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Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Injury Stories
7/8/2009 8:34:36 PM
Hi Roger. Your story made me gringe. Once I pinched my index finger in between a heavy door and the wall it was connected to. Not the same as your finger story, I know.
Jayson VanBeekom

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Re: Injury Stories
7/8/2009 8:36:41 PM
Hey mom. Things are always fun until you get hurt. Like standing up on a roller coaster or poking a lobster. I remember stepping on a nail with my bare foot and bleeding all over the kitchen floor. I'm sure you remember that, too lol.
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Injury Stories
7/8/2009 8:52:43 PM

I remember!  I took my usual half-hour walk after suppertime, when you were about 9 yrs old, and came home to a trail of bloody footprints all over my kitchen, and your older brothers just let you fend for yourself.  They were not good babysitters!

On May 1st this year, I fell when I was outside (tripped over what? twigs or pine cones or walnuts??) and dislocated my thumb and popped it back in myself, it was at a right angle and it popped out immediately AGAIN and I had to pop it in AGAIN, twice right there outside....eeeewww...and my hand was throbbing and turned multiple colors every day for over a week.  It hurt so much I couldnt even open ziploc bags with that thumb, I was one-thumbless for awhile. What goes thru our heads when we see a body part out of place?  Gotta fix that, it looks weird!

Re: Injury Stories
7/9/2009 7:45:41 AM

Hi Everyone,

Just about a year or two ago, I decided to ride my bike to the barber shop one day (instead of driving my car). I hit something on the sidewalk and wrecked. when I finally got to the barber shop, my right hand was swollen. I had broken my wrist.

Another friend of mine happened to be there and he took me home. I eventually went to a prompt med office and got a cast on my arm.

Since I had just lost my full time job about a year or so before, I had no insurance. You should have seen me trying to pay for that! I still have a bone chip stuck in the joint.

The lesson: It would have cost a lot less money to drive my car than riding my bike.

Chris Belding
Re: Injury Stories
7/9/2009 8:56:40 AM
Hi Jayson & Luka, I have never broken any bones, but my brother broke his arm and my son as well when he was two (long story, my fault, he was behind me, didn't know it, at daughter's baseball practice, I fell over him, world's best dad ha ha). Also, I broke my nose like 3 times growing up, once when I was like 2 or 3 and fell into a coffee table, another time when I was running up the 7 big brick steps in the back of our home, and once when I fell off the top bunk bed and landed on my nose, bleeding, not even waking up because I was such a deep sleeper. My mom checked on me and left me there ha ha and in the morning I was fine. Steve
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