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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2015 5:36:23 PM

Lord Maitreya via Natalie Glasson: Awakening of Christ


Audio version is available here.

I, Lord Maitreya, have had many lifetimes upon the Earth previous to my over-lighting as the higher aspect of Master Jesus.

Each lifetime has had numerous moments of divine inspiration, evolution and enlightenment, in the same way that you in your current reality have experienced moments of remembrance of the Creator.

These moments of remembrance and recognition within your being of your natural and eternal unification with the Creator are becoming more frequent as the sacred aspects of the Creator synthesise with the physical world. Those upon the Earth are acting as pillars of light reaching to the heavens and drawing the divine into manifestation.

Each moment of remembrance and recognition of the Creator that humanity experiences raises the vibration of the Earth allowing a new consciousness, light vibrations and love experiences to be activated and born for physical manifestation.

It is now more important than ever before to realise you are experiencing your spiritual evolution, not only for your soul and your happiness, but for the awakening of all aspects of the Creator. Imagine if in one moment you could attract the attention of all of humanity, share words of love and energies of healing with each person to change their reality eternally. This is what you are achieving with every moment of spiritual evolution and transformation within your being.

Are you ready to honour the mammoth role you are playing within this reality of ascension and remembrance? Are you ready to realise you are not unworthy, lacking or incapable? Let your strength stir and gather from within you, sharing with you how valuable you are, as is every soul upon the Earth.

With the belief that, although you are on a personal journey of growth, this journey allows you to transform the energies and realities of others, you will recognise how connected in unison you are to all beings, and therefore all aspects of the Creator. You do not need to be wise, to have practiced meditation, understand the inner planes or even have spiritual skills. All you need is to allow yourself to be yourself, your essence and truth, which exists beyond illusion, limitations and conditioning.

The act of acceptance and allowance of your inner self which cannot be summarised completely in words or even actions can be a lifelong quest and yet it can also be achieved simultaneously if you give yourself permission to do so.

It is time to realise that your mission is to accept the essence within you, not your personality or your character, the essence which is almost indescribable within you and yet can be accessed as feelings and knowingness. It is time to also recognize your unity with all that is the Creator on the Earth and the inner planes.

I wish to share a memory with you, to encourage you to realise and accept the truth within your being, recognising yourself as valuable with the ability to inspire others to achieve the same and building bonds of connection which in truth have never been broken.

During a previous incarnation on the Earth while searching for the answers to my confusion and feeling of separation, I came across a man who sat at the side of the sandy road and simply acknowledged those who travelled by. The land was desolate and yet people were travelling for miles between villages and cities to find work, see families or to find more food. It wasn’t a rich country that I had wandered into but a hot and somewhat desperate land that seemed to attract me further into its heart.

The man acknowledge me in the same way I imagine he acknowledged all people that passed his space of residence, a nod of welcoming and then a stare of knowingness. This man intrigued me, although I had passed many people on my travels, this man seemed to have the answers that I was searching for, or at least he seem to soften the pain within me.

I blessed the man and pulled from my pocket the small amount of food that I owned, offering it willingly to the man. Gesturing for me to sit beside him he placed the food on the sandy ground before him. Sitting down, my head was busy with thoughts, questions, impulses, anger and the simple desire to know why I felt such pain, confusion and separation, like the whole world was suffering within me.

This I now see was true, the entire world did exist within me, especially the Earth, including all that Mother Earth and her inhabitants were experiencing, as we are all one. The answers I was searching for were not only for me, they were to fulfill every aspect of the Creator. It was preparation for accepting the role of Christ Logos.

The anticipation of any kind of guidance from this man made me sit in silence, my head straight forward, my back upright, with the only movement coming from my mind and eyes as I watched others travel by.

A long time seemed to have passed and still we sat in silence, my impatience growing, my skin burning in the strong and powerful day light sun. The heat, dust and stillness was unbearable, but something inside me told me to sit, to obey the wishes of the man and to hope that I would eventually receive words of wisdom from the man, as I had seen many men before me gain. And yet, something inside me continued to tell me I could not access wisdom outside of me, only within.

