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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/28/2016 6:03:33 PM


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Disseminating Moon Phase: share, communicate

Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (5:08 pm ET/9:08 pm UT)

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Tara, Goddess Who Guides

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Ian, God of the East

Skill: launch a lot of love

True Alignments: patience, breaking things down in to steps, personal fulfillment, pursuing a dream, creating a vision or idea, assistance, overcoming difficulties, able to see in the dark, the inner child, following the heart

Catalysts for Change: going into something unprepared, rushing, foolish risks, things that are obscured, hopelessness, feeling that there is no point and giving up, exhaustion (what needs to change?), going in circles

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "a symbolic battle between swords and torches" (becoming enlightened to something, the might of light)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "the magic carpet of Oriental imagery" (transcending old patterns and paradigms)

The core dynamic for today is wanting to get what we want, but not knowing what we are going to get. It is wise to remember this before getting ahead of oneself today.

The Sun is discharging the energetic of "a quiver filled with arrows." At varying levels, this motivates us toward obtaining, achieving, catching, seeking, or experiencing something we desire. This is stronger for some than others today (depending on how one's astrological chart is being aspected).

What actually results from what we achieve, catch, seek, or experience is more unknown than it normally would be. This is because Venus is discharging the energetic of "workmen drilling for oil." With this dynamic, what we find is uncertain, possibly even risky.

The combination of the two energetics tells us to be fully prepared, consider all potential consequences, and make sure their is a point to it before engaging it. The aim should be true.

Instead of launching into or toward something impulsively, we can follow the energetic of the Earth today, as it disseminates the energetic of "a mother leads her small child step by step up the stairs." We understand that when this Sabian symbol degree is activated, it is best to take one thing at a time.

This solar-lunar year is like a magic carpet ride, and today it is natural for things that interest us to cross our flight path. Wanting to learn somethingis a strong influence. Past interests or hobbies may "return" for us to resume. All of this relates to what is meaningful to us.

Yesterday I discussed Mars' re-entry into Scorpio (joining the Black Moon in Scorpio). Scorpio has a pointer - a stinger. With the Sun at "a quiver of arrows," pointed conversations, sharp stabs, and piercing emotions all too easily ensue. Again, we want to think twice. These energetics bring anger to the surface quickly, especially until the Moon moves into Pisces. Then, that energy tends to turn inward, and can become gloomy and defeatist. When Scorpio and Pisces energies intermingle, emotions become tidal waves from which people seek escape. Overconsumption of alcohol would tend to exacerbate this effect. This is a holiday weekend in the US, when alcohol consumption is already higher.

Love arrows of consciousness fill our quivers. Let's launch a volley of them today, wise owls!

(P.S. I will be back tomorrow for the shift to the Third Quarter phase.)

Thank you for supporting The Oracle Report!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/28/2016 8:54:47 PM

Archangel Michael: An Overview of What is Happening Right Now – Part 1/2

Michael 23I had a personal reading with Archangel Michael on May 27, 2016, through Linda Dillon. Thanks to Dana, who prepared us a transcript.

The transcript is of interest for two reasons. One is that it shows how the Company of Heaven has used illness, in my case, to regrid, reconstitutionalize and rework a lightworker to outfit him for Ascension.

If others are experiencing illness right now, you may want to consider what he says here, that illness was used to slow me down and get me to rebalance in preparation for the major upcoming events. You too perhaps?

Two is that he has a lot to say about “the Event” (really a number of events), the Reval (coming very, very soon), Sovereign Rates (they won’t be near what the intel gurus are saying), Disclosure (made easier by the Reval), etc.

More and more, my readings are sounding as if he offers material that he wants to be more generally shared. The problem with this reading was that the different events are mixed together and it wouldn’t have worked to separate the threads. So I post the largest part now in a two-part series. There may be more discussions to follow from later in the same reading.

AAM: Greetings I am Michael!

Steve: Greetings Lord

AAM: And welcome to you; greetings to you my beloved brother, friend, and ally. …

It is important for you to know that in this time, during this frame of reconstitution, rebuilding, re-gridding, re-anchoring into a broader spectrum – that is about one of the best ways we can explain it – that your beingness has expanded and your body is accommodating, adjusting, getting ready to fully step forward into a new realm of existence.

