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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/7/2012 2:41:42 AM
Peter, this article spells things out in such a way that you wonder how any self respecting American can support the OWS movement. I guess they've not learned yet that Communist has never worked in any country and it never will. By following the links I saw this comment that pretty well wraps it up in my opinion:


I'm 76; when I warned of these things many years ago, I was criticized as being "negative". It began with the dumbing down of our education system. Then, handing out money to people who weren't required to become self-supporting citizens - because it would be against their "dignity". It wasn't against their dignity to constantly have their hands out for more of everything, without any responsibilty. Then there was the destruction from within, by Marxists, Communists and radical Muslims. Each time I talked of these things, I was told these things would "never happen in America". They go on happening. Complacent Americans should get off their butts from their TV's and start finding out what's really happening in their country before it's too late. We were all given a wonderful country, with opportunity and freedom. Don't tell me it will never be "too late". Remember that old saying about "repeating history".

Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting video with Front Page's Jamie Glazov and the 3 "gang" members Sonia Schmidt, Evan Sayet and Kevin Hand. Today they are discussing 'The True Face Of Occupy Wall Street'.

The discussion is interesting and there are also some humorous moments.



The True Face of Occupy Wall Street — on The Glazov Gang

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 6th, 2012

In this edition of The Glazov Gang, Frontpage’s television program, three distinguished guests shed light on the rebirth of communism on American soil. Our guests are: Sonja Schmidt, a conservative political analyst, Evan Sayet, America’s #1 conservative comedian and Kevin Hand, CEO and President of Hand & Associates. See Part I of this three part series below. We will run Part II, Fired for Islamophobia, in tomorrow’s edition.

[For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the new broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.]

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2012 4:09:37 PM
Hey Evelyn,

Can't agree with you more and the comment you posted is right on. Thanks for sharing it with us.



Peter, this article spells things out in such a way that you wonder how any self respecting American can support the OWS movement. I guess they've not learned yet that Communist has never worked in any country and it never will. By following the links I saw this comment that pretty well wraps it up in my opinion:


I'm 76; when I warned of these things many years ago, I was criticized as being "negative". It began with the dumbing down of our education system. Then, handing out money to people who weren't required to become self-supporting citizens - because it would be against their "dignity". It wasn't against their dignity to constantly have their hands out for more of everything, without any responsibilty. Then there was the destruction from within, by Marxists, Communists and radical Muslims. Each time I talked of these things, I was told these things would "never happen in America". They go on happening. Complacent Americans should get off their butts from their TV's and start finding out what's really happening in their country before it's too late. We were all given a wonderful country, with opportunity and freedom. Don't tell me it will never be "too late". Remember that old saying about "repeating history".

Hello Friends,

Here's an interesting video with Front Page's Jamie Glazov and the 3 "gang" members Sonia Schmidt, Evan Sayet and Kevin Hand. Today they are discussing 'The True Face Of Occupy Wall Street'.

The discussion is interesting and there are also some humorous moments.



The True Face of Occupy Wall Street — on The Glazov Gang

Posted by Bio ↓ on Feb 6th, 2012

In this edition of The Glazov Gang, Frontpage’s television program, three distinguished guests shed light on the rebirth of communism on American soil. Our guests are: Sonja Schmidt, a conservative political analyst, Evan Sayet, America’s #1 conservative comedian and Kevin Hand, CEO and President of Hand & Associates. See Part I of this three part series below. We will run Part II, Fired for Islamophobia, in tomorrow’s edition.

[For the whole story behind Occupy Wall Street and how this movement marks a new phase in the rebirth of the communist Left, read the new broadside by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, Occupy Wall Street: The Communist Movement Reborn. This essential pamphlet exposes the roots, leaders and hidden agendas of the radical movement and its war on capitalism and free societies.]

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2012 4:11:57 PM
Hello Friends.

When I read this article it caused me to add another reason to be against the kook Ron Paul. He is considered to be an expert on the constitution and a staunch Constitutionalist but after reading the article it appears his understanding of the Constitution isn't as clear cut as many want you to believe.

A very interesting read.



Ron Paul, Constitutional Scholar

Posted by Leon H. Wolf (Diary)

People like to say, “Ron Paul’s got a great domestic program, it’s just his foreign policy I don’t like.” Really, people only say that because they don’t take the time to understand what Ron Paul’s domestic program is all about, or at least the more insane details thereof. One particular example of this is Ron Paul’s view on monetary policy.

Paul, who likes to present himself as some sort of Constitutional scholar, has said in his last several concession speeches that “the Constitution still says that only gold and silver can be legal tender!” This absolutely absurd reading of the Constitution is universally rejected by anyone who can read English. Let’s look at Article 1, Section 10, from which Ron Paul draws his support:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

Emphasis mine. However, it is also worth noting that Article 1, Section 10, is conveniently titled “Powers Prohibited of States.” Ron Paul might still have at least a non-farcical point if it were not for the existence of Article 1, Section 8 (helpfully titled “Powers of Congress”):

The Congress shall have Power. . . To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof[.]

Get it? The reason states do not have the power to create their own legal tender (other than gold or silver coin) is because that is a power expressly reserved to the Federal government. Remember that this was one of the central evils of the Articles of Confederation – that every state had its own currency, which hindered trade and created economic chaos – and so the founders reserved to the Federal government the right to establish a single currency for the whole nation. States are absolutely and completely prohibited by these sections of the Constitution from generating their own currency other than literal gold and silver coins.

Therefore, even if you ignore that Article 1, Section 10 is expressly confined to restrict the powers of the States, it would not stand for the proposition that Ron Paul wants it to stand for, which is that the Federal government must constitutionally adhere gold/silver standard. It would instead mean that the Federal government was prohibited from using currency that was not literally gold or silver coin. This conclusion is of course absurd (and ultimately would have no salutary effect on monetary policy whatsoever) which is why no person who hasn’t suggested that the government is using paper money to try to track you has ever suggested it.

I get that some people want someone who is a principled, small government isolationist constitutionalist. Sadly, Ron Paul is not that person – he’s just a nut onto whom people are projecting those qualities.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2012 7:06:29 PM
Hello everyone, my brother sent me several really good videos today and here are the last three he sent. The first two are about how happy a soldier's dog was to see him come home and the third one shocked me. I never knew there was a fourth verse to the "Star Spangled Banner" until I watched this Marine sing it. As they say, we never get too old to learn. I hope everyone enjoys these three videos. I also posted these in my thread and you can go to see them HERE.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2012 7:31:51 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Excellent videos. The Marine singing the second verse of the Star Spangled Banner was inspiring adn he did it very well.

The video with the dog welcoming back his master was very touching. Being a dog lover I know that when you come home after a days work he/she welcomes you as if you've been gone for years and I can imagine the joy after a prolonged absence.

I'm adding a video with Mishka the husky saying hello and it can be thought of as a communal hello to all the returning soldiers (take note of her amazing blue eyes.



Hello everyone, my brother sent me several really good videos today and here are the last three he sent. The first two are about how happy a soldier's dog was to see him come home and the third one shocked me. I never knew there was a fourth verse to the "Star Spangled Banner" until I watched this Marine sing it. As they say, we never get too old to learn. I hope everyone enjoys these three videos. I also posted these in my thread and you can go to see them HERE.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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