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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/12/2016 11:09:35 PM


Lisa Renee ~ Entropy and Negentropy

Dear Ascending Family,

Consciousness is energy, and energy is Conscious, and as such they are interchangeable. Energy is directed through many intelligent systems in which it either contracts or expands to lower or increase its frequency rate. When energy continually contracts, it is decreasing in amount through losses of energy, which lowers the frequency rate. When energy continually expands, it is increasing in amount through gains of energy, which heightens the frequency rate. Our spiritual bodies are also systems of consciousness energy, thus they also lose or increase energy depending on many different factors. We will attempt to drill down a bit further, into these factors and exposures, sourcing from both personal and impersonal forces.

Everything has an energetic signature and is composed of spectrums of frequency arranged in form holding blueprints. Our blueprint and Lightbody is an energetic system. For the Lightbody to be constricted and losing energy, the person is choosing destructive behaviors and/or is exposed to lower frequencies, which lose or leak energy. For the Lightbody to expand and increase energy, the person is choosing positive behaviors and/or is exposed to higher frequencies, which maintain or gain energy.

All systems, including the earth body, and human bodily systems, require sources of energy in order to function well. Further, they require consistent sources of energy in order to evolve, expand and progress in consciousness over time. During the chaotic transformation happening on the earth, it is important to be able to accurately discern the energetic source powering a system. We will need to ask where the energy source of a system is being generated from, and if there are excessive expenditures of energy or energy drains, through destructive behaviors of consumptive modeling. As we progress in the new time cycle during the bifurcation, every detail of our existence will be under magnification, as we interact with any kind of energetic system. The clarity of where we direct personal energy and attention is being amplified, in order to plainly see where our energy is being directed and how it is being used. The question we need to ask is, “Where is our personal energy being drained and where is our energy being supported and restored?”

Thus, in this new energy paradigm, all of our personal choices will be representative of how we discern the subtle energies present, along with our internal energies, and whether those combined energies are effectively self-generating and self-organizing. We will naturally look for systems that are energetically balanced, sustainable, stable, transparent, clear and serving the greater whole with proper value exchanges. We must ask the deeper question of ourselves, are we feeding closed source, parasitic systems that are moving towards Entropy? Or are we willing to transform in order to direct our energy towards the greater cause of open source systems that are moving towards Negentropy? Entropy defines the loss of energy present in a closed source system, while Negentropy defines the increase or maintenance of the energy present in an open source system. Now, we are given the choice to figure this out for ourselves, based on our personal resonances and frequency level.

In our day-to-day existence, we live in a complex environment that requires that we interact with a great many systems that are defined as physical structures. The five main Controller Pillars of Society are constructed on many hidden layers of Entropic systems. These systems of control require energy from others in order to continue to influence planetary affairs, as a part of the Archontic Deception Strategy. These systems create incredible losses of energy, and are parasitic to the human race.

As we undergo the spiritual awakening or Ascension process, we become increasingly multidimensional and more self-aware. We perceive things that we never perceived before. As a result, we are exposed to the inner revelation of discovering a whole new set of systems, which we didn’t see before. Yet, we unfold into the realization that we are interacting with a variety of forces that interplay with many systems, and these systems exist at many different energetic levels. Becoming multidimensional and awakening in consciousness means that we pay attention to the whole energetic system. We look for the loss of energy present in physical matter, and then we source where the loss of energy is occurring in our multidimensional or spiritual bodies. If we allow our spiritual body to tend towards interacting with Entropic systems, we feel the drain. We must have the maturity to realize this type of interaction is harmful to our spiritual consciousness. Hence, our goal is to explore and find ways to increase energy in our spiritual bodies, develop higher consciousness, and learn how to evolve towards collaborating with open source or Negentropic systems.


A system is a set of interactive or interdependent component parts forming a complex and intricate whole. Every system is delineated by the Law of Structure operating in the time and space environment in which it exists, and is the byproduct of the quality of consciousness that originally created it. A system is described by its original purpose and intention of creation, which is expressed in its overall functioning. As an example, if a system is created by the predator mind for the main purpose of self-interest, controlling others, gaining power or Service to Self motives all of the components functioning within that system, will continue to generate and reflect the same corrupt energy at its core. This means it is rotten at its core, it will continue to lose energy over time, and the system has to be restructured in order to stop the energetic drain upon the environment and human resources.

Systems have many different layers and levels of components designed to work together, with all of these parts having functions that are interdependent. For these systems to function optimally, they must organize, or cohere in such way to interconnect and communicate as an integrated whole. This requires that the systems run on the energy levels required to meet the demands of each of its functioning parts. Each functioning part of a system has a behavior and interrelationship to other parts of that system. How well a part functions, will have an impact on another functioning part in that system. So clearly, if one part is not functioning well, it will impair other parts of that system from functioning well. If the energy of a part is not restored to improve its function, a breakdown of the system will occur.

When a system is comprised of many different parts on which it relies to function overall, each smaller part will function in a specific behavior that operates like an input and output station. This can be understood as the communication level, that is interconnecting the functions between all of the parts. Communications made in systems require a transmission (output) and reception (input) of information in order to share intelligence or generate functions within the parts of the system. If the transmission is made without the ability to receive the information within the system, the functioning for that intelligence transmission is rendered useless. Essentially, this describes the state of the closed source system on the earth grid, operating a one way messaging system. Until very recently, the planet was unable to receive two-way communication exchanges from outside the NAA control fences in our Solar System. All forms of balanced energy communications require two way exchanges, transmission and reception, input and output, in order to create the third aspect or result of that combined energetic process. In order for the functioning parts of an entire system to maintain their relationship together, and to accomplish healthy functioning, they will require the appropriate amount of energy.