Yes, it is the new realm of existence of Ascension but it is also the new realm of existence of Terra Gaia, of humanity, of a new way of being upon this planet in tandem not only with each other but with the seen and unseen kingdoms with your star family.

So it is as if you are blinking, and, yes, I know you’ve said to me many times, “Michael, this is too slow.” Well, it is a very slow blink in terms of your perception, but from ours it is a blink, and your entire world as you know it, has changed.

Often we have said to thee, in reference to what many have termed “the Event” that it would be a series of events and these events, whether they have been acknowledged or recognized doesn’t matter, have been occurring over the past several years. But in this dramatic shift, in this extraordinary shift, what happens is the series of events is almost like what you call a domino effect. So it is 1… 2… 3… 4… it is not 1……………………. 2………………… 12…………….

So it occurs [as] what feels like simultaneously, but they are not. They are sequential.

Now you say to me, “But, dear Lord, what are these events?”

These are the events that you and we and Mother have talked about and forecast (no, not predicted, not psychic reality) but there is a knowing in many, including yourself, of the sequential nature of unfoldment and that in what you think of as time, which has speeded up and become more fluid in the Mother’s “new time,” there are precursors to other events that make acceptance of those shifts more palatable, more acceptable, more easily implemented. (1)

That is exactly what is happening upon your planet and within, what you think of as, dimensional or interdimensional reality, including the third-dimensional reality, right now.

So for example, you have a shift in what you can view as your health, your physical stamina health circumstances, the way that you feel.

And what this has done, albeit in rather dramatic ways, (and this is true of Linda as well) it has brought you back and brought you forward in the now to a sense of greater balance.

And when we say this we do not simply mean a mental or emotional or spiritual or causal. We mean the totality, the balance of all your bodies, of your meridians, of your chakras but also the balance of your life.

My beloved brother, if you had moved from the speed of light and love that you were travelling at prior to this invasive surgery, and then all the shifts began, you would have for a period of time, been running at the speed of light and love but your physical body would have had difficulty keeping up.

So two things have happened. Well, a number of things have happened. First of all you have been forced – invited? – Into a period of reconstitution of a rest, of remembering what rest feels like; not just because of pain.

And although you call it lethargy – and, yes, you will achieve greater vigor over the next couple of weeks – you have re-established the balance of knowing that there are various elements within your life: walking, breathing, resting, writing, sleeping, engaging with others. These are important to that balance and they needed to be re-recognized, re-appreciated, re-embraced prior to trying to speed up again and then conquer the shifting world.

So it has re-prioritized your own valuable time and where you wish to spend time. And that was absolutely necessary.

So was it important to have the seeds of cancer removed? Yes.

But even more important was to have you come pretty much to stillness, not still point (but, you have had that as well) (2) but to come to stillness and to rebooting. And you have done that and youare doing that.

The other events that are taking place of course is, first, the shift in what we would call the economic circumstances of many.

Now note what I have said: the economic adjustment. And you know well what I’m talking about, but that is the way I wish to phrase it, and it is the re-evaluation not only of money or currency.

It is the re-evaluation of the purpose of money, the purpose of life, where the values lie, that they can be reflective of the sacred divine qualities and in alignment with Universal Love rather than the human inclination that is passing, but is not past, of greed and control, of avarice, etc.

So that is one of what we would call the first steps. We balance the body and the values.

We balance the economic situation of leadership, of stewardship and that is in many different, what you can think of as, venues. Then when things are underway there is greater willingness. (3)

Those who are in a position of stewardship, of beginning projects that lead the way to the building and the re-creation of what Nova Earth is truly about … become the spokesbeings for many. Then the safety, security, and welcome factor for the star family becomes more apparent.

And then the anchoring of the cities of light becomes more facilitated, more greatly facilitated.

And then the adjustment of the, shall we say, stragglers or those who have resisted or who have even been recalcitrant, that have chosen to remain, that work is [also] achieved and underway.

And then, because of that shift of what many think of as the expanded heart consciousness, the knowingness, the bliss, and, yes, moments of ecstasy, you have a planet that is no longer the same.

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) So the Reval makes Disclosure more palatable, etc.

(2) If I did, he would have truncated the experience.

