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Rose Enderud
4/11/2007 9:46:58 PM
Hi Rose, artistic Rose, Congratulations! I believe in people with an artistic soul. Krystyna
Neil Sperling

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Rose Enderud
5/3/2007 5:42:29 PM
Rose I'm slow at thanking you for taking the time to add some pointers in my forum on "building a friends list". Your help is appreciated. As a lover of Art Myself, it tickles me that you have made such a HUGE contribution to the Adland Art Community. As a helpful friend I give you 10.... as an Artist 10.... and as a promoter of Art yet another 10. Thanks so much for being the YOU that are are. A true Gem! SMILE, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED
Rinna Rani

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Rose Enderud
5/6/2007 12:31:28 PM
ROSE ENDERUD I rate you a 10 as I find you to be a passionate person about art, friendly, warm and really committed. I am honoured to know you. Thank you for your support. Love, Rina SMILE, YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED

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