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Michael Derowin

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How to find Love
6/29/2009 3:24:20 PM

How to Find Love


You can never say where

 or when your Love will appear,

Never knowing how or

 with who will cause a tear.


Always looking for the

Negative in everyone is cold,

Learning how to listen and starting

to believe what you are told


Never looking right in front

of you not all around,

Not paying attention it moves

right by you without a sound..


Search within your Soul for

the one to share your Heart,

The one to take the vow to

never leave or keep us apart.


When you find the love which

you desperately did seek,

Look to the future and find

where your life is at its peek.


Now you know what you want in

your life seek your special mate,

Give them your Heart and show

them you are not second rate.



Written by,

Michael Derowin

©June 29, 2009

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: How to find Love
6/29/2009 4:13:48 PM

Hi Michael,

Thanks for sharing!  That was beautiful and very true, people are all around us but we don't always realize they may be special, and sometimes we're not at our best so others don't always see our specialness, it all has to fall into place, we need to keep our eyes and hearts open for people AND for ourselves.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: How to find Love
6/29/2009 4:14:40 PM


I am delighted to see you back and still writing poetry.

I enjoyed what you brought. Please stay around a while.


Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: How to find Love
6/29/2009 4:20:50 PM
It's great to see your creative juices are flowing again.
Myrna Ferguson

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Re: How to find Love
6/29/2009 7:17:21 PM
Hi Michael, Great poem. Keep up the good work. Myrna