
Douglas Grounds

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Re: When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look...
12/5/2005 4:25:36 PM
Hi Cheryl congrads on the 25 poster under your name. I guess your getting closer to number1. LOL may God be with you. If your health needs a boost this is for you. If you have a need for a no-fee credit card, for your business, or personal need this is for you. If you would like to shop online in the mall store its got everything you need even Walmart store, law offices, to mention a few.You wont have to deal with the crowds of people. If you have any advertising needs, for your website, business, or even a garage sale, this will benefit you a lot. This is something every business needs, and that is a domain name, or your customers when struggling to remember random numbers, and letters, to get to your website, go to your competition for assistance. Best regards Douglas Grounds
Douglas Grounds
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Re: When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look...
12/5/2005 5:49:40 PM
... around you and find things to be grateful for.There ALWAYS ARE! You cannot feel grateful and unhappy ( or overwhelmed) at the same time. Works for me! Izabel
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Lisa Westberry

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Re: When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look...
12/5/2005 6:22:53 PM
God Knows that is so True. I do try to say this to myself when ever I get so over whelmed with problems. Thank you for this Forum. Your Friend,
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Drbob Siegman

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Re: When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look...
12/6/2005 11:37:27 AM
Greetings Bogdan, Very sage advise but often not taken as sometimes it is hard to care what others maybe going thru when one is the in the midst of pain or tremendous turmoil. At times like this the following mind set often works and that is of asking ones self,,, Is my cup really half empty and then recoginizing, No, IT IS Really HALF FULL! For no matter How bad you think it is at that moment, you know it could be worse. Please do not allow yourself to ever be drown by an anchor of Self Pity, it brings no comfort or solution in reality and simply wastes ones time. Brightest of Blessings
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Re: When life’s problems seem overwhelming, look...
12/6/2005 8:43:37 PM
Hello Bogdan! Those are great words of wisdom. Instead of sitting on the pitty pot one should sit down and make a list of all the things he or she has to be thankful for, they would soon be embarrass they ever complained. John Forums Gdw Amb Frm Power Members
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