All Systems Require Energy

In a complex system comprising many different parts and layers, however, in the overall process of functioning, some parts in that system will have behaviors that leak energy. No system is completely energy efficient and self-sustainable in the process of running complex systems, and as a result, some energy will be lost through leakages created by the behaviors of certain parts. In the communication process formed between the various parts, a conversion of energy is needed to make inputs convert into outputs, which manifests as an expenditure of energy required to generate that function. The human body is a perfect example of a complex system requiring an energy source, in order to generate the proper functioning required for all of its parts, which make up the entire bodily system. If the body does not get the suitable amount of energy to power up its systems, it’s not going to run efficiently, and eventually the bodily systems will break down.

We can apply this understanding to help us to improve the function of any kind of system, and remember that all systems and communications require energy.

To improve energy management in our life, we will want to know where and from whom the energy is sourcing from and how it circulates. The state of energetic break down is what we can observe as the causal reason behind many behavioral dysfunctions and disease states that are commonly diagnosed in the medical system. We observe the breakdown of human bodily systems, caused from consistent loss of energy over time, which impairs the ability of that person to; create balanced health, increase self-awareness, or further expand into higher consciousness. Thus, propagating a closed energy system that promotes the loss of energy, energy leakages, and energy harvesting from both the earth and humanity, is a strategy implemented by human and non-human Controllers, who carry out the agenda to suppress human consciousness. By promoting a closed source system of architecture upon the earth, they are able to siphon or use other peoples energy, and hijack the earth’s energy, which they use to manifest their control agenda and artificial timelines. A closed source system is a type of system, which is unable to receive any new energy source from within or outside of itself. Because all systems require energy, a closed system will turn into a parasitic system that attaches to other living things in order to harvest their energy. However, a closed source system will eventually run out of energy and tend towards Entropy, eventually breaking itself down. Over time, the breakdown of that system leads to the annihilation or destruction of that system, and whatever had created it.

There are various ways the Controllers have programmed closed source systems of architecture into the energetic fields of the earth, in order to manifest an array of Entropic systems, as a strategy for inflicting mind control upon the masses. Once closed source system architecture and Entropy is understood, however, it becomes very clear how to identify the energy signature present, in any kind of operating system, whether biological or structural, when paying attention to the energetic movement and behavior of that system. Energy behavior does not lie, and it can be measured. Energetic behavior will show from where the actual energy is being generated, revealing whether it’s a closed source parasitic system of architecture or an open source self-sustaining architecture. An open source system is able to receive new energy from within and outside of itself. This means that open source systems will be able to continue to run internal and external energy, in order to maintain energetic balance and homeostasis throughout its systems. An open source system will be able to replenish lost energy and tend towards maintaining states of Negentropy, which keeps its overall functioning over time, balanced and stable. With an open source system, time is on its side. Eventually, time will reveal the truth of the source of energy it is circulating through its ability to maintain balance and stability of its overall functioning, without using parasitic means to accomplish its purpose.

More on Entropy and Negentropy

In science, Entropy is defined as a loss of energy in human systems, and makes the tendency of that system to become increasingly disorganized and less efficient due to gradual energy loss within the system. Entropy or the loss of energy is what makes a system break down, fall apart, instigate chaos, and function far less efficiently. Understanding how the concept of entropy works from micro to macro levels in our Universe, will help us to understand the impact and effect of energy loss, energy siphoning and energetic harvesting made upon living systems. It is supportive to our spiritual growth and consciousness expansion to be able to identify when and where entropy is present and influencing our lives, in order to clear or resolve its harmful effects.

Entropy is a concept that is applied to all energetic behaviors and influences, as well as the quality of thoughtforms present within energetic systems, such as living organisms, and directly lowers the frequency of a human beings state of consciousness.

When we feed entropic behaviors and systems, we will suffer energy loss. Entropy contributes greatly to all behavioral dysfunctions, misperception of reality, as well as manifesting diseases. This impairs all levels of the human bodies functioning; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, at individual levels and at collective levels. Entropy as a loss of energy in systems, works through principles of low frequency resonance, and can spread like a virus infecting others in the environment with the same entropic result, or loss of energy. When we are not self-aware or are operating from instinctual or unconscious egoic reactions, we can easily match the same low vibration and catch the entropic virus, becoming extremely energetically drained and spreading that drain to other systems.

In science, Negentropy is the opposite of entropy. It is defining the open source architecture of free energy made available to replenish any loss of energy that may occur in the management of a system, in order to retain its balanced functioning in all of its component parts. Negentropy is increasing energy over time within any kind of system, and making more energy available to be circulated for the overall benefit of the whole (humanity). This makes the tendency of those systems increasingly organized and more efficient, due to gradual energy increases made available to those systems in order to achieve sustainable levels of functioning. In human bodily systems, Negentropy increases the available energy to more efficiently run the internal systems, which manifest externally, as a balanced, clear and healthy person. Negentropy, or growing the available energy access given to that system, improves or maintains the higher capacity and efficiency of the whole system.

Negentropy can be thought of in terms that are synonymous with free energy circulation with the infinite and internal energy source, cosmic order, synchronous alignment, and the sustainability of open source systems. Entropy can be thought of in terms that are synonymous with energetic debt and enslavement, disorder, chaotic forces and traumatic alignment, and the parasitism of closed source systems.

