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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2016 11:40:25 PM

Suzanne Lie: Morning Conversation with the Arcturians.

wavesSue: Dear Readers, to my surprise the below message flew through me this morning as fast as I could type it. My guess is that many of you are getting similar messages from your higher guidance.

Dear Arcturians,
Do you have a message for me today?

Yes, Suzille, we do have a message for you. Are you ready to receive it?

Yes, I am, and thank you very much. I have been feeling emotionally low; I guess it was mostly yesterday. I hope that you might be able to assist me to understand why that was — as I am determined to feel better today.

Dearest Suzille,
It is true that you have been feeling that something is about to happen. But because you were not sure what is coming, it left you with an emotional discomfort. Therefore, please allow us to assist you in remembering what you already knew but doubted because you want it so much.

Therefore, instead of realizing that what is about to occur is actually exactly what you wished for, you are “protecting yourself against yet another disappointment.” We remind you now that it is far more effective to send Unconditional Love and Multidimensional Light into that which you wish to experience.

Do you see how you are actually holding back your wish by not believing in that which you feel is correct?

Yes, I do understand now how I/we block that which we wish to occur, because we have told ourselves over many 3D incarnations, “Don’t get your hopes up!” But I can see how that statement actually works against the fulfillment of our desire.

I know that it is the NOW of that which we once only thought of as “miracles.” However, even though I know that, there is this inner voice of protective fear that stops me from “believing my desire into manifestation.”

Suzille, would you like to state your belief/desire as a strong affirmation, rather than whisper it softly so that you are not disappointed?

Yes, Yes, I would so like to do that…
“I am ready to consciously perceive the landing of the Pleiadian Ships within whatever frequency they choose to be the safest for all concerned.”

“I am also ready to usher in the ‘EVENT’, which has long been planned to allow our reality to release the shackles of illusion that others have power over us. I KNOW that we have abilities that the lost Ones can never attain. Our innate human abilities resonate to a state of consciousness far beyond that which those who live by “power-over-others” can ever achieve or maintain.

“Therefore, I know that these lost Ones can never be a threat to us unless we believe that they can be. We, the forces of Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love are ready NOW to welcome in a reality that resonates to the higher fourth dimension, the fifth dimension and all dimensions beyond our current expectation.

“I also know that those of us who have volunteered to accept the Higher Light are currently in a state of metamorphosis. While we are in that state, we may feel as helpless as a caterpillar just as it transmutes into a butterfly. Because we are in this transition, we must release all that was associated with our former state of awareness.

“Is that correct, dear Arcturians?”

Yes, that is correct. How does it feel to boldly declare and own that which you wish to manifest?

“I would like to say that I can totally believe that statement, but I have had so many decades and lives-after-lives of disappointment that I must honestly say that it feels a bit like I am faking it. I mean, I really want to believe that with all my heart and soul, but I often talk around it with others.

“I can see now how much I wish that reality would occur, but I realize that I acknowledge that it will occur within my lifetime. I have been in this body for many decades now, so dare I believe that I could actually experience that which I have wanted, known, waited for and still held onto in spite all the disappoints and close calls?”

What have you been waiting for? Please speak that which you desire to create/experience so that you can “believe it into manifestation.”

When I was a child I would look at the first star in the night sky and make a wish. I believed that that star had the power to hear my child self and would somehow “make my dreams come true.” Could it be that that star, as well as the one that I always see in the same place from my front porch, is a star ship?

Could you believe that desire into a reality?

“Believe my desire into a reality!” Wow, I realize that I have done that very thing in many, many areas of my life. But that was just my life. Could I believe that desire into everyone’s life?

Everyone must believe their desire into reality for themselves. However, when there are many, many individuals with the same desire, and they decide together to believe that desire into a reality, the manifestation of that united desire has a great boost towards its manifestation into a reality.

