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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 5:42:56 PM

Montague Keen Message for May 31, 2015


Those who rule, whilst remaining in the shadows, are causing chaos in Europe. Be assured that this was always their PLAN. They care not for the suffering of the unfortunate people who perish on the high seas; they are not wanted by any country. Study what was done by the powers that be to cause this chaos in those countries in the first place. WHO INSTIGATED THE CHAOS that followed the invasion of these countries. Everything was PLANNED, down to the smallest detail.

They do not want the English, Irish, French, German, or Italian people to survive. They want them to lose their racial identity. “The Plan” is to kill off all forms of national identity; to kill off as many humans as possible, so that only the strongest can survive the chaos which the European countries have been deliberately plunged into.

This is the most serious situation you have had to face; and you will have to face it, sooner than you think. Those who plan to pit human against human, sit back and enjoy the chaos, hoping that many lives will be cut short. They are not of your world, but THEY USE YOU to carry out their wishes. They speak such ‘kind’ and ‘understanding’ words to you in your plight, while all the time, they glory at how easy it is to manipulate you.

I ask you to remove all labels and see things as they actually are; not as the propaganda tells you it is. Your world is being destroyed all around you. Trust your own research. Step back from the propaganda, for it is total lies. Are you going to do anything while your heritage is being destroyed all around you?

They destroy all evidence of YOUR TRUE HISTORY when their armies invade a country. They are COMMANDED to first destroy all ancient artifacts and buildings, every bit of evidence that a civilised people once lived there in times past; before the invasion by those who want to take everything from you. Mind control was their weapon of choice and you have fallen for all their tactics. Religion has been their most successful weapon.

On the 24 September, the head of Religious Mind Control will meet the head of the United States at the United Nations, to sign over your future. Have you agreed to this? Do you have any backbone at all? Do not fall into the TRAP of thinking to yourself, what can I do? Trust me, you can do a lot. NO is a simple two-letter word, which is not used enough by you. You cannot just watch the takeover of your world and not lift a finger.

They also plan to remove money, so that only a chip will decide whether you buy food or not. THIS IS TOTAL CONTROL OF HUMANITY. THEY WILL PAINT A WONDERFUL PICTURE OF THIS, TO REASSURE THE MINIONS THAT IT WILL BE FUN NOT TO HAVE TO HANDLE MONEY AGAIN. But nothing they put forward for you will help you in any way. Only they can smile sweetly at you, as they plunge the knife in your heart. They do not see you as equal . . . and this is the bottom line.

You are now fighting for your very survival, so there is no time to waste. Look with pity at those who struggle on the seas today. It is them, today; tomorrow, quite possibly you. The destruction of your world is happening all around you. What are you doing about it? If only you could see their evil plans, as we can from this side of life, you would not be complacent. You are in a dire situation. You are all Palestinians, and you will suffer the same fate as them, if things carry on as they are now.

People around the world risk their lives to bring you the truth, in order to show you the way forward. What are you prepared to do? You can win this battle. Make your mind up, to never assist in any way, the takeover of your world. They cannot do it without you. Connect with the Supreme Being, the Source. Cut out the middle man; that was a ploy to control you. You are powerful beings of light, whose light has been dimmed by religion. It is time to release that light, as it will expose the evil dark forces that oppress you.

You live in a world of plenty but you have allowed the greed of your oppressors to take it from you. You are many, they are few. Never forget that. I have always told you that they would have to return from whence they came, and that only the most evil will remain until the end. Their time is running out. They have infiltrated every country, and every power structure on Earth. They either control, or are advisors to, their puppets. Their tentacles are visible everywhere. It’s very clever, but it is THE DARKEST EVIL.

The spirit side of life, as well as your friends from other planets, will be at your side to guide you through this. All the technology you will need to repair and recover, will be made available to you. You will then be in a position to create a world of plenty for all. When you pass to spirit, all becomes clear. It is shocking to see the evil corruption while humans are left floundering to survive amidst the chaos.

Visualise a peaceful world and make it happen. Every thought has an energy of its own.

My dear, you are up against it in every way. We are working with you to ensure that things happen as they should.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

Source: Montague Keen Foundation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 5:53:02 PM

Applied Spirituality: Angels of Change

Angel 11There are many ways one could look at this work of building Nova Earth. One could think of it as karma yoga, seva, the path of service. It’s the path of the hands and the feet. It’s down in the trenches, digging.

It’s serving the dharma, serving the Mother’s Divine Plan. It’s applied, hands-on spirituality.

And they’ve sent a special bunch of people … or should I say “angels”? … to carry out the mission of building Nova Earth. We’re known as lightworkers, waiters at the banquet of Ascension.

