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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 1:53:01 AM

The Focus of Your Energy

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

That which is good for you in Life is sure to be simple. There are simple pleasures that go far.

Whatever the day looks like, know that the day, this day, is beautiful. This way you can allow yourself to be surrounded with beauty all day, why not?

Energy itself is beautiful. Energy exists. Tremendous energy exists. Light is energy, and you exhibit great energy and light. Even when you feel tired, great energy and light radiate around you. We are speaking of pure energy, energy more powerful than you are able to imagine. Your energy is not less powerful than the Ocean Tide.

Beloveds, you have Soul. You are Soul. You abound in pure energy.

Even on your deathbed, you radiate Great Energy. Your body is mighty, yet your body is the least of you. You have seen the difference between a body containing Soul and a body whose Soul has ventured forth. Energy is an expression of the Divine.

Even when you are working out at the gym and sweat pours from you, you are, in Truth, Pure Energy -- energy free and clear, energy beyond the surface of life. You are never without the depth of your Soul.

When you are happy, this is when your Soul Energy is usually most noticed. Obviously, beauty is greater than skin-deep. Beauty is energy.

Of course, anger is also energy, energy clouded, energy circumvented, energy distracted from beauty. There may be nothing beautiful about anger, not as you feel it and experience it. From another vantage, anger can be seen as such a one-pointed focus, so clear, so solid, like a lion's roar.

Anger does seem to fuel you with hot energy, nevertheless, are you not glad to be done with anger? Isn't being without anger more fulfilling?

Energy changes form. Positive energy that rises happily from within you is like a tree sprouting leaves or a cherry tree blossoming into bowering flowers. Is not a cherry tree your favorite over a house afire? Go where you want to go. You don't have to go where you don't want to go.

I know that sometimes anger takes you by surprise. Suddenly, there is anger, a tempest, a fire and an ice storm that envelopes you. How ferocious is anger when it flares.

It's better that you don't have to vent anger. Is venting anger something to be proud of, or is it an excuse like any other? In one sense, there is no excuse for anger and its resentful companions.

When you think, when you really think, what on Earth do you possibly want to be angry for? Anger is energy, yet anger is energy that saps energy from you. Your anger may make someone tremble, but what good does trembling do? It can't be your mission in life to make others blanch.

Remember, your anger is your anger. You have to claim ownership of it. Be not proud. Anger is never a victory. I am talking about lashing-out anger. Anger can hurt someone. It certainly will hurt you.

Nor is your purpose in life to suppress your anger. Acknowledge anger, and get onto a different track. Think of something you could possibly change that could derail anger from your heart. May your heart be innocent rather than full of anger. Anger seems to reinforce more anger. Can anger be so rewarding or so relieving? No matter how justified anger may be, do you want it? If you want it, what do you want it for? Find another way.

Come back to Pure Energy. Come back to greater than anger. Greater than anger exists. You have experienced Pure Energy, and you like it. Allow it.

The Truth of you is far greater than anger.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 10:32:15 PM


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share

Moon in Gemini - Cancer 11:30 am ET/3:30pm UT

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West

Skill: take things step by step

True Alignments: anticipation of the new, the inner voice, messages delivered through signs and synchronicities (pay special attention to nature), thoughtful, strategic, foreshadowing, progress, mysteries, full potential, freedom

Catalysts for Change: obsessions, risks, played out, difficulty initiating, hyper competitive, delusions, exaggeration, suppressing emotions, know it all's, discord, not seeing the big picture, overdevelopment, underestimating self or others, self-criticism, exposes

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "three masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery" (light reflected on life; expansion of perceptions; linking mind, body, and spirit; vision and visionary)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending difficulties; transcending the unraveling control paradigm; fantastical experiences)

Today's energetics profile a day with much promise. This is only natural whenMercury, The Messenger, discharges the energetic of "a rooster's voice heralds the rising Sun with exuberant tones"...

