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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:41:38 PM

Benjamin Fulford: Chaos in US as international bankruptcy of US Fed faction sinks in

(Benjamin Fulford) Chaos is increasing inside the United States as the US Khazarian controlled faction of the Federal Reserve Board continues to be shunned by most of the world. In response, the Khazarians are desperately trying to provoke race riots or otherwise get arms bearing US citizens to fight the US armed forces and police. At the same time, the US armed forces and agencies are moving against both Israel and their US based Khazarian proxies, notably the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller crime family.

In what Pentagon sources say was a direct message to the Rockefeller family, Dave Goldberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, died in mysterious circumstances at age 47 last week.

Facebook is owned by David Rockefeller grandson Mark Zuckerberg. Pentagon sources say this was a message by the armed forces to the Silicon Valley oligarchs that from now on the high tech industry in California would be under military control.

To understand the frenetic power struggle now taking place in the US, it is worth taking another look at the secret history behind the ongoing US corporate government’s bankruptcy. More of this was revealed at a meeting last week between representatives of the White Dragon Society and Chinese royal family members. The Chinese royals presented documentary evidence that will force a change of how 20th century history is written. The documents describe secret agreements between US Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, Chinese Nationalist ruler Chiang Kaishek and, members of the Manchu royal family. The documents show how Roosevelt, Truman and US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, over time, took 20 ships laden with Manchu gold to the US and fraudulently used the bullion to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal and the Marshall plan.

The gold was taken to the US starting in the 1930’s under the promise it would be used to finance the development of East Asia and the creation of a federation that would include Manchuria, China, Korea and Japan, the royal family sources said. The Americans also gave the Manchurians plates to allow them to print US dollars.

The two current heirs to the Manchu gold are Kim Young Hee (金英姫) and Zhang Sheng Zhi? (張勝植). They claim there have been numerous attempts to kill them and replace them with look alikes so, as a security measure, they have asked that their pictures be published as seen below:


Photographs of their ears have also been taken as an extra precaution.
The reason these two people claim they are being chased is that they have the legal rights to gold worth about $30 trillion.

What is happening is that, at the highest level of global finance, paper and numbers written on bank computers are not accepted as currency. The owners of the US branch of the Federal Reserve Board (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller etc.) are being asked to pay their debts to the rest of the world in gold. For that reason they are desperate to try to stake a fraudulent claim to the Manchu gold they stole all those years ago (and have long since used up). They will not get it because the whole world is sick and tired of their criminal antics.

In fact, looking through a gold lens sheds a whole new light on many recent historical events. First of all, the Lehman shock of 2008 came because the corporate government of the United States failed to make a gold payment that was due. That led to a temporary cut off of US trade. The US Corporate government then managed to get a large gold loan from the Ming dynasty faction in Asia on the promise that Barack Obama would be made president and the US would reform itself.

After Obama’s actions showed that he was no better than George Bush Jr., the Ming gold dried up. US cabal staged events since that time have all been in search of gold and financing.

The red shirt movement in Thailand, for example, was really aimed at getting custody of the huge historical Thai royal gold stash. The “Arab springs” in Tunisia and other Arab counties were also aimed at the gold stashes these countries had. The invasion of Mali was staged to seize gold mines there. The tsunami and earthquake attack on Haiti was also aimed at getting gold mining rights. The invasion of Libya was an unsuccessful attempt to steal Colonel Muammar Khadaffi’s gold. The March 11th, 2011 tsunami and earthquake attack on Japan was also aimed at extorting Japanese imperial gold.

So now, the cabalists are frantically hunting royals with claim to historical gold troves. The reason the Obama regime has suddenly been sucking up to Iran so vigorously is because the Persian historical gold trove is worth $46 trillion, according to the current heir to the Persian throne. The Iranians have responded to this US foot kissing by publicly blaming the US government for 911 and telling many other truths. In any case, the heirs to the Persian fortune have made it perfectly clear the US cabalists will never get their hands on their gold.

One recent new indicator of the world wide boycott against the US based Khazarian cabalists was the National Association of Credit Manager’s report that successful US loan applications since the end of March fell by more than 40% year on year. The fall was almost entirely due to a stoppage of trade credits, according to the association. The US government later forced them to “revise” away this ugly truth.