Human Groups are Energetic Systems

Humanity is evolving into learning how to better function within group consciousness as a byproduct of the Ascension cycle. Thus, many of us are purposefully thrust into situations that involve navigating group consciousness, such as communities, organizations, memberships, professions, and a multitude of other types of group relationships. Many people on the ascension path are guided into some form of spiritual or consciousness community. This is not only to learn and develop themselves spiritually, but to explicitly gain self-knowledge in how to successfully navigate group dynamics by improving conflict resolution, and communication skillsets without being negatively triggered. We have to learn how to get along with each other peacefully and harmoniously in a group setting, and many of us will be facing these kinds of social challenges now. As we face an array of social challenges, we will be measuring our energetic output and input as forms of available energy, in order to determine what activities expend too much energy, and when we need to conserve energy.

This is directly related to the new skillset of the discernment of Entropic and Negentropic systems. Bringing awareness to the behavior of systems, and how that loss of energy or increase of energy influences our lives.

To participate with the Ascension cycle, requires our transformation away from serving the individualistic egocentric self. It also requires finding our place within group consciousness, without losing the core of our real self or draining our energy. When we are not being our true self, we are drained of energy, used for putting up an egoic facade. While we are losing our negative ego identity, we are in the process of finding the real inner self and finding new ways to increase our energy. This is how we learn to expand our ability to feel comfortable with ourselves while we are participating or observing a variety of roles or archetypes that may reveal themselves within a group consciousness. Eventually, our goal is to become aware of the roles or archetypes that we play unconsciously, and to clear ourselves from hiding behind them as masks that we show the public. Unconscious masks drain our energy and are created from; wounded ego, unresolved conflicts, ingrained fears of vulnerability and betrayals of misplaced trust in others. Becoming authentic while in a group setting, requires us to shed our false identities and express ourselves transparently and authentically, without ever needing to defend who we are. This takes practice to finally get it right.

Whatever group you may be connected to at this time, has a higher purpose for personal spiritual growth, completing karmic cycles, as well as learning how to maintain, conserve or increase personal energy. This experience in a group helps us to develop into greater spiritual maturity, to gain the direct knowledge and experience of unity in diversity that is inherently present within group consciousness. When we have self-realization of this fact, we experience the deep connection we have to others, which further increases our genuine feelings of empathy and compassion for the world. When we are self-interested and egocentric, we cease to have the ability to have feelings of empathy or true compassion for others.

Evolving into group consciousness does not mean we become homogenized as a race, it means we give up our intrinsic selfishness, and learn how to be of service to the whole, by respecting and allowing others to be a reflection of our interconnectedness.

The planetary body is elevating its frequencies to potentially go beyond the closed source system of architecture that makes up the lower energies, the three layers of ego or individuated egoic programming. Whenever we are involved with a group consciousness, we will be facing challenging issues of conflict resolution between all of the parties involved, to the degree these three layers of ego are still in control of those present.

The negative ego program is a destroyer. It is important to understand how unresolved conflicts generated from negative ego programs are a form of mind control, and work as a closed system architecture, that drains energy from the organized purpose of the overall group consciousness. When there are hidden conflicts existing between members in a group, that make up the components of its human system of energy, these unresolved conflicts consume energy beyond that which is needed for the system to function well, and this increases entropy. This is why flushing out hidden conflicts and bringing them into transparency and honesty, in open dialogues between the parties involved, is always the right answer. Transparency is an open source system concept, and a very important part of conflict resolution, and thus for maintaining the higher energetic functioning within any group consciousness or community.

Conversely, dark forces behave in closed source systems of architecture. By promoting fear they will obfuscate and confuse the issue at hand in order to increase interpersonal conflict, escalate chaos, and spread disorder in a group. The Imposter Spirits and the negative ego are extremely clever at twisting kernels of truth, in order to spread misinformation and hearsay to break apart the unity and order that is present within group consciousness. Not only is this a divide and conquer technique to split up group consciousness, but it is how energy is diverted away from being effective, in serving the higher purpose of the groups functioning. When people are in continual states of chaos or confusion, and spread unverified forms of gossip or negativity, the energy is drained from those in the group who take the bait of negativity, and has an overall impact to the group. If this energetic drain is not corrected through conflict resolution, and if transparency is not given to the situation, the group runs the risk over time, with the accumulation of multiple unresolved conflicts, to eventually break down and cease to exist.

Conflict resolution and facing conflicts with honest transparency, removes the energetic loss that conflict creates within human systems, such as organized groups.

Sometimes, it is possible that deeply honest forms of compassionate communication used to resolve conflicts can actually assist the people involved in the group to gain energy and become even stronger in their purpose. When we show true empathy for others point of view, this can powerfully unite people with a common vision or goal. This is important to understand in any kind of interaction made between small or large groups of people, whether its family members, business colleagues, project management, or spiritual communities.

Most people that have not experienced spiritual awakening are primarily controlled through their lower three layers of ego, and are easily manipulated into deception, fear and spreading dark forces, through their lack of impulse control and self-awareness. The three layers of ego operate as entropic systems, and drain energy from a being, who in turn will find ways to unconsciously parasitize the environment or other people, in order to gain back the energy lost. People that are addicted to thoughtforms, extremely intellectual and mentally developed with little heart opening, will resist comprehending this. This form of entropy applies to individual people, groups of people and organizations of all kinds. If an organization is formed for the express purpose of negative ego goals, Service to Self, it will naturally fall into the day-to-day operation that defines an entropic system. If over time this is not corrected, extreme parasitism occurs, which can be quantified as massive energy harvesting. If the person exposed to massive energy harvesting falls into negative polarity within all three layers of his/her lower chakra systems, they are at high risk of running electron reversals throughout their multidimensional body. This entropic state is called Metatronic Reversal.

