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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 9:20:33 PM

Your Personal God

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God said:

You like it when you sit down with Me as your personal God, My focus devoted to you. I like sitting down here with you as well, even as I know I am sitting down with My One Self.

You are the common thread, dear One. You are One with Me, so, wherever you are, I am.

We can also say then that you are the Whole Loaf. I am the God within. I am the Source of All, and I am contained within you. You might call Me your DNA. Certainly, I am the Foretold Essence of you.

We are Being. Being has no borders. Being has no limitations. Beingness is Oneness. One God, yet each human being stirs Godness. I say it again. We are One. You are not merely an adjunct. You are the Whole Package.

This is mind-boggling to you.

You really love the idea of a God Outside you. You find comfort in feeling that a God of Love holds you in His or Her Hand and carries you as a Babe in Arms.

All the while, it is You Who carries your Self. You are responsible to and for Your Self. Certainly, I am not speaking to that small version of you that you carry around and attest to. I, God, do not downplay you. It is your own vision that puts you down, swearing that it is impossible that you can be God. You are the God you do not believe in. You are the disavower of the God Within.

You swear that you are a mere body. You swear that you are a puppet on a string.

You believe in the obvious and refuse to believe in the subtle. You believe in pain and suffering. You believe a little bit in joy and bliss and cannot believe that you, your mere self, has say over what transpires in your life on Earth. You have convinced yourself that you have no great power when I say you are all powerful. Even when you believe in God Almighty with all your heart, your eyes are blinded to the Truth of what I say.

Then you ask: What is all this nonsense about Everyone's being a God when there are higher and lesser angels in Heaven and outright villains on Earth?

I tell you, dear blinded ones, that everything that is not Oneness, is a made-up story, and you believe more in the story than you believe in God. In fact, you scoff at the idea of you as a God. You think that True Oneness is the made-up story.

If you can think of yourself as a know-nothing in this world of opposites, you can also think of yourself as a Knower of Reality. What am I, God, but a Knower of Reality?

A day will come when you can accept the God you are as the Real Goods. At present, you so fear being disappointed that you hold back from declaring yourself as the God of the Kingdom. You can't even quite see yourself as a Resident of Heaven. You are very quick to see yourself as less, seeing yourself as a lesser human being with all these twists and turns of unmitigated ignorance you portray.

Hey, why do you prefer to specialize in ignorance and call the wrong shots? Why not get out of the cave you tremble in and consider that I know whereof I speak? What if what I say is so, and you are God on your own, which, in fact, you are. I will not call you a Fallen God, for you are risen. Without Arising to Your True Beingness, you are crestfallen. Who told you to accredit less to yourself than I say. Not I.

You who may acclaim to believe in Me and take every Word I say as the Gospel, yet you can't seem to accept Our Oneness when I say it. If We are One, what else can Oneness mean? We are One does not mean that We are One human being. Oneness means that We are One God of the Universe.

Well, then, let this idea stir around inside the mere human being you see yourself as.

You may see acknowledging yourself as Greater than you presently acknowledge yourself to be as an act of conceit that discounts your humility. Is it not rather conceit to flaunt yourself as wiser than I?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 11:45:09 PM




Beloved masters, as surely as you live and breathe, you are helping to create either Heaven or hell on Earth—or many of you may possibly feel that you vacillate somewhere in-between the two. No matter what you believe or how you interpret the ancient teachings, Heaven is a state of mind/consciousness, and not somewhere “out there” in the higher dimensions. It is not a final destination or a place you may be eligible to go to when you transcend and leave your present physical vessel. It is a state of consciousness that you create and exist in no matter where you have been, where you are now, or where you are going in the future. You came from a heavenly place, and you brought Love/Light with you, along with the ability to create a heavenly environment, no matter what dimension, world or reality you have chosen to experience.

Hell on Earth is what many of you have been experiencing over these many thousands of years since humanity’s fall into a semi-conscious state. You have been living in an unreal world whereby you are steeped in fear, superstition, feelings of shame, guilt, and of not being worthy of love or abundance. You have allowed others to tell you how to think and act, and you have allowed those you thought were wiser than you to take away your power and control your lives. A maelstrom of negative thought forms created by the masses has kept you imprisoned in a world of illusion.