However, the fact that over 6000 US retail shops have recently been closed illustrates how the US corporate government and their American debt slaves can no longer borrow money to buy trinkets from the rest of the world. More proof of bigger than Lehman US economic collapse can be found here:

That is why rent a mobs are being paid with Fed funny money to try to start race wars in Ferguson, Baltimore, Seattle and elsewhere. The Feds are hoping to use the unrest to trigger a civil war in order to distract attention from their own problems.

There was also a big push on the internet to use cabal controlled web sites to push “Jade Helm,” a psychological warfare operation against the American people and US military. There was further what seems to be an attempt to give some credibility to widely discredited fake opposition blogs and radio shows by staging what appear to have been murder attempts against two of them: Stew Webb and Jeff Rense.

Just before the apparent attack on Webb, somebody contacted this writer and told me Webb (who I had never heard of) slandered me by calling me a “disinformation agent.” My response was to quote the Arab saying: “the dogs bark but the caravan roles on.” However, in retrospect it now seems this was an attempt to get me to say something hostile about Webb just before the “attack” on him. Jeff Rense has also highly discredited himself with all the nonsense he has spewed out about Fukushima. However, I tried to contact him to confirm if he had really been attacked only to find out I was no longer allowed to e-mail him. My understanding, based on a lot of different evidence, is that Rense is a front for the Bush family and, until I hear from him otherwise, that is line I will take. Nonetheless, as a journalist who has had many colleagues killed and who has personally survived multiple assassination attempts, you may be sure I am vigorously opposed to the murder of journalists and even propagandists.

These two “murder attempts” by the way, came at around the same time a scheduled major US radio broadcast by me on the show “Caravan to Midnight” was cancelled at the last minute due to a “major server attack.”

In any case, these increasingly clumsy attempts by cabal agents to start race riots, promote attacks against the military and spread confusion in the alternative media are all signs of desperation.

The desperation is becoming palpable now because of what just happened to Saudi Arabia, one of the US Khazarian factions’ last sources of money. The Pentagon and the Iranians forced Saudi’s new king Salman to fire crown prince Muqrin and Saud Al Faisal (who has been Saudi foreign minister for the past 40 years). They were fired to remove Bush influence from the Saudi regime and to force an end to the attacks on Yemen, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon sources are saying they are still seriously thinking of allying with the Yemeni Houthis to carry out a complete regime change in Saudi Arabia.

The other cabal slave regime that is in trouble is Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan. As predicted, Abe read a humiliating speech in front of the US Congress and Senate last week that made it clear he was not a Japanese Prime Minister but just a US cabal paid actor reading a script. The US military needs to hurry up and clean up its act in Japan or else lose the regime there to Chinese control. The pentagon knows who to contact to prevent that.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:54:19 PM

Comment (very short) from David Wilcock on Ben Fulford’s latest… “New Article Imminent

David_Wilcock_Search134Nothing to add here, except to expect the next great article fromDavid.


Comment by dwilcock on May 5, 2015 @ 10:03 am

Great stuff. My next article is imminent, so be on the lookout for it. All heading in the right direction!



David Wilcock:

(Donate to David’s work)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:55:42 PM

Vidya Frazier: The Fifth Dimension

Vidya FrazierMuch has been written, spoken and channeled by visionaries and spiritual teachers about humanity’s ascension into the Fifth Dimension. Indeed, many “ordinary” people are also having their own experiences, visions and “downloads” about this new realm of existence.

Not every source agrees on details about the Fifth Dimension, but most describe similar characteristics, such as those described below.


According to Ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of ascending into an entirely new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails. This has been called the “Fifth Dimension.”


According to Ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of ascending into an entirely new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails. This has been called the “Fifth Dimension.”

Some say this shift will probably be complete within the next couple of decades; others give no date. But all seem to agree it will be complete sometime in the near future, although individuals will be each moving into the Fifth Dimension at their own rate when their frequency is high enough to match the vibration of the higher dimension.


Some teachings state that the earth has been planning to shift into the Fifth Dimension for eons–and that it would be doing this in the near future either with or without humanity, depending on whether humanity was ready for the transition. According to some, in just recent years, humanity finally moved off the trajectory of self-destruction where it had been headed and shifted onto the track of Ascension along with the earth.