My anger and frustration excelled limitations when I saw four young boys take my offering of food from before the man, without so much as a thank you or acknowledgement. All I had once owned had gone and yet I felt an urge to stay. As the day turned into night, a bitter coldness descended; coolness that seemed to numb my body, but make my thoughts and emotions seam so active and alive.

Every so often the man would turn to me offering something to drink, which I accepted. As I then began to engage my mind to begin to communicate with him, he would resume his position of sitting once more and I would be forced to sit again, hoping and waiting.

Five long days passed and we continued to sit together in silence. But something was changing within me. A stillness, inner peace and a feeling of being limitless was overwhelming me.

On the sixth day the man turned to me at dawn and said, “What you search for is within you. You must find the word that unlocks your energy; this will allow you to feel complete. Don’t hide from yourself, but embrace your true self, knowing that if you do, others will accept you and find the same within themselves. You can never walk away from pain but you can transform it into something glorious.”

The man slowly rose from the ground and began to walk along the sandy road in the direction I had come from all those days ago. I watch him for a while until I could just make out him sitting down once more. I couldn’t understand the reason for the man to find a new space to continue his focus. I felt his loss of company.

The man had moved to give me space to be in my expanding power. He was also encouraging me to let go of his support,or the perspective I held of him helping me. I did not see this at that time.

My thoughts began to focus on the man’s words, “Find the word that unlocks your energy.” This sentence kept tumbling around in my mind. I began to think. I thought of words that were familiar to me… my own name, the names of my family, even different words meaning ‘unlocking,’ but nothing seem to change within me. I was expecting a thunderbolt effect.

Still I sat there, my body growing tired and weary. I then began to change my trail of thoughts. I began to think of the name of our Creator in my own language, which created lightness to my energy, almost as if all the tension of sitting for nine days was being washed away.

I notice a lady and a young boy passing me. I acknowledged them in the same way the man had acknowledge me, and to my surprise the lady withdraw a small portion of food and placed it before me. “The answer has yet to be found,” she said, under her breath. My shock overwhelmed me. “Do not distract yourself now,” she spoke again.

Through this experience, my determination and strength grew. I never ate the food, because it felt to me that her words had nourished my entire body. Days passed by and still I sat in peace and growing harmony. Words were falling through my mind but none seem to have any weight or power, until I came across a word in the middle of a bitterly cold night. The word was, “Love.”

This word seemed to fill me with warmth. My limbs burned as the cold numbness melted away. It was as if my chest was on fire, as if I was generating my own heat, which was melting the pain and separation that had become so familiar to me. My body was energised. I was feeling new, happy and joyous emotions. Feelings that I had never felt before.

As dawn broke, I felt as if my entire body split in half, as my old energies and self and feelings fell away, and a new energy rose from within me. I could only describe myself as golden light, which seemed to expand from a place so deep within me.

A few days later, I experienced the heavens opening up to me. I saw my path, my purpose and my deep connections with other souls, and of course the souls of the Creator. I accepted the name of Christ, or Love. This word become so precious to me, and I began to share it with others who passed me on their journey of life. This was my point of awakening, understanding and change. The pinnacle moment in that lifetime that allowed me to become the Christ Consciousness, holding the Creator’s energy of love at a planetary level for all to accept.

I take this moment now to honour the man that changed my life, and the Creator for being that wise man and linking everything together.

I hope that you have enjoyed my memory and that it has encouraged you to contemplate the word, sound or feeling which unlocks your energy. It may be the word of love or something just as precious.

It is time to embrace your truth and transform your energies. This can only be achieved when you allow the essence of your being to be recognised. You do not need to find a wise man or women, nor do you need to sit for days. Patience, trust, faith and determination are keys to support you from within your being. The pathway of discovering your truth is yours to realise and explore.

In constant love,
Lord Maitreya, Christ Logos

“Lord Maitreya: Awakening of Christ,” Channeled through Natalie Glasson, October 6, 2015, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2015 5:45:33 PM




Greetings Divine Ones,

We are the Galactic Dragons. We speak to you from the galactic center, bridging transmissions of energy and light within multiple Universes. We are gateway keepers and ambassadors to vast realms of light. We love this role in our co-creation, and we share with you, with great joy.

