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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/24/2016 11:59:29 PM

Humanity is one with itself


Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love!

As Jesus has told you, humanity’s awakening is imminent. I know you feel that you have heard this said many, many times, and yet it seems that nothing has occurred to confirm that humanity’s awakening is ongoing, let alone imminent! But, because you have listened to our messages to you from the spiritual realms telling you that your awakening is imminent, you have, as a result of listening to us, strengthened your collective intent to bring it about.

And, as you have also been told many, many times, the power of your individual intent, without mentioning the amazing power of your collective intent, is enormous and extremely effective. You are awakening humanity. Yes, each one of you holding the intent is making it happen. As so many channels have told you already, it is your intent that is making it happen. We, of course, support you in every moment, but you make it happen. You all made the courageous choice to incarnate during these “end times” to assist in this momentous event and ensure that it happened. And it will.

You are the collective! You do not have even a slight awareness of the vast numbers of you who chose to incarnate at this enormously important moment in the illusory dream of separation that God’s Son chose to build and experience so many eons ago. As you well know, in truth it was but a moment ago that you chose to play the game of separation, but you used your immense power and imagination to construct an environment that would appear very real to those who engaged with it by incarnating as humans. And thus it appears, bringing intense suffering to many, but with the constant hope being maintained that things would improve, that life would become easier, less stressful, and thateventually peace would arise and that all on Earth, without exception, would be provided for abundantly.

Well that moment draws nigh because your collective intent has, particularly over the last five or six decades, been coming more and more into alignment. Previously, for eons as you measure time on Earth, you bought wholeheartedly into the belief that you were each separate beings, separate from God Whom you imagined as an infinitely powerful Being watching over your every thought, word, and action, and judging you harshly whenever you failed to live up to the standards that you imagined He demanded of you.

But, God is Love. He never judges, because Love is unconditionally accepting of everymember of God’s divine family, because that is the nature of Love. And every conscious entity, without exception, is a beloved member of that divine family.

Separation is not only illusory, it is impossible, because all that God creates is eternally One with Him. And there is nothing apart from what God creates, because God Is . . . God is All that exists.

Humanity has spent eons at war with itself, causing itself intense pain and suffering, as it has attempted to establish a safe haven within your illusory environment where it can live in peace with those it judges to be its friends and family.

Humanity is one with itself, everyone is family, and the true nature of everyone is Love! You have been told this many, many times, and yet you choose separation by judging most others as unacceptable or enemies because of their supposed differences from you. You see all those weird people out there who are obviouslyunacceptable to the god that you worship, and who you therefore believe must be at least avoided and kept away from your loved ones, or, better still, labeled as terrorists and destroyed!

Those you judge and wish to destroy are other members of God’s One divine family. And, of course, many of them view you through the same massively distorted lens that is your sense of perception. This game that you have been playing has become unconscionable because it has reached the stage where those who still wish to play it have only one motive, namely to destroy all whom they judge to be evil! And of course the word “evil” really only means “different.” And separation is a state in which you see everyone except yourself as different. You have a saying “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” The reason being that you can trust no one!

And this attitude is the absolute insanity with which the illusion presents you, because it has succeeded in convincing you that you are separate from one another. And, of course, you are not. What you share, give, project, impose, or in any way do to another you do to yourselves. When you are in a loving relationship with anyone – intimate partner, family member, close friend – you see all that is admirable about yourselves reflected back to you as you look into their eyes and find acceptance and love there. When you are in a relationship of conflict you see all that you despise and that disgusts you about yourselves – but which is denied and very deeply buried – reflected back to you.

BUT, you are all perfect divine beings. What you experience in the illusory state of being human is duality, opposites, confusion, and chaos. It makes no sense! Why? Because it isunreal! You constructed a game, and as you know a game is played by opposing teams or opposing individuals! You chose to play this game, and then forgot that it was a game, and used all your human intelligence to outwit and destroy those whom you decided were your opponents, your enemies!

How, as the beloved children of God, eternally One with Him and with each other, can you possibly have enemies? Surely there are very few of you who do not see that as insanity.