You are very correct in assuming that there are many, many Earth Ones who are ready for, and can fully embrace, the landing of our fifth dimensional Starships. We say “fifth dimensional” to differentiate our Galactic Ships which resonate to the fifth dimension from the Earth-created ships that only resonate to the third dimension.

There was been much research done by the forces of “power-over-others” to create a fourth dimensional Starship that would be invisible to humans unless they were sleeping. However, since their consciousness only resonates to the lower astral plane, their creations can only resonate to the lower astral plane.

There are also many higher advanced inventions that have been created by humans with a very high state of consciousness that have been kept from the population of Earth. The forces of “power-over-others” still have enough power to enforce this quarantine on that which will free Earth from the illusion that they are “just humans.”

As you can observe, there is a hidden battle being waged between the forces of Power Over and the forces of Power Within. This battle has lasted so long because so many humans have been indoctrinated to limit their consciousness to the third dimension. Hence, they only believe that which is presented to them via third dimensional media.

It is for this reason that our landing process has taken so very long. There are so many people that will only believe in the third dimensional reality, as it is presented to them via the third dimensional media. What they do not know is that a great deal, but not all, of the mainstream, third dimensional media is under the control of the forces of Power OVER Others.

This situation is a primary reason why the landings have not fully manifested. Those who have Power Over the third dimensional Earth will NOT relinquish their influence over the third dimensional reality.

Since many humans still depend on the third dimensional media for the “truth,” they do not realize that they will live out their third dimensional lives, never suspecting that there is a higher dimensional reality that co-exists with their greatly limited, physical world.

Those who are awakening — and there are more and more of you each day — are recognizing that there is a higher dimensional reality that resonates to a frequency just above the third dimensional “power-over-others” reality.

This open-ended reality is not limited to the restrictions of the third dimension. In fact, this Multidimensional reality is an open portal to higher and higher dimensional frequencies of the “life on planet Earth.”

We are pleased to observe that many humans are beginning to embrace that which resonates beyond the indoctrinations and lies of the “power-over” leaders, and are looking INSIDE THEIR SELF for that which they once sought from a leader.

As more and more Earth humans ignite and live by their own POWER WITHIN, they will not be fooled by those who wish to dominate others because these false leaders cannot find their own Power Within.

Once one has found their own Power Within, they have no desire to have power-over-others. In fact, the Ones who have awakened to their own Multidimensional Self have no desire to dominate or follow, as they have found their inner power.

In fact, because they have found — and learned to live by — their own inner power they (the members of the power within reality) seek to ASSIST OTHERS who are ready to discover their own power within.

On the other hand, Power Over realities can only resonate to the third and lower fourth dimensional frequencies of reality. Therefore, they can only have “power over” other people whose resonance is limited to the physical and lower astral planes.

Since the level of one’s consciousness dictates the frequency band of their perceptions, those whose consciousness resonates to the higher fourth and fifth dimensions, are beginning to consciously perceive those higher dimensional realities of Earth.

We are very pleased to see how more and more of our Grounded Ones are returning to their true, Multidimensional consciousness. This expanded consciousness serves to expand their conscious perceptions to include higher and higher dimensional versions of Gaia’s Multidimensional realities.

On the other hand, the limited Ones can only perceive that which is occurring on the physical planet. These power-over-others Ones are unable to think about, create, experience or live within the higher fourth and fifth dimensional resonance of Earth because their need to have Power Over has limited their consciousness, and perceptions, to third and lower fourth dimensional Earth.

In fact, until recently, there was only a small population of Gaia’s humans whose consciousness — and hence their perceptions — could be consciously aware of the fifth dimensional Light that has been streaming into Earth at an ever-increasing rate.

Those who can expand their consciousness enough to perceive this higher frequency of Light/reality are awakening more and more each day to the “possible” reality that they are making a “probable” reality by their conscious engagement in the higher frequencies of Light.

Please remember, that unlike the third dimensional realities that function via the 3D Matrix of illusion, the fifth dimension and beyond realities function via the format of Multidimensional Light.

