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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 12:42:43 AM

MONDAY, MAY 4, 2015

Mahala ~ Planet Alert May 2015

Mahala Gayle

We are now in the beautiful month of May and as I am writing this article it is May Day. I love spring with the weather starting to get warm and the flowers in bloom. The tulips bloomed in April, along with the blooming trees. The Rhododendrons and other flowers bloom in May, which makes this month very beautiful, and it is a pleasure to be alive to enjoy this beauty.
April was a very active month in regard to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The sun has been in Taurus, along with Mars. Taurus is an Earth sign. When the Sun is in an Earth sign like Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, earthquakes increase. Mars, the energy planet, was also in Taurus and this created very powerful earth energy and the quake in Nepal occurred. What a disaster that is. Be compassionate but please don’t get caught in the drama of it all because that does not help anyone. Stay in the light, and then send light and love to the people in Nepal for their highest and best good. Sending money to help those people would also be nice.
Saturn is in Sagittarius right now, although it does retrograde back into Scorpio in mid-June where it will stay until mid-September 2015. The areas that will be affected by Saturn in Sagittarius for the next two plus years will be the countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. There was also a major flood in Pakistan at the same time the earthquake in Nepal happened. The opposite sign of Sagittarius is Gemini, and that area of the world will also be affected which is from the Cascade Mountains to the Mississippi River.
Taurus/Scorpio rules the west coast of America and there were two earthquakes along this coast on April 24th. One was in Northern California and another off Queen Charlotte Island in British Columbia. There may be more quakes as the sun continues its journey through Taurus. On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini and southern California will then be affected, probably with more fires because it is a dry state. We are in the time of great Earth changes until the last blood red moon on September 27, 2015. I’m not saying that is the end of Earth changes because they will continue. I am saying that we are in a critical time period until the end of September.
We are in a time period of major consciousness change. It is time to wake up to the beautiful Light Beings we are and to manifest that beauty. Think about how lucky you are to be alive during this great change. We are moving from the energy of duality to one of Unity consciousness, and we are moving from a carbon based Being to a Crystal Being. Think how nice it will be when we can see everyone’s Crystal Light Body and watch the beautiful glow that will be around people. The change to a Crystal Light Being has not been an easy process, and we are not done yet.
When Uranus moved into Aries about four years ago we started a major process of change. Actually it moved into Aries in March of 2011 when the Tsunami in Japan happened, and the war in North Africa was just starting. That war continues to this day. Syria is still in it along with other countries, as well as I.S.I.S. Now the focus is on Yemen and Iran. I heard there are several ships off the coast of Yemen. Some are from the United States, and some from other countries like Iran and Russia. It’s my understanding that there is an underground base off the coast of Yemen. I heard it is a base of good ETs. That was in the news a few years ago when another event happened in that area.
Aries rules our head and brain and Uranus rules change. There have been a lot of brain and nervous system changes which involve our whole body. In fact our nervous system has been going through a major rewiring. This has caused a lot of challenges in our bodies. Our eyes have become blurred on occasion, especially when the Sun erupts. I can always tell when there has been a sun eruption because my eyes become blurred. There have also been all kinds of body pain with this change. If you go to the doctor and he/she says there is nothing wrong with you then you will know that what you are experiencing is an Ascension symptom.
Uranus in Aries rules revolutions and riots, and this energy has caused a lot of trauma and violence on Earth. People who cannot handle the high energy that is now coming to Earth tend to go crazy and kill people because their brains cannot handle the energy. This is the real reason people appear to be so violent lately. When I was in school many years ago there was no thought of being shot just because I was in school. Now many children have that fear because there are so many shootings everywhere. We have had several shootings in the Seattle area. Uranus will be in Aries for three more years of change. Let’s make the next three years a time of peace and harmony.
Then we have the Middle East where there is daily violence. Hopefully this will change soon. Saturn was in Scorpio for almost three years, and this sign rules the Middle East. This is why it has been so violent in those countries. Pluto, which rules Scorpio, is considered the transformer and it is also considered the God of the Underworld. All deep dark secrets are being uncovered and brought out into the open and this affects everyone.
All of the deep fears held in our bodies and our subconscious minds were brought forward in the past three years to look at and release. This is why it has been so painful to our bodies and our minds as all our fears were brought to the surface. There may be a few more fears to clear out between now and mid-September. That is when Saturn goes back into Sagittarius and the energy changes to one of a more spiritual nature. Welcome to the New World.
Taurus also rules money. There is a new money system being set up in the world. This has been going on for a long time and I think it is ready to come forward. It is called BRICS. China will be the head of it and they already have their world bank set up, and I think it is ready to go. I think most of the world has signed up to be part of this system. Only the United States has objected to it.
The full moon is on May 3 at 8:42 pm PDT. It is also the Wesak festival. This is an ancient festival that has been celebrated for thousands of years. It happens in a valley in the Himalayan Mountains in Tibet. It is interesting that the earthquake in Nepal happened shortly before this celebration. Nepal is north of India on the border of Tibet.
The Wesak festival is when a lot of high Beings appear in the Wesak valley in their etheric bodies plus some in their physical bodies. There are a lot of things that happen at this festival including the Buddha appearing in the sky above the people. There are people giving talks and for anyone who is ready, it is graduation time. It is a very fun celebration. The people there send out love to the world and you can join them in sending love, if you so choose.
Then we have Mother’s Day on May 10th. Honor your mother, she will love it. And I think it is an honor to be a mother. If you don’t have a mother, I think this is a good day to honor Mother Earth. After all, she is the Mother of all the people on Earth. Without her we would be in a bad fix. Happy Mother’s Day!
So Be It! Written in love and light. *** Mahala Gayle ***
I am still doing Edgar Cayce Past Life Readings for a donation of $30. If you are interested in having a chart done please email me at with reading in the subject line. I will need your birth information month, day, year you were born, time you were born, and where you were born. Then I will need a donation paid to Just go into my blog and click on the donate button which is on the front page of my blog in the top right hand corner. If you have already ordered one and have not received it yet please let me know. My computer was down for about 10 days.
Love and blessings to everyone. Mahala