(3) Greater willingness to meet and accept our star brothers and sisters.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/28/2016 8:59:53 PM


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Some of your growth with come with a great explosion of light flying in all directions. But, more often than not, it comes quietly and gently like the beating of a butterfly’s wings. Each is a joy in and of itself. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/28/2016 9:02:42 PM

Not Digging More; Digging Deeper

Sacred 333

Continuing with our Ascension ethnography, Archangel Michael’s invitation has very much inspired me. (1)

The result is that I’m digging deeper into the things that hold parts of me back in Third Dimensionality.

And I wanted to share something about the digging process itself. It isn’t as if I’m digging fresh holes in new fields. I’m not. I’m digging deeper and deeper holes in existing fields.

It isn’t as if we come upon thirty different or new core issues. We don’t. We come upon a few of them but thereafter are forever excavating them, to get to and complete the deeply-buried inexperienced experience that lies at the heart of them.

Completing the experience is one of two spring valves that release us. The other is knowing the truth of the core issue or vasana. (2)

I worked for decades to see daylight, just a bit of daylight, in my relationship with my Dad. Decades. Always the same issue.

Not till I was 58 did I scream loudly enough, in a blazing white heat, to replicate in the outside world how I felt in the inside. Not until then was I fully expressed and the experience complete. (Thank you, Paul.) That gives you an idea of how deep a core issue can go.

So I self-identify workaholic as one of those deep, core issues, formed in response to my Dad calling me a “lazy, no-good good-for-nothing.” I hear myself saying “I showed him” so defiance must lie at the root of this vasana.

I’m a workaholic in defiance of my Dad’s allegation against me. I’m proving him wrong and myself right every time I work a feat of publishing magic. Over and over again, I’m proving myself right. Vasanas are like that. They have us on rails. And those rails root us in, that conditioning ties us to Third Dimensionality.

But simply seeing these things at an intellectual level does no more than satisfy curiosity. It doesn’t have the power to eradicate the vasana.

First I’d have to at least experience it. I have to feel whatever there is to feel. I have to get at an experiential level and complete the inexperienced experience. But that’s only part of it.

Then I have to realize whatever the truth about the vasana is. I have to get it at a soul level or a level of pure, spontaneous and liberating realization. The truth will set me free from the vasana.

I suspect that the truth of my vasana with my Dad is me saying to myself: “I hate you, Dad.” And I suspect I have layer upon layer of guilt and shame piled on top of that knowledge, burying it and making it inaccessible to my everyday consciousness.

The fact that I’m only at a point of intellectual knowledge with my workaholic pattern is the signal to me that I need to dig deeper. Even realizations of things like a behavior pattern may not utterly remove them. The process may need to be repeated.

So I’m still in the phase of things where effort is required. Some time after this, effort will no longer be required. (3)

I remain hampered by the lethargy, the level of pain, etc.

I think the Mother wants me to remain horizontal. Things do point to that.

But that doesn’t eliminate the ability to work. As long as I can think and feel, I can work. I can learn. I can grow.

Why, I can read the titles of the books on my bookshelf and ponder them. And I can write.

— 30 —

Just re-reading this article, my knowledge passed from intellectual to experiential. I got at the level of experience that I hate my Dad. I got it without resisting it, adding anything to it or taking anything away. I felt it. I allowed it. I experienced it.

The experience of hating my Dad now leaves the realm of taboo and becomes available to me to experience through to completion. I must complete the experience without rejecting any part of it. I have to accept the whole scenario for it to pass through me without further clinging to me, further persisting. It may be a difficult passage or an easy one. There’s no telling ahead of time.

The lethargy returns and I can do no more writing. I turn my attention back to resting.


(1) “Putting the Puzzle Pieces Together” at

(2) It’s the truth that ultimately sets us free – from the vasana in his case but ultimately from all ignorance of our true identity.

(3) There’s a time in the spiritual process to be up and doing and a time to be still. I remain in the up-and-doing phase.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
5/28/2016 9:05:14 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday May 28, 2016

Galactic Free Press's picture

There is an innate knowingness inside of you, always, that will lead you in the way that best matches you. All you must do is still yourself and intend to connect with that inner wisdom. If you do that, you will always discover the best way to proceed from the deep knowingness that represents your truth. Feel free to consider the advice of others but remember, they can only advise based on what would be best for them. Your inner guide always knows the uniquely perfect direction to take that will honour you and what you wish to experience for your own growth and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