There are still too many lost Ones who are unable to look up from their “power-over-others,” or from being the victim of others. Therefore, we will wait as long as possible for our landings to begin.

Also, we are now making ourselves visible to those who can expand their consciousness into the mid-to-higher sub-frequencies of the fourth dimension. Simultaneously, we use our scout ships to “buzz” the third dimensions over areas that resonate to a high enough frequency that the inhabitants would not be frightened.

We are slowly increasing our visibility—releasing our cloaking—over places and situations which create a wave of fifth dimensional and beyond energy fields. We are also making appearances in what you have called “outer space.” When you search your Internet, you will see more and more YouTubes of our Ships.

We are gauging our visibility according to the frequency rate of the area over which we fly, or areas of your space such as near to your International Space Station. These pictures are also available on your Internet.

As the first step of “Making ASCENSION Normal”,
we plan to make seeing a Starship “normal”.

As more and more regard seeing Starships as normal — and even comforting — as humanity is convinced that we are here to assist you, and as the forces of Power Over are recognized and dealt with by the awakened inhabitants of Earth, we will be able to make ourselves more and more “helpful” in your daily life.

When it becomes “normal” to see a Starship in the distant night sky, or a Scout Ship flying above your neighborhood, those who have found their Power Within will seek out and assist those who live in the fear of others having Power Over them.

One can only release their fear of others having “Power Over” them when they have discovered, accepted and learned to live by using their own Power Within in their daily lives. Once one finds their Power Within, they will easily recognize those who attempt to exert “Power Over” them or over others.

As each of you regain your innate Power Within and choose to be the creators of your own reality, your consciousness will expand far beyond the 3D Matrix of illusions, polarities and limitation. Then YOU will be the creator of your own reality.

With no victims to dominate, the Power Over Others will need to find their own Power Within or they will miss the NOW of Personal and Planetary Ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Please remember that those who are lost are the Ones who need to have Power Over Others. Because they are lost to their own Higher Self, they are frightened and need the assistance of those who have regained their own Power Within.

AND, the Ones who have reclaimed their Power Within will joyfully assist the Ones who were lost to fear and darkness and are finally seeking Light and Love.

Those of YOU who have regained your Power Within enough to face that which was once perceived as fearful, yet still send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to these lost Ones, are the Guardians of Ascending Earth.

Many of YOU “Guardians” were once lost within the domination of the forces of Power Over. Nevertheless, YOU found, and will find, your own Power Within to restrict these lost Ones from any positions of power within your society.

YOU are the Power Within that will say NO to others to have Power Over you.

We, the members of your Galactic Family, leave you with the reminder that your greatest power is to be found within your own Unconditional Love for ALL life, as well as your immense power to transmute darkness into Light via power of The Violet Fire.

We, The Arcturians, Pleiadians and all the members of your higher expressions of SELF, send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire to YOU, the Guardians of Mother Earth.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2016 11:47:53 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/26/2016

will's picture

The moment the ego disappears, all the secrets are open secrets. Life is not like a fist; it is an open hand.

But people enjoy the idea that life has secrets -- hidden secrets. Just to avoid their blindness they have created the idea of hidden secrets, of esoteric knowledge which is not available to anybody, or is available only to great adepts who live in Tibet or in the Himalayas, or who are no more in their bodies, who live only in astral bodies and appear only to a few chosen people. And all kinds of nonsense has been perpetuated down the ages for the simple reason that you want to avoid seeing, recognizing the simple fact of your blindness. Rather than saying, "I am blind," you say, "Life's secrets are very hidden; they are not easily available. You will need great initiation."

Life is not esoteric at all. It is written on each leaf of each tree, on each pebble on the seashore; it is contained in each ray of the sun -- whatever you come across is life in all its beauty. And life is not afraid of you, so why should it hide itself? In fact, you are hiding, continuously trying to hide yourself. You are closing yourself against life because you are afraid of life. You are afraid to live -- because life requires a constant death.