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 1:56:49 AM

Selflessness: The New Normal


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

The purpose of our existence, beyond realizing our eternal connection with the Almighty, is to serve others. We’re here to offer ourselves to the awakening of the masses in any way we see fit, and our perspective starts to shift when we realize we can no longer live solely for ourselves.

We can no longer satisfy our own material needs while so many people starve every day, and we have to find the willingness to look at the world’s condition and figure out how we can make a change.

We have to find compassion for the people around us, and until we can transcend selfishness and take a bigger look at our unbalanced society, we’ll continue to struggle without really understanding why.

We’re meant to work together to solve the issues we face – most of which are environmental and economic – but we’ve been kept too divided to become aware of the plight of people in poorer countries, much less to do anything about it.

We let complacency sink in somewhere along the way, and this will have to change if we want any hope of restoring our planet. We’ll have to be willing to step outside of our comfort zone to help others, and while it might not be easy at first, we and the people we help will be glad we made the initial effort.

I don’t think anything about our society can change until we learn to care for one another. We know how to care for ourselves and our families, but for the most part, we have trouble caring about people we don’t know – no matter how much they’re suffering.

The “every man for himself” mindset has caused us to drift away from our true, compassionate nature, and in place of a deep, genuine concern for the fate of mankind is a shallow concern for one’s own fate as an individual that’s separate from the whole.


If we could only realize we’re all connected on a deep level, we might rise up and do something about the ridiculous circumstances so many people are forced to deal with on a daily basis.

If we understood that we’re one consciousness beneath the individualized personalities we’ve come to believe are our true selves, we’d realize that allowing other people to suffer while we blindly and ignorantly watch is the most tragic thing we can do.

What happens to one person happens to us all on a deeper level, but we fail to realize this because we don’t directly feel the things other people are going through. The plight of other people doesn’t register in our minds, and especially not in our hearts, so we’re comfortable pretending extreme hardship doesn’t exist.

This obviously needs to change, but how can we change it?

How can we restore compassion to a world that seems to have completely forgotten about it? The solution is simple, and it’s one I’ve offered a lot in the past. The solution is for those of us who are aware to start doing something.

I’m not saying the conscious community doesn’t already do a lot to raise awareness, but some conscious people haven’t yet started their work for various reasons.

One is that we tend to be unsure of exactly how we should contribute, and another is that we doubt ourselves.

It’s a big world, we tell ourselves, and nothing I do to raise awareness will make much of an impact…

This is the greatest lie we can think up, and the one percent profits from it. As long as we buy in to the illusion that we’re too small to make a significant impact, we’ll fail to find the motivation to raise awareness or help others.

If we really want to help people, we have to stop deceiving ourselves. If we really want to do something significant to advance our collective evolution, we have to be willing to believe in ourselves and our capabilities.

We have to be willing to believe we’re stronger than they want us to think, and the best way to do this is to recognize that we’re embodiments of the Source of all existence.