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:03:11 PM

An Interdimensional Message from Archangel Zadkiel

sue-lie-zadkielThrough Suzanne Lie

Blessings, I am Zadkiel, here to communicate with you. We wish to tell you that there is what may be “membrane” that encompasses every reality. Yes, there are many realities that are birthing within this NOW of your planetary transition from the third/fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension.

“As it is for the greatest, it is for the least!” Therefore, just as each of your physical organs is encompassed by a membrane (skin around each organ), each person, planet, solar system and galaxy is contained in and protected by a “frequency membrane.”

The frequency membrane is that which maintains and distributes the resonant frequency of every reality, person, planet, solar system, and galaxy throughout the entire system of that which is contained within and protected by each frequency membrane.

When any person, place, situation or thing is preparing for the process of ascension from a lower resonant frequency to a higher resonate frequency, the surrounding membrane slowly, or quickly, transmutes into a higher frequency.

The reason why this occurs is that the membrane is the interface between the current resonant frequency and the incoming higher, or lower, frequency of resonance that is about to impinge on that person, place, situation, or thing.

The membrane serves much like your skin serves to protect your body. However, many humans are unaware of these membranes, as well as they are unaware of the higher frequencies of reality through which each membrane progresses.

These membranes begin in your etheric body, which resonates to a slightly higher frequency than your skin, and extend into the fifth dimensional resonance of your personal and planetary ascension. The higher dimensional light enters your planetary membrane from the fifth dimension and beyond to allow for a slow and steady download into Gaia’s planetary body.

First the higher light moves into the fifth dimensional frequency of the membrane to await the merging of the fifth dimensional light with the third dimensional persons, planet and all the inhabitants of each reality.

There are many realities that are simultaneously running on Earth’s third/fourth dimensional matrix. Each of these realities is surrounded by an invisible membrane, which serves to “separate” each reality.

These membranes serve to create Earth’s third dimensional illusion of separation between dimensions, persons, and all aspects of third dimensional reality. These invisible membranes serve to connect all the dimensions into the ONE of Gaia’s planetary body.

These membranes are multidimensional and assist the gradually step-down of the higher light, which is entering Gaia within the NOW, from the fifth dimension, through the fourth dimension and into the third dimensional matrix.

Within your NOW, your third dimensional matrix, which is based on separation, is slowly being transformed by the higher frequencies of light. There is an invisible planetary membrane that creates a gradual and safe step-down of the incoming fifth dimensional light.

Once the membrane has absorbed the fifth dimensional light, the membrane serves to slowly step-down the light into the fourth dimension. Then, when the fourth dimension has absorbed the higher light, the light is stepped down to enter the etheric shield around Gaia’s planetary body.

As the higher light penetrates and merges with Gaia’s etheric body, it slowly flows into and merges with third dimensional Earth. Much as a sunscreen protects your skin from getting a “sunburn” from the hot Sun, inter-dimensional membranes protect your planetary and human earth vessels from accepting more light than your consciousness can control.

Thus, just as you control how much Sun you get on the beach by putting a sunblock on your body, you need to control how much fifth dimensional light that you take into your third dimensional body.

Fortunately, invisible inter-dimensional membranes surround all of your body’s organs, muscles, vascular and nervous system, as well as your skin, which is the largest organ of your body.

These inter-dimensional membranes create a gradual progression between your third/fourth dimensional earth vessel and your fifth dimensional body during each NOW of your transmutation back into your true fifth dimensional, and beyond, Lightbody.

To protect your entire earth vessel, there is an inner, invisible membrane around your spinal column to send a message to your brain if you are too vigorous with your transmutations into Lightbody and are in danger of harming the delicate synchronicity of all the portions of your third dimensional form.

When this synchronicity within your third dimensional earth vessel is disturbed, certain areas of your physical body can become “out of sync” with the rest of your bodily systems.

