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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 8:56:40 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Message for September 30, 2016

Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey

Each day events move a stage closer to being announced, and when the situation is positive and the higher Ones are satisfied it is safe to do so, they will go ahead without delay. The excitement is growing in the higher dimensions as you are approaching a momentous time that has been long awaited, and it is certain that a great step forward will soon be taken that has the potential to occur in just days.

However, do not be disappointed if nothing happens as intimated, as any delay will have been for a very good reason. Regardless of delays the fact remains that nothing will have changed and those changes you expected will still manifest. There is a time and a place for every thing, and it is in your interests that the most essential decisions are taken by those who have an overall view and understanding of what is taking place on Earth.

The magnitude of what is happening is beyond your complete understanding, but know that you are privileged to be the Ones who are directly experiencing such a wonderful time. Indeed you are those who have been chosen to ascend in your physical bodies, and it will be a unique event. Realise that at a certain level the “old” Earth body will change to one that is of a much higher vibration.

A pleasant surprise will be that you cannot in fact carry forward anything less than the perfected version of your body, free of all the blemishes and defects associated with the old Earthly vibrations. However, do not expect too much too soon, and all will come in good time for your Ascension. Enjoy your vision of the new Earth free of all restraints and opposition from those who only serve [self]. Stay centered and positive and do not be misled by what is happening around you. You can stand in the midst of all the troubles as a shining Light that will lift others up.

The Illuminati are creating their own downfall, but will never stop trying to achieve their ambition of ruling the world. They would stop at nothing to do so and like a wounded animal are at their most dangerous when their position is threatened. Rest assured that whatever they do will be to no avail, as their days are numbered and defeat is staring them in the face. It is no wonder that so much is happening at once, but out of the chaos will come the most encouraging signs that will clearly signal the manifestation of a New Age. You of the Light are on your way up and soon will reach the point of change where you leave the old energies behind for good, and enjoy the fruits of your progress.

When you ascend you will not need any of your “belongings” as everything you are likely to need already exists in the higher dimensions. (1) Also you will have the power to create according to your needs, as the power of thought will enable you to have exactly what you desire. (2) Mind sets will change and since you can “think” your needs into existence there will be no need to accumulate wealth. (3) Money will already have been dispensed with as it will be no longer needed. Many other welcome changes will take place as the New Age is fully implemented.

Each of you were chosen to be present at such an important time, as all have something to offer that will help manifest the new energies. You are old souls who have had so many incarnations and have progressed so well that you are potentially ready to ascend. You have learnt all that the lower vibrations have to offer having been well tested in the fires of duality, and able to overcome the many challenges you have encountered. You are due your reward by leaving the lower vibrations behind and entering the bliss and joy of the higher vibrations.

Just imagine how exciting it will be to meet other Races who have been waiting such an opportunity to meet you, having been previously directed not to interfere with your evolution. There are others who are simply interested in making friends and sharing their advanced knowledge with you. There are also those who have followed your development and realise that you are soon to rise up with Mother Earth.

Those of the lower vibrations will also move on and continue their evolution as before. The future will be full of surprises, and meeting old friends who are close to you who can hardly wait to see you again. Life for you may be difficult just now, but do not be disheartened as for those who read these messages it is almost a certainty that you are well on the path to Ascension.

The truth about all matters awaits you and will be given at the appropriate time. Much of your history as you understand it is far from the truth and intentionally confused by those who desired to control you. However, as the vibrations lift up it is getting harder for them to hide their motives, and the truth behind their actions is becoming more apparent. You are great Beings who are held back in many respects and it means that your lives have been deprived of advances that would have greatly lifted your quality of life.

However, do not despair as all things will come to you in the very near future. Behind many of the experiences you have had are Beings who direct events on Earth. Although the negative Ones are also carrying out their life plan, the result is that all along the path you are travelling they keep presenting you with challenges that aid your evolution. It is sometimes fast and furious but if you can see yourselves through it, you will evolve much faster. Whatever happens it is all part of God’s Plan to lead you back to the Godhead. (4)

There is so much money waiting to be distributed there will come a time when no one will need to live in poverty. It will be backed by precious metals and maintain its value. However, as you continue to rise up it will eventually become unnecessary and will not in any way adversely affect your quality of life. Live Love and Love Life, and it will be a splendid experience unlike any you have had previously. The first priority is to cover the needs of those who live in inhuman conditions due to prolonged wars and conflicts, and naturally the source of their troubles will be first addressed.

