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Re: Have a Drink on Me
10/7/2005 7:53:10 AM
Hi Bill, I'm sure there's quite a few versions to this one!Thanks for your version! :) Leanne Busby
Robert Phillips

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Re: Have a Drink on Me
10/7/2005 8:25:46 AM
Thanks for the Jokes guys Robert Phillips
Re: Have a Drink on Me
10/7/2005 11:28:23 AM
A Priest, A Rabbi, and a Hindu Monk with a snake in a basket, get in a plane....the plane starts to crash as it starts to nose dive, the priest bows his head, and makes the sign of the cross, the rabbi bows his head, and makes the sign of the Star Of David,The Hindu Monk takes the snake of the basket, kisses it, and puts it back in the basket. What are you doing? asked the Rabbi..I'm kissing my Asp goodby! said the monk.
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Re: Have a Drink on Me
10/7/2005 1:08:27 PM
Leanne. I cannot stop laughing at that one.... Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Manuel Davis

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Re: Have a Drink on Me
10/7/2005 10:18:38 PM
LeAnne, That was a good one, Keep them coming. Manuel D.