As you are living on Earth, the energy you experience is opening up for you. As part of this, we now initiate this communication with you. We translate for you the energies within our collective larger wholeness and invite you to feel and participate, consciously, in a more unified, universal sense of community.

Life as you know is, is changed.

Yes, there are still many human beings living along timelines largely associated with the separation age and with limitations and fear. But there are also more and more human beings who have opened up to their direct knowing and with this, have remembered the truth of their being. These humans, like you, have realized the distortion of ideas of separation and the illusionary power of fear and limiting ideas. Although many who have awakened are still learning to live the truths they have remembered and discovered, there is nonetheless, through this remembering, a vast momentum underway in your world. This momentum is a momentum of light!

The light within you is your connection to your Source. The Divine within. You are a divine being and yet your human body holds only some of the frequencies of consciousness that comprise your wholeness. In the fullness of your being, what we often call your Divine Self, there are multiple layers of harmonics and an arrangement of light. As the fullness of your being, you are so exquisite and refined, pure and clear, expansive and powerful. This energy field animates your human experience and simultaneously nourishes all aspects and expressions of your being. This stream of light is infinite, and it is your gateway to Oneness. All that you experience comes to you through the hierarchy of your being. For so long human beings sensed a hierarchy of being and in that, they imagined God. They imagined someone loving who looked over them. They did find it troubling and mysterious how they could feel and know this immense loving energy and still experience such awful and painful experiences. There was in these times, a sense that God was somehow perhaps displeased or that one needed to make God happy with supplication and worship, to achieve good experiences. In effect, to earn them by winning God’s favor.

Now these ideas may seem a bit silly to you, but they were very real for many and in fact, still are real for many. The earnest wish to be pleasing to this imagined Divine Being outside of you, called by many, God, came from the best understanding of the many. This ideas was also maintained and the distortion expanded by some who stepped forth in religious traditions and in other ways, as leaders acting as an intermediary to connect you to God. Eventually, there was this idea that you could not connect directly to God, yourself. In fact, for much of life on Earth, human beings did not even trust themselves to pray, but rather, felt that only holy people could speak directly to God.

The remembering that you are experiencing -- that the divine is you and is access within you, directly -- is sorting all this out. You may still think of the Oneness that is as God, or Source or Infinite Intelligence, but you know this energy as one and the same as you.

As this return to a more direct relationship with Creation takes place; the potential for human experience is expanding. It is a very exciting transformation to participate int and to witness. All of us feel tremendous joy as the planetary field of Earth opens up more and rises in frequency, giving Earth and humans easier and more direct access to more energy and larger fields of light and information.

The recent transitions that many of you experienced in September have made for a very different playing field. This playing field, your life experience, is elevated and new because many of you have now achieved resonance with untapped levels of your own embodiment. That’s what the new playing field is — an untapped level of your own perception and experience of embodiment. Access to this new level is made possible now by the changes in your energy state and the affinity you now have with higher frequency fields.

Perception is a filtered experience of energy that helps you to focus and unfold your lives. Affinity and frequency create this filter of perception. Think of frequency differences as definitions that make different experiences and perceptions possible. As you become different in your own embodied frequencies, you have an affinity with different fields because your energy defines your access in different ways.

You, living a human life, have a rich, complex and multilayered energy field. Your human energy system is comprised of your own wholeness through cosmic energies that inform you and consistently enter your field and sustain you. Your human energy system is comprised of planetary electromagnetic energies that enter your field and help you to ascend. Your human energy system is comprised of solar energies and frequencies of your own human perfect blueprint, through sunlight and through the sun-based foods you eat and digest, internalizing their energy and organizing qualities. Your human energy system is comprised of pranic energy through your breath. You also shape energy and are comprised of structures of energy based on your thought and attention.