As you look back and around you it will be obvious that the changes have speeded up, and out of them is coming a more acceptable way of life. It will cause divisions between those who welcome change, and those who are steeped in the past and cannot let go. But the changes cannot be held back as the New Age is well under way, and soon you will see evidence of it. What you have been waiting for is in sight and announcements to that effect will soon be made. Great times are ahead and you will find that the wait has been well worthwhile.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.


(1) For instance, we build ourselves a home on the Astral Plane before arriving there, so that it’ s all ready for our arrival. The books we want and other accoutrements are already there when we arrive. See Common Summerland Elements – A Home of One’s Own

(2) See The Unlimited Power of Thought in New Maps of Heaven.

(3) One may wish to ask oneself, then, why Heaven is creating a Reval and many lightworkers with wealth when they could have gone directly to NESARA and avoided all the hubbub. I think it’s to offer terrestrials a chance to show what they can do co-creating workability and to create leaders who can later “treat with” the galactics.

(4) On that Plan, see The Purpose of Life for Us in the First Contactdatabase (on New-Age spirituality), The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment in New Maps of Heaven (on life in the afterworld), The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment in From Darkness Unto Light (on enlightenment and the Trinity). All of these sources consist of primary quotes. The book, The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment. makes the reasoned case and gives its corollaries, supported by primary quotes from enlightened terrestrial sages.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 9:01:53 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2016

will's picture

Man has been failing for thousands of years for the simple reason that he wants to conquer nature.

Someone has even written a book, CONQUEST OF NATURE. Nature cannot be conquered. Just look at the foolishness of the idea. You are part of nature, such a small, tiny part of such an infinite nature. And the part is trying to conquer the whole - as if your little finger is trying to conquer you.

How can you conquer nature?

Nature is your very soul.

Who is going to conquer whom?

Where is the separation?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 9:08:09 PM

You’ve got the power, you’ve got the love! New Moon in Libra, 30th September

147338359782004This New Moon in Venus-ruled Libra is exceptional in terms of love and power.

Ultimately bestowing us with the power of love.

“The greatest power that a human possesses is the power of pure love.”
― Debasish Mridha

The New moon represents new beginnings and this is the first New Moon after the September eclipses and is therefore, a powerful catalyst to start a new phase in our lives.

There is nothing we can’t achieve now, as we are bestowed with empowering and loving energy with this New Moon in Libra.

The Libra New Moon initiates the reboot and restart of the entire year !

We have finally arrived at the beginning of our new life’s phase, after the transformative Eclipses on the 1st and 16th September, which brought much to a head that has been transpiring since 2012, correcting our course and guiding us to our new life path and purpose.

Pluto in positive aspect to the North Node of fate and Mercury in Virgo, is making this a decisive and fateful time and a life changing turning point in our lives and our destiny.

Signposts helping you along your new path in the form of people and exciting opportunities will make them self known.

It’s time to restore your faith in yourself, life and love.

The New Moon is conjoined together with the Sun and Jupiter in Libra.

Jupiter in Libra (Sept 9th to Oct 2017) can now begin to release his powerful energies and good vibes.

Jupiter expands everything he touches as well as bringing growth and good fortune. Now in the sign of Libra the sign of relationships, love, peace and harmony, we can expect more:


Since the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, 23rd March, we have been learning and preparing for Jupiter’s stay in Libra and this new moon.

Bringing our desire for love and better relationships to the fore.

We have been learning about healthy relationships versus dysfunctional. While the Neptune-Saturn square , now coming to an end, has been blasting through our delusions, false dreams and hopes. Paving the way for more honest, loving, real and authentic relationships with ourselves and others.

