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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 9:10:11 PM

Jesus via John Smallman: You Are All Beautiful Beings of Intense Light!

Jesus postingFolks, this message from Jesus strikes me as so important to be read that I’m leaving it sticky for a few days. – Steve

John’s audio reading is available here.

These are interesting times! Much is happening in the physical realms that is quite unprecedented. The stability of many of your “democratic” governments is no longer assured as dissatisfaction with the whole political process among the citizens of these various countries increases. And the elected officials seem either unaware of the situation or are unwilling to address it.

From such situations revolutions arise. Enormous changes are about to occur that will amaze and shock you as the real agendas of many in positions of power and authority over you are disclosed by disaffected minions and employees. Whistle-blowers are appearing everywhere with information that has been withheld but which should have been in the public domain. As this continues so does people’s dissatisfaction and that leads to change. In this case to enormous change!

All the disclosures about endemic corruption in high places are happening as a result of humanity’s collective decision to awaken from the dream. What has lain hidden for so long can no longer be kept hidden, and as more and more of the endemic corruption is exposed it becomes apparent to all sane beings that change is essential. Therefore, change will occur. We have been telling you this for some time now so that you will be ready, and many changes are imminent.

It probably seems to many that we have been using words and phrases like “soon, imminent, very close, sooner than you can imagine,” with a cavalier disregard for the way time unfolds on Earth. This is most definitely not the case. It takes time for the importance and inevitability of the forthcoming changes we are talking of to root themselves in your awareness so that you strengthen your collective intent to bring them to fruition.

That is what has been happening over the last few years as more and more people have become aware of the corruption and dishonesty that is endemic worldwide within the governments, international corporations, large banks, and global industrial behemoths, that those who run them have consistently told you are honest and trustworthy. You now know that this is not the case, and you very recently made the collective decision to dissolve the old system so that a new and incorruptible one that benefits all of humanity can be constructed to replace it.

As you well know, war is the business of large industrial corporations and the banks that fund them and they make fortunes from the suffering of the masses. That is to change. Small groups of inordinately wealthy, influential, and powerful people have been in control of global economics and politics for far too long, and their reign is coming to an abrupt end. Much of the strife that is presently ongoing across the planet is as a result of their last ditch attempts to maintain their positions of power by causing conflicts and intense suffering in as many places as possible to create fear on a vast scale. They then hope to militarize even more of the world so that they can lock it down and continue to control you. They will not succeed!

Here in the spiritual realms we are well aware of the frustration you are experiencing as you wait expectantly for the promised changes that will establish peace on Earth, and food, shelter, and security for all on the planet. Humanity has set the collective intent for these changes to occur, and therefore they will. Truly the power of your collective intent is immense, you have chosen collectively to awaken, and so you will. You are already in the process of doing so, and there is not the slightest possibility of you changing your minds or reversing your awakening process. What you have collectively chosen to achieve is unstoppable.

As you read this, allow yourselves to sink into the center-most point of your being where Love shines brilliantly and resiliently in every moment. You mostly remain unaware of It because you allow doubts and anxieties to rule your thought processes. Going deeply within at least once daily is absolutely essential for your well-being, so do not neglect or forget to do so, and as you do open with certainty to the abundance of Love that resides there within you awaiting your unconditional acceptance of It. It is always there for you, but It does not force or impose Itself on you. Love is infinitely powerful and infinitely gentle. That probably seems like a paradox to most of you, but it is the Truth, because there is nothing else!

Love only seems not to be present within you because you have all, at some stage, been led to believe that you are unworthy, and so you do not believe that you will find It within you. Release those invalid and insane beliefs, remind yourselves frequently that you are indeed the beloved children of God, living eternally within His divine embrace, and dismiss all the negative self-judgments that weigh you down with an absolutely false sense of worthlessness vis-a-vis God. What God creates is eternal, like unto Himself, eternally perfect, and eternally infinitely loved. And He created YOU! Or do you not believe that? In that case where did you come from? Because there is nowhere else!

Many of you have of course been hurt from time to time by those whom you believed loved you, and that has reinforced that underlying sense of not being good enough, a sense which is often denied because it is too painful to be aware of. I am now telling you, and by no means for the first time, that it is utterly invalid!

There is nothing about any child of God – and all are God’s children – that is unacceptable, unworthy, mean-spirited, or disgusting. You are all beautiful beings of intense Light! Please, I beg of you, let go of those totally invalid self-judgments and allow the Love within you to flow. You are all divine conduits through which Love most strongly desires to flow. Love’s nature is to flow, but, because It will not impose or demand, It cannot flow through you unless you allow It to do so. Your own negative self-judgments restrict or completely block that flow, to yourselves and to all of humanity.

