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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:43:29 PM

Break The Chain – The Council

the council

Break The Chain – The Council

Once again we return to an important topic in order to approach it from a perhaps unthought of perspective. Please understand that one of the reasons we do this is that as we address each of these topics over and over, you, having grown on your understanding, will bring more to the topic and therefor take more away.

For thousands of years you have been carefully taught to place or accept the control of your lives in things, in institutions, and in people that are outside of you. You did not realize what was happening. You did not think you had any choice. And that belief was actually encouraged, sometimes unknowingly and sometimes quite purposefully.

Think of what most of your lives are like today. There are those of you now for whom these things are no longer true. But the vastly greater number of you today have given control over to money, employers, doctors, clergy, peer groups, government, illnesses, etc. There is almost no part of your lives that you truly have your own power over.

Now what we are asking you to do is not necessarily to rebel. We are asking you to look, become conscious, and make your own decision. When you make your own determination, the decision can only be made from your own place of power. You may decide to do what someone else recommends. That is not the same as saying ‘I have to do this’ or I have to do that’. Rather, you should be able to say ‘I have decided to’ or ‘I have chosen to’. Can you feel the difference in those statements?

If you look around your world right now, you will see many cases of the old fighting for its life with those who are demanding the right to have their power back. You may not have to actually fight anyone other than your own mind. But your battle will be the same. And sometimes you will find that the opponent is small, quiet, and extremely well hidden.

We will say that some things are not even from this current life, but they have been a part of your family culture for a very long time. You have picked up attitudes and beliefs from your parents and grandparents. Everyone does and always has. They learned from their parents, and so on and so on. These can be about health, about money, about personal power, about self-worth, about futility – anything really. And these things condition your responses for a lifetime… unless they don’t.

You can break the chain. But it takes an awareness of the problem and then a decision. And you will most likely find a very layered onion to peel once you begin. But beginning will bring you immediate and happy results. Personal power, self-power, is true freedom. It is the only true freedom.

And we would add one more idea to this today. Instead of thinking “What can I do?”, think “What must I be? How do I wish to respond to this from now on?”

Your journey on this path will lead you to realize what your true nature is. And that is what you have come to do, for yourself and for all those around you.

Good day.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, Available HERE. A third book is being compiled now.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:46:05 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday October 20, 2016

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, we understand that to give forgiveness after you have been wronged is a very difficult thing to do. You understand that it is beneficial to you to do so, but it can be hard to know just how to do it. We wish to shed some light on the act of forgiveness.

Forgiveness, simply put, is dissolving the energetic cord that keeps you bound to a painful event. It is taking whatever gifts came from the experience and letting the rest go. It is deciding to leave victimhood behind and create a brand new story for yourself. It is choosing to be stronger, healed, and free from the past.

Forgiveness is not saying that what happened to you was ok. It is acknowledging that what happened then was not acceptable but you are choosing not to let the energy of what was unwanted affect the fresh energy of your Now moment. It is the empowered act of assuming responsibility for your own healing and closure.

Forgiveness is a profound act of faith and trust in the universe. It shows that you believe in a fair system of universal checks and balances that respond energetically to what is put out, beyond what you may be aware of from your vantage point. It acknowledges that the experience had purpose, that it somehow served you and the expansion of your soul.

If you have ever been forgiven for something, you understand the burden it lifts from you. It is freeing, both to you and to the other person. It releases you from guilt and shame of the event into a greater expression of yourself. It releases the event that tied you to another in a lower vibrating energy, and allows everyone to move on. Forgiving yourself for anything you wish you would have done better, also has the same effect.

Forgiveness does not mean you keep yourself in a space of being victimized by others. It simply means that, as an adult, and as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend, you are choosing to dissolve the ties to your victimhood, and to move beyond what hurt you. It is reclaiming your energy, your wholeness, and creating anew, with deeper wisdom, understanding, and freedom to express yourself in new, empowered ways. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:49:18 PM

Pleiadian Teachings Part 2

pleiadesYour physical body exists as a frequency device. You think you are flesh and bone when in actuality you are a combination of intelligent electromagnetic signals. You translate these signals as meaningful life through a physical body by eating, experiencing, using your senses, having sex – all those kinds of things.