Therefore, go within daily, connect with the Love that resides there, open your hearts fullyand allow and accept what It offers you in every moment of your eternal existence. When you do that, wholeheartedly,without any reservations, peace will fill your hearts and Love will embrace you. When you allow that to happen your whole perception of life, of love, of people, will change completely. You will see only Love in others, Christ-consciousness, your true and eternal nature shining forth and reflected back to you.

Going within daily, as more and more of you are doing, and accepting the unconditional Love that is offered to you constantly, is changing the world. As you surf the web, and seek out the alternate news sites that report on the wonderful events that are occurring as a result of people engaging with and operating from their true nature, you will see that the changes for which you have all been hoping and praying are happening. Major essential changes are happening right now all across the planet. You are living in the time of humanity’s awakening, the time for which you have been praying and hoping for eons, and it is NOW!

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 12:08:07 AM

The Door of What Is Next

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God said:

Whether you are on dry ground or at sea, you ride the Waves of Life. You may feel like you are walking on stilts, yet you are swimming in the Ocean Blue. You are a swimmer of great magnitude. You are a Master of Divinity.

You minister to the world. You are at My right. I am ever at your side, and you are at Mine. There is no day without Each Other. No one is missing from My Heart.

You graduated long ago, even as you don't quite get it yet. In fact, you are catching up to your Self. Get ready for more new surprises. Of course, a surprise has to be new in order to be a surprise. Know this, however, your development is no surprise to Me. All joy is Mine yet no surprise. I don't require surprise. I am a Supreme Conductor of Life. I welcome All. Welcome to this Grand Party that I prepare in your Honor.

In your way, you have been working on this party with Me. You have been getting ready for your debut into the Real Goods of Life. Real Life has been calling you.

Your vision widens. You are beginning to see greater. Soon you will embrace inward and outward as the same. You are Light of Foot and you are ready, set, go. You are a thought of yourself.

You are letting go of boundaries. You do not need to hold on to them any longer. You never did. No longer do you require ballast. You require Freedom. You are reeling in freedom. Freedom is going to pour out of you. Vines are no longer underfoot.

You do not as yet quite realize that you are two feet above the Earth, and you walk on air. Truth has not yet quite caught up to you at the same time as you no longer run away from it. Oh, yes, bask in the Sun of Truth. Let the Light of the Sun lead you by the hand.

You are no longer in an imagined dense forest. You never were. You had the idea that you were. Of course, you have had many ideas that don't add up. You no longer hold on to those ideas as if you were in a maze. You dwell in Sunlight now. You have arrived at the Door of What Is Next. I admit you in now. Enter.

This is where I live and where you long to be and where you belong and where you really are. Where else could you belong but with Me? Where I AM is your home. Does your True Home not feel familiar to you? Have you not suspected your True Existence for quite a while?

This is just your next step. You don't even need a key, for you, your Self – you are the key.

I have been waiting for you. You have come at your own pace. You no longer put off this day. You accept My invitation. This is a day I have long been awaiting. You may be on pins and needles.

There is nothing that will hold you back now.

You have already entered the Palace of My Heart.

Of course, you may sit in the Vestibule of My Palace for a while. You are free to. You don't have to. You do not need to hold your hat in your hand waiting for Me. You are here, and here you are, inside My heart.

You are not festooned. You never had to get dressed up for Me in pantaloons or silk. All the while, all you had to do was to walk in. Never were there locks or bolts. Always you are welcomed. Always the door to My Heart has been wide open.

Come, walk on the Carpet of My Love and enter. I have been waiting for you. You are here now. Now, stay with Me.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/25/2016 12:11:27 AM

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016

Illumination and Inspiration from Yeshua on Freedom ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-22-16

