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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2015 6:35:09 PM

Healing the World as One


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Like I’ve said before, we’re all in this together and we have not only ourselves, but each other to rely on for support and guidance. I’m not just talking about the conscious community – I’m talking about all of humanity.

We are one family, and we can come together to help each other through the chaotic times that lie ahead. It’s obvious that we can’t sustain our current way of life for much longer, and the time is fast approaching for us to come together to devise solutions to our biggest societal and environmental issues.

We’re the ones who caused these problems, and now, we can find a way to right our wrongs as one people. No more division, no more borders, no more obstacles in the way of our freedom, our unity or our ability to make important world decisions collectively.

We can take our planet back from the small handful of elites who run things behind the scenes, but it’ll require us to make some sacrifices and find the willingness to accept people who are different from us.

It’s time to bring an end to division and hatred, and I don’t care if I sound like a hippie or a new-ager. It’s a simple, obvious truth, and if more people could realize it, we could start to move this planet in a different direction.

It’ll require us all to adopt a new frame of mind about ourselves, each other and the world we live on, and I’m not saying it’ll be an easy transition. But the best thing about it is that we won’t experience it alone.

Everyone will go through the same general process (even though we’ll experience it uniquely), and I do think that coming together and changing our way of life will be inevitable. I don’t think it’s just some naïve idea that only bubbleheaded people indulge in – I think it’s a necessity that can ensure our survival as a species.

Life seems normal to most people right now, but when the truth eventually comes pouring through, we’ll realize that we’ve been severely misled about what life is supposed to be. We’ll understand that division and hatred are illusions constructed by minds that are closed off from a greater reality, because on a soul level, all are one.

In my view, this too is a fundamental fact that more people will hopefully understand as our collective evolution picks up pace. I think our oneness will eventually be accepted as an indisputable fact that we should’ve realized sooner, and we can finally start to make some changes once we take that necessary first step.

It starts with each individual making the personal effort to diminish any perception of separation or hatred they might have toward someone else, because on a deeper level, they’re us in another form and vice versa.


We’re here to teach each other lessons that help us along the enlightenment path, whether we realize it when we learn the lessons or not, and in order to learn from each other, we have to be willing to come together and recognize that we’re all teachers and students.

One thing we’ll learn about each other is that while various cultures differ in their way of life and their outlook on the world, our lives all run along a similar thread and our actions reflect our similarities.

We all share very basic, common similarities that unite us as humans and as spiritual beings, but the thick blindness of prejudice cuts us off from our commonalities and convinces us we’re different.

Then, the people in power profit from our division and manage to get away with countless crimes against humanity and the environment, because we’re largely too divided and concerned with ‘ordinary’ modern life to notice, much less come together and do anything about it.

For our sake and the sake of our planet, we have to break away from this crowd control and allow our unity to become evident. If it’s hard at first, it’ll get easier as we settle into it and begin addressing everything about our world that’s out of whack and needs fixed.

It doesn’t bother me if this dream seems silly or childish, because I’m one out of millions of people who share it. The majority of the world might not understand the importance of unity, but a growing number of people recognize that we need to come together and change the world and they’re rising up and doing something about it.

Join our forces if you feel inspired to contribute, because this movement is growing by the day and more people are feeling inspired to use their voice. The time has come for the masses to rise, and as one people, we’ll steer this planet in the right direction.

We’ll make all of the changes that need made before we can advance into a higher sphere, and together, we’ll face whatever challenges come our way and come out on the other side, ready to see what the next stage of our existence has for us.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) andTwitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2015 6:37:42 PM