This is how you interpret the meaning of your electromagnetic signals, which are actually experienced by you as impulses. From outside your system, you can be viewed in numerous ways. Some beings interpret you solely as a frequency, a collection of intelligence emitting data and certain frequencies based on emotions. Others use the psychic/ emotional frequencies you emit for many things.

Much as the frequency of gold is used to transform your consciousness, and that of water to wash yourself or quench your thirst, the frequency of humans has untold purposes, as you are now discovering.

As previously mentioned, within your body lies a force of power called kundalini, a serpent-like energy that dwells at the base of your spine. Acknowledging and calling this force forward facilitates the merging and bundling of your light body. This force also helps maintain your stability and groundedness with the increased electromagnetic shifts.

Traditionally, kundalini uncoils itself and electrifies your body at around forty years of age. By this time you are considered mature enough to house this kind of power. For most people, the power is so profound that they go downhill from there and begin to age, rather than rejuvenate and put the great creative electrical force to use.

When you have a kundalini experience, it may feel like an intense concentration of energy in the sacrum area at the base of your spine. Sometimes, when people experience kundalini, they feel as if they want to have sex because they don’t know what to do with all of the rising energy. The whole planet is locked into using its kundalini to reproduce.

People fornicate like mad without ever understanding that kundalini can move through the body and up into and around the head. If you allow it to do this, it will provide a new interpretation of yourself. You will understand that all of your creations, healings, manifestations – everything – come from the natural Goddess source inside yourself.

Humankind has a resistance to changing, growing, and finding new data. Much of that resistance, of course, is not natural. It has been programmed in to make you afraid to consider something new, to reach out and disobey the gods, or to become their equals. When humankind seeks knowledge, humankind becomes informed and comes closer to what would be called the Goddess.

You keep recreating the past by recalling it in nostalgic are quite free to come and go; they replicate themselves continuously. Where do they get their instructions from? They are provided by your blueprint and belief system, and by the energy patterns that you carry about reality. As you change those patterns by expanding your concepts, your molecular structure will follow. Each of you has the potential to have the body you want. You can regenerate the cells of your being by remapping them – sending them a different plan or alternative route.

As you do this, your body and experience will follow suit.

Each of you has a natural vitality in your body. You have been influenced by people whom you respect, and whom you believe are legitimate, into accepting fearful and negative ideas. Perhaps one individual had a bad experience, and they interpret it and create image making for all others.

It used to be that you would have to learn many disciplines and prepare your body for years before you could successfully experience kundalini energy. It was indeed the rare individual who was able to access kundalini, for a number of reasons. Earth was surrounded by a fence of frequency control.

As kundalini rises in the body, it meets the cosmic forces that come from outside the body, and the body becomes alive and energized. It is just like pulling a pillar of light into the body. Those who would keep you from knowledge have had their boundaries penetrated, and the frequencycontrol fence around the planet is like Swiss cheese. In other words, there are holes and other forms of light can now come in.

As cosmic energy comes onto the Earth plane, there are millions of you who are now increasing the opportunities to reinterpret what kundalini can do. It is the force of your lives, and you pulse with it. Used accordingly, it is going to bring a tremendous number of solutions. This energy connects you to a cosmic source and unifies you with a greater purpose and understanding of what you can do with it.

This energy may be utilized to heal, for when it builds up in your hands, you have the hands of a healer. Many of you would be very surprised if you peeked a few years into your own futures and saw the so-called unexpected, including what you will be able to do with the energy coming out of your hands. There are individuals now who are able to hold their hands together and make a piece of paper catch on fire.

This energy in the hands is going to amplify in each of your lives. You may use it to purify food, heal, clean the oceans, and depollute the rivers and land. You will be able to transmute the toxic pollution that is everywhere around your planet.

The ability to do these things will be had by those who are willing to believe. As you believe and practice and search, you will be rewarded. Then you will show others. These are gifts that will make a difference in the shift toward mass cooperation on a planetary scale. Therefore, you are going to work on these abilities as a collective. The unhealed and the sick can also learn to activate this energy in themselves and direct it in their own bodies.

