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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2017 8:51:19 PM

Saint Germain: Close to the Crescendo

Saint Germain: Close To The Crescendo

St. Germain via James McConnell

I AM St. Germain. And as always it is wonderful to be with you, to be able to share with you, to be able to experience with you, for many of you are dear to me, many more than you can know at this point. We have had lifetimes together, we have had experiences together. Those of you as I am speaking now know who I am speaking to. We have shared wine together, various social gatherings together.

I have always been a very social sort, always enjoyed a party here and there wherever it could be. As you have heard many times we are preparing a party, a celebration, beyond any celebration that you could even imagine yet at this point. Take the best party that you ever went to and multiply that hundreds of times over and you will have a beginning understanding of what it will be when you first connect with those of your loved ones that you long ago left or that they left you. You will have a reunion, a reuniting that will bring the energy up within you like you cannot imagine at this point. But it will happen. It is happening.

Many of you will experience the kundalini energy. You will experience the rising of this kundalini energy. It will happen at times that you are not even, will not even be prepared for. Yet it will happen. And when it does allow it to be. Let it move forth. Let it complete. This is the process, this is the ascension process that will bring this kundalini energy up within you and all will be as it needs to be in that moment.

I spoke to James earlier. I used the word ‘urgent’. He did not understand at that time why that word was used for it has not been used before. Normally it is a message from Sananda, a message from St. Germain, a message from Archangel Michael. But this time an urgent message; an urgent and timely message. And what is it that is so urgent, you might ask and I will tell you.

As you know everything is in flux now; everything is shifting. The cabal is coming down to their knees. All that was prepared, all that was planned for when those of us, what you call your forefathers, gathered in that day and signed that great paper, that Proclamation of Freedom. At that time we all knew what was at stake. We all knew what could be the result — both positive and negative — but we forged forth, we moved ahead. Some were afraid but they overcame it just as you your selves now must overcome those things which are in the process of happening. Not to be afraid but to move forth, to continue on.

For a shift is in the works now, a shift that has been spoken of many times. And this shift is going to change much. I speak now of those things which are just before and just after what is being called the event or the changeover. We prefer the term changeover because you are changing over from one paradigm into another. And this new paradigm is what was planned for that day back in 1776.

This was that time. This is that time now again.

No, there will not be a new signing of a document. There will be a proclamation or an announcement of a major shift in consciousness, in understanding and we are all now at that verge of what was begun long ago is now coming to fruition. It will now move everyone forward to a new understanding, a new level of consciousness and vibration that will take even the most cynical, the most questioning individuals and bring them forward also. No one will be immune to these changes. Everyone will be a part of it in some way within their own way but you are all going to be a part of it and already are part of it. Because as of this shift that I speak of now, you are already in the middle of that shift.

Many of you are feeling the energies, you are feeling the changes come over you. You are feeling your chakras coming alive. If you do not know it’s the chakras, it is. They’re coming alive again. Some of you are doing specific exercises to make this happen. But I tell you that it is already happening within all of you. Within your sleep state you are finding your selves on ships, you are finding yourself down in Inner Earth even if you are not yet remembering. That time is also coming where you will begin fully to remember those experiences as some of you already are.

This is a time and this was why the word ‘timely’, because you are right on the cusp. You are coming close to what Sananda calls the crescendo of all that you have been building toward. The full crescendo will be when the event, when the changeover fully develops. But up until that point you are working toward it and you are preparing to be the mentors to all those others that come after you.

You will receive mentors, yes, but you are becoming the mentors as well. You will be the learned ones you will be the ones that those coming after in the later waves of ascension will be looking toward. You will be the ones as Sananda speaks of to sit at those council tables if you are ready. This group is especially being prepared for this as well as others.

This is a special time, a special place, a special moment just prior to some major shifts in consciousness that are coming.

You hear of arrests. You hear of the cabal coming down to their knees and yes that is so. But we would never condone the extermination, the killing of your brothers and sisters even though they have done much and they would at a moment’s notice do harm to you. But you are not at their consciousness level. They must come up to your consciousness level just as you are rising to our consciousness to our vibration. I realize this has been long but it is necessary.

One more thing I speak of that is a continuation of what was started back in that day of signing of the Declaration: the reestablishment and the announcement of what you know of as NESARA and all that comes with it. But know that as you have read about NESARA or heard of it, it has shifted some as well. Some of the things have been taken out of it and others added to it and it will not quite resemble those things earlier that you read but it is a portion of that, a very strong portion of that. And it is an understanding that will bring this world, this planet to be ready to be received and receive those from above and below. It is a necessary part of this. But first this must be enacted. And it will be.

I appreciate your time, your efforts, your love, and your sense of oneness as you continue to remember who you are in the totality of you as the Creator Source within you.

I AM St. Germain. May the Violet light be always shining within you as you shine it out, outward as well.

All of my peace and love be with all of you.

