
Who is Leslye Miller?

Leslye Miller

Leslye Miller
Member SinceThursday, October 19, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, September 16, 2012
LocationLos Angeles, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Both parents are deceased. I am a proud mother, sister, daughter, niece, aunty, and friend. I am graduate with a Master Degree in Business Administration-Operation management, and Still working on my first screenplay. My near future goals are to build a great financial foundation to planning and financing a family friendly Hotel Resort complete with swimming pools, recreations, events, hair salon, and art gallery as well as many other exciting and fun activities and stores that will provide excited jobs and careers for many future employees, and 2 organizations to help finance others with their artistic ability and business. The rest is “History” as the story continues. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Thank you, Leslye
My Interests
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Patricia Bartch - (6/9/2008 12:50:19 PM) : I enjoyed reading abot you in Sami's feature! I think you are right on. Pat
Leslye Miller - (6/9/2008 12:50:19 PM) : Thank you, Patricia
I'm glad you enjoyed the reading.
Jo Anne Green - (6/3/2008 12:35:48 PM) : Dear Leslye,

Thank you so much for your friendship and support. It is always a great pleasure to find a warm, friendly, supportive, and responsive friend like you on Adland.

I am honored to have you as a friend.

"Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,
Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel." -- Shakespeare

All the Best!

JoAnne Green
Thomas Richmond - (6/2/2008 10:55:49 PM) : Giving a rating of a 10 cuz of your commitments and your gratitude towards family and friends. To your success Leslye. God_bless you.
Ralph Coppley - (4/16/2008 2:56:48 PM) : With a smile of that maginitude, the person has no faults
Leslye Miller - (4/16/2008 2:56:48 PM) : :o) Thanks Ralph
Enjoy my forums and opportunities as well.

Joelees Wholesale - (5/31/2007 5:09:37 PM) : Hi Leslye,
Thank you for the warm invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-)Lee
Leslye Miller - (5/31/2007 5:09:37 PM) : Warm! Welcome ;o)
Kathy Hamilton - (5/30/2007 2:24:52 AM) : Hello,
great site would love to learn more about it. no hard feelings I hope,
Glad you are here.
Kathy Hamilton/
Leslye Miller - (5/30/2007 2:24:52 AM) : Hi! Kathy

Thanks for the compliments enjoy your visits!



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