Metatronic Reversal

This is an entropic system of architecture intended to digress consciousness from the original Christos Divine Blueprint of the 12 Tree Grid, and manifest the closed source system of Anti-Christ life forms. When the original creation program of the Krystal Code from God Source is altered or modified in any way, the ability to self-regenerate and ascend is interrupted, from the loss of energy present. This eventually leads to energetic collapse or internal implosion of the blueprint system, which manifests as Fallen Consciousness and then potential annihilation. The black substance that manifests in the lower dimensions is connected to streams of unconscious impersonal forces, elementals and husks that enmesh with the lower spirit hierarchies. This is one way to understand how an excessive amount of black substance that makes up hungry ghosts, shadow creatures, and satanic hierarchies, became buried and trapped in the earth body.

Altering the open source system of the Krystal Code architecture means a limited supply of energy is made available to the human lightbody. The modified coding that has been written into the planetary body, cannot circulate or receive any more energy directly from the eternal God Source. The Metatronic or Anti-Christ being, cut off from eternal source, has to suck energy from other entities and systems. This being progressively consumes itself, therefore, when it eventually comes to the end of the evolution cycle, it has a finite life span. Fallen Consciousness, such as the Fallen Angelics and Imposter Spirits, are due to Metatronic Code configurations in the planet. These configurations are the result of excessive misuse of free will choice that opposes the divine plan and intention of God Source. In the cycles of evolution, the opposing expression of negative polarity reaches the point at which it has experienced a massive loss of energy and is unable to replace that energy. The beings that refuse to rehabilitate themselves into a process of higher evolution at the end of a cycle, jeopardize their ability to return back into the eternal life expression and continue their existence within the Cosmic Order.

This is the Metatronic Reverse Mutation and unfortunately for any being, who seeks Ascension into the eternal life Krystal Spirals, this mutated coding, which also manifests into the Predator Mind, blocks or obstructs that higher consciousness potential. When this happens the manifest being is unable to fulfill their soul expression and highest purpose to maintain the Cosmic Order. This is the state of Fallen Consciousness. Metatronic frequencies are not just an issue here on planet earth, but extend into many layers of the multi-dimensional anatomy in the Universal Time Matrix.

Entropic Coded Metatronic Spirals

Over the last 5,000 years our planet has been operating on a closed source bi-wave system. With a finite energy supply, consuming other's energies and forming parasitic relationships, has multiplied into massive proportions on our planet. This energetic imbalance was purposely programmed by the NAA Controllers to distort the organic relationship between the electron and proton spin rates. The life force energy was being harnessed using hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, by controllers through the Vesica Pisces bi-polar geometry. The hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code locked down in our planet so that the trinity wave code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and splitter patterns that continually fragmented the human species consciousness in multiple dimensions.

With the NAA invasion history and the war with competing off planet species writing code into the planetary Morphogenetic Field, the attempts to modify human DNA and to genetically manipulate the original divine human blueprint are clear. Extradimensional entities have used the Fibonacci sequence and created AI energetic wave spirals, in order to hijack, siphon and steal energy from the planetary body and humanity. These artificially generated Fibonacci Spirals are created through Alien Machinery and AI technology, to be inorganic and parasitic. This is how the Metatronic Reversal fields were created, as well as the Adverse Sephiroth or Artificial Tree of Life that is represented in Kabbalah teachings, and made popular by Black Magicians such as Aleister Crowley. The Metatronic code is based on two spheres of Bi-Wave Influence or the Vesica Pisces, instead of the eternal life three spheres, or Trinity Wave Influence. Metatronic code manifests reverse merkaba ratios, which force people's Merkaba’s to spin in ways that prevent Ascension.

Since the bifurcation event, the issue of discerning between entropic systems of Metatronic reversal based on bi-wave closed systems, and recognizing Negentropic systems of Krystal Spiral based on tri-wave open source systems, is crucial to our expanding consciousness.

Negentropic Coded Krystal Spirals

When the life force energy is drawn back into the source field, through the trinitized geometries, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during the new paradigm is to create the tri-tone (neutral) field. This draws the composite energy back into the zero point, through a feedback loop of energy, back into the source of all creation. The trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies by restoring the energy loss, and eventually expanding consciousness. The Krystal Spiral has the potential to dissolve artificial structures that have attached or enmeshed with our Lightbody from other lifetimes, due to trauma histories and alien hybridization coding. It recollects and reorganizes spiritual body parts, while returning obsolete energies back to be reabsorbed in the Cosmic Mother’s womb.

It is possible to accomplish this with spiritual dedication and service to develop our highest consciousness. Essentially, the use of correct mathematical principles based upon the trinity field, can return the free energy system of zero point, back to earthlings. Christ Consciousness connection to the zero point can be proven mathematically, as well as through one’s direct spiritual experience.

This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos plasmic light and contains the trinity principle. When this pattern is applied to matter, it is called a trinitized form. In simple terms we accomplish this through genuinely opening our hearts, and practicing unconditional love, kindness, forgiveness and true compassion towards the self and others. If you practice the Law of One as a committed lifestyle, any person can and will organically connect to the Krystal Spiral transmission. A personal commitment and dedication to loving and compassionate behaviors, to serving your highest expression, is the single most important factor of Ascension. Radiant Love is the most important force to fully embody, and whatever technique, you choose to further develop true loving-kindness is inconsequential.

The Krystal Spiral perpetually retains a living, breathing connection through the preservation of what came before, as it expands through multiplication. Out of the one comes the many. This statement is to contemplate the profound meaning of the upcoming Aquarian influence during the 12th alchemical stage of Multiplication. Multiplication is the alchemical process, which greatly increases the concentrated refinement, energetic effectiveness and sphere of influence, of the embodied biological Christos-Sophia eternal light source.