Your real world was designed to be crisp, clear, free-flowing and harmonious, whereby you would traverse the middle path with a few obstacles and challenges in your way: a beautiful world of peace and plenty where you would be free to cocreate in cooperation and harmony with your fellow brothers and sisters on the journey; a place where you would be connected to all levels of consciousness while attuned to all the Facets of Creation within the first Four-Dimensional levels; a place that was designed to provide a Heavenly existence on the material plane. Remember, your mission was to experience the realm of physicality so that the Creator could also experience this wondrous Facet of Its creative process.

The miracle of these times is that the masses are awakening in greater numbers every day. You, the vanguard, have opened the way, and you have set the stage for the monumental transformational process that is sweeping the world. Through your tireless efforts, you have anchored the higher frequencies of Light upon and within the Earth, thereby making them available to all those who are ready to open their hearts and step onto the path of heightened awareness and Self-mastery. Each person has the ability to create their own unique Heaven on Earth. That is the miracle of these unparalleled times in which you are living.

You are stretching your spiritual muscles, and you are tapping into the vast resources which have been awaiting you for these many ages. You are beginning to reclaim the elements and characteristics of your real world—a world that all of you helped to create in the beginning. Down through the multiple Dimensions each of you brought with you, stored within your Diamond Core God Cell, all the attributes, virtues and qualities of the twelve Rays, a precious gift from our Father/Mother God.

In the beginning, you used your abilities to create many magnificent and wondrous things until, over time, your abilities became diminished, distorted and imperfect because of your fall into the illusional negative environment of the lower dimensions. Thus, you began to create and live in an unreal world, a hellish place of your own making.

The Supreme Creator knows only perfection, and our Father/Mother God parents want only the very best for all Creation. They do not punish. They do not take sides. They do not know anger or fear. They are filled with and radiate only Love/Light, which is comprised of compassion, joy and harmony, as well as all things good and righteous. It does not matter what religion you are. It does not matter if you are an atheist, an agnostic, or whether you say you hate or deny God. You will never truly die; you only change form. You are immortal. Remember, you are a refracted Light/Spark of the Creator. You see through a lens made up of vibrational frequencies, which are composed of thought forms, intentions and actions, resulting in an unique picture of reality you have created over many thousands of lifetimes. You are in the process of reclaiming your higher truth, refining your thoughts, and clearing your vision. As you do so, the veils of illusion are slowly dissolving, while you gradually build your new version of paradise /Heaven on Earth, which will gradually blend and meld with the visions of your brothers and sisters on the journey with you.

Throughout the centuries, there have been predictions and prophecies that there will be a New Age of evolution on Earth and within humanity, which have been termed as a passage from instinctual, physical/human Beings to INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL/HUMAN BEINGS, or a return to your true nature as Divine Sparks of the Creator.

One galactic cycle takes approximately 26,000 years to complete, and the Earth along with all sentient Beings are being affected as humanity emerges from the darkness into the new Light and a new Cosmic Day. It has been designated as a new Golden Age, and it is truly so, for a wondrous new Golden Galaxy will be formed, incorporating the vibrations/frequencies of your experiences/successes and the wisdom garnered throughout your many sojourns on the earthly plane, along with a new Divine Plan sent forth from the Heart/Mind of the Supreme Creator to our Father/Mother God of this Universe.

During the night or dark cycle of past Ages, you sank into density, and your Life/Light Lines to your Higher Self and our Father/Mother God were greatly diminished. You were left to your own devices in hopes that you would awaken to your Inner Source (resources) of spiritual power. The Divine Plan did not call for you to experience lack, limitation and fear; however, you had to suffer the consequences of your free will actions—the discordant energies you projected out into your world.

We have spoken many times before about the laws of cause and effect, or “for every action there is a reaction,” which results in what is known as negative or positive Karma. For many ages, you, as the enlightened ones, have been working diligently to bring into balance your personal karma, ancestral karma and race karmic influences. That was a major part of the game of duality and polarity, returning to balance and harmony in all Facets of your Beingness. You have struggled with the cross of matter for many ages, and it is wondrous to watch as you slowly returned to harmonious frequencies the discordant energies that have kept you off-balance for so long. As you heal and transmute the thought forms that have kept you captive in your hellish environment of the past, you are once more becoming a Pillar of Light, and the cross you bear is a Cross of Light that radiates forth from your Solar Power center via the front and back portals of your Sacred Heart. Thus, you are creating a column of Light from which you are beginning to experience the “fruits of your labor,” as you reclaim your heavenly heritage as an Emissary of Light.

