 17 US intelligence agencies claiming that Russia hacked into computer files to influence that country’s presidential election. Agencies in other countries that analyzed the footprints also concluded they point to Russia. Now it’s known that Russia also hacked into files of states’ primary elections. Does Matthew still think that country is innocent?” It is not what we think; it is what we know from universal family members who are in all nations’ intelligence services—they are part of the Special Forces we spoke about.

That is why we could state with assurance that the hacking was done by US agents who wanted the information in the files to be publicly known prior to the presidential election, and Illuminati in the Democratic National Committee manipulated votes in primary elections so Hillary Clinton, not Bernie Sanders, would be the party’s nominee. Members of that Special Forces unit know which agents in the intelligence services are Illuminati and which of their “footprint” experts made the ones that point to Russia.

Why Russia? The Illuminati needed to stop the erosion of their control within the European Union and the United States, and that required continued solidarity between those two entities so Illuminati who still had influence and covert operations on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean could regain effectiveness. What could assure that this international relationship stayed strong? A common enemy. For years the Illuminati have wanted to establish a base of operations in Moscow, but President Putin refused to cooperate—with one fell swoop of a double-edged sword, so to say, they could punish him and shore up their ebbing power in the EU and the US.

Their “black ops” agents heightened the tension stirring in Crimea and Ukraine, then put out the word that Putin forcibly took over those regions in his drive to bring all countries in the former Soviet Union under his control, and they pointed the finger at Russia for interfering in the United States’ electoral process. Their mainstream media has kept those stories in the spotlight to convince the EU and the US that Russia poses a serious threat to democracy—lies repeated often enough become “facts.”

Illuminati in military forces and manufacturing are talking about the need to strengthen defense capability—they profit handsomely from making the machinery of war. The populace believes that Russia is the free world’s enemy, so to that extent the Illuminati have achieved their purpose, but the EU-US solidarity they expected to firmly cement is cracking and they will not succeed in turning their contrived “cold war” into WWIII.

We understand why questions and comments about United States President Trump outnumber all other topics of reader interest. Our love for this soul is unconditional, just as for all others in our universal family, and it is without judgment that we say he lacks the qualifications to wisely manage the extensive responsibilities of his office. Dismay about his “policy decisions, advisers and nonpresidential communication and behavior” is widespread because this government’s actions have repercussions around the world.

The following part of our message some months ago bears repeating because it is as valid now as then:

The election outcome doomed the Illuminati’s plan to put one of their own back in the White House after eight years of having to fight a president who fought back to the extent he could.

Planetary vibrations will strengthen and advance only endeavors that best serve Earth and all her life forms; anything to the contrary cannot be long-lasting.

Hard-won rights and progress in social justice cannot be dismantled. It is not the destiny of Earth’s peoples to go backward, but to move ever forward toward peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature.

The world where life is like that and the planet is restored to health and pristine beauty—the world you are helping to create in linear time—already vibrantly exists in the continuum. [December 9, 2016]

Beloved lightworkers, your optimism about Earth’s future will help to dispel the low vibrations of dismay that are delaying society’s movement toward the fullness of the Golden Age. As you direct your energy into positive thoughts, feelings and actions that not only preserve progress to date, but add momentum so it can surge forward, send light in abundance to all of Earth. Visualizing the planet “restored to health and pristine beauty” and all peoples living in “peace, mutual respect, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature” will hasten the day in linear time when that world is fully manifested.

Light beings throughout this universe honor your service to Earth and support you with the unparalleled power of unconditional love.



Suzanne Ward

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2017 6:22:58 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/27/2017

will's picture

It is a circle: left goes into right, right goes into left. It is a circle.

That's why in China, they have made the yin-yang symbol. It is a moving circle and this circle exists in every dimension. A man is not man, he is also a woman. A woman is not only a woman, she is also a man. There are moments when a woman is man, there are moments when a man is woman.

And you become afraid: I should not be a woman. I am not effeminate, I am male, and I should never betray any feminine qualities. This has been taught for centuries all over the world. Even to small boys you say: Don't be a sissy. What nonsense! You even start poisoning a small boy: You are a man. Behave like a man - don't be girlish. The right side is male and the left is female in the boy. The same is true in a girl. If the girl starts behaving like a tomboy, everybody is afraid. If she starts climbing a tree, then you say: What are you doing? You are a girl! Behave like a girl. Girls never do this. They only play with toys, and arrange marriage, and make a house.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2017 6:31:08 PM


Shanta Gabriel ~ AA Gabriel ~ Without patience you can never understand the meaning of Divine Timing.

Shanta Gabriel

Dear One,

Your conscious presence in the world leads to the opening of the consciousness of all people. Your Soul's task is to carry the light of Love and Truth with you wherever you go, no matter what you are doing. Through this intention you will bring more Peace and Light into the world.

Being a visionary, you see in your mind that which you wish to accomplish. It becomes your intention, as if you are taking aim, pulling back the bow and shooting your arrow toward your target. With this clarity, you will surely reach your mark. There is, however, the question of when.

At work in the world is the principle of Divine Timing. It is one of the immutable laws in the universe, such as Divine Order and Divine Justice. It is not something that you can push to make it go faster. There are times when you must wait upon the will of God in order to have your dream manifest in the most appropriate way for your highest good. This requires patience.

It is sometimes difficult to have patience when you can see your vision so clearly. Often there is the desire to make it happen now. This is not God’s will but the ego’s will at work. You might be able to force the manifestation of certain parts of your vision, but it will not feel right once this occurs. It will feel as though you are pushing the river. When all is flowing according to God's will, miracles occur. You can ride the wave of this energy and it feels effortless.