December 21, 2012 is given by many sources as the date when the “portal” to the Fifth Dimension was opened for those who are ready to shift into the higher reality and also as the date when the earth and all life on it shifted from the Third Dimension into the Fourth.

Much of what has been described about the Fifth Dimension can sound like a fairy tale:

A Fairy Tale?

Much of what has been described about the Fifth Dimension can sound like a fairy tale:

  • All people will be living in peace and harmony, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting all people and the earth. Love and compassion will flow through all communications
  • e3e622887b103f80eceee6df0756d6ebEquality, justice and respect for all human beings will reign on earth–no more hunger, poverty or crime. Abundance will be available to all.
  • Everyone will live without fear–with complete trust in the Divine.
  • Everyone will be awake to the majestic, divine inter-dimensional beings they truly are.

Some of the descriptions can sound even more “out there”–such as people freely communicating with beings from other planets and galaxies and traveling to distant parts of the universe with these beings.

And yet, haven’t we all had dreams of living in a world like this? Are these dreams just figments of our imagination?

Or are they memories of what we, thousands and thousands of years ago, once experienced–and at some point lost, as we descended into the kind of world we know of today, filled with struggle and suffering and lack of direct connection with the Divine?

Imagination, Memory or Intuition?

And yet, haven’t we all had dreams of living in a world like this? Are these dreams just figments of our imagination?

Or are they memories of what we, thousands and thousands of years ago, once experienced–and at some point lost, as we descended into the kind of world we know of today, filled with struggle and suffering and lack of direct connection with the Divine?


Or do these dreams perhaps come from intuitions about the future that is in store for us? Many of us are having these intuitive feelings; some are having clear visions; others are inwardly hearing about the reality of what humanity’s future will be. Some of us feel we have been waiting thousands of years for these times we are now entering.

If we seek deeply within ourselves, we may find that these dreams of an ideal and peaceful world are actually both a distant memory of what we once experienced eons ago and an intuitive glimpse into what is now beginning to happen on earth.

How Can it Happen so Quickly?

The question might arise as to this could possibly happen. How can this world turn around from where it is today and become this utopian kind of world? There is still so much darkness on the planet–wars, hatred, prejudice and injustice.

The answer is two-fold: First, thousands of people on the planet are now experiencing an awakening of the heart at an unprecedented rate–and this awakening appears to be speeding up, as time goes by. At some point, the hundredth monkey phenomenon will inevitably take hold.

And secondly, not everyone on the planet at this time is making the choice (consciously or unconsciously) to make the shift into the Fifth Dimension.

All souls do have the choice to enter 5D, given they have assimilated sufficient light to hold the frequency levels that exist in that higher vibration. But many will be choosing to leave the earth within the next decade or so to move on to other third-dimensional experiences in other parts of the universe. They will not have finished with what third-dimensional reality has still to teach them.

Those who are choosing to stay and make the shift with the earth will be going through some intense and rapid changes, as their bodies and minds make the radical changes needed to shift into the higher consciousness requisite for moving into the Fifth Dimension.

Exactly What are Dimensions?


First, it’s important to understand that dimensions are not places or locations; they’re levels of conscious- ness that vibrate at a certain rate. There exist numerous dimensions; the fourth and fifth are simply higher than the one we’ve living in for thousands of years. Ascension into even higher dimensions will continue even after we’ve reached the fifth.

Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below. In each higher dimension, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power, and more opportunity to create reality.

In order for a higher dimension to be available to us, we need to vibrate in resonance with it. Shifting from one level of consciousness to the next higher one means becoming established on it, so we don’t get pulled back.

The Third Dimension

It’s important to understand, first of all, that the Third Dimension is not the things you see: the table, the tree, the earth. These are form. All things in form are still present in the Fourth Dimension (and to some degree in the Fifth); they’re simply more light-filled, not as dense.

The Third Dimension is a state of consciousness that is very limited and restricted. Because we’ve been living in this dimensional reality for so many lifetimes, we tend to assume that is the only reality that exists. We think this is simply how “reality” is, not realizing it’s a very limited experience of reality.

The third-dimensional “operating system” runs on rigid beliefs and a fairly inflexible set of rules and limitations. For example, in the Third Dimension, we learn to believe that bodies are solid; they can’t merge with each other or walk through walls. Everything is subject to gravity, physical objects cannot disappear, and we cannot read another person’s mind. There’s a solid belief in duality, and judgment and fear are pervasive.

