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Cheryl Baxter

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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 12:10:07 PM
Hi Bogdan, So true that we have no one else to blame for the consequences of our actions. We will bear the results of what our actions have been. Thanks for sharing this thought provoking quote. Have a super weekend, Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 12:13:16 PM
Yes, I bear my own responsibility for my example. Thank you for the reminder of the joy and gratitude of my life. To bear patiently. The gifts we have been given are tremendous and it's our opportunity to give them away. Life is a blessing. I choose to give it away. John
John Schaak
Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 12:30:07 PM
You are so right John, I think one of the results of our example that we all have to bare patiently if we have children is how our children follow our example. Children seem to amplify our bad examples. The longer you live the more patient you are with those results. Children also amplify the good in us. Hopefully there has been enough good that the good outweighs the bad. Sharing with those around us is a joy when we do right and they do right!
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Douglas Grounds

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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 1:21:13 PM
Hello Bogdan that inspired me to look inward to see the example I was setting for everyone else. Douglas Grounds Douglas Grounds
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La Nell !

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Re: Everyone is bound to bear patiently the results...
11/5/2005 7:28:09 PM
Hello Mr Adland! I enjoyed that quote. Thank you for sharing it. LaNell

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