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Getting Indexed by Google - Fast!
10/5/2009 6:50:59 PM

I was going to write this article, but this guy got there first.  I have used this for a couple of years to drive traffic and get on Google....and on other sites.  it is simple, free, and effective:

How to Get Indexed on Google in 1 Day
By Louis Banalty

The key to making money on the internet with a website is getting traffic, whether it is an ecommerce site that sells a product, an affiliate site that points people to another vendor's site and generates commissions if they buy, or a website with ads.

There are lots of different ways to get traffic but here are two main ways:
Buy the traffic yourself using Pay Per Click ads.Get free traffic from search engines.

Now I've never had a lot of success using PPC. I've had profitable sites that suddenly took a nose dive because Google tells me my landing pages have quality score issues. Google is constantly revamping its system and you can't depend on not getting hit by the "Google slap."

So my latest tactic is to depend entirely on free traffic from Google's organic search results. But in order to do this, I need for any new website of mine to be indexed quickly.

I've had sites in the past that have taken weeks and months to show up in the Google results. I've even had a site that took an entire year! (It had 3 hyphens in the URL which Google doesn't like).

But there's a quick and easy way to get a new site indexed in Google practically overnight.

Now this idea isn't new. I first read about it over 5 years ago. But I'm happy to say that it still works.

I'm not talking about submitting to article directories. I've had mixed results with this. One article did get my site indexed overnight, but that's because 4 blogs picked it up immediately. I think they had an automatic feed from the article directory and I just happened to hit the timing right.

But I couldn't recreate this, even when I posted a similar article in the same category. It did not get picked up immediately and my site took a week to show up in Google, even from an article directory that had a pagerank of 6.

So here's my secret. I'm a little reluctant to share it, but here it is.

All you have to do is create a post in a blog that has a link to your site. Yup, that's it.

The trick is that you have to make sure that the blog resides on one of the main blogging sites, not on your own site. I've created a blog at both and Both worked equally well.

In one case I posted to a blog that I had set up a few years ago in WordPress but only had 2 other posts in it. But in another case, I set up a brand new blog on Blogger and posted to it immediately.

In both cases my website was indexed the next day.

Now just to be safe, my post did have some content in it; it wasn't just a link with nothing else. My blogger post had 297 words in it, so it wasn't huge. But it was enough to get my site indexed.

When I shared this tactic with other people, they thought it wouldn't work because a lot of blogs put a nofollow tag into links. But this only applies to comments on a blog, not the original post.

So give it a try. It worked 5 years ago and it still works today.

Louis Banalty has many websites that get indexed quickly. He also has a website about wood pellets for sale with information on pellets for pellet stoves.

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Want to know other ways that blogs can help your business?  Take a look at Rob Benwell's   Blogging to the Bank