The planetary body and Planetary Logos are now free to follow the Krystal Spiral architecture in order to heal and help evolve the earth inhabitants and species. This path of ascending consciousness has been available since 2012, when the Krystal hosting began. Fallen life forms have been undergoing sequential bifurcation of time in the consciousness fields and have no other choice but to digress further, or split into the direction of the entropic code of the Metatronic Spiral, unless they choose rehabilitation or transiting through Guardian Krystal Host protocols. The Fallen species do not have a DNA template that allows them to rise into higher dimensions, to leave the Universe, or to hijack the Krystal Spiral or those human beings that are connected to that architecture. When the bifurcation of time and the subsequent frequency split occurred, it made higher grid wars for control of the Universal Gates impossible. As a result of the change in planetary architecture, the earth is out of the enslavement and control of the fallen life forms. It can heal into its original organic path of Krystal Spiral, can continue to accrete higher source energy, and can restore and replace lost energy. However, the fallen consciousness is still operating on the earth surface as the False King of Tyranny, and they are still promoting the old fear programming of Cataclysm, Pestilence and Terrorism.

The permanent seed atom is the center point for the Krystal Spiral, which maintains that connection to this center at every stage of consciousness expansion. The points on the Krystal Spiral are connected to the 8th Chakra energy center, or the thymus gland area, by the central vertical lines of the personal blueprint. The Krystal Spiral expands through every 45° of rotation, or by 2 for every 90° of rotation. This formula is derived from the height to width ratio of the diamond sun body or 12 Tree Grid. The number two as the grail point access to our Cosmic Mother is key to the manifestation of the Krystal Spiral on earth. The Krystal Spiral forms a smooth exponential spiral that looks the same at every scale from the microcosmic levels to the macrocosmic levels, unlike the Fibonacci spiral.

Our God source code is a trinity wave accessed through the merging of polarity. This alchemy occurs with the healing and merging of the inner masculine and feminine energies within our spiritual bodies. The human race has been suppressed from connecting to God source and Christ, through the spiritual knowledge that manifests as this sacred union relationship. Most religions controlled the masses to forget the great mystery that God exists as both male and female energetic principles, and that the patriarchal God has an equal that is his wife. One will not know God without loving and knowing both the Mother and Father Principle, as united equals. As above so below. Sacred Union or Hieros Gamos is our divine birthright and this organic Negentropic architecture is being returned to our planet and to humanity. The Krystal Spiral increases the energy available to steadily increase this possibility of spiritual freedom and hierogamic union between equals, to manifest on the earth. The sacred union personification is about perfected inner energetic balance between gender principles as both an inner and outer principle of balanced wholeness.

Oscillation to Vibration Incompatibilities

The process of how fast or slow the energy expands away from the center point of the source field is the Oscillation rate. The process of how fast or slow the same energy contracts back towards its center point of source field is the Vibration rate.

The combination of both the pattern of Vibration (contraction) and Oscillation (expansion) speed is what determines the frequency rate of all energy and all things. As our personal, collective and planetary consciousness rises in frequency, the matter world becomes less dense. Our physical bodies also become less dense as our frequency increases. However in the world of matter, as we drop density we can feel that our body is experiencing energy loss. Sometimes, our blueprint is holding a much higher frequency and energetic download, which is accreting and not yet absorbed, and this can make the body feel extremely dense. It is important to know this is a common Ascension symptom when the physical body is acclimating to embody higher frequency. When we have Ascension Flu and exhaustion symptoms, from acclimating to new energies, this is not an entropic process. This is actually Negentropic as the body is acclimating to embody more light in the cells, and generating more ATP. At stages of lightbody accretion, the body will experience oscillation to vibration incompatibilities, through the exposure to higher frequency rates in the blueprint versus the body. When this occurs, it is possible for the person to experience sensations of heavy density, shadow clearing, and as the body senses the gravitational pull, this creates pressure. The energetic pressure can feel as if it is bearing down on the body from the crown of the head. Tension and stiffness from the influx of new energy will apply pressure for the body to circulate and distribute these energies. This is first commonly felt in the head, neck and shoulders. Sensations of pressure, moving down with thermal energies circulating in other areas of the body comes later. During the body's absorption phase, the lightbody is more unstable. Before the new frequency is fully integrated, while in this phase, you will feel tired and need more sleep.

Learning how to accurately discern the necessary energy expenditures that are for productive and spiritually healthy purposes, such as lightbody integration, will help you to recognize that not all energy expenditures are equal. Directing energy towards developing ourselves spiritually, gaining virtues, and staying awake while others are asleep, can be an exhausting job. This is not entropic. As we commit to our personal spiritual development and live a lifestyle in accordance to the Law of One, all energy will be returned to you, and over time, it will be made Krystal clear!

Please only take what is useful for your spiritual growth and discard all the rest. Thank you for your courage and bravery to be a truth seeker.

I am God, Sovereign, Free!

Until next, stay in the luminosity of your Avatar Christos Sophia heart path. Please be kind to yourself and each other. GSF!

With a Loving heart, Lisa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 2:01:24 AM

Archangel Gabrielle: Eradicate Indifference

Archangel Gabriel 22Brilliant message from the razor-sharp insight of Archangel Gabrielle, through Linda Dillon, Feb. 6, 2016.

Greetings, I am Gabrielle, Archangel Gabrielle, Lily of Love, Trumpet of Truth, Messenger of One, spokesbeing for this mighty Council of Love of which you, my beloved ones, are part of…above and below, within and without. You always have been.