Of us Archangel Michael said on An Hour with an Angel:

“Now, why do I bring this forward as we begin yet again this conversation on the principalities, thrones, dominions and so on? Because it is important that you also realize that we do not merely speak about the bureaucracy of heaven, or the Company of Heaven.

“We speak about you, about who you are, and about this energy, this essence, this spark of light that took this form of angelic being once upon a time.

“And I would urge each of you to acknowledge, to embrace, and to dig and to bring forth your angelic self.” (1)

That very desire to dig into and bring forth my angelic self has been arising in me with some force lately. I feel a draw to live up to what Archangel Michael is billing us as: Angels of change.

Quite frankly, I’d like to leave the scene feeling satisfied with my life, fulfilled. And that requires me to live up to my part. The part I agreed on eons ago, according to Archangel Michael. In July 2013, he said to me:

“So when we told you [about Ascension] eons ago, you said, ‘Yes, I think I would like that. I think I will go forward and do that. I think I will help human beings reach a new level of awareness.

“‘I think I will expand their awareness of Ascension and what it means to be in the fullness of their being. I think I will act as a go between with the star brothers and sisters.’ This is your mission – to develop the platform for the discussion and sharing of accurate information in these matters.” (2)

There’s the full picture in a nutshell, minus a few funding projects.

In other lifetimes, my part was very meditative or contemplative. And in a few, it was very active. In this lifetime, I’m an introvert flung into a world of … well, quite a few other introverts, actually, wouldn’t you say? Many, many lightworkers became introverts over the social disapproval we encountered for our beliefs. Some of us are hiding in the closet still. At least in our minds.

I can only stand so much time outside the cave and then I need to retreat and, as my Mom would say, “recharge my batteries.” I’m almost panting for breath from over-exposure at times.

However seva, karma yoga, the path of service is still the order of the day this lifetime, introvert or no introvert. There’s no escaping it.

We’re building a new society, a New Earth, and a new way of being. That calls for all hands on deck and all ideas as to how to get there.

Far from living in a cave, we signed on to lead the parade down Main Street, the Ground Crew and their marching band, through abundance to disclosure to Ascension. A very extroverted-looking introverted bunch we are this lifetime.

For some, it’ll look like leading a Fourth of July parade. For others, it’ll feel like emanating a silent influence, holding the world in their embrace. The rest of us will fall in between.

We are angels of change. That’s the role I choose to live up to.


(1) “Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at

(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, July 16, 2013. Used by permission.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 5:58:38 PM

Zen Gardner: Step into the Role – An Esoteric Invitation

Zen gardnerWe’re at an amazing and empowering juncture in humanity’s history. For each of us individually now is always the most profound turning point, as each decision we take directs our next step. But collectively there are extremely significant eras or epochs during our development and now is one of them.

It is during these times that a major conflux of influences takes place with which humanity is challenged to either respond according to natural instinctive and intuitive processes, or lie down and let whatever dominant forces at play take their course without resistance or conscious participation.

It is within such turbulent times we now find ourselves as conditions intensify in conjunction with an ever growing collective awareness of the realities with which we are faced. This trend towards higher vibrational realizations in the face of previous paradigms of control and subjugation now dismantling before our eyes is what we loosely term the awakening.

What is peculiar to this later stage we’re experiencing is the accelerating rate of unforeseen types of change we are embarking upon. And not only are our personal perspectives changing at an exponential rate both individually and collectively, but the outside realities that influence our lives at every level are also undergoing massive shifts affecting our evolving perspective.

Quite a fluid and potentially disconcerting mix.

What does this mean for us? As old paradigms crumble before our eyes, only a higher vibrational conscious awareness observing these dynamic interactions from a detached perspective will see clearly what is truly transpiring around us. This enables us to perceive clearly as well as respond consciously to these otherwise confusing shifting sands of changing perspectives and morphing realities. This increased divergence between those awakening and an increasingly comatose majority is both a wonderful opportunity as well as potential death knell, depending on our personal response.

This may sounds like a mouthful but bear with me; we’re undergoing conscious fluid dynamics such as humanity has never experienced before.

The Message

For awakened psychonauts traversing this ephemeral existence and longing to fulfill our role to help manifest Universal harmony via this ongoing revelation of Truth, there are very practical steps for each of us to take. This path cannot be taught, the mechanics are not set, and the personal method for navigating this maze is nothing less than experiential as well as deeply esoteric.

Yet all the while extremely practical.

This of course is all by design, as only a heart led soul can navigate its way through such a life experience and discover the many wonderful secrets patiently awaiting revelation. So called reason and mind understandings soon give way to much deeper levels of experiential knowledge that begin to direct our thoughts and actions.