You encounter one another, and sometimes you pay so much attention to another that you attune to their energies — you call this “taking on their energy.” In truth, you are not taking on their energy but rather, tuning yourself to it by attention. You travel and meet people and go places, and in all of this encounter frequency imprints from other times and people. All of this transforms and changes your dynamic human energy system. You experience galactic energies streaming into your world and universal cosmic energies and the qualities of these based on and shaped by large fields in your solar system and your universe. You read or go to events or channel yourself, and in doing so connect with non-physical fields of light. You do this through prayer, by reading. You change your field as you give attention to anything. You listen to music, or look at images, or art, watch films or tv, participate in a conversation. You often open yourself up to the energies of nature and are influenced by the balancing qualities of the elementals. Your body itself is comprised of a perfect template of knowing and infinite intelligence and your blueprint for this embodiment and your ongoing informing from your Divine Self.

You, in this human experience, are an amazingly rich and dynamically informed field of light!

The reason in part we describe for you some of the ways that you are this rich and amazing being you are, is to help you to see the immense potential within your experience for ongoing elevation and refinement.

You will never get it done! (The optimizing of your field). Your energy field is always dynamically changing. There are endless ways of perceiving and knowing your human life, based on the different frequency arrangements you create, generate, choose, entrain to and allow to create your field.

Your presence is generating, moment to moment, based on an enormous variety of inputs, some of which we’ve just described for you. You are flashing on and off as matter and light -- completely merging with the Divine Oneness instant to instant and then re-informing your presence here, quite literally! It is happening so quickly you cannot even notice this, and yet it is always reinstating you from the fullness of your being and all you are here.

In all of this, you are thriving! You are fundamentally so well. Incredibly well! As is all of life.

So then, what now? What next? What is possible here?

Anything you can imagine and set about creating beloveds. Anything.

We want so very much to be part of your experience because we know you as empowered beings of light. We are here to remind you of this and help you to release that which impairs your openness and impairs your thinking by limiting your sense of what’s possible for you.

The more you can release ideas of what you can and can’t do and simply explore things, the more you will find you can do things you never did before. The more you will find you can create things you used to think would be impossible for you.

In the earlier part of this life experience — we use linear terms because that’s how you experience life, by and large, here — you had to learn to limit yourself. You did not come in here with limiting ideas; you assimilated these. Then they became normal to you. Other people had similar limits. You’ll notice that whole family systems, have similar limiting ideas, this is how it works because you’re energy, and you can change your field and your consciousness with your attention.

Think about that for a moment — you can change your field and your consciousness with your attention. By what you pay attention to.

What can you do with that knowing?

What changes might you make to your life, knowing what you perceive is available to you, because of the state of your energy field ... and knowing you create this field with your attention? DYNAMICALLY.

We want you to see, if you can glimpse it, that nothing has a hold of you. Moment to moment you are entirely and completely FREE.

What if you took that to heart and lived from that?

What if you were not even sure you believed this but were fully willing to try it out?

We tell you, the results, and the experiences that you would have, would demonstrate the truth of this to you amply and quickly.

What if, you surrounded yourself with positive, empowering ideas and people who thought that way and lived that way? What do you think would happen to you? What do you imagine might change in your energy and your experience — circumstances and situations — as you had your attention, on these uplifted joyful people and immersed yourself in the way they were living and thinking?

Not hard to see that some of it would rub off onto you, now is it? Or that you might tune to that energy (or take that energy on, as you often think of it)...!

Isn’t this wonderful?

So if you want peace, you use your attention to choose what gives you peace. If you want financial abundance, you use your attention to notice what gives you the feeling of financial abundance. If you want more clarity, you focus on clarity and notice clarity and cherish clarity and embrace clarity. You cultivate your energy field, consciously or unconsciously, and the implications of this are big.

Light has opened up within you that can help you to access brilliant ideas. Incredible, enlightened inspiration for expressing yourself and improving your experience. Access to vast fields of coordination and amplification is available to you, and you are immensely supported by the planetary logos and the solar logos. These energy fields know you and love you and are continually transmitting waves of uplifting frequencies to Earth and you, to empower you to tune to the most beneficial arrangements of energy and light.

As you consider all of this, we hope you see how different life on Earth is, and is becoming. How different your sense of self is when you realize these truths, and how you feel and think about all of Creation. Human beings are beginning to understand the nature of their mind and consciousness, and thoughts and how everything is energy.

You're seeing the ways that limiting ideas create feelings and drive choices.

