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Bogdan Fiedur

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Confidence is directness and courage...
11/3/2005 8:36:39 AM
"Confidence is directness and courage in meeting the facts of life." – John Dewey, educator, philosopher
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: Confidence is directness and courage...
11/3/2005 8:55:17 AM
Thanks for well spoken quote Bogdan Best regards from Arild
Re: Confidence is directness and courage...
11/3/2005 9:11:29 AM
Ya got to be direct and accept that possible no if we are to score ! We are talking about Women right ? 7 more quote containing "confidence" Enjoy abundance in your life today Everyone have a wonderful day Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

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Douglas Grounds

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Re: Confidence is directness and courage...
11/3/2005 9:54:42 AM
Thanks for the invite to the forum and from the wisdom Ive learned from your forums I am putting them to good use. A prosperious day to you Bogdan. Douglas Grounds
Douglas Grounds
Gisela Santibanez

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Re: Confidence is directness and courage...
11/3/2005 10:00:14 AM
Thank you! Very, very inspiring... Gisela