One has to die every moment to the past. That is a great requirement of life -- simple if you understand that the past is no more. Slip out of it, snap out of it! It is finished. Close the chapter, don't go on carrying it! And then life is available to you.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2016 11:53:33 PM

June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension

sandra-walter-ascension-300x294June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension

Feel into this message; there is a lot presenting for the next four months as the May acceleration settles in. We are about to experience why May was so strong and transformative. That second preparatory wave of 2016 really pushed for the New Self to emerge. Denying it can crush the lower Self, so if you are experiencing doubt, fear, or confusion, get on board with the New Self decisions now, before this energy intensifies beginning of June.

June 4-6 were on last year’s Gateway list for 2016. As we approach this passage, the end of the Resurrection cave phase sends us into June with a sense of owning the New Self. If this is not presenting for you, this is your work for the end of May: Choosing to step fully into the embodiment of the New Self. Your Truth, Your Higher Choices, Your Creative Expression of the Christed Self. You are responsible for your creation, and there is great amount of freedom, harmony and Divine Love available right now. Vibration = vibration. Choose your bandwidth wisely.

The Next Four Months: A Divine opportunity for Embodiment

At last the first embodiers are emerging from the cave. We are inspired with new creations, new intuitions about our journeys, new ideas and a broader perspective on this cosmic shift. You’ll need to get to know your New Self, and shed what does not serve – again – from this higher level. The intensity of the harmonics, light waves, and adjustments to the physical container are shifting continuously. Your moment-to-moment intentions and choices are key to your comfortability with the cellular level. When the more intense photonic waves hit the physical, be present with it – there is much to receive during this passage which will not only prepare the physical for embodiment, but also give clarity on what needs to stay or go in your personal journey.

Stepping out of the cave made us flinch a bit (some folks crawled back in). Emergence will be unavoidable for first embodiers in June. No more hiding; face the fear of exposing the True Self. The energies push the envelope for change, higher choices, and creating a life in alignment with the New Self. Resurrection (embodiment of the Higher Self) is a very physical process, however it is not all about the physical structure. We have a small vessel attempting to hold very large aspects of Self; like squeezing a star into a pebble. We become conduits of Solar beingness while in form, because the True Self is huge. This is why we practice expansion; so the light does not destroy the physical. It is still a very physical process, however our expanded consciousness understands the larger picture, so integration of codes, harmonics, and adjustments come faster and more frequently than ever.

Surrendering to the Cosmic Truth

To make it easier on the physical, we drop the veils, release the density. Density presents as separation in this realm. Wherever you can shed old habits, beliefs, judgment, fear, doubt, or hiding the True Self, you greatly affect the collective process of Ascension. You also sidestep physical and emotional discomfort by being in alignment with the light. Disclosure is on the agenda for this passage. Stronger contact experiences are on the agenda. Empowerment is on the agenda. Permanent shifts in the collective consciousness are on the agenda. These cosmic agendas are possibilities put in place by us – our future selves – and now we cross paths with them. The consistent incoming light is unavoidable; Collectively we have created something brilliant. Individually, we can struggle with inevitable change or embrace an absolutely beautiful experience.

Our year of Revelation continues to disclose personal acts of disharmony, as it simultaneously presents the collective with the choice to push for global disclosure. Christed embodiers won’t feel the tension or anxiety of disclosure; that is a lower timeline experience of density dropping away. No worries if you aren’t worried. It doesn’t mean you aren’t grounded; it simply means you understand most of HUmanity still requires this step, and that something larger is going on. Yes, it will be a great release for the collective (and create emotional turmoil, hence the balancing act of others embodying a much higher frequency). Most of you have transcended lower agendas, do not participate in fears, or the fascination with the past. We witness the effect of disclosure on the collective, and assist as conduits of Divine Neutrality; an active state of Presence consistently resonating in Unconditional Love.