Many of you are wondering what will happen now as the winds of war, conflict and destruction swirl like a dark and heavy cloud around the Earth, touching and affecting everything and everyone. It depends on what you are feeling and thinking, dear ones, what is on your mind and in your heart as to whether you will stand firmly in the Light or add to the negative karmic thought forms that are being created each and every moment. Again we ask you, are you contributing to the liberating vibrations of Heaven or to the discordant frequencies of hell? We are asking you to no longer sit passively by the wayside and do nothing. You are being asked to stand up and be counted, for your dynamic Life Force energy is needed now as never before. You are much more powerful than you can imagine, my brave friends—you are playing an important role in attaining a peaceful solution to a very unsettling world situation.

The energy you are radiating forth from your heart center has just as much an influence on the outcome of the devastating conflicts around the world as those who are on the “front lines.” You, too, are on the front lines, so to speak, for you have the ability to tap into the pure, unmanifested Adamantine Particles of Divine Light, and to mold them into powerful thought forms and actions that can overcome any adversity. As we have stated before:“The brave Souls who have been called to the battlefield, no matter which side they are fighting for, if they are doing so with a desire for true justice for all, and with compassion of Spirit for their fellow human beings, instead of hate, a desire for revenge and to enslave or control others, then they are functioning as righteous warriors, and the forces of Heaven are with them.”

Many around the world are asking, “Why can we not have leaders with integrity who are Spirit-inspired instead of those who are self-serving, seeking power and who do not have the best interests of the masses as their predominant goal?” It is also a sign of the times, beloveds. The great changes that are slowly taking place must begin in the hearts of the people. As your beliefs change and gain power and force, you will build a new thought form, and you will insist that your leaders be accountable, that they have integrity and are true valiant heroes and champions of the people. Your leaders reflect the mind set of the masses, and an important part of your life’s mission is to radiate unconditional love to ALL humanity and to the Earth. Remember, we have told you that when you do so, your loving energy is added to the collective whole, and it is then used for the highest and greatest good of ALL. When you are do so, you are in alignment with the Creator’s Divine Plan and you stand with my Legions of Light as warriors of peace.

When we say you should seek that which is your passion, and that which brings you the greatest satisfaction and joy, many of you do not have the slightest idea what that is. We ask you to begin by eliminating those things that are stressful in your life, that which brings you pain and which you dread. You did not become the way you are in a day, a week, or a year, but you can transform back into your empowered masterful self much more quickly than you can imagine. We have offered you many tools, techniques and information over these past years, but you must make a commitment and prove for yourself that what we offer you are the “magical tools” you have been seeking.

We have said many times, you must turn knowledge into wisdom, or you must come to the realization that something is true and achievable. Realization is when something becomes crystal clear in your mind, and you “know” that it is your truth—then you must put that truth into action. Knowledge /wisdom, overlaid with love/compassion, and focused intent/action create the power that holds the keys to the universal storehouse of unmanifested potential—potential that is just waiting for you to mold it, and to create anything you can envision. That is what is waiting for you in your new heavenly world of tomorrow.

It is a time of integration and moving back into harmony in all things. Of paramount importance are the reunification and balancing of the Father/Mother God Forces on Earth, and within each of you. This reunification process will speed up your personal return to balance and harmony within yourselves. You will, once again, embody both the masculine and feminine attributes, qualities and virtues of our Mother/Father God. You will no longer be fractured and warring within yourselves, but empowered through the combined forces of your Divine Self.

The celestial winds of change are sweeping throughout this Sub-Universe, and they have been bombarding the Earth for a number of years. No longer can you ignore the fact that your world is changing moment by moment. You feel that time is speeding up, but it is really your Earth that is racing through space at a faster pace. You are moving into a reality where time is fluid and space is malleable.