Dispassionate arrows pointing the way borne out of sincere seeking appear along the path as hints to the awakening soul. Anyone or anything attempting to define the nature of what we seek is soon unmasked and eventually shunned by the awake and aware traveler who realizes the Unnamed awaits a much deeper level of realization, not a finite definition. We each find out we discover what we will by profound personal existential experience – never rote, dogmatic, hierarchical, defined or limiting categorizations and linguistic definitions.

Into this vortex of eternal knowing we march unafraid. But herein lies a major clue as to our role. If we are determined, sincere and well aware we are essentially empty vessels in this great play, within this understanding we’ll surely find what we should, and meaningful and profoundly effective courses of action soon appear as we continue this noble pursuit.

One very interesting question begins to arise and crystalize at this point. Once we’re locked into this search and commitment meets lifestyle and our voice becomes that of Truth and change, what role do we play? What and whom is Universe ultimately releasing in these living, confident voices actively interacting with the world around us in a continued unveiling of our true, inner truth-imbued selves?

Act – Take Authority

I’m convinced we are evolving not only into a greater awakened and empowered state, but one of tremendous release of a new sense of identity as our unlimited talents and potential manifest. Be it for the revealing of empowering truths, spiritual and physical healing, or the immediate use of etheric powers for particular situations, the awakening warriors are commissioned to imbue others with a contagious sense of empowerment and confidence.

This time of manifesting is not only at hand, but now upon us.

It is a choice to step into these roles as those empowering this transformation. You know who you are. Should anyone seek such spiritual gifts and power for their own selfish benefit they are clearly not among those called as such. For those unawakened to the full sense of unselfish love this can be a stumbling stone, as power tempts and tests the best of us. It’s a fundamental filtration and purification process we all pass through. But keep going.

These “next generations” of spiritual and even physically empowered beings are not only coming, but already amongst us. And what activates them? Knowing – some call it faith – not belief or hope or any over spiritualized distraction. It’s a fact of which you are intuitively certain. More profoundly, we are now living in an epoch of awakening where such activation is desperately needed, and to my way of understanding, it is therefore available. The even more stark reality is that it is you and I who are next in line to step into this role. For the good of all.

It is no small thing and it will likely cost your life. But doesn’t any form of living cost your life? Why not live it to the full for something with profound meaning and importance for the good of all? As far as I’m concerned anyone with any sense of conviction that’s worth their salt has already crossed that irreversible rubicon. Even more directly, giving our all towards truth and right is what is immediately needed to remedy the dire circumstances that have been foisted on humanity that threaten our very existence.

This inherent urgency makes such seemingly drastic decisions to activate and take on the role of the conscious warrior a pretty easy choice in my book.

Making the Move and the Activated Rudder

Moving into a new life is least of all physical. It is a process that begins in the heart and mind. Once the lower self is convinced by higher influences of greater realities and potential life paths, decisions naturally unfold and our ships start to turn. It takes miles for a freighter or cruise ship to come about in its course. What is amazing is how the rudder works on an incredibly small fulcrum, much like the switch of our personal will, which literally creates a vacuum that draws the mightiest of ships into a consciously steered course.

We’re each endowed with something so seemingly small yet boundlessly powerful called the majesty of free will that can activate and steer these massive ships called our lives embodies the magnificence of the human experience. In the shipping industry these tiny rudders that in turn move the larger ones are called “trim tabs”.

This for me is perhaps the most empowering metaphor there is that encourages personal activism and dispels all the blockages the naysaying, doubting mind and all of the inhibiting social conditioning memes thrown at us over the course of our lives.

The Trimtab Phenomenon

You have a vision. As an individual or as a family, maybe you wish to communicate something about a burden you have. You care. You love. Maybe your concern is to find a cure for breast cancer. Maybe to save the whales. Or maybe it’s your church and you want to see people involved with your church’s mission. You want to build community around your vision with others that share that vision. And you want to see change because of this burden you carry in your heart. So you want a web site out there but you think you will be lost in all the web pages that are already out there. That isn’t necessarily true.

I like the quote from Buckminster Fuller:


Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary—the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab.

It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab. Society thinks it’s going right by you, that it’s left you altogether. But if you’re doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go. So I said, call me Trim Tab. (Source)

Awakened Warriors Arise – Step into the Role

This is a very fresh and even raw revelation for me personally. Although I’ve known it intellectually for a very long time and it has directed my life to a massive degree over the years, it has never been as profound as this current stage of my life. I’ve often said, “If you’re not free to follow life’s signs and live in synchronicity, you’re not free”, and I’ve done my best to live by those words, as far as I could see. As my life has unfolded this has become more and more real, profound and somewhat disconcerting as each new phase revealed itself to me as I was guided, as well as prodded, to move on to the next level.