There is so much enlightening energy in your world! A great variety of people are sharing their experience and with this many doorways to wisdom and truth are emerging. The realization of how everything works together as One is becoming more and more available in collective consciousness and life on Earth is becoming new again and again and again, in very beautiful and enriched ways.

You are a distinct and beautiful expression of life as this human being who we share with right now. Your presence is dynamically changing and dynamically arising in this field of energy called Earth, as this field of energy you consider your body your human energy field. Dynamically arising moment to moment!

The great remembering is liberating all of life on Earth from the separation age.

It will take time for each human being to realize and live from the truth that there is not a singular God outside of themselves, but that they are that divine energy and can access it directly. Each human being is divine light energy and exists in a hierarchy of frequency and being that is vast, informed and whole. The inner knowing of this truth is a bandwidth of frequency whose time has come. The planetary frequencies have made this truth more available. There is a momentum of tapping into this, and it is lighting up your world.

That truth, that persistent gentle, spacious reality of you and your perfection! You and your innate belonging to and with all that is. It is here and the time has come when enough energy has changed — in human consciousness and planetary fields — to make this truth more available and more commonplace.

This return to direct relating with all of life and Creation is the great remembering. This great remembering was the aspiration of this epoch in time/space. It has been accomplished.

Now, it is simply a matter of how you choose to create. We encourage each of you to consider what might be the most authentic form for your life given who you are NOW. What form and ways of being and expressing will most fully liberate you to enjoy this continually evolving experience of embodiment?

To enhance that experience, we join you, bridging you into communication and connection with Universes beyond your human knowing and helping to further reconnect all of us, consciously, to the great Oneness.

With love and enthusiasm, we are the Galactic Dragons.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/9/2015 5:49:15 PM

Our Galaxy Awakens! (And Science Confirms It)

10th October 2015

By Zen Gardner

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

If anyone needs a confirmation of this energetic change we’re experiencing as well as expecting more of, scientists have just confirmed it. This is big news and should be an encouragement to many that what we’ve been sensing does indeed have a confirmed, identifiable physical counterpart.

Three orbiting X-ray space telescopes have detected an increased rate of X-ray flares from the usually quiet giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy after new long-term monitoring. Scientists are trying to learn whether this is normal behavior that was unnoticed due to limited monitoring, or these flares are triggered by the recent close passage of a mysterious, dusty object.”

“By combining information from long monitoring campaigns by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton, with observations by the Swift satellite, astronomers were able to carefully trace the activity of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole over the last 15 years. The supermassive black hole, a.k.a. Sagittarius A*, weighs in at slightly more than 4 million times the mass of the Sun. X-rays are produced by hot gas flowing toward the black hole.

“The new study reveals that Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* for short) has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every ten days. However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2.

“For several years, we’ve been tracking the X-ray emission from Sgr A*. This includes also the close passage of this dusty object” said Gabriele Ponti of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Germany. “A year or so ago, we thought it had absolutely no effect on Sgr A*, but our new data raise the possibility that that might not be the case.”

“Originally, astronomers thought G2 was an extended cloud of gas and dust. However, after passing close to Sgr A* in late 2013, its appearance did not change much, apart from being slightly stretched by the gravity of the black hole. This led to new theories that G2 was not simply a gas cloud, but instead a star swathed in an extended dusty cocoon.” (Source)

A Cloaked Star?

An interesting idea there, even though we know NASA and related agencies are filled with deceptive and false information. But I find it compelling that they’d announce finding a cocooned or cloaked star that unexplainably passes near the massive black hole at the center of the galaxy, which as we know is where the energetic forces emanate from and enlivens the stars and other bodies and all energetically connected aspects in our the milky way.

We know that the position of the stars and planets directly influences our lives. How much more then do massive energy shifts and pulses coming from the gigantic center of our galaxy?

There are many ideas about the nature of this energetic change many of us have been feeling some time. David Icke called them truth vibrations decades ago, while it’s recently been termed “Wave X” as well as ascension facilitating energy and many other things having to do with our spiritual growth and empowerment, by helping to raise our vibrations and hence conscious awareness.

The Wave, CERN and Geoengineering

Certainly hidden science has known about this and other similar phenomena for a long time. That this information becomes available right now is rather prescient just as we see the attempt to put these last pieces of the global takeover into place.