Gatekeepers have been witnessing other timelines quickly playing out and dropping off; scenarios play out in parallel realms as the Ascension timeline grows stronger. The flash card or quick-flicker images have been prevalent since December as the preparatory waves do their work. The pineal is getting very busy; we remember what it is like to have this gland working properly. DMT production is stepping up, and the blissy sensations are a lovely compliment to the heart center.

June – September: Revelation Accelerator

Many in the light Tribe are going to experience the next level of Ascension over the next four months. This begins in June, and is a conscious choice of Wayshowership. The effect on the collective (which is the point of this service) as this wave of photonic transformation arrives will be powerful. Embodiment for some, active participation in the Ascension process for others. A steady stream of awakening means steady amounts of compassionate support will be needed. Remember your Divine Feminine aspects: hold space for others to have their experience. Don’t judge or overwhelm them with intel or instruction, that is not helpful – especially if you are clinging to old intel, or stories of the past. Share your stories from the heart, get the new services aligned with where you are right now. All must resonate with love, honesty and integrity. Co-creation brings fresh light to your Services; this is about Unity.

Everyone will have to be very flexible as the vibrational levels change, and reveal what is the Now Truth. It is not complimentary to regurgitate history as we make a quantum leap. In brief, a vibrational mismatch in your fields (fear and love trying to cohabitate) will get very uncomfortable. Stay open to the New, and stay open to contact from your Higher Levels. You Higher Levels (your higher aspects and your Divine Teams) merge with you as you go through the Ascension process. Willingness to surrender the old Self, old stories, and all of the past journeys are key to a smooth embodiment. Look to your Wayshowers for guidance; there is great wisdom and perspective available from the folks who faced the unknown ahead of the crowd.

Fortunately the Christed state runs on Source auto-pilot, so your Higher Self will direct as a Presence through the physical. You’ll be directed through the heart to share, prepare, or be in certain places at certain moments in order to assist. Much of the Christed work at that level is serving as a conduit. Rather than fixing or healing things like the egoic Gods of old, the new vibration is empowering the collective through Unity, and just being a higher vibrational Presence on Earth auto-corrects whatever presents for healing around us. But you do have to own that state of consciousness, without doubt.

Unity Meditations: Get on Board

Co-creation is a necessary step for Humanity to rise into collective consciousness. We have seen this with the Wednesday Unity meditations; healing, activations and deep peace are experienced when we unify in Divine Neutrality. The Wednesday Unity Meditations will continue through June before they evolve to the next level. Right now it is about strength in numbers, so if we choose to Unify as a group, we grow stronger in our new Light skills.

Gaia and the New Harmonic

As the light steadily rises, Gaia’s harmonics increase (incredibly high-frequency tones – you can hear them) and dissolve the lower reality. The Light Tribe is responsible for showing the way to the higher reality; the lower reality will eventually fade out when it is not needed any longer. Kindwhile, we walk between realities on Gaia, and many other realms, as we level up. Personally, I find it fascinating. Thank goodness we comprehend what is unfolding, and accept the unknown as the new norm. The Higher Realms have always said that Divine HUmans are dynamic, brilliant beings. Let us own that birthright – our decision to Ascend in a HUman form – right here, right now.

This new light level sends us into acceleration next week. Let us realize how strong, wise and prepared we are for this profound passage for our Ascension. It is time for all to step fully into ownership; truly OWN your creation, your True Self, the reality you are consistently creating and co-creating. How truly blessed we are to be aware of what is happening, where this is going, and have the experience at the same time. Multidimensional awareness is brilliant; let us all encourage each other to own our Ascension as the Unified consciousness of HUmanity.

In Love, Light and Service,

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/27/2016 11:56:55 PM

Ego or Heart: For the Good of the People

  1. Money 22OK, it’s after the Reval and you’re a quadrazillion richer.

And a waiter snubs you in a sandwich shop. Do you buy the sandwich shop?

