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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2015 7:03:11 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update - July 28, 2015

I Muluk, 2 Pop, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Much is happening! The various processes chosen by our earthly allies have received working schedules. As usual, a set committee meets at infrequent times with the dark cabal. In these meetings, our earthly allies provide the dark’s emissaries with a series of ultimatums. These ultimatums are usually based upon a series of legal decisions that prove the dark is basically bankrupt and lacks its own oomph to carry out senseless military actions. In short, world opinion is turning solidly against them. The ancient families in particular possess formal IOUs, which have the power to prove the utter weakness of the dark’s fiat monetary system. The dark realizes just how fragile their position is. The end time for this cabal draws ever closer. The ancient families wish to create not only a new system, but as well to create global conditions for the new consciousness to grow and flourish. We constantly remind them that the poor masses of humanity that cover this globe are dying and in pain. Their reply to us is that a process for change is under way and gaining momentum. There is to be a time for everything. We reply that Heaven as well has a most glorious agenda!

When the Atlanteans so ungratefully abandoned humanity, the people were left to starve and eventually die. In this instance the Anunnaki arrived and under a strict agreement with Heaven partially rose up the people and put them under the heinous yoke of their dark rule. Your ancestors were at first appreciative of their help. Deep in their hearts they vaguely knew what had so capriciously occurred. These new dark ones were attempting to replace the Atlanteans and erase their memories of who they really were. This troubled your ancestors as they realized that something wonderful needed to happen to return them to their former state. Eventually as the millennia passed, your ancestors adapted to this limited reality. The golden ages after Atlantis proved to most of your ancestors that there were some rewards for supplication. Nevertheless, the hope of those who remembered the old world was a constant mantra for Heaven to send a true champion. We were secretly appointed to watch over you and await further instructions.

Since the destruction of Atlantis, your ancestors suffered as the Anunnaki mercilessly ruled over them. After the last golden age ended with the great flood, the Anunnaki selected minions to serve in their place as masters of you. The Anunnaki began to divide you into different groups and use this as a means for greater control. Moral rules to govern these societies were passed down and many other rules were given to aid their minions in governing these very diverse groups. The minions were taught about war, hatred and other ways to manipulate a society. By modern day, you had mostly forgotten about your past and accepted many of the precepts passed down from the previous eight millennia. Your present societies are in reality changing how you look at this. The Anunnaki are gone. The minions proved to be a truly inept group. They only know what the very astute Anunnaki taught them. They have had easy access to wealth, power and a general governmental indifference. This creates a kind of stupor, which can be used to finally finish them off.

As consciousness grows, you begin to see how this realm can be changed. The ancient families work partially within the context of the old reality. Something new is needed that can quickly transform these millennia-old predicaments. We believe that a transparent and powerful movement can work to swiftly alter this realm. We have been suggesting this for years. Small groups intent on improving local conditions have popped up all over your globe. These tiny movements are gradually consolidating what is needed as major groups to come together and create networks with power. In other words, to do this with powerful benefactors who use their wealth to advance these numerous projects. To us, this is a more acceptable way. The dark can then attempt to interfere. Let them, and use it to advance the power of this cause. Their corrupt methods can only lead to a true “quiet revolution”. This needed to be done a half decade ago. The result of this growing consciousness can then oust these scalawags from power. The results are the same within a much smaller timeframe.

We are your Ascended Masters! We come with a message for all!! Right now on Gaia, a great energy is moving into your various life zones. Each of these energies is building upon the other. The coming month of August is when these energies are to reach a crescendo. These energies are to become the foundation for another set of even higher energies that are to follow. These energies are activating parts of your mind, heart and body. These organs are the center point for a blessed set of changes that are to make you even more aware of the dimensional transformation. Back in 1972, a number of actions were undertaken to preserve this solar system. These were the initial instance of us aiding your reality. Be aware that to us, Gaia is a special planet as it served as the focal point for the start of this galaxy. Ever since we became Masters, we became deeply aware of what this divine living orb truly is. It is a blessing to know that its preservation is a divine part of our many sacred duties. As you grow in consciousness, you can better sense her immense importance to this solar system.

These new energies are part of a continuing system of energies that began to flow into Gaia at the start of this millennium. These energies are to be the jump starter of the preliminary energies needed to start your changes. At present, most of your aura has been integrated into fields that power Gaia. As she naturally grows, so do you. In August, the next sets are to commence flowing into this orb. We are regulating these energies and the transformations they are to cause. They are, in fact, a type of tonal pattern needed to move you to your next stage of growth. The dark has become aware of what is happening and we are assuring Heaven that our protection extends throughout this surface world. Meanwhile the dark is as well discovering that its plans to prevent these transformations are badly failing. The Light is drawing closer each day to a most blessed victory!