Channeled: James McConnell

Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated – “Believing is seeing!”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2017 8:56:02 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/24/2017

will's picture

One should laugh and one should weep also. Laughter and weeping are two banks - balance is needed. If you really laugh, you will also weep. And what is wrong with weeping? Tears are beautiful.

If you have laughed, if you have laughed deeply, tears become very, very beautiful. They carry something of the laughter, because deep down the banks are one, they are not two. On one pole laughter, on another pole tears; one pole smiles, another pole cries, but deep down they are joined together. If you have laughed totally, you will weep totally, and both are beautiful. Totality is beautiful. But if you cling, then you can never be total.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2017 8:59:35 PM

Arcturian Group Message, June 25, 2017

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JUNE 25, 2017

Dear ones, be not afraid of what you are seeing and hearing, for these are the symbols of a changing universe, the dying throes of old energy that is soon to become part of another world in which you who have chosen to awaken need not take part. All have been given the choice to ascend. Most are un-aware of this, but on the deeper levels, everyone is choosing.

Try not to fear for or be concerned about family and friends who may be choosing not to awaken at this time. Their Higher Self in its infinite wisdom may know that they need more third-dimensional type experiences before they will be ready to leave them behind. Every person will ascend into higher levels of awareness at some point in their journey; it is inevitable. Man’s true nature is Divine and he is not meant to spend forever living the experiences of illusory beliefs.

Be not afraid, dear ones, for you are not now and never have been what you see when you look into a mirror or what you were told and believed yourself to be. It is a new time, a time of awakening and a time for rejoicing in the realization that you are in reality one with the Creator and thus one with all that the Creator is.

The Arcturian group would like to speak of peace. Not concepts of peace that come from signed documents created through force or obligation, but true peace, a peace that is only able to manifest outwardly when consciously present within. Peace is spiritual, not material.

True peace is a peace that the third-dimensional state of consciousness knows nothing about and thus can never successfully create through treaties, wars, dominance, and punishment–ideas based in the sense of separation. Because “peace” created through these methods is based in duality and separation, sooner or later the “good side” will flip to the “bad side” for the belief in duality always manifests as pairs of opposites. Real peace can only manifest when the substance from which it is formed is present–consciousness.

Peace is the natural expression of Love, the realization that all is ONE within the ONE. Why would anyone want to hate, hurt, deceive, lie, kill, and make to suffer, itself? It is only the dense energies of personal and collective un-evolved states of consciousness that see power over others as an appropriate action to bring about peace. Peace is the birthright of every person because it is the reality–globally and individually.

Dear ones, there is only ONE and that ONE is you. Human eyes that only see physical forms of the One believe in separation, but all lifeforms are individual manifestations of the only substance there is–One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Divine Consciousness.

The acceptance of true identity as being Divine, moves an individual beyond the fears and doubts that come with believing that humans are only material bodies subject to every experience of good and evil unless protected by any means. This realization comes only after many experiences lived under the thumb of duality and separation (Earth school) which finally lead the weary soul to open and embrace their true self. It is then that a consciousness of true peace begins to unfold, bringing with it peace of mind, the peace everyone seeks.

The root of real and lasting peace (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) is a conscious realization of Oneness. Each day more people on Earth are experiencing a deeper sense of oneness, often without conscious awareness of what it is they are feeling. Witness the actions of an increasing number of people who choose to sacrifice themselves in some capacity for others, often strangers or animals. These actions are usually spontaneous , arising without thought in some moment of extreme need from that core of love everyone carries within.

At this time there are many very evolved souls on Earth, here to be an examples to others as well as to add their Light to the collective. They did not need to come in order to resolve karma or learn lessons of love, because they have already done this work on Earth or on other planets.

Seeing the need of humans for help at this powerful time of change, these souls lovingly chose to assist. You can see them in all walks of life doing seemingly ordinary things and will recognize them by a loving but often intense energy as they work to bring deeper awareness into situations where it is needed. They are often intuitively felt as being powerful, but to human eyes look ordinary.

Actions of love occur daily, but you are primarily served the negative from most news sites. This is why it is important to limit your involvement in the news because it can easily pull you back into old energy. It is fine to be aware of what is going on around you, but do not align with it. It is the same idea as when you align with the energy of some low resonating person and then find yourself drained of energy which is how the term “energy vampires” came about.

In all situations, and with all people, places, things, and events, keep your energy field clear, filled with light, and not in alignment with any lower-resonating energy that may be present. Lower-resonating energies have a sense of “heaviness” about them which is easily felt in some places and with certain people. Do not fear it for it has no power other than what you give it, but be aware of not aligning or identifying with it. You may just choose to leave.

Until an individual realizes that everything he seeks is already present within, he will continue to seek outwardly from persons, and things. You unwittingly offer your own energy when you align with another’s lower-resonating energy; remember there is only one. In the belief that you are being loving and sympathetic, you may discover yourself feeling drained and wondering why. Without conscious intention they have utilized your energy.