And so I welcome you this day and every day and yes, I fill you with great glory and deepest gratitude with my gold, with my joy. But this joy and this gold and this frequency has been gifted to me from the Mother/Father One. We have all begun, dear hearts, in exactly the same place, in exactly the same realm of existence and that is in the heart of the Mother/Father One.

There is and there cannot be any deviation as Mister, Doctor, Professor Einstein has told you. All patterning, from the sea shell to the oceans, to the sky, to the mountains, to the trees, to the humans, is patterned upon the Mother. You carry the essence of Her design.

But, I come on behalf of the Mother/Father One this day…yes, on special assignment, you might say…to speak to you, my beloved ones, about this issue, might I say, this tragedy, of indifference and apathy.

Now, I am not here – well, not today anyway – to preach at you…although I would still like to remind you about the increase of energies in the 13th Octave and beg you to please do this meditation because that will have profound influence upon the apathy and indifference of the collective…

But let me begin at the beginning.

Why I have begun by speaking about how all is patterned upon the Mother, would it not make you wonder, child, how it would ever happen that any being, in any reality, and certainly any human being, could possibly reach a place of indifference?

We are not talking devastation. We are not talking recalcitrant. We are not talking chaos…although in fact, it does create greater chaos…it is the current beneath the waves. Do not forget that the Mother’s Tsunami continues above the waves, below the waves, within the waves, and within every particle of water whether it is in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, or the ocean of water within thee. It has not halted and will not halt until such time as all is done.

So, I feel that I am your memory jogger because I am also reminding you of the gifts of the Tsunami of Love and they are Clarity, Purity, and Grace.

Now, what does this look like in action? Well, it certainly doesn’t look like you’re sitting at home eating bon-bons. And you aren’t and I would never make that assumption…although I have spotted a few of you enjoying yourselves, and that is a good thing. But let me stick to the subject, for I do have a tendency at times to rant and rave and ramble, do I not? I know you will give me leeway in this.

When all is patterned along, duplicated from the essence of the Mother, that means that the divine patterning, the unique soul design which is different, singularly unique to each and every one of you, [is still?] divinity and it does not carry the essence of indifference, of apathy.

Indifference is the ability, the choice, the decision ~ conscious, unconscious, sub-conscious, it matters not ~ to disengage from your own life and from the life of the collective, from your own mission and purpose and the mission and purpose of the collective. It is a profound denial, which is very sad, of the truth of who you are.

Now you know I am not addressing you who are dedicated, anchored lightworkers and love-holders, for you have dedicated your life to this path. But there are times, if you examine truthfully and without fear of being observed, when you will see this indifference even within your own heart.

And it has become, shall I say, a self-protective mechanism because you look at a situation and you say, “Well, there really isn’t anything I can do to change that, to affect that, to influence that. If I really engaged with it, it would hurt my heart. So, what I will do is simply back away and put my attention elsewhere.”

Now, there are times when you do this and it is a brilliant strategy. And then there are times when you do this when you are simply in denial. So I want you to understand what this indifference feels like in terms of up close and personal because it is up close and personal.

Now, think of it in this way: When you have billions of human beings who for a variety of reasons … and I would suggest they are legitimate in the human rationale … have disengaged because they feel they do not have the adequate power or the wherewithal to address situations, energies, structures, people, that they do not understand.

Now, this takes two forms. It can be reactive behavior but most often it is simply withdrawal … “that is not an area that I can influence and therefore I will stand back” … not as the observer, participant-observer or observer-participant, but simply to draw so far back that they remove themselves from truly observing and participating in any way, shape, or form.

And I am talking about those that live in a very comfortable situation, what you would think of as a middle-class situation in a wealthy country, to those that have been tortured and maimed in war-torn places. Both and all of this withdrawal, this indifference, this embodiment of indifference, is dangerous.

Now, what I mean by dangerous is that it is a denial of the very mission and purpose that person is upon the planet to serve.

Life is meant, intended to be an adventure, a glorious adventure of exploration. Yes, we know that the term ‘journey’ is often utilized, but I say to you this day and every day, life is intended to be an adventure, for you to go exploring, to observe and then to participate, and visa-versa, in everything…the material, the emotional, the blessed, the sublime, the mental … it is all there.

If you go diving into the massive nature of the ocean you see that there is an entire world there to be discovered that is not readily apparent when you are on the waves. And when you travel, you move with what attracts your attention, and with the currents, and with the Mother’s Tsunami, and it is filled with awe and wonder and a joy of knowing that you are part of that exploration, that adventure.

So what happens to those that sit on the shore and say, “Oh, I’m not interested. I don’t feel like it. I’m afraid”? They are missing out on the best part because obviously there was a part of them that felt urged or were convinced that it was desirable to go to the beach but they haven’t taken the next step.

Fear, as you well know because I have taught you this many, many times, freezes you in place. Fear is those “False Expectations About Reality”…FALSE expectations, human expectations, that if you go into the water you are going to be bit by a shark or swept away by a tidal current or rip tide. And it freezes you onto the sand where you are getting gritty and sunburned. That isn’t exactly enjoyable either, is it?

There are those who are indifferent, and this is what we are talking about, who say, “I am content to sit here and simply observe.” It is not sufficient. The reason so many of the collective have reverted, yes, reverted … you are not born that way … who have reverted to the level of indifference, of disconnection, of apathy is the sense that you have lost your freedom and your birthright to power, to the power of yes and no and doing and action. And during this extraordinary time of change if there is one thing that is being requested of the human race it is to step forward in action to create and co-create Nova Being and Nova Earth.

So it is not that they are fighting you. If there was a good fight, a drag-um-out, vigorous debate, then it would be worthwhile because both sides would present and be heard, of course, always speaking in Saidar [language at the refined level of love].

