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Paul Davey

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8/23/2005 11:31:47 AM
Written from the voice of experience I fear? Paul
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8/23/2005 12:43:16 PM
Hi,Kathy! This is kind of a very touchy Topic for me, since I am Agoraphobic. I have spells that put me in dangerous situations! One day, I was walking along Downtown, and a spell came over me, and I was wondering where I was and I ended up being in the middle of the Street while I was in this state of thought! With the Good Lord, everything is possible! For a Person that is Agoraphobic, it is a very difficult life when everything around you, is just Walls Closing In Around You and You can't breathe, because of being filled with the fear that takes hold of you! I have almost passed out a couple of times that I have had these spells come over me! As for the Husband and Wife topic, Mike and I have been so much in love with each other since the day we first met! We do not have fights or arguments. We may disagree on things, but, than, we kiss and make up! I would love to share with you a Poem I wrote a long time ago when I was depressed and I felt like my World was falling apart. I hope you enjoy it! THE WALLS ARE CLOSING IN The Walls are closing in around me! I feel so crushed with Emotion, I'm too blind to see! Crying out loud - "What will be in store for me!" Every Day, I go through such Pain-Staking Agony Lord, please give me patience - my nerves are so tense The Bills are piled high - everything nowadays is such an expense All I have in my Wallet is Twenty-Five Cents My life is a Mystery - it keeps me in suspense My Head is throbbing, I can't endure this Agony anymore! Shedding some tears, I cried - "I no longer want to be poor!" I feel so depressed - everywhere I go, I find a closed door My Body is so weak - everything seems like such a heavy chore I will continue to Pray for Strength and Contentment with my Lord, And my Future will be brighter - His Gift of Love will be my Reward. By:Shirley Ruth Caron Thank you for letting me share this with all of you! Thank you, Kathy, for being a very special Friend! I Love You! God Bless You & Everyone At AdlandPro! Your Friend In Christ, Shirley Ruth Caron Please feel free to visit my Websites: Please feel free to add your Comments!
8/23/2005 12:58:43 PM
Hi Kathy, You gave us a key phrase here: "who have different desires and goals are bound to run into conflict at some point" Blessed are the peace makers! I think you can walk away if you can't get along! Sometimes as the word a gentel answer turns away wrath and that is all that is needed. However other times it is best to remove yourself from the preson. In a marriage there is all ways give and take. If you work on becoming the giver and not the taker, you will have much less strife in your life. Strife is division and how can to walk together unless they agree. That brings us to the point of co-workers you can't alwas control who you get stuck with at work. What you can do is control how you react toward them. You can choose to walk in peace or butt heads it your choice. They can't get your joy unless you let them. The lesson here for networkers is this we are not looking for every one in the world to join "our business" what we are looking for is like minded people, team players. All members has something of value to add to the team, If they do not why would you want them on your team. Most networkers end up in a leadership role where they want to or not. If they develop good people skills they will become great leaders. If they do not they will not become great leaders. I been on teams where we had conflicts this is where leaderships comes into play. A good leader will look at both sides of the issuse and then decide what is best for the over all team. A smart learder will listen to all team members. This way when the dicision is made there is a greater chance of the whole team accepting the discision in peace. This is the same on the job, in a family, or your home business. As we devlope trust and respect for others we have less conflicts in or lives. I have learned to learn someone, who they are, what they can do, how they act and respond and then never expect them to change much past that. But that a different story! Lol God Bless you, Johnny
Lee Talmadge

612 Posts
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8/23/2005 1:33:20 PM
Hi Kathy, Busy day....Thank You for invite I agree Confrontation can always be resolved by listen and hearing one another :-) Have a great day ,Lee
8/23/2005 1:41:31 PM
Hello again Kathy. We face our various fears throughout life. When I find myself beginning to worry, I pay attention to the physical symptoms that accompany that reaction and what kind of thoughts I have as I begin to worry. Then I try to deal with my conflict. Best regards carmenjulia

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