A car salesman doesn’t pay you the respect you deserve, according to you. Do you buy the car dealership?

From which will we respond when all financial considerations have been removed from our lives? Ego or heart?

When all restraints are gone, all limitations lifted, all faces around you admiring, where will you come from? Ego or heart?

When you see some of the baser impulses you’ve simply been hiding, what’ll you do with them? Indulge them? Money now buys you privacy.

Or will you move through the baser impulses; experience them until they’re complete and leave you, hopefully forever. Which wolf will you feed?

Egoic feelings like arrogance, power, lust, vanity – they feel good. The reason it’s so hard to do the right thing is that the wrong thing feels so yummy.

Mmmm, lust. Mmmm, power. Will you be willing to experience these feelings through to completion, rather than acting on them?

Will you release into love? Will you send love out into the world? Will you see your money as the Divine Mother’s love, which she’s given to you in a large treasure chest, for the good of the people?

Heart consciousness requires a flow of love from our hearts out into the world. Love, which is the great teacher, flows. It doesn’t stand still. So if we want to learn from love, if we want to develop our heart consciousness, we need to let our love flow.

Which will it be? Devolution into 3D ego or evolution into the 5D consciousness of the heart?

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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Person Of The Week
5/28/2016 12:06:27 AM

FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers - May 26, 2016

This week, the Collective answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote in to say:

I think it’s important for Light warriors to realize that their Spirit team has everything under control, and that they are bringing each one of us along at the perfect pace. That we need not be worried, and that all is under control at all times.

We are the trailblazers laying the ground work for the next wave of Lightworkers. We need to start having direct communication with our Spirit team. We need to let them do their job!

How can we help our Spirit teams bring us through the Ascension process—how do we make their jobs easier?

The Collective: Greetings, powerful ones!

This is an excellent question, and we are grateful to you for having raised it.

For you are not here to rely merely on your own wisdom.

That would be equal to deciding to build a house, and then saying to the builders, electricians, and plumbers who have volunteered to help you build your house for free, “I don’t need your input! I’ll work this one out on my own, thanks.”

And certainly, you could build that house on your own.

But it would be a shoddy one, with much needless effort taken to learn a great deal of knowledge that is freely open to you from others.

It would be a problem-prone house that did not suit your needs and preferences, anywhere near so well as a home made by those fully trained with exactly the right experience and skills--the insider information--you need.

And we use the term “insider information,” because that is a sort of buzzword in many cultures.

It implies, Here is a shortcut to the very information you have been seeking—you don’t have to guess, or spend months researching the issue while standing on the periphery! Here is the guidance and insight you seek, right from the source.

And we would say, that that would be the very first and most important thing that you could do, to help your team support you better—to say to them about any issue, “What is the higher perspective on this? What am I missing? What do I need to know about this?”


If there is no pressing issue at hand, and you want to know what it is that you don’t know, but need to know, then simply ask: “What do I need to know?”

For this is one of the more difficult parts of their job—the fact that you are usually unaware of what kind of information or guidance to ask for, on what issue.

The “invisibility” factor is not the hardest part for them, for most of you are able to see your Divine helpers in your mind’s eye, or to feel their presence with you in some way.

You also speak directly with them in your sleep state.

And increasingly, as you continue to Ascend, you will be able to see them as clearly as you see loved ones now when they walk into the room.

The hardest part for them, is having information that would make your life so much simpler, so much more joyful and fulfilling, and so much more on track with your higher purpose—but no open channel, no listening ear open to receive it.

And of course, they do send you information without your asking. They do this all the time. But you must be open to noticing it, then willing to trust what you receive.

You might see a headline jump out at you with some phrase that answers something you’ve been quietly wondering about—perhaps a metaphor that simplifies or explains something you’re grappling with.