All it takes to realize we’re infinite is the willingness to connect with our higher consciousness, but until we can make this crucial connection, we might keep falling for the lie that we’re too small to change the world.


Even if we think we’re too small as individuals, which is completely untrue, we can’t deny that our collective power is enormous. Neither can the one percent, which is why they try so hard to keep us divided.

They know what we can do if we collectively rise up and take action, and this is why they’ve placed so many distractions and stumbling blocks in our way. They want to stop us from coming together, because they know we’ll easily outnumber them when we finally assemble.

This is why they try so hard to distract the public, and underneath their arrogance, they’re afraid of our unity. They fear the day when the masses finally wise up to what they’ve been doing and assemble to do something about it, and if they could, they’d bring the rest of society down with them.

Fortunately, they won’t bring us down, because we’ve already started to rise up and make a change. We still have a long way to go, but we’ve made a lot of progress in the past decade and it’s clear that we’ll continue to grow until our collective power can no longer be denied.

An awakened revolution will be birthed from our willingness to live our lives for others, as opposed to the constant selfishness we’ve grown accustomed to, and we can strengthen this revolution by finding the courage and compassion to help others.

It seems simple, but with the heavy conditioning we’ve all experienced, it might be harder than we expect. It requires the willingness to push through the mind-driven barriers that reinforce the notion that we’re too small to help others or make a change, and we’ll probably be forced to confront our selfish tendencies.


We’ll have to stay strong regardless, and the fate of our collective revolution depends on it. We all have to get active – not just one or two of us – and until we can all find our “thing” and use it to awaken and uplift others, we’ll continue to struggle to create a new world.

One can only hope that the rest of society will get on board soon enough, because we have a lot to do and we need all the power we can get.

Something as massive as a full-on collective revolution will start from our individual efforts to help each other, and the small acts of kindness that result from our selfless service will ripple out, eventually forming a more caring and compassionate world.

With this said, let’s find out how we can help someone today. It could be as small as picking up something that someone dropped in the street or as big as helping people in poorer countries get some food and water, and no matter what we want to do, we have to get out there and do it.

Let’s make selflessness the new normal, because with all the people in the world who suffer needlessly, we can no longer afford to think solely about ourselves.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:25:27 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: May 5, 2015

news roundupHappy Cinco de Mayo, dear friends… Hoping you celebrate the Mexican Army’s victory over the French with laughter and safety! Transitioning from a joyous occasion to our current state of affairs… which certainly can be and is joyous oftentimes, but not so joyous for me when do-gooders get arrested for feeding the homeless.

Politics & Police: Something’s got to give — as long as you don’t give to the homeless in some cities!

I’m noticing in my email inbox that has at least two separate petitions circulating that ask us to support the revocation of the anti-homeless feeding bans. What in the world is this about? This truly must be a joke, right? Someone tell me the wool is being pulled over my eyes… please!

There’s something about helping others that’s incredibly fulfilling –wouldn’t you agree? Without judgement of course, because we all need help within this upside-down world at some time or another …and some of us need a little more help than others, and that’s okay too.

This law for me is right up there with two other non-sensical situations: In Colorado, it’s illegal to warm up your own car and retreat into your warm home for ten minutes in the middle of winter, although medical marijuana is legal at the recreational level!

Secondly, a situation happened to me two summers ago. My daughter and I were at the park and on the way out, I wanted to teach my daughter about giving, feeding, and loving on the ducks. Lo and behold, I was accosted by a couple walking the same path holding hands (how ironic) yelling at me to not the feed the ducks. I was completely shocked by their intensity and adamant insistence. I remember thinking, “Leave us alone. We’ll feed (and give love to) the ducks anytime we want….”

Had this “loving” couple forgotten that animals walked, swam, and flew on this earth long before we came to dwell upon THEIR world. Yes, of course I understand the couple was sore about the duck droppings that they must avoid while walking, and yet that’s the nature of life. If they can’t handle the occasional “park duck-dance,” then how do they manage real stressors in our everyday world?

Another objection, by some people, to giving to those in need deals with the fear that said individuals will abuse the system, and live off welfare, for example. As I stated above, sometimes people need help –that’s what public aid is all about –give it to those of us who need it.

I believe this is where compassion comes in to play. This is where we turn the other cheek and not fight problems with self-righteousness and a “better than” attitude, but rather with love and kind giving. It’s my belief that sooner or later those people who might abuse the system will come around — it’s in their nature, just like it’s in our nature to help.