If any of your bodily elements, and elementals rise into a resonance that is too far beyond the resonance for the rest of your earth vessel, the portions of your body that become too high for the rest of your body will likely cause you discomfort and maybe even a “burning sensation.”

Also, the components of your body that cannot “keep up” with the accelerated spin of the nucleus of the other cells in your body will fall out of connection with your innate healing systems. Then these parts of your third dimensional body can become damaged or diseased.

It is the function of your inter-dimensional membranes to keep the ascension of your physical body in alignment with ALL components of your physical form. These membranes are “inter-dimensional” because they are able to operate from the frequency of your fifth dimensional expression, all the way down into the resonance of the first dimensional components of your body.

Your body is comprised of uncountable first dimensional cells that serve much a mortar serves to bond each brick together to create a house. As the fifth dimensional light comes into your aura, it will first seek out any components of your thoughts, emotions, and physical body that are able to sustain that higher frequency of light.

The inter-dimensional membranes, which are only activated by the infusion of this higher light into your form, capture this higher frequency of light. Then, just as your digested food goes to areas of your body that are ready to receive it, the fifth dimensional light will be directed to the areas of your body that YOU have prepared for this frequency of light.

There are many “lost ones,” which is the term that we use for what you call the Illuminati, who are unable to accept any of the higher light, as that resonance would act like hot sun on dry grass. When we ask you to send Unconditional Love and Violet fire to these lost ones, it is so that you can assist them to accept the Higher Light.

Once anyone accepts this fifth dimensional and beyond light into their third dimensional body, that higher frequency of light moves into the base of the spine to activate the mission of the force of the Kundalini to begin its slow, or fast, transmutation of inner darkness into higher light.

Those who have “done their homework” and have prepared for their acceptance of the fifth dimension light will be able to incorporate these higher frequencies of light into their physical earth vessel.

These awakened ones, and especially those who have already designed a life in which they live in “service to others,” have already changed their diets, meditate on a regular basis to align ALL the cells of their body with their ever-expanding higher states of consciousness, and are receiving and documenting their many inter-dimensional conversations.

Meanwhile, Gaia, as well as all the planets in Her entire Solar System and Galaxy are allowing each of their planetary, solar and/or galactic membranes to slowly step-down the fifth dimensional frequencies of light into all third-dimensional, physical realities.

Because all these “membranes” are multidimensional, the fifth dimensional light is easily captured by the outer portions of the membrane to be stored in the fourth dimensional sub-membranes until the collective of the third dimensional person, planet, solar system, and galaxy has aligned their highest resonant frequency with their lowest resonate frequency.

In this manner, each octave of every celestial body, person, place, situation or seemingly thing, will serve as a “stair” on a virtual stairway or bridge across which the higher light can flow into the lower frequencies of each person, place, reality or thing.

This higher, fifth dimensional light will initially move into the highest frequencies of the “bridge,” and allow the time-bound third/fourth dimensional realities to adjust before the fifth dimensional light moves down into next, lower octave of that reality.

When that process is completed, the membrane will dissolve into the higher, fifth dimensional light. We remind you that this “light” is alive. In fact, this fifth dimensional light is not only the cause of your transmutation but also the result of how each neural synapse can activate the “birth” of the transmutation of a person, planet, or even solar system.

Light is that which “turns ON” the neural synapses that allow the first spark of life to expand into its own genetic destiny. We Archangels, as well as all the other Angels, are pleased to have the wondrous duty of breathing Unconditional Love into each of these new creations.

It is the Unconditional Love that allows the life force of the ONE to enter into the Heart, or core, of each person, place, situation, or thing. We ask that you, our higher dimensional beings wearing an earth vessel, vow to distribute this incoming fifth dimensional light throughout every aspect of ever-expanding form and reality.

Please remember that Unconditional Love can over-ride any dissonant third or fourth neural patterns and return them to their higher dimensional expression. We speak of neural patterns as that is the component of any physical being, planet, solar system, and/or galaxy.

