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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 8:46:54 PM

Mike Quinsey: A Message from My Higher Self.

Mike Quinsey

Mike Quinsey

Much is happening that is as far as possible kept secret by those involved. Strong rumours will abound that a major event will soon cause some bank closures, due to major changes that are in the offing. They seem to be inevitable and unavoidable as they must be brought into line with them so as to avoid a complete failure.

It would be easy to tell you not to worry, but such happenings have occurred before and ultimately proved beneficial to your future. This should not surprise you as changes are always taking place, but not perhaps at the level that is now expected. All around you changes are in progress as the old ways and systems are “updated” to align with the New Age that has now commenced. Ultimately you will be overjoyed by them as they will give continuity and sufficient income to live a comfortable life.

You have been told by St. Germaine for a very long time that these changes would take place when the time was right, and it has arrived and you will experience a whole stream of them over the next year or so. It will involve major changes and these will lift up the quality of life quite considerably. So when you find yourselves involved in them please bear in mind that they are “cleansing” the old systems that no longer serve your needs.

There will be times when it is important to work together, as in the long run all of you will be included and more than satisfied at the outcome. Be assured that those who would deny you such progress will be in no position to interfere with the God-given promises of release from your Prison Planet. Yes, it has been called that on a number of occasions and many have denied it, but it is true and soon you will fully understand how that occurred.

You will find many messages informing you of the changes, and they should give you the assurance that many seek. After years of promises, suddenly all the work that has been put in is coming to fruition. You have never been alone in your fight against the dark Ones, and at this important time you have the added support of Beings that have followed your progress from afar.

They patiently await the right time to fully reveal themselves. They are peaceful and loving entities that come from much higher levels and are assisting Mother Earth and her Civilisation to safely negotiate this time of chaos. Your future is assured regardless of any hardships it may bring about. The future is Golden and an Age of great progress that will lift you up out of the lower vibrations and promises much joy and happiness.

Some ask what all the changes are about and why now, and the simple answer is that “it is time”. Ever since this cycle commenced you were destined to reach this point in time, and the outcome has been due to the efforts of those of the Light who have kept their promises to spread it far and wide.

In time it will also embrace the dark Ones as gradually they will respond to it, so it is expected that you of the Light will treat them with compassion. They are not beyond being awakened once more and they can be lifted up into the Light with your love and assistance. No soul is beyond redemption and perhaps you may see them as souls that require much love to awaken them to the Light.

Every day of your life most of you mix with many souls at all different levels of evolution. You may sense whether some are Beings of the Light, but you cannot be certain. So treat all alike including those who seem to be without knowledge of their true potential. Often a few kind words will awaken them and lift them up, and begin a stream of thought that leads them to a greater understanding.

As soon as a soul responds, their Guides will gladly help them along and onto greater things. Help is always there and never ending. It is a wonderful truth that those who have found the Light within are eager to share it with others. They often become your healers and teachers, and so the Light is ever growing and becomes a powerful energy for the good of all.

You have been so successful that you have grounded the Light in so many places that there now exists a powerful network around the Earth. It is lifting up and as it does so Mother Earth is becoming more and more active bringing in yet more Light. Victory over the dark Ones is therefore assured and they are retreating having been unable to command with the authority they previously achieved.

The fight is by no means over as the dark Ones have their minions all over the Earth, but their power to do as they wish has diminished. As time passes more of them will realise they are in a weakened position and give up the fight.

Unlike your prisons on Earth, souls are given every help and love to guide them back to the Light. It will not be “punishment” such as you understand the word. When they return to the Light they will be welcomed, but will nevertheless have to make retributions for past actions. Each of you have experienced it as “karma” and that means working through your mistakes so as to prevent a recurrence.

Largely unbeknown to you, there are many, many Beings watching over you to ensure that you are not distracted or misled, and that your feet are firmly on the ground. Certainly those of you who have followed your life plan are well on the way to Ascension. Oh what joy and celebrations will follow your success because the pathway through your dimension has been difficult and very testing, yet you have successfully dealt with all challenges. Although it may not have been expected, you were nevertheless given a free choice as to which path you took.

Many of you have advanced sufficiently to know that you have raised your vibrations sufficiently to be able to ascend. You will be called upon to assist others that are also working towards Ascension, and there are none better than those who have already been successful. The spirit of co-operation becomes more powerful as you progress through the dimensions, and souls of a like kind gradually come together.

It already happens upon Earth where you are drawn to each other because of your similar vibrations. Life as you know it and have experienced it is far removed from reality, and your first experience of it is in the Summerland, where all souls usually go after their transition. Life is quite different to what you have been used to on Earth.

Life on Earth has taught you how to evolve largely through your own determination and you are to be congratulated upon such an achievement. Yet when you focus on a particular path assistance is always available should you need it. You stand at a point where you have all but completed your journey through the material realms. You can now stand back and relax and help others who are still trying to find out the Truth of their Being. There may not be another opportunity like it for some time, as like all things it comes round with the cycles of experience.

I leave you with Love and Blessings, and may the Light brighten your path and days to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

A Message from my Higher Self. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. February 12, 2016.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 8:51:57 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 13, 2016

Galactic Free Press's picture

Until you can find gratitude in your Now moment you will not be able to experience the tomorrows you desire. You cannot create having from a focus on lack. Start looking for something, anything, that is working well for you, and you will automatically start to move in the direction of more things working well for you. Your focus is what sets your internal GPS in the direction you wish to go, and your appreciation is what provides feedback to the universe and works as the steering wheel of your flow. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 8:55:41 PM

From Lives of Lethargy to Lives that Matter – Part 1/6


Werner Erhard

Very few books have changed my life. The New Testament, the Bhagavad-Gita, the Tao Teh Ching, and the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna are a few.

