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Bogdan Fiedur

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Re: Nothing is a waste of time....
10/20/2005 3:46:20 PM
Hi Beverly, So was Opra. Now on her show she helps spreading the news about known rapist and child offenders who are still to be arrested. Bogdan Fiedur
Be a victor not a victim. Simply be responsible for what happensin your life.
Truth can only be found by those who have the humility to consider what they do not prefer.

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Re: Nothing is a waste of time....
10/20/2005 4:03:20 PM
Often those bad things that happen to us are the hardest to find wisdom in. A winner gets over the trauma. Takes lemons to make tasty lemon aid to drink farther down the dry path of life. 7 more quotes containing "experience" Luella May's quote "Live every day ....." Post your quote and make it famous! @ adland any way ;-) Enjoy abundance in your life today Everyone have a wonderful day Peace, Love, Liberty Kris

imercury aka Kristopher McCraw
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Gene Tinney

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Re: Nothing is a waste of time....
10/20/2005 4:07:46 PM
Thank you Bogdan Gene
Beverly Armstrong

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Re: Nothing is a waste of time....
10/20/2005 5:00:37 PM
Yes I know Bogdan! :) Ask Ophra how she feels and she will reply just like me! It was definitely a waste of time!
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Donna Lira

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Re: Nothing is a waste of time....
10/21/2005 1:14:38 AM
Hi Bogdan, I tend to agree with Beverly on this one. Being a victim of rape, incest abuse myself. Oprah is doing a lot of good on her show at this time but probably feels the same as Beverly and myself. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl

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