When you accept yourselves you are accepting God into your lives and then His infinite Love completely suffuses you and flows from you out into the world at large, directly affecting everyone with whom you interact in any way at all. You are presently on Earth to do just this. You all chose to be here in this moment for this divine purpose, and your part in it is absolutely essential.

Dismiss all negative self-judgment and discount any negative judgments that others attempt to impose upon you. Be loving in every moment, in other words, be yourselves! That is why you are here. And as you live honestly as yourselves the whole world changes as the unreal just falls away and Love pervades everything.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Jesus: You Are All Beautiful Beings of Intense Light! Channelled by John Smallman. May 22, 2016.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 9:12:20 PM


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 9:15:36 PM

Suzanne Lie: A Novel by the Pleiadians – Preparing for First Contact. Chapter 2 – The Recovery.

5Dflower copy 2

Sharman Speaks:

After my long tour on the third dimension, it was taking me longer than usual to re-adapt to my innate fifth dimensional resonance. Fortunately, whenever I awoke from my healing sleep, I saw my beloved complement, Shelia, next to me.

With her constant love and caring, I released the painful experiences of my incarnation on third dimensional Earth and returned to my joyous and unconditionally loving memories on our Pleiadian Starship.

Since our Starships resonated to the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond, my healing was basically a process of re-calibrating my consciousness back into my innate fifth dimensional resonance. As I moved through this process of re-calibration, I realized how brave the Earthbound humans were to incarnate during that era of great change.

While I was recovering from my away mission to Earth, I allowed the memories of my third dimensional experience on transitioning Earth to flow into my mind. I knew that as soon as I was ready, I would be called for a de-briefing of what I had learned on Earth during the era of Her pending transmutation into higher frequencies of resonance.

In my mental preparation for my debriefing, the first thing that came into my awareness was how differently I perceived that reality from my fifth dimensional perspective, than when I was living within it.

While I was in the midst of the challenges of my physical experience of Earth, I became easily caught up in my emotions, and my thoughts often fell into worry, or even fear. My thoughts were loving and happy as a child, as I still had my wonderful parents, who died while I was still young.

Also, when I was young, I still had an ongoing connection with my fifth dimensional expression. I did not know that it was “MY” fifth dimensional Self, but I did know that the somewhat invisible guy in sky—or wherever he came from—was fun to talk to and told me many things about a world that was based on Love.

In fact, as I look back at that experience now, I can see how my childhood “imagination” allowed me to openly communicate with my fifth dimensional Self. When I was a child I felt no separation between the “me” that seemed to float just above me and the “me” that wore the physical body in the physical world.

However, as I grew up, especially during my teen years, I wanted to be like all the others. Therefore, I pushed away the “me” that seemed to float within my consciousness by saying, “Ah, that is just my imagination.” Then, I WAS more like the others, but I was NOT like my true self.

Then my parents died in a car crash, and shortly after that I was sent off to Nam. I was almost glad to be in an outer war to cover some of the sorrow I felt inside. My parents were wonderful, loving people. And they loved each other so much, that maybe it was best they left for the higher dimensions together.

However, I was too sad to realize that for many years. Then, while in Nam I got hooked on drugs, and, along with many of my buddies, had nightmares almost every night. I had fallen into the dark side of the third dimension, just like I had volunteered to do.

Unfortunately, I did not remember that I volunteered for anything. I did not even remember my childhood, or the love and guidance from my parents, or from the “me” on the Ship. It took me a long time to get over my parents death, the trauma from the war, and my addiction to the drugs.

Finally, I did so with the help of some pretty wonderful people, as well as my friends in AA. But, I had totally lost all contact with my fifth dimensional reality. After all, I could barely get through one reality, much less think that there might be another one.

After many years of struggle and gradual change, I was finally able to allow Shelia, my partner on the Ship, to come into my dreams. However, that backfired a bit because once I connected with her, I lost all interest in another woman.

Of course, I was not aware that I was comparing every woman I met with my Divine Complement, which was exactly what I was doing. I don’t know how many times a woman said to me, “Do you have someone else?”

“No,” I answered, but after enough women asked me that, I began to wonder if I did. However, after all those years of drugs I could not trust my inner visions. In fact, I did not allow them to take hold in my mind or I would start urging for a fix.

I had some pension from the war, and was always good at fixing broken things, that is except for fixing my broken self, so I was able to make just enough money to get by being a handy man.