“Last year the city council of Houston, Texas passed a law making it illegal to feed the homeless within the city without the permission of property owners. Yes, in the land of six-guns, cattle rustling, and Enron, handing a sandwich to a homeless person in a city park or serving a bowl of soup in a rented storefront can earn you a $500 fine…. Last week, Houston police ticketed a homeless man for trying to feed himself by fishing a donut from a trash bin in a public park.” (1)

Although this story was originally published two years ago in March, it clearly has re-surfaced as a priority in 2015 –as more and more human rights issues are brought to the forefront of our societal consciousness. Researching other such stories, there was much attention online given to this issue — and rightly so.

Further, six months ago –and thank Goddess– a Florida judge lifted the ban on feeding the homeless. Go Florida! Before the lift, people were being arrested for “unlawful food sharing.” That is one of the craziest terms I’ve ever heard.

Fortunately, a “90-year-old homeless advocate Arnold Abbott’s lawsuit [successfully challenged] the ordinance. The World War II vet and retired jewelry salesman has been feeding the homeless at the city’s beaches with his group, Love Thy Neighbor, for the last 23 years.” Go Arnold! (2)

1. In Houston It’s Illegal to Feed the Homeless and for the Homeless to Feed Themselves by Richard Riis. Daily Kos.

2. Florida Judge Lifts Ban on Feeding Homeless in Public by RT.

Rescind my City’s Cruel Anti-homeless Feeding Ban by Randall Kallinen.

Religion: Is the Pope as progressive as he could be?

I must admit, I truly love her style and appreciate her message of the author of this next story, Jessica Valenti, from The Guardian. I find her refreshingly down-to-earth, yet she can get just as bold and fearless with the topics and language she uses — she’s absolutely brilliant, in my humble opinion.

While appreciating the Pope’s support for wage equality between men and women, Ms Valenti makes a distinct point: “True equality for women or wives – even economic equality – is dependent on access to birth control and abortion, which is something I suspect Pope Francis won’t come out in favor of anytime soon. So while it’s nice that one of the world’s preeminent religious leaders believes in fair wages for fair work, the sentiment rings hollow for women who know what it really takes to have equality in the workforce and beyond.” Thank you, Jessica.

Ms. Valenti continued to educate us on the varied ways that freedom of pro-choice is the true liberation for women’s rights. For example, studies have shown that women who have access to contraception earlier in life are more inclined to seek higher education, which normally increases their salaries.” The ability to decide whether and when to parent – and how to space out the children they choose to have – impacts the kind of jobs that women can have and the kind of salary they will bring home.”

Further, it’s argued that Republicans have long complained that the abortion and birth control issue is just about women voting with their bodies instead of their pocket books. Geez …as a man, that statement is offensive to me!

“But no matter what politicians – or the Pope – believes, women know that their economic futures are tied to reproductive choice. If we want women to thrive, to make more money, and be raised out of poverty, we have to make sure that women can control their bodies and plan their lives. Believing anything else is the real ‘scandal.'”

Thank you Ms. Valenti for your insight and moxie!

If the Pope Wants Women’s Equality, He Must Support Reproductive Rights by Jessica Valenti. The Guardian.

Across this beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:26:39 PM

Heavenletter #5274 via Gloria Wendroff: Closed Hearts Can Open

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

When days are short and your temper is short, too, what do you blame your temper on? You can find many things, and, yet, you latch onto one or two, often other human beings who seem to thwart your perceived needs.

Perhaps the real lack is that you perceive that you need and need desperately from other people who are not capable of filling your perceived needs. There is an expression: You can’t turn a stone into a turnip!

Yes, you can! The lame can walk. The sick can heal. And closed hearts can open.

Everyone wants deep true love and wants to feel this in his or her heart. It is common for My children to see that others block their love. You are the only one who can block your love.

It seems otherwise to you, yet you are the blocker of your own love. It is your attachment that blocks the smooth-running of your love. Love without attachment, and you will be in a different ball game.

If you were not attached, you wouldn’t interfere with your own happiness. That may sound too simple. It is very simple. The hard part is for My children not to be attached.

Unattached, you wouldn’t make the demands on others and yourself that you currently do. Unattached, people can do or not do as they do without your feeling offended and being on the defensive. If you were not so easily offended, where would difficulty lie? What would there be at stake for you?

Every personality leads his own life. If you take offense, it is you who takes offense. It’s your ego that takes offense.

Dear Ones, what someone says or does or doesn’t say and doesn’t do is not your ego’s responsibility. If you could be unattached and free, your ego wouldn’t mind someone else’s presumption.

