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Is Passing the Bailout Bill Really Necessary?
10/2/2008 1:00:09 PM


For those who want to understand more about the bailout. Here is link that may trigger many thoughts. hummm! I'm wondering why the bailout myself, it's only one answer remains to this question. Bush trying to keep power to make the American people suffer his debts. Make noise over here in anyway possible to get what he want over there (The Oil) before leaving office. If the bailout bill passes I guaranteed we American will suffer recession and bush will be FREE! From his debts.


Think about it, we all should know whenever our most powerful political politicians have been corrupting the financial system with greediness and about to leave office, what do you think will come out it? You guessed it, Right! More greed, make noise over here in anyway possible to cover up the truth of bailing out. So why hasn’t it been explained clearly why the bailout?


To be quite honest our businesses are just fine financially, you know why? As business owners and you have been watching constantly for powerful greed politicians, especially when they are leaving office and has been keeping up with the trends of this situation, wouldn’t you hold on to your money (Until Bush administration is out of office, honestly there is no telling what the heck he has done or been doing to the financial system,) of course you would, to keep from going into deep recession from greed people of political corrupted power. I know I would. And make him pay his own debts just like the rest of us ;o). Quite honestly! I do not think the bailout bill should pass.



Re: Is Passing the Bailout Bill Really Necessary?
10/2/2008 1:17:02 PM

Some Things You May Not Know About The Bailout

Click here for more answers to questions:

Re: Is Passing the Bailout Bill Really Necessary?
10/2/2008 2:00:11 PM

One of my favorite quote:

They forgot what Abraham Lincoln advised when he said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all of the time."

Read more on whodunit:

Re: Is Passing the Bailout Bill Really Necessary?
10/2/2008 2:40:34 PM

For the most part no one knows what's honestly going on except Bush Administration


Check this out and let’s see what all thinks:


As I have said in a previous post trust me, our businesses are fine, we are just on the sideline until the worst is over.

Nick Sym

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Re: Is Passing the Bailout Bill Really Necessary?
10/3/2008 3:32:08 AM

Thanks Leslye

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