Great Beings of Light have come from the far reaches of the Omniverse to observe and assist you in these epochal times of momentous change. We can inspire, direct and assist you, but you and you alone must take the action that will result in the manifestation of Heaven on Earth. Watch for the signs in the sky; notice the beautiful clouds and sunsets that the angels paint for you; be sensitive to the nudgings and whispers we send your way; and be aware of all the miracles, large and small, that we arrange for you. We are not “out there.” We are only a thought and a heartbeat away. I surround and enfold you in my auric field of love and protection. You are loved beyond measure. I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through RONNA / Sacred Scribe *STAR*QUEST* *

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/1/2016 6:33:49 PM


Saturday, October 1, 2016

New Moon Phase: begin anew; set intentions

Moon in Libra

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Kali, Goddess of Endings and Beginnings; Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Elias, God of the West

Skill: reinterpret the past and present; embark

True Alignments: non-judgmental, creatively channeling emotions, taking time to rest, coming through a tough time, making preparations, expanded mindset, teaming up with like minded people, revitalization and restoration of body/mind/soul, holistic

Catalysts for Change: feelings of rejection, lack of self value, panic, difficulty coping or breathing, foolhardy risks, divide and conquer tactics, elitism, repeating a pattern or habit that does not serve, dishonorable, judgmental, emotional overwhelm

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "three masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery" (light reflected on life; expansion of perceptions; linking mind, body, and spirit, vision and visionary)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending difficulties; transcending the unraveling control paradigm; fantastical experiences)

Greetings, wise owls. Check out this combination of Sabian symbols today:

MARS: "a group of people entering a large canoe for a journey by water"

SUN: "a canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters"

VENUS: "a drowning man is being rescued"

We embark on a journey today, and with the water elements involved, it is likely to be an emotional one.

Added to this mix is the Sabian symbol "circular paths" with the Moon at this degree when it squares Pluto at 9:28 am ET/1:28 pm UT. So today's "journey" may seem like we are returning to old patterns, habits, and feelings or starting over again. We tend to look back at "mistakes," but this provides an opportunity to do something a different way in the here and now.

Echoing the theme of changing or reinterpreting our feelings, perceptions, and actions right now is the Earth discharging "a teacher gives new symbolic forms to traditional images." We can change the "form" of a "mistake" to the "form" of an"experience."

We recall that during the time of the New Moon yesterday, Mars was discharging the energetic of "a human soul, in its eagerness for new experiences, seeks embodiment."

Experiences yield wisdom.

This month we are meant to "master" something, with the theme of "three masters hanging in a special room in an art gallery."

With what three things would you like to become more masterful?

The "canoe of your mind" may row through the past on a "circular path" today, in an effort to heal a wound. This can bring up painful thoughts and emotions. Mercury will oppose Chiron at 11:20 pm ET/3:20 am UT, but is in effect all day.

Mercury is discharging the energetic of "a royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones," reminding us that the lineage of humanity is a jewel. By simple virtue of being part of humanity, each of us is brilliant in our own way.

How does this notion fit in with your reinterpretation of things today? Were your actions and feelings in the past based on an opposite belief -- that you were not very special, or even worthy?

If so, today is the day to take that "canoe" in a different direction.

One suggestion that may assist is to look at the blessings that came from the so-called mistakes. Perhaps they were not such wrong decisions after all.

The Moon and Uranus are working today to help take our "canoes" in the right direction (where they need to be) with theMoon opposing Uranus Sunday at 1:43 am ET/5:43 am UT. This is a driving factor in the energetics this weekend. Aspects of the Moon and Uranus often bring sudden changes and shifts. Uranus is bringing BOUNTIFUL CHANGE as it discharges "an open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia."

Safe travels through calm waters today, wise owls. And if, on your travels this weekend, you capture a snapshot of nature, please send it in.

I will be back tomorrow for Sunday's report.

NOTE: The transition to subscription is underway (see below if you have missed this news), and we will be testing the email list this weekend. I will continue to post the daily reports here for the next week or so, as we get things in order. If you do not receive the Welcome email this weekend, I will provide the contact details on Monday to remedy it.

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For those wise owls who want to subscribe but do not use Paypal, please email oraclereportmembers@gmail for other options.

Thank you, everyone!