We remind you that all planets, solar systems and galaxies are alive and are as aware, in fact they are much more aware, than humanity. Because Earth humans are such a young species compared to planets and other celestial beings, they have not yet remembered the “spark of the ONE” that was awakened by their birth.

We are sorry to say that far too many humans lose all connections with that spark shortly after birth, during childhood and/or during the challenges of early adulthood. It is for this reason that the Golden Ones have decided to reveal themselves to the consciousness of those who can expand their perceptual field to encompass the Threshold between third/fourth dimensional Earth and the newly awakening fifth dimensional Earth.

The Golden Ones are much like “planetary doulas” in that they assist with the planetary birthing, actually the re-birthing, of a third/fourth dimensional planet into the fifth dimension. To the perspective of the Golden Ones, Gaia’s Earth is having Her labor pains and needs their inter-dimensional assistance to open the threshold between the third/fourth and fifth dimensional frequencies of planetary resonance.

Humanity was meant to be the most evolved beings on the Earth during this time of planetary transmutation. However, due to the constant bombardment of darkness from the laggards who could not ascend with their own planet, as well as the negative extra-terrestrials who invaded Earth long ago, Gaia is having a difficult “rebirth” into the next octave of Her reality.

It is for this reason that so many higher dimensional beings have volunteered for the difficult assignment of sending their higher dimensional energy field into a third dimensional earth vessel. In fact, we, the Archangels, Elohim and Ascended Masters, have been directly assisting Gaia’s planetary being.

Fortunately, just as many of the laggards have taken human forms, many higher dimensional beings have also taken a human form. Furthermore, any human who can expand their consciousness into the frequency of the fifth dimension can directly merge with their Higher SELF to perceive their changing reality from the vantage point of their higher dimensional home world or star ship.

As more and more of those wearing an earth vessel merge with their higher expressions of Ascended Master, Elohim and Archangel, the resonance of Gaia’s energy field can easily expand into the resonance of the fifth dimension.

It is for this reason that we invite all of our volunteers who took an earth vessel within this NOW to remember their Ray of Service, which will guide them to remember their higher expressions of Ascended Master, Elohim, and Archangel.

(Please see: HERE)

Yes, you ALL have a primary Ray of Service on which you have specialized so that you can best prepare for the process of assisting Gaia to transmute into Her fifth dimensional expression. You see, our beloved ones wearing an earth vessel, you volunteered to assist with planetary ascension when you first entered your earth vessel. Once you took your incarnation on Gaia, you moved into different timelines and locations during your myriad incarnations.

We call you NOW to remember your true Multidimensional SELF, as well as the many incarnations in which you served on Gaia’s Earth in preparation for Her planetary re-birth into Her fifth dimensional, planetary expression.

Within the HERE and NOW of the fifth dimension, you are merging with your Multidimensional SELF to fulfill your pledge to assist with the ascension of planet Earth.

I, Zadkiel, vow to assist you during your process of personal and planetary transmutation.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:07:07 PM

GaiaPortal 10-20-16… “Elders and millennials congregate”

gaiaportal_logo267This, to me, is an impressive message. It feels strongly connected to theJames Gilliand video recently posted (the one with a message from Levi, a 13-year-old “millennial”). No mistake about the timing of those messages. We are all “spanning the fathoms” and “spanning the generations” as we ascend. I like that!

For those wanting more detailed interpretations, I suggest going toRosalie Parker and/or Justin at SitsShow.


Elders and millennials congregate

Elders and millennials congregate.

Fathoms are spanned.

Higher Schools are achieved.

Entrance exams are passed.

The next university has opened.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/20/2016 11:26:38 PM


Brenda Hoffman ~ New You is Undefinable

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s October 14, 2016, channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at You’re letting go of pieces you thought important before this transition – and finding amazing parts of new you that include the talents and interests of all your segments. Now, you love yourself enough to act on the desires of new you instead of who you thought you were in 3D. The next Creation Energies will be channeled Friday, October 28, 2016.
“I’m Not Going to Take it Anymore!” is the title of this week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog for
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.