But it is when there is such an apathetic response, that they simply do not wish to engage either in the conversations, the actions, and the realization of individual mission and purpose tied to collective mission and purpose, that we have a problem, dear heart.

Now, when I say that “we have a problem,” I am talking collectively. You have a problem and we have a problem. From our side we are doing more than you could ever imagine and I am filling you all with my strongest gold. You’re filled with the Mother’s Tsunami. You are filled with the upgrades and activations and frequencies.

St. Germaine is ever present as is Jesus Sananda, in fact, there is not one master that is not fully engaged in this undertaking, as well as we who are of the archangelic and various angelic realms, and your star brothers and sisters are working flat out with you.

But what reaches this level of indifference, this level of apathy, is engagement and that is vitally important and I would suggest to you very strongly that it is your role, your job to engage these beings. And you say to me, “Well Gabrielle, Gabby, how on Earth am I supposed to do this?”

Too often you hold your tongue … something I have never been accused of … when you realize that the person that you are chatting with doesn’t really like or feel comfortable with the direction the conversation is taking. And you are far too polite, my beloveds, to say, “What is it about this conversation that bothers you? What is it that makes it uncomfortable? Is there a way that we can engage in this conversation in ways that will allow us to truly exchange feelings, ideas, understandings, wisdom, knowledge?”

You may be challenged and that is alright because the conversation is the awakening. Your outpouring of love, of compassion, and the willingness to engage, to risk, awakens others. Now they may say, “I am strictly a Christian and I will only go by what my church tells me.” And that is alright because you have made them commit and open up to what they really believe. There are a million roads back to the Mother. There are a million roads back home. And as long as they are of love, of purity, of clarity and grace, it does not matter,. All are equally valid as long as they are of truth and not merely of denial or self protection.

So, the conversation has need to take place and yes, I am asking you, I am challenging you, I am inviting you, and I am begging you. Energetically, yes, send the love, in your peace meditations on Sunday night, send the love, but follow up. The conversation with this majority has need to be engaged in. It is not that this majority in any way is recalcitrant or reluctant, perhaps nervous, a little reluctant, but they have been injured along the way, they have felt they have lost their power. They have been stuck in the quagmire of the old third that doesn’t even exist.

Brilliant message from the razor-sharp insight of Archangel Gabrielle.

So, you are reaching out your hand and your heart and you’re saying, “Come here, let’s talk about this, heart to heart, human to human, angel to angel.” You are inquiring of them what is in their hearts. What happened that they disengaged to this extent?

Many will say, “I am too busy. I have a full time job. I am a mother. I have a relationship. I have community work.” All worthy but it does not displace, it cannot displace why one is upon planet. You do not wish to have … you cannot anyway … but you do not wish to create Nova Earth with many people who are simply indifferent.

Most human beings believe in the godhead, in whatever variations there are. They believe in the angelic kingdom. They believe in Gaia. They believe in the goodness, ultimately, of humanity but they have not witnessed it, not in the fullness of what is possible.

You are the bringers, the birthers, the carriers of potential, and you are translating that potential into actuality. That is what this phase is about; it is not about leaving planet, it is about staying put.

Are we willing, ready, able to assist thee beyond measure? Absolutely. We give you everything you need. You do not undertake this alone. We will gladly co-habituate with thee as the words flow. But, dear hearts, we are counting on you in the human realm as our sacred partners to eradicate indifference.

Let us begin right now. Go with my love and go, sweet angels, in peace.

Channeled by Linda Dillon

© 2016 Council of Love, Inc.

This channeled material is protected by copyright. We invite you to share it on condition that it is used in its entirety, that no alteration is made, that it is free of charge, and that the copyright notice, channel credit, website link, and this statement are posted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 2:05:38 AM

The Power of Sacred Intent

Maria picBy Maria Bethencourt


A very POWERFUL spiritual tool that is available to ALL of us, regardless of where we are individually in our spiritual journey, is the setting of our SACRED INTENT.

It overrides all other lower level consciousness, and instantly raises our frequency, assisting us in staying centered in our Hearts.

As always, take what you need and leave the rest behind.
Question everything through the beautiful filter that is your Heart.
The easiest way to begin to flex this spiritual “muscle”, is when we first wake up in the morning.

Upon awakening, give thanks for the fact YOU are still here in physicality.
Give thanks to your BODY for THIS.

An attitude of gratitude instantly raises your frequency and automatically begins your day in a higher vibrational timeline.

We are here to anchor the incoming Source Energies, this is done with our physical bodies, so therefore be thankful for the fact that you have another day in which to assist in the shifting of this Magnificent Earth.

THIS we call “walking in service”.

As you center in your Heart, STATE AND SET the Sacred Intent to Walk every second of every moment of every breath that you take IN THE LIGHT.

As the day progresses keep setting your intent to walk in the Light whenever you feel off Heart Center.
Use this tool as often as you need to do so.
Eventually it becomes like breathing, you do this without even “thinking” about it.

Yes, it is THAT easy.

This is how we step into our mastery, by remembering our many forgotten spiritual tools and using them to assist in the balancing of our energetic, physical, mental,emotional and spiritual bodies.
We then incorporate these tools everyday.
Just as we brush our teeth without thinking about it, so do we also begin to use these sacred tools without “thinking” about it.

The more we consciously set our sacred intent, the more we step into our sovereignty and remember our passions, our joys, the reason why we are here.
When we step into our joy, others around us are drawn to our energy, our inner peace.
They begin to question…how come we are so happy…what is it we do?
From here we share tips and tools with them, show them how we did it.