Or you might overhear a conversation between strangers, or run across an article online that begins to open the door to a whole new area of interest that you have been unconsciously moving toward.


You might feel a gentle or insistent inner nudge to visit a friend you haven't seen in a while, or to see a particular sort of film you wouldn't normally go to, or to visit a particular shop you hadn’t been planning on going to, only to find there some comfort, encouragement, object, or message from your team, soul family, or twin flame that they had been trying to get to you.

There are innumerable ways that your team delivers these messages.
But by far, the fastest and most reliable way for them to speak to you is to have a conversation with you, led by you, in which you sit down with them each morning and ask what you need to know, either on a particular subject or in general.

Imagine yourself sitting with them in the higher realms, perhaps by a beautiful stream or waterfall. Or imagine them there in the room with you. Either way is fine.

For there is much that is vital for you to know, particularly in these Ascension times, that you do not even know is important, or why.

There is much that is vital to your life path or your soul mission that you are not open to inquiring about, because this is a new area, or one that has not yet struck you on a conscious level as being urgent enough to seek higher insight on.

And so they wait, slipping in reminders and nudges, messages small and large, conscious and unconscious, powerfully want to draw your attention to that which you decided to learn, investigate, accomplish, or experience before you even incarnated.

You may have even assured them, before incarnating, that you would be waiting and listening for their invaluable, loving, supportive higher guidance each day, and that they’d better be fully ready to offer it!

Then you arrived here on Earth, and as a small child, still delighted in speaking with these loved ones, who watch over you, and send you Love at every moment, whatever your circumstances.

Then you grew a bit older, and began to lose touch by the age of seven or so (a time when most children stop seeing Angels and faeries), falling prey to socialization methods specifically designed to program you away from your higher self, your support team, and your life mission, on every level.


Yet, nothing is lost. For you are here in this remarkable era to do the very thing that in other centuries, only poets, sages, and visionaries could manage, and that is to remember Who you are, and why you are here.

Part of that remembering is the realization that you have a higher self, who with those Angelic guardians and spirit guides who volunteered to come forward with you, desires at every moment to speak with you, to engage you in ways that not only lift your vibration to fifth dimensional levels, but remind you of how completely loved and guided you are, at all times.

As ever, dear ones, there is only the amount of Light in your life that you allow in.

And so we will not list ten or twelve things one could do to make one’s support team a bit more at ease, and to make their job easier.

They are well used to being quietly in the background, stepping in and only making a very noticeable commotion when an emergency--something that might take you off your path--suddenly appears.

We will only say, Speak to them! As you drive down the road, as you walk on the street or the hiking path, as you lie in the bath, as you awaken or before you fall asleep.

As you sit under a tree and contemplate your Mother planet’s beauty and constant flow of color and life.

As you meditate, or visualize with joy a life of independent wealth, perfect health, fulfilling relationships, joyful work (that is really play), and yes, full disclosure of the Galactic presence, and full enactment of NESARA law.

Ask them, “Tell me what I’m missing! What should I pay attention to now? If I don’t hear your words clearly, then send me the energy of your wisdom, so that I naturally live it out! Speak, friends! I am listening.”

"Let your wisdom be my wisdom. Let your Divine Love be my own," in other words.


Do not even consider stepping out the front door in the morning, or taking on the chores of the day in any way, without first taking at least five minutes with your team, to find out what perspective is important now.

Which matter needs attention. What joy you have been missing, that you are meant to dive into now, headfirst.

Ask, and command forth their reply, in whatever way you will receive it best.

Then dance to that beautiful inner music! Let it lead you with comfort and joy throughout the day.

For your own voice, your own higher wisdom--your own fifth dimensional intuitive ability--are being born, and growing stronger by the minute, with all the energies of the heavenly realm behind you.

It is always your Loving, miraculous presence that makes our job easy, dear ones! You are all that matters, and the Love within you, all there is.

Namaste! We are with you, always.

Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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