The Fourth Dimension

The Fourth Dimension is the “bridge” we’ve all been on now since December 21, 2012, and will be on for a relatively short period of time. In traveling through the Fourth Dimension, we are preparing ourselves for the Fifth. Many of us have had experiences of the Fourth Dimension for a number of years now without realizing it.


We can know we’re experiencing fourth-dimensional consciousness when we have moments of spiritual awakening or heart-opening. Other times, it can happen when we’re simply feeling clear and quiet inside. Everything within and around us feels lighter, less rigid. There’s a sense of spaciousness and upliftment.

Time is no longer linear in the Fourth Dimension–there’s an ongoing sense of being in present time, with no interest or even awareness of past and future. And we can discover that time is malleable–it can actually stretch and condense, much to our third-dimensional surprise.

Manifestation is much faster in the Fourth Dimension. Something we simply think about can show up very quickly. In general, when we’re experiencing joy, love and gratitude, we’re experiencing fourth-dimensional consciousness.

In actuality, we are now since December 2012 existing in the Fourth Dimension; but most people have lived so many lifetimes in the Third Dimension, that they’re still living in a restricted way out of habit.

The Fourth Dimension is the “bridge” we’ve all been on now since December 21, 2012, and will be on for a relatively short period of time. In traveling through the Fourth Dimension, we are preparing ourselves for the Fifth. Many of us have had experiences of the Fourth Dimension for a number of years now without realizing it.


The Fifth Dimension

The Fifth Dimension has been described as the dimension of Love–of living totally from the Heart.

In order to enter into the Fifth Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the door. No fear, anger, hostility, guilt exists there–no suffering or sense of separation. Mastery over thought is a prerequisite.

Manifestation in the Fifth Dimension is instantaneous. You think about something–it comes present. People generally communicate through telepathy and have the ability to read each other’s thoughts and feelings with ease. The experience of time is radically different: some describe it as “everything happening at once.” There is no distinction between past, present or future.

Many of us are having experiences (or “dreams”) that feel like visits to the Fifth Dimension. These are exhilarating–tremendously exciting and hopeful. They keep us moving on through the difficulties that sometimes arise as we travel through the Fourth Dimension and into the Fifth.

Transitional Times

We are currently in what’s been called “transitional times” or the “end times”. These are the times in which we are experiencing the death of third-dimensional reality, while at the same time beginning to travel through new and unknown landscapes of the Fourth Dimension.

In essence, one whole structure of reality is collapsing, while a new one is emerging. It’s to be expected that some chaos, confusion and disorientation will reign both within and around us, as we attempt to adapt to a whole new way of experiencing reality.

Many of us are beginning to experience radical changes in our lives, as we enter into these times. Whatever does not serve us in shifting into a higher dimension has to fall away.

This can include old relationships, lifetime careers, approaches to life we’ve traditionally taken, an out-dated sense of identity, or any limited or negative thoughts and emotions that hold us in a lower vibration.


Fortunately, we can now get a great deal of help in making the transition to a higher vibration. Beings from higher dimensional realms are more and more present to assist us; we simply need to ask for their help.

We can also become aware of the flooding of divine light that’s currently arriving from the higher dimensions. So releasing old patterns and negative emotions is getting easier and easier, if we have the clear intention of letting them go.

We Can Take our Bodies with Us

Many sources tell us we can take our physical bodies with us, if we choose, into the Fifth Dimension.

Some say that although other planets and galaxies have shifted into higher dimensions before in the history of the universe, this is the first time that souls in incarnation on a planet are going to be taking their physical vehicles with them into the higher dimension. Doing this is seen as the next step in humanity’s evolution.

Given this, it seems important for us to really take care of our bodies at this time. Radical transformation can be hard on the body, causing pain, aches, exhaustion and flu-like symptoms.

It’s Up to You


If you feel a resonance with the information in this article, it’s likely you’ve decided — either consciously or uncon-sciously — to shift with the earth into the Fifth Dimension in this lifetime. If so, you have the choice to simply allow life to transform you — sometimes in uncomfortable ways, if you have any resistance to chance.