We are now better equipped than ever before to live healthier, happier relationships taking them to the next level. We will have plenty of opportunities to grow and expand within our relationships,with many having already met the “special one” and many more still will, during the Jupiter in Libra one year stay, with many karmic lovers meeting and coming together.

Venus now in Scorpio is making wonderful aspects to Neptune and Pluto.

We feel very much the need to search for our soul mates now. As Venus in Scorpio needs an emotionally deep and passionate love and Neptune in Pisces fills us with a longing for soul mate connections. Pluto the planet of empowerment aspects both Venus and Neptune and is infusing us with the power to settle for nothing less. Superficial, just won’t do.

Venus in Scorpio is the Alchemist,

An Alchemist is one who turns everything into love


In the coming four weeks, many may find their passion and soul mate, while others already in a relationship, will have the opportunity to deepen and strengthen their bond.

Our goals, plans, new beginnings and relationships are supported by long-lasting solid foundations and success by Saturn in Sagittarius who is positively aspecting the New Moon.

Some, however, may feel a sense of worry, loss or sadness, despite all of the positive energy of this new moon, as Mercury in Virgo is in opposition to Chiron in Pisces, the wounded healer. Especially true for those who have had to let someone go, during the recent two eclipses in September.

Mercury in Virgo during her retrograde period, which ended on the 22nd September, helped us to look within, expand our consciousness and bestow us with much inner wisdom, ultimately helping us to heal and move on to our true life’s purpose and love.

It’s time now, to forgive and release the past. And to look forward and positively towards this new and exciting chapter in our life, that will bring us to better and higher levels of being, loving and relating.

After the past two Eclipses in September, the path ahead is making its self known and by the time Mercury comes out of the shadow phase on the 6th October, we will have no further doubts about which direction we are heading in.

We now have the power at our disposal to forge ahead with our plans, projects and desires, turning dreams into reality, as Pluto in Capricorn the planet of empowerment, turns direct after a five-month retrograde period.

Together with Mars, the planet of drive and energy, now in Capricorn, this is a winning and powerful combination, as Mars will soon be teaming up together with Pluto.

We now have the power, confidence and determination to reach our goals and to make any long needed changes in our lives.

Life is finally moving forward, and nothing can stop you now!

Mars and Pluto are in a tense aspect to the New Moon and will continue to stay in a tense aspect to the Sun in Libra for most of the month, peaking around the 19th of October when Pluto conjoins Mars at the exact same degree.

This is a high energy aspect, helping us to overcome any challenges that may come our way. We need to be aware however, that some narcissistic personalities may be quite ruthless in trying to achieve what they want.We need to be mindful of setting healthy boundaries and to not engage in any power struggles.

Pluto represents power and Libra, love.

The energies will bring out the best and the worst in some, during the next four weeks. This is about the power of love versus the love of power.

Reminding us that there is ultimately, no greater power than the power of love.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix

We may well see this playing out in the US, as the elections are coming to their end phase.As well as in Syria.

There is real hope of a long-term fair solution as Jupiter represents truth and Libra can see the perspective from both sides, as well as seeking compromise and being non-judgemental while seeking justice and fairness.

Ultimately the power of love will win, as Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and joy in the sign of Libra expands our love and hearts, both personally and collectively. Bringing hope of more personal and global peace and justice after the month of October.

Jupiter is expanding our wisdom and intelligence of the heart.

The wisdom of the heart is really…the connection to your authentic power, to that source of realness and genuineness that you have inside.

-Howard Martin

You’ve got the love !
-florence and the machine



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 9:14:08 PM

“Ready to Receive the Spirit”

Sacred 333The Fourth Dimension in the afterlife – which the not-dead … or still-living … call the Astral Plane – sees people sort themselves out.

The darkly inclined are irresistibly pulled to the Dark Planes or Winterlands.

Lighter souls gravitate to the Summerlands.

Movement is usually upwards. Except for the seriously dark, sunk in resentment, most other people find themselves yearning to progress.