But the switch lays with me.

This has ultimately led to the realization I’m sharing here, that this activation is our true destination: in other words, being the warriors we were clearly called to be from birth. I know many of you will attest to this same innate conviction. It’s often labelled as a “calling” which is very interesting in itself, but it is a very apt term as it draws us, ever so gently usually but occasionally quite insistently, as I feel the case is right now for a large number of us.

We’re at the point of a kind of insistence by Universe. I know it’s not only me experiencing this compelling. And if you haven’t yet sensed it and you are called, you soon will be more or less confronted in some way. Words are like levers that open gates and doors, and this message just may be your gateway to recognizing the role you are intended to play and perhaps bolster your conviction regarding what you already know in your heart but are not yet allowing to be fully realized in your life.

It’s time for us all to step up.

In summary may I paraphrase, “Let those that have ears to hear, hear….and activate.”

It’s time to step into the role for which we came into this world.

Love and empowerment always,


Zen Gardner: “Step Into the Role – An Esoteric Invitation” by Zen Gardner, May 30, 2015 at

Original link: Step Into the Role – An Esoteric Invitation

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 6:00:45 PM

MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015

Sandra Walter ~ June Zoom: The YES of the New Light


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

We are entering the June Zoom passage; our halfway point between the final Equinox-Blood Moon gates. May we all receive these pure expansive energies with ease and grace. What a Divine opportunity is upon us; so much to embrace, explore, and expand into. There is a lot unfolding with Shasta, and Gaia. I AM guided to share more later in the week, thank you to the reader collective for your patience.

There are new levels presenting in my service work. So much is aligning and saying YES to compliment the acceleration, both internally and externally. We are truly blessed in this Mastery year of 2015.

Next weekend I AM facilitating an online retreat, open to all. No travel necessary, I like that. It is a beautiful three-day creation of direct activations, tools, light language and a new way to experience the conscious merge with your Higher Self.

A Brief Overview of the Retreat

On our first day, we will explore our Creator beingness, connecting with Source Creation dynamics. We do this via the vesica piscis and the tube torus; from how Source creates a Universe all the way to our experience in form. This may be new material for those not in the Ascension Path class. Merging with higher expressions of our True Self – even just the Higher Self – can greatly enhance our experience of Ascension. It is the goal of those desiring to embody Christ consciousness to merge consciousness with many aspects of the Self. It may be a good way to break apart (or at least challenge) more rigid belief systems as well.

On the second day, we will explore and experience multidimensional merge sequences. We cross the barrier between 4D and 5D to unify with the Higher Self. This activity is beautifully supported by light language and frequency tones. All of our focus goes to the heart center and its expasnsion, so it may be a powerful experience for some who have not felt Galactic level support for this endeavor.

In our third session, we strengthen the connection with the Higher Self and expand outward to 6D and beyond. Our Higher Self and Divine Teams serve as our tour guides to show us dimensional expressions of self beyond the 5D realm.

The downloadable replays of the retreat sessions may serve as guided meditation journeys. There is so much available to us during this heightened gateway of 2015. Blessings to everyone who is willing to explore these expanded states of consciousness on behalf of HUmanity and Gaia. Whether through the retreat, the Ascension Path class, or your own private study, we are supported, guided and held in a sacred space for these explorations of Self.

I AM honored to facilitate the retreat with Lauren Galey on June 7, 13 & 14. Registration is still open at Thank you for supporting this new service work, and blessings to Lauren for serving as a platform for the new light dynamics available.

Ascension Path participants

Our monthly connection call is on Wednesday, June 3 at 6pmPT. Our focus is on Solstice preparation and the June Zoom. We have strong guidance for this passage, so please join us or listen to the replay this week. The Ascension Path class is open to all and available anytime. Join us HERE.

Turning up the Volume on Love

Kindwhile, we continue to move into alignment with the New Light and our Ascension. Let it show you the truth, Beloveds. Use the Divine Neutrality exercise, reset often with the Creator Breath, realign your intentions and creations as the Shifts present, and focus on the emergence of Source through the Heart.

Ease and Grace as the wave washes over and through the planet; we become the flow of Love as this higher light enters. As the heart center expands to accommodate our Divine Presence and the incoming waves, we serve as pure conduits for the HUman heart grid. What a blessing to BE this, to experience the transformation, and to surrender the old Self. So be it!