Or you can choose to actively cooperate with the shifts taking place inside you. You can consciously let go of old patterns, release negative emotions, judgments and thoughts, and work on keeping your vibration high at all times. This effort will likely ensure that your journey through the Fourth Dimension will be a lot smoother and even perhaps more rapid.

But there’s no right way to make this journey. We each have to do it the way that’s best for us. One way or another, we will make it into the new reality that lies before us. What an exciting time to be alive!

“The Fifth Dimension” by Vidya Frazier, not dated, at

Original link: The Fifth Dimension

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 5:58:28 PM

Sue McIntosh: Changing the World

Sue McIntoshIt is WE humans who can control the world and rescript the play by changing our perceptions, our belief systems, the very rules of life on earth. We accomplish this by educating ourselves as to the real truth of this “play within a play” and rewriting the play. We do it by seeing this controlled world for what it is and has been for the last 2,000 years. We do it by deciding we will create our new society and our new world based on LOVE, not fear.

We do it by controlling our own brain—dismiss negative thoughts and allow positive ones. Make a light-filled place in your mind for banished negative thoughts, emotions, succubuses, etc. Or simply send them to the light.

Light is information. Light is healing. Light is love. Light is in the imagination. It can be any shade of white, sparkly or not, rays or glittering clouds. When we relax and imagine light entering our bodies through the top of our head (our crown chakra), sent from _____ (a golden ball, Christ, the Goddess, Buddha, Shiva, Prime Creator, the cosmic heavens) on our in-breath and diffuse it throughout our bodies (prana, chi, ki, the life-force) with the out-breath, we know a BIG SECRET. Asian, East Indian and indigenous peoples everywhere have known this from millennia, using it to understand meridians/routes of energy flow in the human and in ley lines of the earth.

All of us can learn to feel and use this power of light in meditation, gratitude, communion with nature, yoga, tai chi, ki gong, music, dance, art. It is our finer side, our divine spark, our power of feeling higher vibration, our evolutionary path.

“Changing the World”, by Sue McIntosh, May 8, 2010, at

Original link: Changing the World

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/5/2015 6:00:41 PM

Who is Ra? – Crystal Healing

law-of-one-book-i-the-ra-materialBy Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

We hear a lot in the conscious community about the healing use of crystals, but is it just a fad? Are crystals little more than neat, colorful rocks that only appear to offer some sort of healing, or is there more to them than meets the eye?

As we’ll learn here, crystals serve a specific healing purpose, and it has a lot to do with our chakras (or ‘energy centers’) and the chakras of the earth.

I used to channel, and one of the subjects that was always touched on was that the earth has chakras that we can align with to receive a pure stream of healing energy. This energy can rebalance us and help us become purer instruments for the expression – creative or otherwise – of our Christ consciousness.

This is where crystals come into play. They can help us align with the earth’s chakras and receive a clear stream of creative/spiritual energy, but the person who uses them has to be relatively attuned and clear in mind and heart to begin with.

An instrument like the guitar doesn’t sound good if it’s out of tune, and similarly, any healing we attempt to use crystals for will fail to meet our expectations if we aren’t already somewhat aligned within.

When Ra speaks about the importance of being aligned, I think they refer to people who use crystals to heal or rebalance others instead of themselves. I’m sure we’ll benefit from using crystals to rebalance our own chakras, but if we want to help others, we have to be somewhat aligned to begin with or our efforts might be in vain.


Ra tells us that different crystals serve different purposes.

“I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it.

“There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body; there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind; there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body. All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels.” (1)

As I said (and as Ra affirms), a crystal healer who helps others has to be aligned themselves if they want their work to be effective. Not only do they have to be ‘crystallized’ in mind and heart – they have to be connected with the earth’s chakras.

“Without the relative crystallization of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged.

“The other ingredient is a proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.” (2)

It’s important to choose the right crystal for the right healing/rebalancing agenda, Ra reminds us.

“The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One in almost any application.”

“This, of course, takes initiation, and there have never been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.” (3)


In a nutshell, very few crystal healers can empty themselves of enough distortion (i.e. raise their vibration enough) to use the ruby or diamond for virtually any application. It takes a lot of diligence and perseverance, just like the enlightenment process as a whole, but it isn’t impossible.

Nothing’s impossible, but nothing worthwhile is ever easy.