The blessed song of Heaven is reverberating throughout this realm. We ask that you remain positive and use your mostly untapped inner powers to see that this timely change happens as planned. Each of you is in reality a jewel of Heaven. Use your collective abilities to permit these brilliant inner jewels to shine. If you look around you, you can then see this grand energy in action. Visualize this and in so doing allow your brethren to shine with a brilliance so great that it ends the power of the dark and lets the Light of Heaven in. Let this be the time of a great end to those who in the dark’s name kept all of you doubting who you are and what you were capable of. The time comes to let this realm know that your merciful guardian energies are preparing to emerge and create a new realm filled with peace, cooperation and joy. Hallelujah! A new time of freedom and prosperity is nearly upon us!

Today we continued with our weekly messages to inform you of what is happening across this globe. Our space and inner Earth families are providing the grounds for the great set of changes that are currently underway. We thank all who are so graciously aiding all of us in this mission to transform humanity. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2015 7:04:40 PM

You Are God’s Desire Fulfilled

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Certainly you know that when someone creates, he or she is in joy. Creating is self-expression. I expressed Myself in joy when I created you. You are My expression expressed. I wanted you. I want you still.

I see you as you really are. You see yourself in bits and pieces. Too often you see yourself as failing. I would love My Created sons and daughters to get over the idea that they are some kind of blasphemy or fool or miscreant.

How can it be that human beings, the Beings I created and gave the richest opportunities to, too often see themselves as unworthy. Many seem to carry around an idea of themselves as misbegotten.

No lion I know of roars at himself or claps his head and thinks: “What a rotten mistake I made. I am such a rotter.”

No cat I know of thinks he is imperfect.

No mouse thinks he doesn’t belong.

No animal that I know of plagues himself as My beloved human beings plague themselves. Human beings are good at misgivings. They excel at it. They can wrong and be wronged and live on the tears of their regrets as if their feelings of regret are food for the soul.

Too many human beings, instead of seeing themselves as the fairest of all, see themselves as the dregs. Let’s change this right now.

Be elated that you are alive. Do good, and when you err, don’t punish yourself for it. Go on. What you are guilty of is being a human being who questions himself over and over again. No matter what, do not indict yourself.

No matter if you have committed so-called unforgivable sins, don’t label yourself. Rise above now.

If you have sunk to the curb, don’t stay there. You are not established in wrong-doing. You are established in Being, and you are to be whatever you want to be. What do you want to be? I don’t think you want to be a slug or a spot on the wall or a heartless ruler. You can be any kind of human being you want to be.

If you have been a murderer, you can choose now to hold life in good stead. If you could murder, you can be someone who cares about life. A murderer once does not a murderer have to continue to be. Set your sites higher. One who has murdered has as much choice as anyone to be whatever else he wants to be. He cannot bring someone back to life. He can, however, bring himself back to life.

Not one of you is to label yourself, nor are you to label anyone else. Why? Labels limit and are not worth the time of day.

What do you desire? To be acclaimed? That can happen. Acclaim yourself right now.

If you are short, you probably can’t be tall. If you are tall, you don’t want to be short. Be glad you are short or tall.

Do not think that I ask you to make yourself over. I ask you to restore yourself to the magnificence I made you. If you have not been what I made you for, return to the original love I made you of.

I do not ask you to be the wealthiest man in the world, nor do I ask you to be the poorest. I do not ask you to be the most anything in the world. I ask you to be a Light in the World so that all may know that I exist, and that I exist in you. I ask you to be as I made you. I made you in My image. I ask you to remind the world of all it can be. All you have to do is to be what you really are. You have only to reveal to yourself, YOURSELF, and My Will is done.

Do it.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2015 7:07:34 PM


Bob Fickes ~ What is a Master?


Every Master is a reflection of our own True Self. A Master represents the highest ideal of what it means to be human. When we feel attracted to a particular Master like Kannon, it is because somewhere deep inside of us we desire to become like Kannon. As we put our attention on a Master, our Consciousness expands and embraces all the qualities of that Master. Even before we know about Enlightenment, our attention is drawn to some Master that reflects the highest ideals of human life. This natural attraction is the beginning our search to perfect our self and achieve the fulfillment of what it means to be human.
A Master is one who has opened their heart to Infinite Love and has traveled through every human experience both positive and negative until they reached the ultimate state of Divine Consciousness in Enlightenment. A Master is a fully developed human being who has realized his or her own Consciousness to be One with the Eternal Consciousness of the Universe in Ku.
The Master’s Consciousness of Ku is beyond the limits of the universe and therefor has the ability to observe all the Knowledge contained in this universe. The Master understands what it means to be human and has Infinite Love and Compassion for all living beings. Because a Master is a normal human being, they inspire us to go beyond our limits and discover what the Master has achieved. Every Master wants to share what they have learned and help all other human beings to achieve it.
A Master knows the full range of human abilities and perceptions. They understand that every human being has the Infinite Potential of the Consciousness of this Universe inside of them. It is natural for every Master to desire to help others to gain this Consciousness for them self in their own way and in their own time. No Master wants to control us or make us do what they say. They realize that every human being was born with Infinite Potential and has a unique contribution to this universe as them self and for the good of all human beings. If you want to learn to master the highest ideal of human life, find a Master who inspires you and learn from them. We will meet many different kinds of masters along our path in life. We can learn something wonderful from all of them. We don’t need to bow down or surrender to them. We just need to be inspired by them. The rest of our journey to Enlightenment will naturally result from our inspiration. If you want to achieve the highest ideal, find a Master who inspires you to learn.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2015 7:19:41 PM

How to Release Negativity and Restore Your Spirit

The past cannot be undone. But what you can change is how you feel about it. You’re tired of being negative. You’re ready to change. You need a plan. Read on, my friend, for this is the process of releasing negativity and restoring your spirit. Change is good.