piccredit.archives.firstcontactgroundcrewteam.comIllumination and Inspiration from Yeshua on Freedom ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ 5-22-16
Dear Ones,
I wish to speak to you today ofFreedom. I begin by saying that it is helpful to orient oneself to the perspective of seeing one’s life as having the freedom TO do or be, as opposed to freedom From something. With this focus you are free to move beyond and clear old patterns with the intention to move forward into the Light and your new life without dwelling on the past, which is just your learning ground. And with moving forward and embracing and inhabiting what you have learned, you are free to catapult to wider expansive realities, which is your true birthright.
Freedom is the allowance and acceptance of the expansion to one’s True Being, to discover the infinite possibilities. It is to extend oneself beyond limitations. It is the opening of the doors that are just waiting to be opened, what you are being encouraged to open by your Higher Self. It is the ultimate sacrifice of, and letting go of, one’s limiting boundaries, self-imposed as they are.
Be that as it may, you are gathering and building your wings to deliver yourself to your full Divine Self, and sometimes it takes seeing where you are restricted in order to choose to let something go, to open yourself to wider vistas. Remember that you always have this choice to move beyond where you are restricting yourself, and it is always inherent within you the means to do so, thus delivering yourself to Freedom.
Do you choose to hold yourself back, or do you choose to open yourself to the ‘fresh air’ of possibilities, to soar along the current of the unknown, and explore what is there, completely free of trepidation and fear?
What is holding you back, dear ones? Allow your Higher Self to commune with you and show you the way to ultimate Freedom by illuminating what is keeping you in a limited view of your abilities and thus limiting your contribution to this beautiful world we are all creating.
Take another step toward Freedom today, dear ones, by letting go of at least one thing that keeps you from seeing yourself as the Divine Being that you are, and with each day, another letting go, and with each step, you are catapulted into your own true and exquisite Freedom.
Additionally, take another step toward Freedom today by doing something differently. Welcome in a new perspective and approach or orientation and focus, and free yourself from habit and old patterns that restrict your true exquisite Freedom. You can do this each day with a different perspective or approach to something that held you captive in the past.
And so I offer you this day this illumination and inspiration on Freedom, so that you may see a new perspective of your own reality, and move closer to being the true powerful Expansive Divine Being that you are.
And you are magnificent, dear ones, in all that you are. Allow that to be, and open up to your expansiveness and freedom to be All that you Are, Divine and Pure and Free in all your glory.
Nothing is holding you back but you….
I love you with all that I AM.
Your loving brother,

To offer assistance with this:
NOW ON SPECIAL! My Healing To Wholeness Sessions and Enhanced Energy Healing Sessions Here

Copyright © 2011-2016 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message on your blogs and websites, provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included. Any other use of this material is prohibited without written permission.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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5/25/2016 12:18:11 AM

GFP Newsletter - 5/23/2016

will's picture

It is a very fundamental law in life. Many people try avoiding many things and they fall into the same things. Try to avoid anything with great effort and you are bound to fall into the same pit. You cannot avoid it; that is not the way to avoid it.

Be relaxed. Don't try hard, because it is through relaxation that you can become aware, not by trying hard. Be calm, quiet, silent.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
5/25/2016 12:24:04 AM

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2016

Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message to Lightworkers – May 19, 2016

This week, the Collective answer a question from a Lightworker who wrote in to ask:

Many of us on Earth are becoming increasingly aware that hierarchical structures—those governed “from the top”—are often detrimental to the consciousness of those at the “bottom.” As a result, I find myself mistrustful of any hierarchical organization.

How is the Collective organized? If Lord Admiral Sananda is commander of the Ashtar Command, does this not represent a hierarchy, rather than a collective where each component of the collective is equal to all other components?
In the past, humanity has been manipulated by information from so many sources, that it seems the only thing there is to trust is one’s individual connection to Universal Divinity.

Maybe I have to release any mistrust that I feel. But I don't understand why the Collective appears to be hierarchical in nature and I wish that could be explained.

The Collective: Greetings, dear one, and to our Lightworker friends! We are glad to have this time to speak with you today on this very crucial issue.

Your understanding of hierarchy, as being something that has been exploited for negative purposes on your planet, is entirely understandable.

You are correct when you say that on Earth, for too long those at the top have exploited and suppressed the consciousness of those held at the bottom, and that this very old, increasingly defunct way of doing things is not to be trusted, or even permitted any longer.

We would say, that while hierarchy is the particular model or paradigm you are thinking of, that that is not how we in the higher realms characterize our functions, roles, or our “place” in the Universal scheme of life.

We do not see, for example, that some powerful Angel of Archangel is “above” or “better than” or more empowered than a small elf or faery, merely because of the Angel’s very great size, or special abilities, or astounding, far-reaching insights.


Every single being, every single petal on every flower, every leaf or droplet of water in the forest, is held in equal weight and importance by the Universal Source of Love and Light that created it.