In Love, Light and Service,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 6:04:12 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: June 1, 2015

news roundupWelcome back, dear hearts! Hoping you all had an amazingly relaxing and productive weekend. Thank you, Alex and the rest of Golden Age of Gaia staff, for you hard work and dedication to the Light! I AM grateful to you all.

Politics & Ethics: Hush Money Pay-Out by Former Congressman.

As we’ve discussed many times before, scandals continue to be exposed, and will continue to be revealed, in order to release said lower vibrations from our energy fields.

“Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert agreed to pay $3.5 million in apparent hush money to a longtime acquaintance to cover-up wrongdoing in his past, then lied to the FBI when asked about suspicious cash withdrawals from several banks, federal prosecutors alleged Thursday.

“The stunning indictment of the longtime Republican powerhouse alleged he gave about $1.7 million in cash beginning in 2010 to the acquaintance, identified as Individual A in the charges, to ‘compensate for and conceal (Hastert’s) prior misconduct’ against Individual A from years earlier.”

“Individual A was described in the charges as having lived previously in Yorkville, where Hastert worked as a high school teacher and wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981. The individual has known Hastert ‘most of Individual A’s life,’ the indictment said.”

From 2010 to 2012, Hastert made 15 withdrawals from 15 different banks of $50K each. After such activity, Hastert was questioned by bank officers regarding said withdrawals. In an effort to avoid detection from the bank’s mandatory reporting policy, he changed the withdrawal amount to increments of under $10K.

He was charged with one count each of evading transaction reports and making false statements to FBI, and will be arraigned later at U.S. District Court in Chicago.

While such revelations continue to occur, it saddens me to begin to understand just how ubiquitous these incidents are. It helps me to realize how power can so easily be misused and abused. I’m appreciative to know that is exactly what we are clearing on this planet: Unethical and inappropriate behaviors keeping us tethered in the lower vibrations.

I AM most grateful to witness our world shifting toward mutual respect and love, albeit, it’s shifting much slower than I’d like –as far as we can see!!

Ex-Speaker Hastert Charged With Lying to FBI About Hush Money Withdrawals by Jason Meisner. Chicago Tribune. Chicago Tribune’s Todd Lighty and Katherine Skiba, and Aurora Beacon-News’ Steve Lord contributed.

Politics: Rand Paul Steps Up to Deny NSA Extension.

This is music to my ears, or rather beauty to my eyes, while reading this story. Thank you Rand Paul for your hard work in seeing to it that this lack of privacy is changed. Speaking for the majority of the country, and for the potential ripple effect across the world: We are most obliged!

It’s been observed that GOP hawk leader, John McCain, and libertarian wing leader, Rand Paul, have never really been able to stand on common ground, and the potential NSA extension has been no different. “99 people [in the Senate] who were basically willing to have this put off for a period of time so there could be negotiations and one person decided that he didn’t want to have it happen,” stated McCain this past Saturday morn.

McCain suggested that Paul’s 10-hour filibuster last Wednesday was a fundraising ruse, while taking the opportunity to slam Texas Republican Ted Cruz.

“There’s a new breed in the Senate,” McCain mourned. “Some time ago senators would try to sit down and work things out and obviously these individuals don’t believe in that, and I’m sure it’s a great revenue raiser. The emails are out now and they were out during the 11-hour performance a couple days ago.”

Feud Between John McCain and Rand Paul Worsens After NSA Reform Fiasco by Ben Jacobs. The Guardian.

Military & Congress: Mixing ‘Pros & Cons’ in One Bill Causes Delays in It Being Passed

A country’s sons and daughters willing to give their lives in military combat are very much not expendable. Thank you for your upstanding decision of halting the exorbitant spending of $89 billion toward more strikes against another country.

Having witnessed war (from afar) for basically the past three decades as an adult, this would result in the inevitable loss of some of our servicemen and women, due to ultimately being sent over to clean up, enforce new regulations, and expectantly face resurgent forces.

The hard part about this decision to halt spending on more war is that it is interwoven with genuine benefits for our troops’ families. We need to give them their well-deserved added benefits and even raises, as it’s been noted that this bill would include; however, Congress has acknowledged that this bill entails mixed messages.

Can we please separate the needs and funding of our servicemen and women from the funding of war? Can’t we passed one bill which financially supports the families of our troops, and address the sticky and controversial topic of “more war” in another bill?

“This is the [National Defense Authorization Act]. This is the bill. This funds the wars. This notion that this doesn’t belong here, well, where the hell does it belong?” asked Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.). “We treat war as if it’s nothing. We have men and women in harm’s way. … This is disgraceful.”

GOP Calls For ‘Honoring’ Troops By Funding A War Congress Won’t Vote On by Jennifer Bendery. Huffington Post.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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