We know the geoengineering agenda has many purposes. It’s been thought by many thatgeoengineering chemtrails are being put in place to block this energetic change from reaching us. It cannot succeed of course but it may hinder some influences, I don’t know. Now think about CERN with a magnetic force 100,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field, according to their own website. That’s a lot of power and extremely disruptive, the full use and effects of which we’re yet to see.

Is one of CERN’s purposes to deliberately tamper with our magnetic field, and is this an attempt to jam these incoming, empowering frequencies? At the least it will alter the very resonance of our planet and everyone on it. One thing we can be sure of, their mad intentions are not for humanity’s benefit.

Surf’s Up!

Whatever these energetic changes emanating from the center of our galaxy are, we certainly could use further empowerment and it sure appears Universe is supplying it! But remember, this nor anything else will be some kind of the cavalry coming to our rescue. It’s fully up to each of us individually us to utilize whatever is available to us. This and other influences already at our fingertips won’t do anything by themselves. It’s up to us to activate them in our lives.

So let’s see what it brings!

Surfs up! Enjoy the ride and look for the manifestations in your own life and let them unfold.

Much love, Zen

About the author:

I have questions. Life is wonderful – full of amazing wonders that continue to unfold. My quest for truth has given me new perspectives which lead to well springs of information that continue to inspire awe and wonder at the world we live in. Dare to explore and see what leaves you. Just wondering. Love Zen. Connect with Zen at

“The hourglass is almost out of grains.”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2015 8:21:31 PM

The Oracle Report, Saturday, October 10, 2015


You too can fly. But that cocoon must go!

Thanks to Bamboo.

I’ve highlighted several paragraphs below, both in today’s post and yesterday’s post, which Laura has reprinted, and I urge you to take note of them.



Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream, prepare the field of consciousness for the new to enter with the New Moon on Monday

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: All – led by Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns Us With Our Highest and Best

God of Will/Death: Kathe – God of the South, God of Waves

Skill: as things come to light, continue to maintain emotional equilibrium as events unfold interpersonally and in the world; we are “holding space” and maintaining cohesion within the fabric of humanity

Catalysts for Change: sacrificing self for another and it coming to no good end, shattered illusions, shock from truth being revealed, archetypal deaths and endings, offensive to what is sacred, crimes, criticism, only concerned with self-gratification, not able to move past pain and the pain of the past, targeted, fooled or tricked, continuing to suffer

True Alignments: decency, honor, kindness, facts and data, critical analysis, taking time for recovery, signs, messages, things crossing our path that we need to know, revelations, communication with animals/messages from animals, miracles, time for transition, marking points in time, symbology

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unification via the sacred feminine)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (complete recalibration of consciousness

All wise owls on deck as we approach the historic New Moon in Libra on Monday. Full light is on the way, and with it comes some shock and awe.

The “hard hits” of truth are beginning, due primarily to the Sun making opposition to Uranus today and tomorrow, but also due to the fact that in the cycles of the Sun and Moon the entire Libra lunar cycle is parallel to a month-long Full Moon phase. Full Moons bring the most amount of light by which to see. They also bring Full Moon Fever, one that will be in effect the entire lunar month.

Since Uranus will still be in close opposition to the New Moon at the time of the New Moon, Uranus’ themes are strong this upcoming month. Uranus changes things dramatically, making them right. Uranus is located at 19 Aries and the Sabian symbol of “the magic carpet ride of oriental imagery.” Wherever we have been “taken for a ride” or fooled will show up within personal relationships. This is designed for us to see so that we can go to a different place with something. We can ride on a magic carpet above the mountains of lies, transcending them — leaving them behind.

The energy of the planet Eris (see my book on Eris, available for free download on the Books tab, for more information) is being strongly triggered due to the New Moon in Libra only arc minutes from opposition to the Eris Point – the degree in the sky where the planet Eris was located when it was discovered. The themes of Eris are: true love, justice, freedom, truth, destruction of power and control systems, release from chains of the mind/body/soul, harmony, marriage and committed partnerships, a high sense of value, and confrontations with the self when illusions are held. These things are beginning to show up in a myriad of ways.