And then there’s one that isn’t ostensibly spiritual, although of course it is: A little booklet published by the Hunger Project in 1977, called The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come, (1) which I’ve read countless times and many times when I want inspiration.

That booklet was written by Werner Erhard, the founder of the Hunger Project and est Training. Even the way it starts out has burned itself into my memory, so compelling are the words:

“You and I want our lives to matter. We want our lives to make a real difference – to be of genuine consequence in the world.

“We know that there is no satisfaction in merely going through the motions, even if these motions make us successful or even if we have arranged to make those motions pleasant.

“We want to know we have had some impact on the world. In fact, you and I want to contribute to the quality of life. We want to make the world work.”

Not only have people reading this article the desire to contribute to the quality of life and make the world work; this generation has also agreed to soul contracts negotiated with the celestials and the Divine Mother to play a part in making that world work.

That’s the job we took on in the beginning, whether that was thousands of years ago or immediately before this lifetime.

We want our lives to matter. We want the world to work – for everyone.

For Werner, wanting our lives to matter, to work out, went on within a world situation in which 15 million of us died of hunger each year.

For us, the figures are much larger, and they include people dying from, not only hunger, but also wars, poor water and sanitation, manmade pandemics, neglect, crime, drugs and so on.

“Starvation both maintains and dramatizes a world that does not work,” Werner wrote. Nonetheless, he also saw it as an opportunity “to get beyond merely defending what we have, beyond the futility of self-interest, beyond the hopelessness of clinging to opinions and making gestures.”

Werner starts by examining the examiner:

“Look inside yourself … at the ground of being that gives rise to your actions, thoughts, and feelings. Look specifically at the unconscious, unexamined assumptions and beliefs which limit and shape our response to hunger and starvation. This is the territory we are going to cross.”

Of course you and I have been engaged for years now, looking at our unconscious assumptions and beliefs so it isn’t as if we’re starting from scratch. We’ve cleared ourselves of many of what the Company of Heaven called “false grids,” which Werner called “unconscious, unexamined assumptions and beliefs.”

This territory that Werner laid out is the territory I propose we cross as well, starting tomorrow. We’ll look at the kind of unconscious, unexamined assumptions and beliefs that prevent us from making a difference with our lives in the face of the discouragement and lethargy of society in general.

(Continue in Part 2 tomorrow.)


(1) The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. San Francisco: The Hunger Project, 1977. All quotes are from this booklet. A very few are available from at and probably eBay, etc.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 8:58:07 PM

In a Greater Field of Love

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God said:

Why would I speak to you every day unless it is from My desire to serve you and serve you well? I do not waste My time or yours. There is some budging that is called for. There is some budging that is yours to allow. Move out of your way. No more blocking yourself from expansion.

Although Stillness is a great part of life, in terms of growth, you have to budge. You cannot stay the same and budge at the same time.

Here is another way to say this: In your history, it is time now to budge. As you budge, you move on. My message to you today is: “Sail on,” I say, “Sail on” a dozen times a day, if you would but hear.

To you, it feels so brave for you to sail on. It may feel to you that, as you sail on, you are losing yourself. You are right. Yes, it is time for you to lose yourself, for you are making room for your Higher Self to come to the fore.

What are you letting go of? It is boundaries that you let go of. Let go of your sequestered bound little self and steer toward the Greatness of your Self. This may feel like a taking away when, as a matter of fact, this is a great gift, for now you will rise up from the ashes of yesteryear.

The way you rise up from a pool and dry off in the Sun, rise up from your circumscribed past. You disperse yourself into the Sun of Your Self. As it has been said, you lose yourself in order to find your Self. You are finding your Self, which is to say that you are loosing your hold on past thinking and rising to New Vision as you let go of the old. You get out of yourself and come closer and closer to Me and further and further away from self-centeredness.

In the world, it is as if you started on a Course in Life, and now you are ready for advanced knowledge. This advanced knowledge is not built on past study, however.

At the same time as you find your Self in a Greater Field of Love, you still walk on Earth. You are not faced with an either/or choice. You have no choice. As you burst forth from your shell, you burst forth from old habits of restricted thinking. You are reborn, and you reconnoiter in the world anew. You keep one foot on Earth. You fly in Heaven while you also walk on Earth. It is a balancing act, beloveds, to lead two lives, to carry on in the world while you transcend to Heaven and join wholeheartedly with Me.

You are mooring deeply into Oneness. Letting go of ego and letting go of the importance of ego is a great gift in your life. Strengthening of ego doesn’t keep you in good stead. Lessening of ego keeps you in good stead because loss of ego is a great gaining.

Being is Being. You don’t have to learn how to be. You are learning how to be while you are immersed in Life on Earth. You are learning how to get out of your way. You are learning to rise above the repeated past. You are learning to fly high and still be grounded on Earth. With old baggage gone, you are light enough to soar. It takes no doing, simply Being.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 9:02:48 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/12/2016

will's picture

I don't say to my sannyasins: renounce the world. I say renounce the ego! Let the world be as it is. Who are you to renounce it? In the very idea of renouncing, you accept one thing, that it belongs to you. How can you renounce something which does not belong to you? See the simple point: nothing belongs to you.

You come into this world without a thing and you go from this world without a thing. You come empty-handed and you go empty-handed. Nothing belongs to you, so how can you renounce?

Renunciation is possible only if possession is possible. Possession is just an illusion; you don't possess anything. Haw can you possess anything? Death will come and will separate you from all your possessions, and you will not be able to take a single thing with you.

The first illusion is of possession and the second illusion is of renunciation. And both are based in the same ego. First the ego tries to possess as much as it can - the more it possesses, the more it is. Then comes a point when you have possessed so much that it loses all interest, it becomes boring.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