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015

Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ Focus your thoughts


June 2015

Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation. I am being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm and the Divine Feminine, and we are bringing you a Message of Light. Today, we wish to discuss focusing your thoughts.
In the current times of higher vibrational energy, it is important to focus your thoughts. Much new energy is reaching your planet, and this brings the opportunity for you to manifest your desires much more quickly. It also offers you the opportunity to ascend to higher levels of consciousness.
Focusing your thoughts can be compared to selecting a television station. If you tune your thoughts to a frequency of daily mundane situations, then this is what will fill your consciousness. This is the vibration that you will send out, and this is what you will attract to you. The stronger your focus on these types of situations, the more of these situations you will attract to you. It is the Universal Law of Attraction that like attracts like.
However, if you select a frequency that is motivating and inspiring and tune your thoughts to this, your consciousness will be filled by that particular frequency. Your attention and consciousness will be focused on thoughts of motivation and inspiration.
If you wish to have more peace and harmony in your life, you can begin by thinking about peace and harmony. Picture peaceful situations in your life, and then feel the peaceful vibrations of those situations. The more you visualize these situations and feel their vibrations, the more they will manifest in your daily life because your thoughts and feelings are creating your reality.
If you wish to be in closer communication with us in the Realms of Light, think about us and feel our loving presence. We are delighted when you want to communicate with us. The veils between the realms are thinning, and communication is much easier. It is simply a matter of adjusting your frequency to be closer to our frequency. As you raise your frequency, we can adjust ours slightly so that communication is possible.
Keeping your frequency at a higher level during your day-to-day routine will make communication with us much easier because a high vibration or frequency will be your default pattern. You will be able to tune in to us more easily. You may even feel us around you as you go throughout your day.
To set your frequency at a higher level, begin with the intention for this to occur. When you want to establish a new pattern, a clearly stated intention is the first step. Then begin to visualize what your intended goal would look like. Picture it in your mind. Make it the picture of highest good for all because this will carry a higher vibration.
Then focus on what your intended outcome would feel like. A high vibrational outcome might include love, joy, peace, and happiness as well as highest good.
Once you have set your intended outcome, focus your thoughts and feelings on it. Random thoughts will bring random results. Focused thoughts are much stronger and are more likely to bring the desired results. Highly focused thoughts can have a laser-like effect in manifesting your desired goal or outcome.
If you begin to find your thoughts wandering into a random pattern, simply redirect them back to your desired outcome. The more you practice this, the easier it will be to keep your thoughts focused on what you want.
The higher the frequency of your desired outcome, the higher the frequency of your thoughts needs to be. If you are wishing for peace and harmony in a situation, release thoughts of judgment or anger around anyone or anything in the situation. Focus on seeing the highest and the best in everyone and everything to keep your thoughts at a high frequency.
When you focus your thoughts and feelings on situations and things of a higher vibrational frequency, then this is what you will attract to you. Set your intention for highest good as you focus on your desires.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing your thoughts on outcomes for highest good. We are with you as you as you bring love, peace, harmony, and joy into your Being.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel, The Divine Feminine, and The Angelic Realm …and We surround you with love
And so it is.
All Rights Reserved Linda M. Robinson,
Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson,
This information may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with written permission. Email:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/31/2015 6:40:55 PM

Lightworkers Are Society’s Trimtabs



Back in the early Seventies, Buckminster Fuller introduced the notion of conscious people as trimtabs. He said:

“Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary—the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there’s a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trim tab.

“It’s a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trim tab.” (1)

Lightworkers function as society’s trimtab in the matters of abundance, disclosure and Ascension. As SaLuSa said on May 29, 2015: “Lightworkers do have a voice and those seeking illumination will be drawn to those people who can guide them along a suitable pathway.” (2)


Grave of Bickminster Fuller Credit: Wikipedia

Our intention, our commitment, our determination is to build Nova Earth – and it’s what will see that Nova Earth gets built. We aren’t that large a group of people, when you consider the entire population of the Earth. We’re miniscule, but it doesn’t take that many people to cause a shift in public opinion.

I think the Maharishi once measured the percentage of the population it would require to shift public opinion (if such a thing can be measured) and the number was very small. The fact that it is small is the underpinning for the notion of the hundredth monkey and ties into our developing knowledge of the collective consciousness. When the shift in public opinion reaches a critical mass, society shifts its thought patterns.

Our trimtab function means that we lightworkers will work our biggest miracle or function by shaping and leading world opinion.

Opinion Shapers and Leaders

In early April 2015, Archangel Michael announced to me in a personal reading:

“It was very important to build community. That was the task at hand [until now]. Unity, community and understanding of the process of reliability; of sincerity, a connectedness that built the sense of Light Worker Community, of heart-to-heart to heart community.

“That has been achieved.

“But now, as way-shower, there has need to be someone, and many someone’s, at the head of the line saying, ‘This way.’” (3)

We are showing the way, which is precisely what the trimtab does.

The intention is not that we remain a small group but that everyone on the planet join the lightworker community, as he said on another occasion:

Archangel Michael: Does the conversation expand organically and naturally? Does the energy go out to the entire planet, those who want to hear and those who don’t want to hear? Yes, it does. But it begins with the lightworker community. That is what we have need of.

Steve Beckow: And I suppose then more and more people join the lightworker community?

AAM: Exactly, until it is one family and one path. (4)

We lightworkers came to lead opinion along divine or sacred lines. We came to direct people along the path laid down by the Divine Plan for this planet’s Ascension and the subsequent building of Nova Earth.

I met an eight-year-old girl the other day in Bellingham who was so modest and innocent, my heart melted. I’m sure she represents the next generation of lightworkers on the way.

We of this generation serve them by breaking through the underbrush, clearing the site, and raising the superstructure of workability. We’re pioneers in this new and workable way of being.

We haven’t even laid that new way of being out yet or thought anything through. Literally, the path, our path starts – and ends – at the trailing edge of our leading foot.