No one owes you anything. Attached, you and your ego see life differently. You are certain the ones who offend you are obligated to be kind and understanding and to be sensitive to your feelings.

The fact is that no one owes you anything. What another says to you belongs to him and not to you. Oneness does not apply to squabbles.

Consider the seeming other as someone who is running a race and doesn’t win. Are you angry with the runner because he couldn’t run faster? His winning or not winning the race has nothing to do with you.

That he didn’t win doesn’t mean you lost. Because he doesn’t understand or can’t understand you means no more than that. Being misunderstood is a big deal to My children.

Must it be such a big deal to you? Must you choose to focus on it when you could be focusing on something else? Why not focus on something else that can give you at least a glimmer of happiness?

Really, what has rocked your boat? You may be jumping up and down in upset when you could be looking at the Sun or the way the wind blows the leaves of trees.

You could even be more like a choo-choo train that stays on a track of happiness. You could be stepping out with Me. Come alongside Me. Let’s see where I can take you.

I can take you out of your tizzy. I can take you out of the doldrums. You can take yourself out of the doldrums when you chose to. There is some satisfaction or justification you take out of being discontent, as though the world owes you and you are put upon.

You owe yourself a living. You owe yourself more than you are giving yourself. You owe yourself a lot more. Start paying up right now. Make nice to yourself and the world and, yes, the person who doesn’t know how to treat you right. Treat yourself right now. How about getting over your discontent and disconnectedness?

Get over here and smile. That’s better.

“Heavenletter #5274: “Closed Hearts Can Open,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, May 4, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5275 Closed Hearts Can Open

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:36:29 PM

Owen K Waters: Unity versus Separation

Owen WatersThe eternal theme of human history on Earth has been that of good versus evil. We generally define good behavior as that which is unselfish and supportive. Evil, its opposite, is then defined as behavior which is self-serving at the expense of others.

Underlying these opposing definitions is a common principle, that of separation. Long before the time that original consciousness adopted human form, all forms of consciousness knew that they were one, that they were part of an interconnected whole. This is called unity consciousness.

Originally, humans were consciously connected to nature and also to each other, just as animals are today. For example, after the enormous tsunami that hit Indonesia in December 2004, massive numbers of dead humans were found, but no dead wild animals. All of the animals had been aware of the impending disaster and headed for higher ground.

The news media reported that a group of normally-docile elephants tore their retaining stakes from the ground and ran uphill toward safety, trumpeting warnings for others to follow. As soon as the tsunami struck and started to recede, the elephants returned and used their height and strength to rescue children from the flood waters and carry them to higher ground.

At some point in human history, we decided to explore the concept of separation. We wanted, not just physically separate bodies, but a real sense of conscious separation from other people, the universe, and the Divine.

Already, we had separate individual souls, spirit bodies, and physical bodies. We decided to go all the way and be born with no conscious connection to each other. In other words, we would be, for once, truly separate and independent entities while in physical bodies.

Even though we would still be connected to the whole, as all things are, we would not be consciously aware of that connection. Now THAT, we thought, would be an experience!

The fundamental reason for individuality is so that the original Creator can experience itself from an infinite number of viewpoints. How much more realistic, we asked, would it be if the viewpoints were truly independent and creative, with their own senses of intelligence and freewill?

Since those days, long forgotten in the mists of time, people have been born into a world where separation is their reality. It is also a world where the fear of lack can easily develop. Under adverse conditions, the will to survive becomes a fear for survival. The idea that there are only so many resources available for one’s survival creates the will to fight for those resources. The fear of being overpowered in a potentially dangerous environment can lead to the desire to gain power over others in order to feel more secure.

And so, the negative underbelly of separation from source began to develop. As people became more and more separated from each other by the harsh experience of the selfish drives of other people, the darkness deepened. In a world of aloneness, where the next person cannot be trusted, where is one to turn?

Foreseeing these depths of darkness, the Creator has repeatedly sent individuals of great light into this world of humankind, individuals who have shown people the way out of darkness. Western culture is most familiar with the emotionally transformative teachings of Jesus. Other cultures have also been given teachers who bring great light in ways that are best suited to them. Examples of these include the Buddha, Krishna, Confucius and Lao Tse.

Today, the current chapter of human experience on Earth is drawing to a close. These are the days of The Shift. The frequency of all life on the planet is being raised so that a new chapter of life can begin. The old guard is passing away. The new children being born today resonate to the frequency of the new consciousness. The world is changing and, today, we are witnessing the very birth of a New Reality.

“Unity Versus Separation”, by Owen K Waters, May 3, 2015 at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