Dear Ones,
It’s time to use your new skills developed as a result of discovering more about new you.
Even though many of you remain in disbelief that you are any different from that which was true five years or even one month ago, such is an accurate assessment of who you now are.
Perhaps you do not feel that difference for a variety of reasons – most notably that new you is the CEO of your totality. So new you is dominantly you with new helpers and assistants.
You have transitioned beyond your guides, angels, and most of your council – for you are a member of your council with greater transition knowledge than any other member. So it is that even though we of the ethers can prod you and give you hints here and there, as you develop more clearly into new you, we can no longer fully comprehend your capabilities.
Perhaps it would be easier to understand if you remember how filled with joy you were the first time you held your infant son or daughter knowing that they were a unique individual but not sure what they would experience throughout their life. So it is for us. We love you dearly, but we do not comprehend how your past, present, and future experiences will ‘play out’ during or after this transition.
You are a new Universal entity – just beginning to realize that kicking your feet and feeling with your fingers is enjoyable. Yes, you are in the baby stage of your new creation – for you created new you. But a baby stage far more developed than anything you can imagine.
For many of you, personal computers are a relatively new invention. Yet, your children and grandchildren cannot comprehend life without computers, nor do they have a fear of computer technology for they were computer savvy before they were born.
Such is how your skills and paths will become commonplace among those of the future. But for now, we are speaking to you about your new being and therefore, new skills.
Test your new skills for you can do no wrong in doing so. What is your dominant thought this moment? Is it an ongoing dream, fear, or request? That thought is that with which you will test your skills.
Perhaps you have no idea what we are speaking of for your dominant thought seems unattainable. For many such is true, but not for you.
Granted, your new skills will feel somewhat cumbersome, perhaps even difficult at first. Just as infants have difficulties picking up small objects or crawling until they have practiced a bit.
You declared self-love and therefore, greatly expanded your personal repertoire. Now it is time to act upon those skills.
The first months or weeks of your new skill experiences will seem somewhat unwieldy just as when as an infant you were given a rattle that you waved so wildly you hit your head. You did not give up until you learned how to shake that rattle. And once you did, you moved to other objects, others skills.
So it is for you now. Stop for just a moment to crystallize your dream; your dominant need within your being. And KNOW you have the skills to achieve it.
Some of you are questioning that thought for your dominant need is to have another person love or accept you. Ah. What you truly wish for is the experience of love or acceptance. For if another were to appear that produced the same feelings within you as is true for your current love object, you would be joyous.
So it is that it is beyond time to wish for a certain someone or something – and instead to generalize what you are dreaming of.
It is no longer your concern how that dream is fulfilled for you are now a natural creator. Creating those sensations you dream of in the way most right for your being.
You no longer need to be concerned about the specifics. Such as was true of 3D when your creative skills were limited to focussing on one item long enough to create at least a portion of what you wanted, as well as allowing you to retain some of your creation skills.
Now that you are no longer boxed in with the shoulds and have tos of 3D, you are free to create those pieces right for new you. Which seems somewhat difficult because you feel little different from just months ago. Yet, you opened your being to a new totality with new creation skills.
Perhaps those skills need a bit of honing – just as is true for an infant with a rattle. But also just as true as for an infant, your world of possibilities is so vast as to not be tallied now or at any time in the future.
Think of the first time your infant eyes focussed. And then imagine all that happened to infant you following that. Such is your world now. It is so far beyond any past expectations that it is no longer definable.
That is new you. That is the you who no longer needs in-depth assistance to forge ahead. For you are creating a new world and new Universes as you deploy your new talents in ways no one, least of all you, can now imagine. Allow that to be. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her Blog and Subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2016, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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