Fear and Anger Are Killers
Ask any doctor. The stress of feeling badly all the times can easily lead to medical disorders. Your body and mind are a continuum. In other words, although they are not exactly the same, a great overlap exists between your mind and body, uniting them. Relieve your mental stress and your body will be happier, too. It’s time to unburden yourself of everything that has been blocking progress in your life by keeping you attached to an unhappy past.

Feeling Better Is a Process
Negativity accumulates in our lives, in our souls, over time. The process of removing it optimally happens in layers. It’s best to release as much of each stored negative emotion as you can during each successive attempt. And of course, you want a safe, private means of release that is as quiet and effective as possible. You can jettison all that old negativity easily and thoroughly by following simple instructions.

Sports teams have used visualization to improve their level of excellence for decades, visualizing themselves winning trophies, for example. This same technique that so wonderfully installs positive expectation can also be used to eliminate negativity. This means that you can literally let go of old stored feelings of anger, fear, abandonment, embarrassment, and so on, that have been accumulating inside of you all of your life.

Let a Higher Power Help You
Do you prefer the word God, Source, Universe, Goddess, Higher Self, or do you have yet another name for that which is all that is? Let your choice reflect your tastes, and let your Higher Power help you. For once you release negative energy, your Higher Power can then transform it into something positive elsewhere in the Universe.

Humans Store Emotions Physically
Your body is made of cells, the cells are made of molecules, the molecules are made of atoms, and those are made up of whirling bits of energy; ergo, your body is pure energy. We humans store old memories and emotions in our bodies. That’s why the releasing of negativity is a physical, visceral feeling of expelling energy, because energy is what it is, what it all is, what we all are. Ask Einstein.

Examples of What To Release
Fear, anger, rage, abandonment, rejection, guilt, shame, worry, blame, numbness, hurt, hatred, jealousy, and disgust are good places to begin. Your unique soul will know which feelings most need releasing, and in which order to do them. You may need to release some of the deepest ones several times to remove ever deeper layers.

What Does It Feel Like?
Expelling negativity is not a negative experience, it is a relief. For example, when you let go of a deep layer of fear, you do not feel afraid, you feel relieved of fear. Letting go of rage does not mean that you’ll be shouting and thrashing about. Rather, your feelings of rage simply pass out of you, and it is a relief. The old negative feelings are fully released and expelled outwards. Releasing negative emotions needn’t involve experiencing the pain inherent in any individual emotion. You’ve already experienced way too much of that. Getting rid of them feels like what it is: a release. It’s like taking a gorilla off of your back. It’s removing old baggage that does not serve you anymore. It actually feels good. And you will feel progressively better afterwards each time.

Follow Instructions Through the Steps
Get quiet and close your eyes. Be in a quiet, comfortable place without distractions. Visualize that you are standing in a beautiful place with your arms up, way up, looking up at your Higher Power. Select the negative emotion you first wish to release, and make that happen. Feel it physically leaving your body, sailing up your arms, and then being jettisoned out into space, gone for good, released permanently. Repeat with all the rest of the stored emotions you wish to release. Another approach is to phrase it like this: “I release whatever is obstructing me from my goals,” and let the stored emotions let you know what they are as they leave.

Then Restore Your Spirit
Once the bad layers are released, it’s best to fill up the spaces they left with something wonderfully positive. May I suggest that you begin the restoration of your spirit with Personal Power, Love, Acceptance, and Inner Peace. Personal Power restores your boundaries to normal settings, Love returns you to harmony with all that is, Acceptance assures you that you are wanted and welcomed in the world, and Inner Peace encloses you in a wonderful blanket of secure and peaceful feelings. Simply visualize each of these in turn, whatever they look like to you, and bring each inside of you, merging and bonding with it, soaking in its individual positive energy, then radiating its clarity and serenity everywhere throughout your person. Think of these as permanent upgrades to your soul.

Is There An Easier Way?
Yes, there is an easier way. “Release Negativity and Restore Your Spirit” is a CD takes you through all the steps in under an hour. Using emotive visualization, you’ll be able to have both the release and restoration experiences privately, in your own time, in your own home. You are unique, and may require repeated listenings for full relief. And full relief is what you want. Emotive visualization combines music, narration, and detailed instructions in order to open the hard drive of your subconscious mind and upgrade your files by forming new neural connections.

About the Author

Michelle Beaudry, board certified hypnotist, works out of Central Florida, and takes clients by phone from all over the world. She wrote and narrated “Release Negativity and Restore Your Spirit” for This program makes no medical or psychological claims and is not to be used as a substitute for appropriate care. Contact her by email, tel: 253 565-4747 and online at Beaudry Hypnosis..

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2015 7:22:03 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 29, 2015

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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