Sympathy– (“I feel your pain. Oh, how you have suffered etc.”). Compassion– (“I understand. Perhaps you could do this etc.”). Because there is only one, alignment occurs easily. It is especially important that those who work as counselors, therapists etc., remember this, clearing their work space and energy fields often. When you align with anything, you become one with the energy of it–people, places, things, ideas, etc. This is the secret behind relationships that work – both evolved and low resonating–their energies are in alignment.

There is a fine tuning of sorts happening now for all who are spiritually aware. Up to this point, serious seekers have been allowed to continue in some of their old energy ways without much repercussion, but because the resonance of Earth has become so much more rarified, everyone’s corners of belief are being swept out and the spiritual leash has become very short.

Remember this when small events and actions once considered unimportant, start to feel very important and may even bring in a sense of guilt which you don’t understand. This is because your energy field has become increasingly more attuned to the higher frequencies of Light causing you to easily sense when you are out of alignment.

It has been said that at a certain point the spiritual journey becomes like walking the razor’s edge. This is what you are doing now. Let go of trying to figure everything out with the human mind because it cannot be done. Trust that the I that you are knows the plan.

Be the peace you seek– real peace–you are ready.

We are the Arcturian Group 6/25/17

Donations are welcomed

Marilyn Raffaele

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/25/2017 9:01:35 PM

You Can Take a Back Seat in the Drama of Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Sure, Beloveds, have a degree of solicitousness for others, yet don’t overdo it. You don’t have to outdo everyone else in this Drama of Life you play in.

Dear Ones, it is not a tribute to you to see anyone as less than you. This is not courtesy from you nor is this to be your fulfillment. Serve in order to serve others.

As for concern for yourself and your sensitivity, you are not a hothouse flower that requires extraordinary attention and special favor. You are a hardy rose.

Yes, by all means, enjoy Life. Let enjoyment be a by-product of your Life. To enjoy is a priority, yet you are here for more than your own personal refreshment.

Be good to yourself, yet forgo pampering yourself. Go for a massage or whatever, yet you, yourself, as an individual, are not the be-all and end-all of your Life. You are greater than how you feel at any given moment. The purpose of your Life is grander than you may have ever thought. Have a bigger view now. You are part of a Grand Creation.

The aim of your Life isn’t for you to pick flowers all day. It is also your privilege to give to others from your heart some of the flowers you pick, not by decree of the world but by your own decree.

There is more to you than meets the eye.

Goodness and mercy do not mean that you are to be over-solicitous. You do not give all of yourself away. I am an advocate of service, yet you are not to sacrifice. You have nothing to prove. You have everything to Be.

In the natural progression, you would not be thinking in terms of giving or not giving, you understand. Nor is Life a directed action to prove your ability to give unto others. Your ability to love and your ability to give are not meant to be thought-out efforts. Loving and giving are not machination. Your ability to love is not set out in order to make you big man on campus, you understand. A good deed unnoted by the world is still a good deed.

To come from your heart does not mean you are maudlin. Nor does coming from your heart mean you must think Life through and measure your deeds. Live more than you measure.

Have no regrets. You don’t have to live your Life according to rules that others impose. You are not a cipher. Count yourself in. Serving Me and serving others do not represent giving your Life away. Nor does serving Me mean that you must hold your Life tightly to you. Live your Life.

Living Life isn’t something to measure or debate. Fulfillment doesn’t come from others’ approval of you. Enjoy approval, yet don’t require pats on the back any more than you welcome being criticized. You will grow on your own accord as well as at My behest.

In Life, it is not always clear what is the best action for you to take. You don’t have to be all this and all that. You don’t have to be the fairest of all, nor do you have to be a middle-of-the-roader.

The Great Spiritual Ones simply led their lives. They were not high and mighty. They just lived. They lived Who they were. They served by being themselves. They were not robots of Goodness, you understand. Never were they artificial. They were nothing but themselves. Nearer to God were they, yet they may never strived to perform Greatness. Greatness fell to them. You might say Greatness was their duty, yet they were driven by love. All Great Ones are the Truth of themselves and none other.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/26/2017 6:11:43 PM


Monday, June 26, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: New Moon Phase: begin, initiate, set an intention

Moon in Leo

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Dhumavati, Goddess Who Sorts and Winnows

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Kathe, God of the South

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun – 6 Degrees Cancer “Game birds feathering their nest.”

Earth – 6 Degrees Capricorn “Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month Cancer: "An arctic explorer leads a reindeer through icy canyons."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

From Andrew:

Happy Monday! Lots of little good things pave the path to happiness. Savor the ordinary!

The Sun symbol today of feathering in the speaks of nesting – or preparing your home. Whether this is working on the home you have or finding and preparing a new one, this is where your thoughts are. Your home is your safe space, for physical and emotional protection.

For the Earth, the Ten Logs under the archway are a barrier to the darker woods. And what do they hold? They are unknown and ominous. You are on this path, but may not know where you are heading. Are you prepared for this journey into the unknown? It may be important and have destiny involved.

This week, Mars will station direct on June 29th. It has been retrograde since April 17th.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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