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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 9:41:36 PM
Hello Bogdan, Thanks so much for the invite and today's quote! A very interesting quote today, one I have to agree with! Thanks for sharing it with us! God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Jill Bachman

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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 10:09:30 PM
Now, that is food for thought. Very good! Thanks for sharing as always :-) Your friend, Jill
Chris Wiseman

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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/6/2005 7:10:40 AM
Taking and accepting responsibility for our own actions instead of putting the blame on others is a major step towards a more positive life. How many times do we here people moan about their jobs? they applied for the position, they accepted the terms, they accepted the hours, if they don't like please don't blame others. We all make choices and sometimes they may be the wrong ones. Don't blame others..take action, take responsibilty and make some changes. Good thought provoking quote today than you.
Have a fantastic day Chris Wiseman Personal Website Chris Wiseman Positive About Forums -Take a look Don't forget to sign the Guestbook
Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/6/2005 8:38:53 AM
I LOVE that!! Basically and simply "LEAD BY EXAMPLE"!! That's how Tim and I have built our organization to 1100 and into 4 different countries! God bless! Linda/CMAS, BS, RN Senior Director 5 "With Our Heads Held High" AOL IM - TxBizNurse Yahoo IM - BizNurse2001 1-800-256-0004 Toll Free Home Office

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