The Sun is located today at the degree of “two men placed under arrest.” Facts come to light with this energy, too. Offenses to decency are revealed and cannot be denied.

The consequences of this could be monumental as Saturn is finishing its discharge of the degree of “the ocean covered with whitecaps.” Drama is being whipped up, especially within relationships, as Venus is in square to Saturn today. We dive below the whitewater to the place of calm.

The remainder of the “Hundred Hours” until the New Moon in Libra (which occurs Monday, October 12 at 8:05 pm ET/Tuesday, October 13 00:05 am UT) are an unprecedented time to leave the past behind. An important shift is underway. and most people’s psyches are being taken for a scary ride through mountains of lies and injustice. We see above, below, and beyond that, fully aware that the return of full light is a good thing.

I will be back tomorrow for a special Sunday report due to the climate of the times. “Wings Around the World” meditation lifts off Monday.

Truth and love prevail. Wise owls are holding the space.

Friday, October 10, 2015

Balsamic Moon Phase: release, dream

Moon in Virgo

Goddess of Wisdom: All – led by Shodashi, Goddess Who Aligns

God of Wisdom/Desire: Kathe, God of the South, God of Sonics

Skill: release (retire) what needs to be released

Catalysts for Change: single-minded and not taking others into account, extreme duality, rules, unintegrated, dissonance, scapegoating, extremes of self-sacrifice, fear, anger, denial, elitism, ageism, jealousy of another’s vitality, emotional storms and drama

True Alignments: faith, healing the self, visibility, cohesive, extending oneself, wonder, peace, reminiscing, inner calm, loosening up, mysticism, honesty, heightened powers of obervation and intuition, preservation, transformation, pinning something, seeing beyond

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-tuning and recalibrating consciousness)

Today Mercury stations direct or appears to move forward in the sky once again. The day a planet stations retrograde or direct often incites challenges with the things Mercury “rules” – communications, telecommunications, electronics, information, messages, and travel, among others. Extra patience is required on the days Mercury stations retrograde or direct.

When Mercury stations direct, clarity and cohesion begins to return. We begin to understand and integrate what Mercury “going back into the past” has been trying to teach us. Usually this teaching involves evolving our minds and our experiences. We see the limiting thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and habits that can be released.

Releasing or retiring things is a prominent feature of today’s energy with the Sun discharging “a retired sea captain watches ships entering and leaving the harbor.” This energy helps us complete tasks, return things to their place, and clear up confusion, which is quite helpful during this very important Hundred Hours of the Balsamic Moon phase (see yesterday’s report in the Archives).

But, going further, this symbol brings exactly what First Responders of Consciousness need when a mass trauma response is preparing to be played on humanity. This symbol brings the calm, inner place of resonance with God/Universe from which the power of equilibrium within chaos is found. It is the point of power, the warrior’s stance, the wise owl safely in the tree observing and preparing to respond.

The sea captain is near the water, watching the ships coming and going, but he is not in the water. Water is an archetypal reference to emotions and changeability, so we are watching emotional reactions, not engaging them. This would take us off center, and we need to be very centered right now.

The “center path to the inner place” is the path of the mystic today, as Venus (which fully came out of its own retrograde motion just yesterday) is located at the degree of “a large white cross – dominating the landscape – stands alone on top of a high hill.” Signs, synchronicities, and messages usually appear quickly with this energetic. The primary dynamics with this energy involve ending personal and collective suffering and maintaining sight and connection with a higher power. Symbols that inspire spiritual connection usually “cross our paths” when this degree of the zodiac is activated. It always guides us.

Adding to the “staying centered and looking out” theme is Mars’ location at “two heads looking and beyond the shadows.” We are wise to look at things from another person or group’s perspective. The outcome will be better for everyone involved. If a conflict arises (as they are prone to do on a Mercury retrograde or direct day), walk in someone’s else’s shoes for a bit. Where do they feel powerless? What can you offer to assist, solve, or resolve the situation? What we do for one, we do for all. Nothing is minimal.