Now here we are, allegedly in the Fourth Dimension, but handicapped in a way that none of the denizens of the Astral Plane are. They’re free of this dense, carbon-based physical body; we’re not. Their spirit doesn’t walk around in an Ironman suit. But we clank around inside these flesh-and-blood machines.

The will of those in the Summerlands causes things to happen and appear, in their malleable domains; our thought may cause them to happen but the process is so slow as to usually go unnoticed. Compared to a resident of the Higher Summerlands, we live a deprived existence.

We have to deal with the exigencies of living in a dense, carbon-based body. With the energies rising, we become like a dog with a heavy coat in summer.

We’re uncomfortable. It feels as unbearable and uncontrollable inside as it appears to be outside. That probably reflects the fact that the outside world is mirroring our chaos in the face of the rising energies.

With Ascension, we’re in a totally-new situation. Soon these dense, carbon-based bodies will transform into lightbodies. Not too many lightworkers have reported back what life in a lightbody is like. But some of us have had moments, or spells, of transformative love and bliss.


Apparently transformative love is where we’re headed, according to Archangel Michael. But let me come to that in a minute.

For now, let me illustrate our process over the last four years.

Picture a road that leads from a city called Anger to a city called Love.

Anger —————————————————————–> Love

Some people don’t live in Anger. Perhaps they live in Resentment or Jealousy or Fear. But all roads still lead to Love.

We’ve been, in this last four years, on a journey of cleansing ourselves of our core issues and conditioned behavior – deconstructing the constructed self – to become more normal and natural (Sahaja = natural), higher-dimensionally speaking. This is the journey from Anger to Love and we’ve been on it.

On that road, everyone will be where they are. There’s no schedule, no clock to punch. It’s perfectly acceptable to choose not to ascend.

Many of us have just been keeping up recovering from what the rising energies release in us or draw out of us. For many others, the cleansing processes are speeding up or getting simpler. We’re beginning to taste our first experiences of what Jesus called reallove, what I call transformative love.


Archangel Michael described that love for me in my last reading with him through Linda Dillon, Sept. 23:

“When we speak of love, we speak not only of romantic passion [what I, Steve, call “ordinary love”]. We talk about a depth of perception and connection of balance and sincerity, of trust and the ability to expand, and latitude and permission that goes far further than what many human beings are talking about.” (1)

Definitely. Way farther than what many human beings are talking about. Most human beings have had little or no experience of real love and so they don’t have a reference point for understanding. Michael went on to discuss the situation facing us.

Archangel Michael: Many human beings thus far … don’t have a reference point and the human psyche, again thus far, has difficulty comprehending things when there is not a reference point.

Steve: Well, yes, of course, that does make sense. But even if there is a reference point … I’ve had many peak experiences in which I, for a short period of time, experienced that love. But I’d never been able to walk around in it [prior to my heart opening on March 13, 2015] and be with it for hours and see how it comes and goes, the way it keeps anger and jealousy and resentment away. I’d never luxuriated in it and observed it. So that’s what’s missing for people.

AAM: Yes, and that is what is coming. That is the focus of this rebirth.

When the Mother talks about, when we talk about the rebirth of love upon this planet, that is what we are talking about. (2)

Well, whooopeeeee! Where we’re going is into transformative love. I can certainly welcome and speak to that.

We are in for a good time.

Transformative love is a love so strong that it holds feelings like anger and hatred at bay. We’re buoyed up by this non-ordinary love and, though we may have started its flow by thinking of a single person, when it arises, it cannot be contained in the channel of personal love. It overflows its banks in a second. It has to be universal. It has to be sent out to the world, to all and everyone.

Transformative love is a different world, a big cut above our ordinary state of being. In transformative love, we want to hug the whole, wide world. How can we not have the world work out for those around us?

All the discussion of cosmic orgasm? Transformative love and bliss are really what they’re pointing at.

Conscious awareness? Transformative love goes on in the space of conscious awareness. The two go together.

Transformative love is above-the-line consciousness, universal love, etc. I’m trying to locate it using the terminology of different movements.

We’ll be drowned (that is, the ego will be drowned) in a sea of love. We won’t have to earn it or work for it or stand on our head for it. It’ll simply be the accepted background and predominant quality of life.