There is as well, the spark of consciousness that strove to come forward, that asked to be born, to express itself in “outer form.”

And that individual consciousness, interconnected with the great Whole that is this Universe, is regarded by all of us with great respect and honor.

Due to your mental and cultural training, your expectation is that because someone is apparently more powerful or seems to have a bigger job to do, that they stand above others in the hierarchy that is the Company of Heaven.

That is understandable, because the image of the higher realms, and of Divine Beings, that you have been fed all your life, is that “these over here are quite powerful, and quite amazing, and these over here are rather small and weak, yet joyful to be serving the higher purpose of these larger, more powerful Beings.”

And that is a funny idea—in fact, as we speak, our writer can see in her mind’s eye, the elves and other faery folk laughing and giggling, rolling about on the ground with a joyful spark in their eye, at the very thought that any one being is more or less important than any other.

Now, are some beings further down the path than others?


Are some perhaps wiser, and have some more fully arrived into great possession of their innate Divine Power and beauty—into their awareness of such, and their use of such?

Have some glorious, beautiful beings of the higher planes—those of the Ashtar Command, and those of even higher realms—Ascended to a point of being able to see and speak with and answer directly to Mother/Father God/Goddess?

Are they able to oversee the Ascension of whole planets, such as your own, and to set in motion those actions of allowed intervention, that are at this very moment moving you ever closer to the enactment of NESARA law, to full disclosure of the Galactic presence—to the return of human sovereignty upon the Earth?

Most assuredly, yes. These beings exist.

But the Law they live by is one of Love, dear one—not of ego. And most assuredly, they do not follow any dense or lower system of hierarchy built upon a sense of self-importance, or lack of it.

At heart, your question is, “How powerful can I become, before I get too full of myself, and make the same mistakes that the usurping rulers of our planet made for thousands of years?”

And we would say, keep in your heart-mind at all times, Light Being, the very great desire to serve the Light and all of its Divinity, and you will serve the beings of this Universe with the in-built humility that comes with knowing that “all are precious in God’s sight” as the child’s song goes, and that none are considered more or less important than anyone else, whatever their function, their role, or their current point development.


Are some further along the path of evolvement than others? Most assuredly. Yet none are devalued or condescended to, wherever they stand, as th
ey Ascend in forward movement into great alignment with their own Divinity.

You inquire regarding our own structure. We do not call this “hierarchical” in the sense that you mean it, any more than Lord Admiral Sananda assumes that he is in charge of others in a way that takes away their free choice, or that denies a group or individual their importance as an invaluable presence.

We see the line of continuation, as we prefer to call it, as being fluid, and open to all.
So that if you are willing to do the experiential work of moving into higher soul growth, you may become nearly any level of being that you wish, Ascending to increasingly higher dimensions and levels of Divine Wisdom, Love, and Understanding.

There is no limit to the growth you may engender, nor to the responsibility you may take on, in the service of others, at each level of the path.

The question is, Are you willing to learn and to grow as you must, in order to take on those higher roles?

Will you “earn your Angel wings” as they say, by feeling small? Or by realizing your innate power and astounding ability to reinvent and rebirth yourself to higher and higher levels, every day of your life, every moment of your existence.

And so we say, When shall you join us, in the Archangel realm? In the Faery Realm? In and amongst the spirit of the Elementals of your beautiful Earth?

Among the Angelic legions now surrounding Earth with tones of liberation and empowerment?

Among the highest beings of Light, made purely of beautiful sound frequencies and higher etheric Light?


For all is open to you now. And we call to you, dear ones, to join us here—to exceed the places we have reached!

We ask that you realize Who and What you truly are, and that you remember, with joy in your heart-minds, that as tall a mountain that seems to stand before you—in our structure, or that of the Ashtar Command, or any other group you can name—that you have placed that before yourselves as a grand Adventure, a great and glorious Ascension climb.

It is why you are here on Earth, and it is why you are here in the higher realms.

And so no, dear ones—we do not judge, and we do not oppress. We await your joining us.

And so take up your Light saber, Light Warriors, and follow us, for this path is the one you have chosen.

Namaste, friends! We are with you, at every moment.

Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