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/1/2016 11:31:46 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday October 1, 2016

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Trust is one of the major aspects the enlightening human being must develop in order to move fully into their full potential as a co-creator. Trust is what allows you to develop a deep and profound relationship with Source. Faith and trust together allow you to start to experience yourself as safe and beloved. This experience of safety gives you the confidence to shine, to evolve, and to fully utilize the help that is available to you. It keeps you in the flow long enough for the universe to serve you, experience the magic of how loved and provided for you always are.

Yet trust is one of the most difficult things for human beings to do. Why is this? Because the ego self, the part of you that wishes to keep you small and is invested in things staying the same, likes control and its greatest tool for control is doubt, the opposite of trust. You might think of doubt as being what anchors stagnation, with trust being the anchor of creation.

So how can you stay in trust? Faith and trust work well together. If you are feeling doubt, you are not in alignment with your highest self, so realigning into that connection through prayer or meditation can be very helpful. Reassure your ego. Let it know it will always play an important part on your life path and that you will include it and love it and bring it with you no matter what. Give it a job. Tell it you are going to do an experiment with creation and it can observe what is going on. Also, remember, your ego will often activate when you are about to break through to a new level of expansion. See your ego as a growth detector, as letting you know something important is going on. Assume the role of reassurer and loving guide to that fearful part of yourself.

Making a trust journal can be very helpful. All enlightening human beings have had profound experiences. Keep track of them! Write them down. Every time the universe delivers to you – every time it brings something to you with ease, gives you a sign or synchronicity – every time you feel the magic of it working for you, write it down. Then go back and review the successes you have already had if you are experiencing a moment of doubt. It will quickly remind you why it is safe for you to trust.

Dear Ones, as you continue to move forward on your enlightenment journeys and start to know yourself as part of the divine energy of Source, you will start to ultimately see that trusting the universe is trusting in yourself, and vice versa. You are part of that greater whole, and all the wonder that comes with it. All you must do is place yourself in the position of acceptance long enough to receive all it has to give you, and it is faith and trust that allows you to do just that. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
10/1/2016 11:34:16 PM

Ra Speaks: Time to Consciously Choose

the-eye-of-ra-46159-1920x1080Greetings from Ra, I am honored to share with you at this moment the importance of aligning with the energies. This is a time where you become awake and shift the collective group consciousness and co create your own life. No one can make the step for you. Are you tired of being pulled into negative experiences by your thoughts. Have you had enough of riding the vibration that no longer serves by harboring judgmental thoughts.

Time to consciously choose to alight. Time to start adding to your lives practices that allow you to shed the old and move with the new. That may mean meditation, yoga, eating right. It may include listening to music that can align you or asking for help from a light worker which may include reiki or other healing technique.

You are a gift sacred, divine, and deserving. Take the reins of your life and ride the currents of energies with intention compassion and love. Commit right here and right now to your own peacefulness and that of the world. Add your light of positive thoughts no matter what is flashed on the screen by news media and be choosy on what how your spend your time in front of TV or any devices like computers and telephones. Those in the media who has been in control have spoon fed the public too long with controlling tacitness through the TV. It has a tendency to make one lazy and lathitic. They can hinder your energy and take away from what you can really accomplish in your life.

Finally know you are LOVED and LOVE and therefore you have a right as a being of light to experience your true abilities as a co creator. This is what aligning with God is about. Aligning with God self so you can reach out with compassion, creativity, no hate no fear and love. You will enjoy being your God self more and more as you reach out to others. It is time children of Earth to be WHO YOU ARE. TO BE WHO YOU ARE to enjoy life. Go in Peace

My Light, Your light By Star Blossom

A little light came on in heart.
It shinned the whole day through.
Shinning bright to harbor love.
It made me feel a new.

It made me dance. It made me sing,
with voice for all to hear.
As I bowed with gratitude,
I released all my fear.

We are truly filled with love
our essences are bright.
We can celebrate our gifts
that come in day or night.

I aligned within the self,
and bond with yes you all.
Understanding my real self
I answer life’s grand call.

A call to be in inner peace.
To change the world today.
As I conquer old patterns,
I move a special way.

The way is of someone awake.
Someone who now can grow.
Sharing love and compassion,
everywhere I go.

Channel: Star Blossom Goddess


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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