Ra’s questioner asks if an experienced healer could build a pyramid of their own and use it, along with crystals, to rebalance or reenergize a person’s chakras. Ra responds that the energy is so high right now that a structure like the pyramid is no longer needed.

Question: “My question then would be, are there individuals incarnate upon the planet today who would have the necessary inner disciplines to, using your instructions, construct and initiate in a pyramid they built and then possibly do it again? Is this within limits of what anyone can do on the planet today, or is there no one available for this?

I am Ra. There are people, as you call them, who are able to take this calling at this nexus. However, we wish to point out once again that the time of the pyramids, as you would call it, is past.

It is indeed a timeless structure. However, the streamings from the universe were, at the time we attempted to aid this planet, those which required a certain understanding of purity. This understanding has, as the streamings revolve and all things evolve, changed to a more enlightened view of purity.

“Thus, there are those among your people at this time whose purity is already one with intelligent infinity. Without the use of structures, healer/patient can gain healing.” (4)

I’m sure a pyramid would help in the reenergizing process, but with how intense the energy is and has been for some time (these channelings from Ra were brought through in the eighties; imagine how intense things are now), we no longer need pyramids or any other kind of structure.

As long as we do the necessary inner work, we can become the healers we once looked to the pyramids to provide. We no longer need a structure that’s specifically aligned with the earth’s energy points, and with a willing mind/heart and chakras that are opened and aligned, we can heal people with crystals.

We have to have some experience if we want to become healers, however, and it doesn’t just happen overnight. Rebalancing our chakras and practicing our healing abilities with crystals will help us develop the skill, but we might not want to practice healing anyone, except maybe ourselves, until we’ve gained a knack for it.


In this passage, Ra asks us to consider two things – the complexity of a mind/body/spirit complex after many incarnations (as opposed to its simplicity in, say, its first incarnation), and the concept of ‘wanderers’ coming to a lower sphere from the higher ones to share their healing knowledge and abilities.

Question: “Is it possible for you to instruct healing techniques if we could make available these individuals that have the native ability?

“I am Ra. It is possible. We must add that many systems of teach/learning the healing/patient nexus are proper given various mind/body/spirit complexes.

“We ask your imagination to consider the relative simplicity of the mind in the earlier cycle and the less distorted, but often overly complex, views and thought/spirit processes of the same mind/body/spirit complexes after many incarnations.

“We also ask your imagination to conceive of those who have chosen the distortion of service and have removed their mind/body/spirit complexes from one dimension to another, thus bringing with them in sometimes totally latent form many skills and understandings which more closely match the distortions of the healing/patient processes.” (5)

Some people, whether they realize it or not, are here from higher dimensions. They came here to help awaken humanity in this crucial time in our collective evolution, and they’ve brought with them deeper knowledge of the mechanics of spirit as well as more enhanced healing capabilities that humanity as a whole hasn’t yet discovered.

These people are usually ostracized by society with labels like ‘New Ager’, but they push through because they know they’re here for a reason. We’re all here to assist in this widespread awakening, and we have to let criticism bounce right off of us and do what we’re here to do.

Some wanderers and healers feel too different from the rest of society to fit in or accept the societal illusions that are passed off as reality, and fortunately, this can cause them to embrace their work even more.

Some of them are happy not to be accepted by a society that’s clearly been misled, and the people who are rejected the most usually end up to be the most brilliant minds of their time.

With that said, those of you out there who feel rejected for who you are should embrace your role in this evolution, because you’re here to do a lot of good and your work is desperately needed.


We might learn more about crystal healing in our next installment, because Ra has plenty more to say about this fascinating subject. Personally, I’ve never known a lot about crystals and healing, but I have a crystal or two and I’ve noticed the effects when I place them on or around certain energy centers.

It’s a strange, almost healing or rejuvenating sensation, and I felt that sensation long before I learned anything about them or the idea that they can sync with our personal and planetary chakras to provide healing.

My interest in them will probably pick up, because they’re one of many tools that have been placed here to help us spiritually excel. All we have to do to get the most out of them is get past our own socially programmed trepidations and open up so we can see what they have to offer.


  1. “Healing” at:
  2. Loc. cit.
  3. Loc. cit.
  4. Loc. cit.
  5. Loc. cit.

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I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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