And “that is what is coming”? Hallelujah.


All of this cleansing, purifying, deconstructing has been – if you’d like it in a Biblical context – to make us fit vessels to receive the Spirit. What is “the Spirit”? Well, the Divine Mother is the Holy Spirit and receiving her Spirit must mean exactly what’s happening: We receive the Mother’s tsunami of purity, discernment, love and grace and allow ourselves to be transformed.

God is love and the Mother’s energies are all and only love. To receive the Spirit is to allow in, digest, and assimilate the love the Mother is sending us at the heart of the Ascension process.

It’s been a slog. We’ve been separated from our gossamer spirit bodies all our lives. We’ve carried on in heavy bodies susceptible to disease, decline, and death.

And for the last four years, we’ve been in rehabilitation and recovery.

Ready to receive the Spirit.

Ready to blossom. Ready to unfold. Ready to ascend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/30/2016 9:17:37 PM

We Are From The Future, A Message


We are from the future.

Everything is going to be alright.

Humanity is about to undergo an astonishing revolution.

Many have called for this revolution, but few understand what it truly means.

This coming revolution is part of a great progression towards an awakening of staggering proportions.

Life force is the creative self-organizing intelligence orchestrating all of this behind the scenes.

Life force is experienced by you as the feeling of Love – for Life and Love are the same.

What humanity is about to become is quite inconceivable to you right now, But we are here to help make this transition a little easier.

Like gyroscopic force stabilizes a motorcycle – Life force [Love] stabilizes all living systems.

Populations full of love, cultivate honesty, courage and generosity, self-organizing and self -regulating without the need for coercive control.

Populations with deficits in love succumb to fear, violence and corruption, inviting coercive governments to combat the chaos and entropy that arises in the absence of love’s organizing intelligence.

Just as Life force is experienced as love, entropy is experienced as ego, hatred and fear.

The corrupt and power hungry feed on this fear.

Without enough gyroscopic force to keep it upright a motorcycle falls, likewise without enough love to keep them upright free and idealistic governments fall.

Populations too fearful, selfish and chaotic to stand on their own, invite despotic governments to forcefully rule and stabilize them like a kickstand for those who’ve lost their minds.

As long as a population has more fear than love, what appears to be democracy is often little more than a spectacle to mesmerize the masses. Autocratic power still operates behind the scenes. Its media directs people’s unconscious fears and aggressions towards invented enemies, insane competitiveness, rabid consumerism and addiction.

This system glorifies the ego, the embodiment of entropy, which convinces you that you are alone against the world, causing alienation, fear and aggression.

The core values of your culture have been hijacked, forging a pathologically antisocial anti-ecological system obsessed with profit, power and control.


Real change must now come from outside this system.
Real change must now come from you.
Just as free and idealistic governments can’t survive the entropy of populations filled with fear, Egoic coercive governments can’t survive the creative self-organizing power of people filled with love.
Gandhi called this power soul force, life force, love force. It is the fundamental force behind all nonviolent revolution and the unassailable creative intelligence of Life.

True freedom and equality requires a population alive with this self-organizing intelligence.

The coming awakening happens in stages.
And the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
Love is the organizing force behind all that is beautiful, joyful and creative in this world.

Power structures are merely the reflection of a population’s levels of love or fear.
But true love casts out all fear making graceful revolution not only possible but inevitable.

So the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
When you unleash the sentient energies of love, then, for the second time in history the world, humanity will have discovered fire.
The fires of love will spread through all people, thus all systems shaping the world in its own image.
Love is a force of nature. And so are you.

The coming singularity happens in stages.
and the next stage… is THE REVOLUTION OF LOVE.
The love that fuels this revolution starts with you.
You can become an agent of love, allowing it to guide you and govern your actions.

Love is increased through communion, song, mindfulness, prayer, humor, forgiveness and connection.
(We will reveal more in future transmissions.)
For now, communicate to every sentient being you encounter:

I see you.
You are not alone.
We are in this together.
You are loved.
The revolution of love is here – and all is well.
So… Let there be Light!

» Source


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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