Part 3 Tomorrow.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:57:34 PM

GFP Newsletter - 10/19/2016

will's picture

Guides are good in ruins, historical places; but you are not an historical place, you are not a ruin.

You are a living being. You are not a ruin. You are a living being. You are here, now, present. You don't need guidance - you need presence. And try to understand the difference.

In guidance you are given certain rules: Do this, don't do that - ten commandments. But you can follow those rules, you can follow those commandments; you will be just an imitator and nothing else. You may become very disciplined but inside you will remain as hollow as ever.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:59:38 PM

Merging Dimensions and Timelines

257751760As we are starting to experience more and more facets of our Multi-Dimensional Self through the Solar Christ consciousness, we abide in a cycle of revelations which are being enhanced through the genetics of our immortal Being. Immortality becomes a huge part of our consciousness and awareness now because it has been ingrained within our DNA. And this part of the DNA – which has been called Junk DNA by our Scientists – is indeed awakening and activating Multi-Dimensional experiences and awareness.

The Timelines as we know them, are blending into this one moment of Now experience where everything abides as one in the same space and momentum. You only choose where to place your focus and being conscious of this is what we have been doing for so long. Being conscious of what we focus upon and now everything shifts and releases, moving us through all of the timelines we have created for ourself to experience what we are and abide in as a consciousness.

The more you become aware and conscious of ALL of your SELF, the more you experience Multi-Dimensionality.

Source Code Wave Matter

The team explained to me that there is a wave of Source Code energy currently entering our Solar System as well as in the Earth’s Magnetic field. The Earth grid is charged with super charged energy circuits which are blending with the incoming Source Code.

This touches and affects all Magnetic fields around the Body + matter. It enters and travels through the core of all things and all life. This applies to our own DNA as well as within matter.

I’m going to share info that was conveyed to and through me early this year and I’ll add some more intel from the Tsolians and Master Merlin about this as well as they explain what this is so you can grasp the effects of it and more so recognize it in your own streaming of reality and that of our world.

It feels like a gigantic Wave of certain energies that are bigger than we can understand but most definitely feel. It ingrains in our Being and into the core of all things ~ yep even in things and not only in Beings. So this brings us to the issue of Matter ! All that is part of the structure of matter is affected by it as well.The Tsolians explained to me that what is hitting our Solar system now is of such vibrations equivalent to Source Code, manifesting its way through the vessels and forms of ALL things and Beings straight to the Core. What happens then is that these vibrations of Source Code break down the atomic codes which are like our human DNA a sort of code DNA for matter (devices and material things). These atomic codes hold the information of how something is shaped and held into form. This even applies to a chair, a table, a car, a computer, a house, bricks, structures and so on….

This atomic code being broken and erased gives the opportunity to reshape itself into a whole other form/appearance if there is space for it. It all happens from the inside of the core, emanating to the outside of matter as to where it will shift in appearance or simply dissolve if there is no space for it to reform.

1. Ordinary matter consists of atoms bound together by electromagnetic force to form molecules. These molecules come together to form solids, liquids and gasses.The crumbling down of things, worlds and structures is not to be taken litteraly, the Tsolians explain. The crumbling down symbolizes the fact of the Atomic codes breaking down which holds the information of the vast shape and form.So what we are witnessing and experiencing now is the final fall of 3D in the lowest and last level of manifestation: the physical realm. Hence this all goes into levels and phases that go gradually step by step but strongly ~ we have our bodies, nervous systems, fields and so on to take into account. I am not claiming that what I share with you now is THE only truth and understanding of it, there are many and this is mine what is shared through my heart and vessel. If you take a closer look at it, you shall recognize this implying the workings of a potent Source of Power which is instigating the consciousness elevation on our Planet and SOLAR system now. Any chance that the discovery of a ninth planet in our solar system, the recent discovered super Nova or other revelations of disclosure is just a coincidence?! It is all interconnected to what is happening in the Cosmos, our Universe, Solar system and planet: ASCENSION.We are being disclosed to truths, new revelations that are bigger and beyond anything so far. In order for these new revelations to be able and enter we need to remove all our old convictions, attachments and beliefs… which brings us back to the crumbling down of our systems and 3D experiences…it is all part of what we wanted and graduated from, now we bring the graduation to our planetary collective world vibration. I AM so grateful to be a part of it and to be able to witness this AND partake in it.