By living our lives in the Light, in transparency, we show others that it is indeed possible to live peacefully.
With no drama.
And when we shine our light we attract to us those who are ready in their journey to begin to remember who they are and need our support.

We become The Lighthouses we were Born to Be, shining our Light so that all that choose to awaken and remember can see us, feel us, find us and support us as we support them.
And so the cycle continues.
For as we awaken we begin to assist others, and as they awaken they assist others too…and so on and so on.
The more we use this tool, the more we become empowered and begin to step into our Sovereignty, the more we can assist others in doing the same.

So grateful to have remembered THIS.

Other POWERFUL TOOLS for centering in your Heart.




Please share this to assist others in their path of remembering.
In Love, Light and Joyful Service.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 2:07:20 AM

Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: A New Moon Message About Visions and Revelations

ashira 7 gabrielleDear Ones,

The gifts of Vision and Revelation come to you this month.

For many it will be insight regarding your most intimate relationships, for all it will be revelation regarding the relationship of opposites within you, in relationship to others and your harmonious relationship with the polarities in your world.

Divine Revelation comes from a deep-seated place of Love. Sometimes it is difficult to receive the form of the messenger in which the revelation comes to you. At those times know that the hidden message of truth may be uncomfortable but it has within it the deepest most profound seeds of awareness.

This New Moon is a new beginning time. The next few days you can imagine that you are in a walking meditation as you gain more insight and awareness into this greater expansion. You are pregnant with the new life you have been asking for. Take care of yourself as if you were in the latter stages of pregnancy. Pay attention to how you nourish yourself. Spend time preparing your space for new birth. Be clear about the intentions you hold for that which you have given birth to from the most creative activity within yourself.

Recognize that you need to give yourself total loving kindness to be able to receive the glory of this new birth. It comes with responsibilities as well as expansion of all that you have dreamed of, for you need to realize that more Love, Success and Abundance will be a part of this new birth.

When you are not grounded in Harmony with what you want in your life, the expansion of new energy can cause you to be fearful. It is a reaction of your nervous system to the great Unknown. You are here to bring Light into the unknown areas of Life ~ to know the unknown. This is a very clear intentional step to bringing more meaning, clarity and framework to that which seeds your new revelations and inspiration for life.

As you pose the questions, so will the answers appear.

What do you most need to feel supported and loved in your life?

What can you do to be in Harmony with the situations and people in front of you now?

If you had everything to gain and nothing to lose, what would you do and how would you choose?

In this new time trust that you now will have the energy to move forward from the catalyzing force of Divine Light and Guidance working in your life. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
February 10, 2016

“Archangel Gabriel: A New Moon Message About Visions and Revelations,” Channeled by Shanta Gabriel, February 10, 2016, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/13/2016 8:24:16 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday-Sunday, February 13-14, 2016



Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, perseverance

Moon in Taurus

Aspect of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): Matangi, Goddess of the Wind

Aspect of the Aeon Thelete (Will/Desire): Seth, God of the North, God of Enlightenment

Skill: minimize distortions; be receptive to intuition and messages/signs

True Alignments: measured reactions, balancing logic with intuition, co-creating with Spirit by following guidance that is delivered through messages and signs, endurance, focus, assurance, balance, spiritual infusion, missions, facing something, releasing worry

Catalysts for Change: over-analysis, worry, testing someone or something, selfishness, imbalance, dysfunction shows itself, taking the hard way or hard road, things breaking, anger, arguments, assault

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: “a large white dove bearing a message”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

We may need a “white dove” to bring a certain amount of peace this weekend, as the energetics are highly emotional and can create volatility. This will be more pronounced on Sunday, as the Moon builds toward opposition with Mars (exact opposition is Sunday, February 14 at 7:13 pm ET/Monday, February 15 at 12:13 am UT).

Perfectionism and rigid structures are being overhauled on Saturday. The Sun discharges the energy of “a butterfly with the right wing more perfectly formed.” All things are undergoing transition as the Year of the Music of the Spheres, the year of the recalibration of human consciousness and the year beginning the dissolution of the Archontic problem, prepares to close (the end of the current solar-lunar year is April 6).

On Saturday, things have a tendency to become very distorted. What is out of alignment is easily seen. The way we feel about things is prone to undergo metamorphosis, which prompts action (especially with the Moon moving toward opposition with Mars). Remnants of things from the past — beliefs, feelings, situations — are reminders to take intuitive things like signs and messages into account. We want to make room for the creative, spiritual mind to evolve.

Sunday brings complex dynamics to an already-supercharged day – Valentine’s Day. TheSun is at “a garage man testing a car’s battery with a hydrometer.” The old paradigm fused “Love Day” with “tests/shows/results of love.” In the old system, too much emphasis was placed on measurement or expressions of love based on how much money was expended. Some people are still operating on this distorted principle (and it makes life harder on them).

A lot of “testing” goes on with this energyPeople test limits, test fidelity, test appreciation, and can also get testy. Since Mars is being activated by the Moon, anger levels are naturally heightened. At the time of the Moon’s opposition, Marswill be discharging the energy of “hunters shooting wild ducks.” Words can really hit hard, so we want to be cautious in our interpersonal communications. Situations can become exploited and manipulated. A hyper-level of gratification can also be involved. Not a good mix.

All of this is quite a lot for a weekend, but as fate would have it, the “white bird” that comes to our assistance is the Moon’slocation at “a white dove flying over troubled waters” when it makes opposition with Mars. Anything that has become distorted or “troubled” can even out. Balance and serenity can be restored. We can rise or fly above it and return with a great deal of wisdom.

Much love to all of the wise owls on Love Day!

The Oracle Report

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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