I had to take sleeping pills for many years, so my dream life was disturbed and restless. However, I finally got sick of being so miserable and started to take working as a handy man seriously. That was a great job for my 3D self as I was finally interacting with people again.

It was also part of the agreement that my 5D Self had made while on the Ship. I/me, I am still confused by exactly how that worked. Maybe my debriefing will be able to help me to understand more. In fact, I am writing about my life now as a part of my debriefing.

I guess I have to admit that it also keeps me “too busy” to see much of Shelia. I guess I need to admit it here in this report that I think that I am angry at her for letting me go on that mission. I know that is totally unfair, as I was the one who really pushed for this assignment.

Maybe I did learn something in my 3D life that I did not realize in my 5D life. However, I will have to figure out how that worked in my brain. I am still one foot in the 3D and one foot on the 5D ship.

Ok, Ok, I guess I need to admit that I am a bit angry with Shelia that she did not stop me. I know, I know, that is not fair, as even in my 5D Self I totally have a mind of my own. But, I guess it was much easier to leave her if I was a bit angry.

Alright! I admitted that for the report. Now do I have the courage to say that to her? I know that I am not sounding too much like my old fifth dimensional SELF, that is, if I could actually remember it-me-us??

Back to my debriefing… I think my unjust anger at my beloved Shelia was my first third dimensional action. I had been watching the holograms of 3D life and engaging in them long enough that I was actually becoming, well, more 3D. Ok, I guess this debriefing report is helping to understand some things.

But back to the main report; now where was I? Yes, I was talking about my learning to fit into daily 3D life, talk with different people and gain insight as to how they, the members of my Ship, would be able to interface with humanity when it was the time for the landings.

I did NOT remember the many de-briefings on the Ship that occurred while my 3D self was sleeping, but I did have some pretty strange dreams. These dreams just made me isolate more than ever.

Fortunately, the handy man job had me talking with regular people in daily life. These experiences were shared with my 5D Self on the ship, who would use them as training for the “first contact team.” Of course, I forgot about most of my life on the Ship, as well as my 5D Self.

During and after the war, my life on the Ship was not a part of my daily thoughts, or even my dreams. The truth was that the physical world had just beat me up too much. But now that I am on the Ship again, my beloved Shelia is back in my life. Actually, I am glad that I forgot her, as I would have missed her far too much if I had remembered.

After my experience on 3D Earth I have a great respect for third dimensional humans. They are very courageous. I don’t know how they do it, I mean thinking it is the only life they have. At best, some of them believe in a Higher Power – learned that term in AA – but many were as desperately lonely and displaced as me.

Shelia asked if she could contribute to my report, as she perceived my experience from the safety of the Ship. However, she felt so helpless that she could not assist me that she wanted to share her experience as well. I guess all of this will go into my report, besides I am anxious to read what she has to say.

Since I had to forget her, I did not miss her. But now I am anxious to find out everything that happened while I was gone. Also, just as she is reading my reports, I will be reading her reports.

We seem to be a bit distant now. When I first came back to the Ship I was very cold towards her and I still have not been able to make amends for that (more AA talk). It is just that I don’t even know who I am now. So, would it be fair to get too close to her when I am not even close to my self?

My main regret while on Earth was not remembering Shelia. However, I guess if I did remember her I would have missed her miserably. I learned a lot about 3D thinking while planet bound, and one of the main things I learned about was how 3D humans protect themselves from getting hurt—physically and emotionally.

It is a very frightening place down there. Death can come suddenly with no warning or after years of pain and suffering. I even learned that sometimes I/humans thought that life was too hard to go on. I am glad that I did “go on” though, as I believe I am a much wiser and more compassionate person.

That is, I hope that when I am fully recovered that I will be assigned to a First Contact Team. I think I will be able to understand how very frightening change can be.

Commander Sharman, Pleiadian First Contact Fleet

Shelia Speaks:

Sharman and I love each other completely and are like one person. Therefore, I know how much he suffered on his Away mission, but I never let him know that. I did not want to interfere with his dedication to go into the underbelly of life in the polarity and separation of the third dimension.

I am hoping that as we both open and honestly write our reports that we can eventually share what we have written. I will not push him, and I know that he will not push me. But the gap between us hurts my Soul and I think it is interfering with his full recovery.

I also know that he must maintain all these experiences, thoughts, and emotions so that he can intimately share with the First Contact Team. He may even be able to be on that team himself; that is if he can fully heal himself. I will not write too much now, nor will we share our reports with each other – yet.