We have many other tasks to do as well, as ground crew. But leading public opinion is one of the most important ones.

It’s been hard for me to reconcile myself to the idea of shaping and leading public opinion. I’ve had to go through self-inspection for arrogance and power hunger. I’ve had to examine my motives and face the prospect of giving up free time, cave time, and private time.

But I saw that I can’t avoid volunteering for this capacity. It’s implicit in the building of Nova Earth, a world that works for everyone.

It means an end to hiding. But it doesn’t mean deluging ourselves with work. It requires moderation, balance, groundedness. It invites capabilities and faculties that we may not have developed as yet. Unless you’re Indiana Jones, it’s a leap of faith to jump out from the cliff before the bridge has formed.

For me, that’s the call of the lightworker, a little bit like the call of the wild – throwing ourselves off the metaphorical cliff and hoping we can metaphorically fly.

We’re all angels of change: that’s why we came. That’s the special work of this soul group. We’re trimtabs. We’re a small group of people influencing the direction society goes in by small and subtle shifts, on the most majestic journey of transformation this planet has ever witnessed and participated in.


(1) Buckminster, Playboy Magazine, February 1972, at

(2) SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey, May 29, 2015, at at

(3) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Apr. 3, 2015.

(4) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 12:19:30 AM

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015

Jamye Price ~ Creating New Support

Creating New Support
As you find your strength within, you are creating an engine of potential that fuels Life. Humanity is learning to balance give/receive. The receiving aspect has been villainized as selfish, greedy and even wrong. Indeed, one can polarize to the harmful potentials of receiving without giving. Just as the resistance to receiving was taught, the push toward giving as the salvation of the soul was emphasized. There are positive and negative aspects to any physical duality experience, so giving to depletion and not honoring the Self does not honor the Life that you are. It does not teach others to honor their own strength. As you Create New Support in your experience, you receive in balance to giving. And you give Life the greatest gift of all, your thriving. Life then continues and thrives.
You are in a time of rising into unity consciousness. It is a progression, for it requires the strength of healthy boundaries, and an empowered connective heart flow. This is the balanced give/receive that allows you to create change that benefits All Life. You are an individual human within a collective of humanity. You are both one and All, the paradox of duality merging into the connection of oneness. The diversity in unity creating a harmonic symphony. Your independence is as vital as your interdependence. Give and receive, Dear One, for as you receive, you honor another’s mastery in form. That Creates the New Support of humanity Loving Life. Separation reaches for connection, while honoring its beingness of form.

As we sit to Blast Creating New Support, we are honoring our differences as the reflection of Life’s diversity thriving. We are finding new ways to share our Light and our Love as we receive the glory of another and reflect our beauty into the world. We are appreciating the flow of Life, challenging us to new heights of ecstasy and finding new depths of strength. We are bold in our power to Love Life, unrelenting in our focus on new potentials and willing to hold the vacuum of space forming the future. We are supported and supportive, allowing Life to co-create itself through the Self it Loves. Blast on!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/1/2015 5:32:48 PM

NorthPoint ASTROLOGY JOURNAL: Your Guide to Planetary Energies for June 1- 7, 2015, by Pam Younghans

3026266022_ef44e42b30_zPhoto: A Full Moon (from Bing images, credit unknown)

WE REACH a culmination point this week, as the Moon reaches the midpoint of her monthly cycle. Since the Taurus New Moon on May 17, we’ve been working to realign ourselves with our foundational values.

During these past two weeks, we may have struggled internally as we questioned our choices. We may also have struggled externally with others who reflected our uncertainty back to us — or we may have chosen not to share our ideas with others, preferring to nurture them and to watch their development in private.

NOW, as the Sagittarius Full Moon shines brightly on Tuesday (at 9:18am PDT), we have the opportunity to assess our progress. And yet, our assessment will need to take a different form than we might expect.

This is due partly to the fact that Mercury is still retrograde. While Mercury is moving backward in Gemini, we are encouraged to use our minds in less linear ways. Instead of using logical decision-making tools like the “pluses and minuses” comparison chart, we will benefit from tapping into our intuitive knowing as a primary resource.

Mercury being retrograde also means that the external signs of progress that we would normally expect to see with this Full Moon are delayed a bit — another reason we must use our ability to see beyond the physical if we want to take stock of where we are.

MYSTICAL NEPTUNE plays an important role in Tuesday’s Full Moon, adding to the themes of using intuition over logic. Neptune is square four planets in the lunation chart: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Mars. Neptune aspects, especially squares, challenge us to use our nonphysical senses to perceive the truth of our reality, and may — with this Full Moon in philosophical Sagittarius — even ask us to redefine what our “truth” is.

Neptune’s involvement in the Full Moon tells us that it is time to quiet our minds, to go within, to meditate and reflect, and to allow the higher aspects of our being to guide our perceptions and our decisions.

