Congratulations to the 188th POTW: LUIS MIGUEL GOITIZOLO!

Dear Adland Friends,
I was born in 1945 in Lima, Peru, the land of the Incas and the beautiful landscapes. We were five children in my family, three boys and two girls. My father was the best of men, a lawyer, and my mother a loving, beautiful woman who played the piano brilliantly. Religion was very important in our life and we were a happy family in a happy environment.
However, we also were a family of modest resources, and while in theory we belonged to a comfortable middle-class, I never had a real opportunity to study music, art or literature, which I passionately loved. So although I every year got the best grades at school, I ultimately felt forced to study science instead of art and literature. I believe it was because of this decision that I never did well in my early years of work. Also, I never married and hardly ever traveled.
If I had to make a balance of that phase in my life, I would say the only good thing I did was become an avid reader of every good book that came to my hands. In the long run, I developed a special taste for anything that had to do with Oriental Wisdom and particularly with India.
In 1977, tired of everything I had done until then, I became a disciple to a famous Hindu guru who taught me meditation at its highest. Since then, this precious gift has accompanied me in all circumstances of life.
When I was about forty, after many years of frustration and dissatisfaction as an administrator and later on as a translator, I resolved to learn about and experience things that would prove gratifying in my life, like surfing at the beautiful beaches near my home area and taking courses in watercolor painting. Next I sold my old van and for a while I traveled, mostly by train, photographing the wonderful sceneries of my country, a tour which for years to come would inspire me to draw and paint as a hobby until I run out of money and had to get back to Lima and my usual occupations.
However, deep inside of me was a permanent longing for my studies in the Oriental disciplines. Then, as if by magic, a precious Hindu holy scripture, the Third Canto of Bhagavata Purana, came to my hands. I was so marveled to learn that in very remote times the Hindus were familiar with such advanced scientific concepts as the expansion of the universe and the space–time relativity, both of them notions which modern science would only become aware of from the twentieth century onwards.
This, and the huge lengths of time involved in relation to cosmic cycles and ages, led me to start a study in the doctrine of cosmic cycles, which I published soon afterwards, in about 1998, in Spanish.
The years that followed were difficult times for me and everyone in my country, as terrorism wreaked havoc in our lives for nearly two decades. The nightmare finally ended, after another lengthy span of time in which I tried about almost everything, including some writing and editing books, I felt the urge to deepen further into my Oriental studies. At the same time, I started visiting a Hindu temple and ashram in Lima where, after playing the tabla to the sound of the devotees' bajans for a couple of years, I received from the temple Pujari the sacred cord and my new Hindu name, Krishnananda.
By then, I was feeling inspired to get started on a new, more rewarding phase in my life, and so I resolved to work online, which I saw as an opportunity to earn big money and make lots of friends. Then for a couple of years I felt at ease with both the world and myself, as I really liked the work. At the same time, I felt it was not enough. I wanted more from life, a real reason to live. It was then that I felt a strong, mysterious urge to translate my book La rueda del tiempo into English, which is what has taken most of my time during the last year.
Currently I live with my lovely Goddaughter and her mother, who used to be our housekeeper in years past. I love the both of them most dearly. We have three charming dogs, Paco, Moses and Dune, and we love to care for them and for every little being that we may come across in the streets.
Among my many interests, I am particularly fond of Religion, Eastern Cults, and Metaphysics. I love listening to music, reading, writing, painting, networking, and taking our dogs for a walk along the seafront lanes and parks in Miraflores, the beautiful district of Lima where we live.
Your Friend,
Luis Miguel Goitizolo
Thanks, Luis Miguel! Now everything's purple! I usually do the bottom part first and then the bio, oh well! Thanks for all your great educational art threads, we're eagerly looking forward to more in the future. So you weren't watching the nominations come in? You would have known you were in the lead a few days ago, it's a good idea to keep an eye on the Nominations/Election threads. Congratulations and have a fantastic week!!

Jan Green (10th from last)

Here are Jan's forums:
"Window Shopping"
"Open Networker"
Stephen Hauser (7th from last)

Here is the most powerful money-making video on the planet!!! What recession? Build your future right now. Don't wait until the dollar collapses or declines
in value to near zero. Don't wait until the Dow starts tumbling again and
reaching 5,000 or 1,000 or even lower! Don't wait until China stops buying
US Treasuries or calls for redemption. Right now, the US can barely pay just
the interest on the National Debt. Do you have a gameplan, a backup plan?
Get started today before it's too late!
Please visit the FRIENDS OF POTW FORUMS, if you'd like your forum linked here, announce the Nominations/Election link to your forum members every week! THANK YOU!! http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/1187238.aspx
NOMINATIONS/ELECTION thread for this week ending next Tuesday, May 19th for the 189th POTW: