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Jo Anne Green

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Re: Some of me Poetry, from the heart
4/12/2009 9:48:18 AM

Sunny Easter Greetings, Amanda!


When you have a moment, please pray for Captain Richard Phillips and his family and for his safe return. As you know, Captain Phillips was captured by Somali pirates while on a mission of mercy.

From the bottom of my heart, I THANK YOU!
P.S. -- You are cordially invited to leave your prayers and comments at the following link:
Have a Blessed Easter!

JoAnne Green
Principal / International Risk Management Advisor

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Luka Babic

1031 Posts
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Re: Some of me Poetry, from the heart
4/12/2009 3:38:11 PM

Happy Easter dear Amanda !

I almost failed to fulfill my promise to visit this great forum. I am very sorry for being brief for the moment, and couldn`t pass through whole topic. I`ll be back to read all this great poems.

For now I`d write only for what have been asked, and what is related to this our day.

In Orthodox Christian religion (it was the same church with Roman Catholics until 1054) THE BIGGEST HOLIDAY IS EASTER, and after it comes Christmas. (Because, main point of Jesus mission IS HIS SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS, DEATH AND THEN RESURRECTION.)

Before Easter, people fast 7 weeks (49 days), EATING ONLY VEGETABLES COOCKED without any fatigue. During the fasting, all physical pleasures (including making physical love) should be avoided.

Each Saturday and Sunday, people can confess their sins, and receive the holy communion. If man go to receive the holy communion, before taking it, he/she is not permitted to eat or drink anything. Each one can receive the holy communion each day when is liturgy.

DURING THE BIG OR HOLY FRIDAY no one plays any except sacral musics ... no one laughs in public and you cann`t hear people even speaking loudly.

And when Easter comes (this year Orthodox Easter would come next weekend) .... joy can be felt everywhere.

God bless you all AND HAPPY EASTER TO YOU!





Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry, from the heart
4/13/2009 1:49:29 PM
Hello JoAnne,

Thank you for informing us of Captain Richard Phillips.

I received this graphic from Bill Balsamico

Happy Easter - He is risen.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: Some of me Poetry, from the heart
4/13/2009 2:24:50 PM
Hello Luka,

Thank you for coming in and sharing Easter celebrations
in your city, you shared some interesting information to
me of your country in your Easter Greeting that I thought
others may find interesting too.

The people in your country show more reverence where
they are quiet during this time that I thought was very respectful. 

I remember when I was young this respect and reverence
quieter time was observed in church especially during
prayer and reading of the bible passages.  However over
the years this respect was slowly got pushed further to
the background.  Some parents were not quietly taking
their crying and bored children from the room.

There were many times like Easter that respect and
reverence could have been observed more in church that
was annoying during prayer and children were allowed to
run up and down the aisles, or heard banging, scratching
their feet, rustling paper etc that could be very distracting trying to hear.

Fasting was not a practice that I really learned about or
participated, except I learned for specific prayer, it was suggested you could do this.

I do not recall that we ate anything in particular over
Easter like is traditional over Christmas whereby we had
turkey or goose or very large sized meat usually something we did not have a lot of during the year. (especially with
the whole family which could be 20 or more) christmas
fruit cake and christmas fruit steamed pudding.

I enjoy learning the different cultures how we observe and celebrate different events I have found quite fascinating.  There are some countries who dress up in their National
Costumes.  New Zealand does not have a national costume
nor national dance - our native New Zealanders, the Maori
who are Polynesian have their own costumes, dances and songs

Amanda Martin-Shaver

2587 Posts
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Re: Some of me Poetry, from the heart
4/13/2009 10:03:25 PM

What a huge lie the world has been told over the years
that some have actually 'swallowed' and believed that an
unborn baby is a 'fetus', or worse still - tissue.

Miscarriages are termed abortions in the medical field,
which is also hard to accept. Because abortion is a deliberate
act to choose not to go full term and give birth.
Miscarriage is not a choice, abortion is.

These are lies straight from the pits of hell and Satan
is the father of all lies!!

Empty Arms

You have to be a woman who has experienced
the loss of an unborn babe
to know that mothers mourn from day to day
Oh yes we may not have got to hold her or
dressed her up in pink and lace
Maybe we did not even get to look upon her face

The grief is very real and so is the pain
it does not go away after days of rain
The memories stay with us and we wonder
what would you have been?
Doctor, Lawyer or maybe a Marine.

It is also hardest when kind meaning family and friends tell
you that there can be more because you are still young.
The baby lost was not a doll
That can be replaced as if it did not have a soul
The experience was real, you knew and felt it

The years go by and perhaps you have one or two more
these other babies do not and cannot replace
that precious baby who came before.
The hardest time is at Christmas or baby's birthday
As you travel down, memory lane

I know all babies are not lost altogether
they go up to Heaven
to be with the Lord Jesus
He will take care of them, with His abundant love
They will be basking in His sunshine above

Amanda Martin-Shaver