THE SABIAN SYMBOL for the Full Moon reinforces the idea that it is time for us to look beyond the purely physical perspective:

“A flag turns into an eagle; the eagle into a chanticleer saluting the dawn: The spiritualization and promotion of great symbols of a New Age by minds sensitive to its precursory manifestations.”

Our rational minds tell us that a flag cannot become an eagle, and an eagle cannot turn into a chanticleer; and yet, if we are “sensitive to precursory manifestations” this week, we may perceive alternate versions of reality that can help guide our steps now.

A bit more about this Sabian symbol, from the writings of astrologer Dane Rudhyar:

“The eagle symbolizes spiritual will and the power to rise to the highest possible altitude of consciousness and purpose … This symbol urges us to bring our noblest ideals to actual life through the power of the spiritual will.”

A MARS-PLUTO QUINCUNX also occurs on Tuesday. In keeping with the themes of Neptune and retrograde Mercury, this aspect insists that we make adjustments in our understanding of logic and sequence.

Mars in Gemini would normally insist on basing actions on informational evidence, but the quincunx to Pluto in Capricorn tells us that it is time to shift our understanding of where our true power lies.

MARS represents personal will, while Pluto represents higher will. Gathering more data may not be what is needed now, as it may be mostly driven by the ego’s need to be in control. Instead, we may want to hold center and focus on stabilizing our connection with our own higher authority.

The Sun forms a similar quincunx with Pluto on Friday, keeping our attention on this theme and making it important that we stay as centered as possible. But, we also have flowing aspects on Friday that may provide options we didn’t see earlier in the week.

ONE OPPORTUNITY is offered by Friday’s Mars-Jupiter sextile, which can help us access a greater sense of optimism and possibility, and perhaps provide new directions for us to consider. Also on Friday, Venus trines Saturn, indicating that friends and other resources may help us feel more hopeful and more on track.

Remember, though, that Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini until June 11. Progress may be slow or we may not see results as anticipated. These first days of the month are better spent in refining plans rather than committing to a specific course of action based on current knowledge.

LESS THAN THREE WEEKS until our June 18 teleclass! I’m calling this overview of the next six months “Charting a New Course,” due to the sense that we are no longer following the same trajectory as we were before that final Pluto-Uranus square in March.

Here are all the details about the class — or, if you’re ready to sign up, here’s the link:

I hope you will join us, either live or by download after the class airs!

Charting a New Course

Teleclass with Pam Younghans and Elsie Kerns

Thursday, June 18

Airing live starting at

4pm PDT | 5pm MDT | 6pm CDT | 7pm EDT

90-minute class: $25

OUR TELECLASS last January was entitled “At the Door of a New Age” -– and it does feel like the doors have been thrown wide open! Like any adventure into uncharted territory, this one is exciting but can also be frightening at times. At each turn, we observe new beauty but may also face disconcerting challenges.

Navigating this new realm is a full-time job. Almost every day seems to provide new information or a new experience that requires us to adjust our course. We are continually pushed to move beyond what was once comfortable, to see ourselves through new eyes, and to see potentials for our lives that we perhaps had never dreamed of.

Thankfully, the planets will be providing clear direction as well as some much-needed course corrections over the next six months!

In our upcoming teleclass, “Charting a New Course,” we’ll walk through the astrological events for each month, focusing on the ones that most clearly provide guidance for our journey. Here are just a few of the important cosmic events we’ll talk about:

  • In AUGUST, Saturn goes direct, helping us begin to move beyond issues that have been holding us back since late 2014. And, Jupiter begins its year-long journey through Virgo, expanding our capacity for creating or expanding work that is spiritually fulfilling.
  • In SEPTEMBER, Saturn re-enters Sagittarius, providing support for us to create new forms in alignment with our highest ideals. We also have a Virgo Solar Eclipse and a “South Node” Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries designed to help us release the past and keep us moving forward.
  • In OCTOBER, the Libra New Moon contains powerful aspects to move us beyond old limitations, and to stir us into action.
  • In NOVEMBER, the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn join together in Sagittarius – and all three square Neptune — to ground our vision in reality and to expose those dreams that are distracting us from our true path.
  • And in DECEMBER, Pluto and Uranus make a final push to get us out the door. Although these two planets will not repeat the exact square aspect, they will be close enough to provide another energetic nudge. This influence will be especially strong during the week of the Solstice.

Please join us to get more details about these exciting potentials unfolding in the last half of 2015! As before, you will receive calendars of the astrological aspects for each month before the air date, so that you can take notes during the class.

Remember, you can either attend the class “live” (by phone or online), or you can register to receive the recording and slideshow after the event has aired.

To register for the class, please visit:

In peace,


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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