Hello Peter,
Bill sounds like he should be up there instead of the imposter we have there now... I have stopped going to any conferences at the schools for the little foster boys I'm raising and I have told them the reason why and they were so surprised. I do go the the parents teachers conference which is conducted one on one for report cards. Maybe I should request that the conferences should also be translated in French since it's my native language and let the rest of them set there and listen to it for my pleasure...lol...I refuse to set in these conferences and listen to 2 translations, this is America d*mit. As Bill says if you cant speak it stay on the other side of the border until you can, then come over and do as the Americans do, work ...pay taxes...etc...and we will welcome you with open arms.
Thank you for sharing this with us, I find it very interesting coming for Bill Cosby.
Shalom, Gaby