Imagine that you are at one of those points in your life when you want very badly to have a certain vision manifest. Let's say you really want it now but you are struggling against a wall of obstacles. If you are mentally or emotionally tense, anxious and impatient, anything that you do physically at this time will be pushing at the energy which is already at work. It is at these times that you must step aside, even though it may be most difficult. Release your striving, and turn the whole situation over to God and the Angels.

You can assist the manifestation of your dream by simply sitting quietly and breathing in Divine Light and Love. As you continue to breathe these balanced breaths, see yourself in a pillar of golden light. This is the light of peace, love and wisdom that connects you with Divine Inspiration and the nurturing presence of the earth. While sitting in this light, in your mind’s eye remember your vision, the dream that you want for your life at this time. Allow your dream to be energized by this pillar of golden light. Know in your heart that you always receive that which is in your highest good.

Know that the Angels are blessing you with love and wisdom. They are blessing all that you need to do in order to have your dream. Feel this loving presence with you, enfolding you in love and light. Feel Peace permeating every fiber of your being. Know in your heart that all will come to you in perfect Divine Timing. Give thanks for all the blessings in your life. Give thanks that this dream is manifesting in its own perfect and right time for your highest good. And as you exhale, release this vision to God and the Angels and allow this energy to work for you.

This practice will help give you patience and trust in Divine Timing. With a small amount of conscious focus you can begin to apply these principles to your day-to-day living and create a life filled with more Peace, Joy and Love.

This is God’s will for all. Call on the Angels for assistance and remember to take time to breathe and receive the knowing in your heart that all is in the flow of Divine creative energy.

And most of all remember:

Without patience you can never understand
the meaning of Divine Timing.

Shanta Gabriel
for Archangel Gabriel
June 25, 2017

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/28/2017 6:51:03 PM

A Fairy Tale of Untold Dreams

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

It can be said that every day is a Holy Day. Every day is a gift and a breakthrough. Every day is fresh and new, and so shall you be fresh and new. Whatever Life brings, you progress. No matter what you may think at a given moment, you are stepping into the light fantastic. You are dancing on the stars.

Life is not old hat. No two days are the same. Nevertheless, you may have desired days to be the same until you desire that something new will happen.

What you want and what you go for are meant to be the same. Your questioning is not. No longer ask: “Must I be quick or must I be cautious?” It is not necessary for you to be either. At the same time, a step waits for you to take it.

Begin where you are. Keep your eye on the skies. The moment comes when you dive into Life and do something you may have never done before, even something you would never have dreamed of being part of, and, yet, here you are. If you are given a beautiful medal, and it wasn’t a mistake. Could it have been ordained, or was it catch-as-catch-can? How did you possibly get here where you are today? Unbelievable, yet, in this world, it is true. You are somewhere called here.

An adventure is new. If you knew everything ahead of time, where could adventure be? Of course, an adventure starts out new. There is a lot to be said for paddling your own canoe.

Beloveds, say Yes to Life more, and No to Life less. Say No to locked doors. Say Yes to open doors. There is no need to slam doors ever. Open doors more often, OR, better yet, leave your doors open and don’t lock them again.

Avail yourself of opportunity. Listen to your heart. Let your Truth be known to you. Your mentor is yourself. It is you who moves yourself forward. You are the spur to your Life. Momentum wells up from within you. Even when impetus comes from outside you, you called it to you.

Oh, for the Life of a Sailor. Go ahead, go off the trodden path and see what happens next.

On the other hand, you may be someone who likes to stay home knitting. A seeming sequestered adventure is also an adventure. An adventure in one room is still an adventure.

No matter what, you are an adventurer. Even if you are bored, Life takes its own course and whirls you around. Neither the Mighty nor the timid knows what tomorrow brings.

This brings up the laidback idea of enjoying the Moment that brings rain or shine. Be wide-eyed and welcome this Very Moment, for it is splendidly new. Even striving is splendid. Recognize Good Fortune whatever disguise it wears.

Sometimes your Life feels like your Life, and sometimes your Life feels like a stranger to you. In any case, you are on the edge. On the edge of what? On the edge of Discovery.

Sometimes you may wonder whether Life is all pot luck. Sometimes it sure seems to be, yet how can this be? Other times your Life is magical as it unfolds. Sometimes it must be that you live in a Fairy Tale of Untold Dreams.

And sometimes Life seems to be a sure thing. The thing is that sometimes you are aware of living two lives, the seeming Life on Earth and the near yet far Life beyond borders. Call this Eternal Life. Call it what you will. Your Life is yours regardless of anything. Life is never withdrawn from you, nor can it ever be. Life is as it is. This is guaranteed. No exceptions.

As you look back, your Life began in the beginning days. Now your Life begins in this and every moment. Hail to Life!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
6/29/2017 6:53:11 PM

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, growth, struggle

Moon in Virgo

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun – 9 Degrees Cancer “A Small naked girl bends over a sparkling pond trying to catch a fish.”

Earth – 9 Degrees Capricorn “An Angel comes carrying a harp.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew:

While the moon is in Virgo Attention towards details is on the increase, with a tendency to fault-finding, cleanliness and neatness. It is a good time to undertake routine, painstaking work, and to search for and correct errors.

Sun – A Small naked girl bends over a sparkling pond trying to catch a fish. – Innocence and Naivete are seen in this symbol. The girl is grasping for something beyond her reach. If you find yourself not understanding something, have fun with it. That sense of delight may lead you the satisfaction you desire.

Earth – An Angel comes carrying a harp. This symbol speaks of caring for others in need and being there for them when they need it. Angels come when they are called. Often it is about tuning into that healing energy and radiating it forth. Sharing your own vibration that can be seen as inspiration and comfort.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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