Master Merlin spoke of something like this happening (Waves and bursts):

Master Merlin:
“ There is a super cluster on its way to Earth. This super cluster are fabrics of waves of energies which will bombard not only the Planet but the entire Solar system. A term known as “tsunami” can define this event all too well. It is beyond your control and anything but stoppable.

It is nature’s and Gaia’s Divine plan coming into fruition and so is it yours ~what you came to do and to bring at this time. Be the conscious participant in this matter to facilitate your interaction with this wave. All is a matter of focusing on the inner heart as to where these waves will pass and enter your being like a merging.

Then your bodies will have to cope with these energies and so will your body systems, your nervous system and your DNA. Shifts, replacements, adaptations and transformation shall take place on a more tangible level unseen before. “

Excerpt from channeling Merlin ~ The Great shift of 2015-2017 for Humanity ~!Master-Merlin-The-great-shift-of-20152017-for-Humanity/c112t/55e80a9c0cf29a3653bfb9ed

The Tsolians as well speak of the same issues in the audio intel shared above. They name it the frequency of Gamma Waves and a power of more than 1,000 stars bursting… We do not speak of the Super Nova that occurred recently, this is another Magnetic field! Imagine the unimaginable!
But it is present and here. We can only go with it, as Merlin says, and experience what it does to us and what it brings about.

Master Merlin:

“ This is a massive shift in consciousness that is beyond the rate you have known in past ancient times so far. This means that the many wars you have created and experienced as a collective Human consciousness will come to end after an explosion of eruptions. These energies will have to end through expression in order to be set free. You cannot shush the inner child wanting to come out, is it not?! It is the same with this mass awakening and shift in consciousness, it will definitely bring about some upheavals and massive eruptions on all levels.

It all has to come out, hmm?! You cannot hold it within you anymore and as everyone is in his/her own reality, many time-lines will pass, shift and cross each other on the shared horizon you have in common and that is Earth my friend!

Thus, what this entails is that ~ depending on the consciousness expansion of each man, woman and child on Earth and the choices/creations that are being made ~ massive energetic waves are causing eruptions of the many fractals one has within to be exposed and disclosed to not only the Self but to the entire world as well.

( This means on the Universal level as well as you are the Universe reflection into embodiment !! )

We in the Ethereal Realms have a vision and view of Earth being filled with massive eruptions like volcanoes, however, they are connected to the Human collective and the Earth as well is erupting so much of her energies. It will be beyond your control and you will have to learn to go with the flow of these massive waves. These are waves of a Cosmic vibration which have the tendency to move through anything, being unstoppable. “

Excerpt from channeling Merlin ~ The Great shift of 2015-2017 for Humanity ~!Master-Merlin-The-great-shift-of-20152017-for-Humanity/c112t/55e80a9c0cf29a3653bfb9ed

In the meantime while writing up this article another discovery is disclosed to us about a giant “invisible” energy entering in our Solar system being 3000 light years away from Earth. It makes me wonder if this is what I felt being so big of energy and what the Tsolians and Master Merlin mean?! Go figure! This “might” be connected to the latest reports of these loud undefined noises in the sky ~ Something is seriously hitting Earth’s and our Magnetic field ! That can bring forth these noises as well..

Now at this present moment of October 2016 we seem to experience the merging with these waves and Source code as our entire system and circuit is experiencing a tremendous change. We can feel it in our brain and nervous systems, we are more sensitive to things, we digest less and less easier, we experience electric surges through our circuitry, headaches and intense heart palpitations (even issues), a burning sensation in the chakras (especially the Solar Plexus chakra), nausea and memory loss or loosing the sense of time and habits…

We need to take extra care of our body, healing and grounding, rest and plenty of water to facilitate this all. We are regrouping, reprogramming and resetting and this demands a lot of our body and ability to let go…

We are reaching a HUGE climax on December 26th, 2016. The start of the NEW and the final release of the old in tangible ways. We are already seeing this and feeling it by heart.

Be Blessed, Beloveds and my endless love for your hearts.

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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