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Cheri Merz

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Re: Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world...
11/4/2005 7:20:12 PM
Thanks for this quote. I love the word enthusiasm, particularly in relation to the high energy state that it represents. Here's the origin of the word: "from Greek enthousiasmos, from enthousiazein, to be inspired by a god" Fits, doesn't it? Cheri
Re: Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world...
11/4/2005 7:55:04 PM
Hello Bogdan, Thanks so much for today's quote. It sure is a good one and I agree 100%. God Bless! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world...
11/4/2005 8:24:45 PM
Enthusiasm is for shure a great asset, followed by attitude and passion I mean. Thank You Bogdan for another good one - had to visit, could not have my travel/vacation without my lap-top & Adland`ers :-) . Have a nice weekend Best regards Arild
Chris Wiseman

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Re: Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world...
11/6/2005 10:04:50 AM
When you lose enthusiasm you lose a large portion of life! Let's all remain enthusiastic and go get em! Great quote thank you Bogdan.
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