Just as the third dimensionals have no idea when or how First Contact will occur, neither do we. If we land too soon, it will spread fear rather than Love. Then, if we land too late, the third dimensionals will feel abandoned and they will not trust us.

Therefore, right now we are staying with third dimensionals visiting us on the Ship during their sleep. Then they can choose whether or not they are ready to remember being on a Starship.

It sounds cool when talking to their friends, but the challenge of confronting an entirely different reality, that is far more evolved than their own, will be more upsetting than they think.

Also, there are the dark Ones on Earth still who spend huge portions of the vast wealth they have stolen from the humans to make sure they are frightened of their own shadow – and even more so afraid of First Contact.

This is all I will write now. This is my beloved Sharman’s moment, and I do not want to diminish that with my own story of remaining safely on our Ship amongst all that we have loved our entire lives.

Commander Shelia, Pleiadian First Contact Fleet

A Novel by the Pleiadians – Preparing for First Contact. Chapter 2 – The Recovery. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. May 24, 2016.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 9:18:23 PM

Use Your Quiet Voice

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God said:

Whatever you give, whatever service you perform, do it on My behalf. Do it in the Name of God and in the Name of Love. Be generous. Be gentle. Be gentle with all souls. At the very least, be a blessing to yourself.

Never mind righteous anger. Fury does not become you.

Life is not about raising your self-esteem. Life is not about showing you are worth as much or more than another. Your life is not about proving anything. You don't have to be drawn into drama. You can change the dynamics of your interchange with others who share life on Earth with you no matter how unreasonable others may seem to be or even prove they are.

Your life is more than about pride or gaining respect from seeming others. Others do not have to defer to you. You are not the King of the Mountain nor are you to be a warden of the world.

Your life is about serving. Serve Me. Serve Me with good nature. Good-naturedness is something that you are to offer to those around you. How you serve Me is by serving others. How you serve yourself is by serving others. No matter how subtly you may be disregarding others or outright stomping on them, you are dishonoring yourself and the great big world out there.

Learn other ways to deal with what offends you. Your habits in life have a bearing on the life around you. Look again.

I gave you Custody of the World. I did not give you a role as rule-maker. Be an exponent of how life in the world is meant to be lived. Use your quiet voice. Correct yourself and not so much others.

I do not ask you to fake love. No, do not fake love. In truth -- if you are quarrelsome -- you are faking antagonism. Antagonism is not true. Antagonism is some kind of shield or weapon that you mistakenly believe you need as a defense to stave off condescension or perhaps, in some instances, to even keep love away from you. If you did not feel threatened, why would you duel with others and try to come out on top? What is it that seems to make you feel that you must get the better of another human being? Is it such a great thing to be a blown-up top dog?

Rather than retaliate, initiate. Initiate a new approach.

Pause a moment. If you were not reactive, how then would you respond to a situation you do not welcome? For sure, you would respond rather than react.

If you were not reactive, how would you bolster the love in your own heart? It is not so much another's antagonism that you have to deal with. It is your own antagonism that needs your attention. Life is trying to teach you to respond rather than react. Life isn't trying to teach you to be a hothead.

When you have eaten a hot chili pepper and your mouth and throat feel aflame, rather than railing against chili peppers, you know enough to take a cooling drink of water.

Look for other ways of meeting strife. If not peaceful, at least, you do not have to be a bomb ready to go off.

What if, when someone raises his voice at you, you could lower yours?

What if you could walk away from old patterns of reacting? What prevents you?

If someone is rude to you, what law is it that says you must be as rude or ruder in order to make others respect you?

When you lash out, what do think you gain? Gain your own self-respect, and, then, how will you deal with the world that it has been said, mistakenly, lies outside you?

Permanent link to this Heavenletter: - Thank you for including this when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 9:21:58 PM

GFP Newsletter - 5/24/2016

will's picture

If you drop something by effort, it creates great ego. You start thinking, "Now I am a very virtuous man because I don't smoke." If you think that smoking is a sin, naturally, obviously, if you drop it you will think you are a very virtuous man.

That's how your virtuous men are. Somebody does not smoke, somebody does not drink, somebody eats only once a day, somebody does not eat in the night, somebody has even stopped drinking water in the night...and they are all great saints! These are saintly qualities, great virtues!

We have made religion so silly. It has lost all glory. It has become as stupid as people are.

But the whole thing depends on your attitude: if you think something is a sin, then your virtue will be just the opposite of it.

I emphasize: not-smoking is not virtue, smoking is not sin; awareness is virtue, unawareness is sin. And then the same law is applicable to your whole life.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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