As a whole, the energetics today engender a certain degree of solitude or even loneliness. The Earth is located at “two prim spinsters sitting together in silence.” This can be carried too far through excessive self-induced isolation, so if this is happening in your life, consider what you might be missing out on by not having new opportunities for the Source of Life to provide splendor. If you are insulating yourself, the times are changing, and that level of retreat from the matrix will no longer be required to stay sane. As the collective awakens, it will be more pleasurable. Baby steps.

We are maintaining a strong, centered, grounded connection with love for our planet and our fellow beings as the Hundred Hours continues. See you back here tomorrow for the latest. Until then, we watch it all come and go.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Skill: “first responding” by maintaining emotional, mental, physical, and SPIRITUAL equilibrium

True Alignments: solid ground, adapting as situations change, seeing the truth, originality, making plans for the future, guidance and protection, unseen assistance, repairing things, performing a higher service, accomplishments, open minded, revelry, connection with nature, heightened intuition, messages about direction

Catalysts for Change: people and things coming undone, cat and mouse games, control dynamics, fears about safety and security, over-idealizing people, washed or wiped out, not taking personal responsibility, frozen in place, not seeing clearly, confusion, lost in fantasy or illusion, making excuses, emotionally overwhelmed, self-sabotage, manipulation of banking and finances, vain

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a girls basketball team” (unifying)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres” (re-tuning or re-calibration of consciousness)

The watery Balsamic Moon phase, the last phase of the lunar month, has begun and the energy comes in like a tidal wave.

A major force behind the tidal wave today is the Sun washing in the energy of 16 Libra and the Sabian symbol “after a storm, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction.” Things deconstruct under this dynamic (particularly emotions). Then they reconstruct, but in a different way than they were originally. So we understand that what we see, feel, hear, and experience today will undergo mutation or transformation before it is finished. We will not become attached to one thing or way or feeling.

This dynamic is very strong because this degree in the sky has been especially active, meaning planets have done significant things there lately. Mercury stationed retrograde (appeared to stop and then begin moving backwards in the sky) at this degree on September 17. An amplification of the energy of “after a storm, a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction” occurred on September 17 and has been in effect the whole time Mercury has been retrograde. Mercury stations direct (or appears to stop and move forward in the sky once again) tomorrow. The short of it is Mercury retrograde types of issues – issues/challenges with communication, travel, electronics, information – are strongly in effect today and tomorrow.

In general, things may feel like they are coming apart, undocking, coming loose, crashing out of control, or breaking into chaos.

I would offer that this is an effect of the full force of Shodashi’s Wave (Gaia Sophia’s action of returning balance and sanity) and is actually bringing alignment with NATURAL order out of the chaos. Underneath the surface, whatever happens today happens to make things better.

The Earth herself is located at the degree of “fairies (nature spirits, elementals) dancing in the setting Sun,” bringing the veils between the worlds of Spirit and matter close together. The power of illusion and delusion is as high as the power of clarity and reality. Since today’s energy is mutable — changeable — we may vacillate between the two. This can be a little unnerving, but beautiful things can be created from it. Essentially, we can easily meld with the dream of Mother Earth.

Balsamic Moon phase is the mystical, dreamy time of the month, so the energy of “fairies dancing in the setting Sun” is “at home” during Balsamic. Since today’s energy naturally un-grounds, untethers, and undocks things, we remain securely fastened and trusted to Divine Order. To reinforce the connection or to moderate the tidal wave of energies, go outside and “be” in nature. If you are lucky enough to have a body of water nearby, go to it and send out thoughts of peace and stability through it.

This Balsamic Moon phase is the Hundred Hours (or so) before the New Moon in Libra on Monday, a historic month. It is the job of those of the light to hold the line, hold the space, hold the field, and maintain emotional. mental, and physical equilibrium. A trauma response is underway within the collective of humanity. We are on duty as first responders of consciousness. Calling all wise owls…all wings on deck.

(Wings Around the World meditation planned for the New Moon on October 12. Recordings on various timely topics on the way.)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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10/10/2015 10:41:58 PM

GaiaPortal 10-9-15… “Illusions are attenuated”

gaiaportal_logo163Illusions are attenuated

Illusions are attenuated.

Allusions come to the fore.

Secular writings fail to please.

Essences of new trials are exposed.

Eviscerations are primary.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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