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Heidi Stern

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/15/2008 6:33:53 AM

Hello my friends,

It does the heart good to see motivations such as these.
I love the domino affect this is having, much like a smile will do. 

I have recently been discussing this same ideal with my 2 boys ages 22 and 20.
They seem to think that I do too much with no viable return for my investment, this being my time and energy.

My reply was really quite simple and seemed to give them a broader perspective if you will.

I don't do for others because I think I will get something from it.
I do it because it's the right thing to do.

What are we here for if not too make life less difficult for eachother?

Thanks ~ Everyone!

Heidi Stern ~ Your Friend in Wellness
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: I AM because YOU ARE! In the spirit of giving
7/15/2008 5:38:10 PM
Hi Pauline,

Thanks for the verse from Acts. That spells out this forum, that's for sure.

And the riversongs postcard was wonderful. Everyone should click Pauline's link it's a great site.

Thanks for sharing this with us, Pauline.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: Welcome to my new Forum
7/15/2008 5:40:45 PM
Hi Heidi,

Thanks for your post here.

I agree one hundred percent that we are here to help not hinder. To recieve the rewards of giving there must be no expectation of reward.

Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

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In the Sprit of Giving
7/17/2008 12:54:47 AM

     The Spirit of Giving

By E. Laurence Bake.


The truth about giving is we don't need a special day,  holiday or time of year to be kind to others.


The very act of giving itself  "creates" a special, memorable day in Life.


The truest essence of  "Treasures" may well be found in the simple act of a Poet and a Princess (the most beautiful Princess in all the land) who gave a man and woman a precious moment of kindness.   Just time enough to care for one another,  time enough to feast and learn together - just time enough to change a man and a woman's  less than abundant life forever.


In so doing, Dignity and Hope were restored to the man and the woman and The Joy of Creation filled The Poet, Magister, and Princess Mayya's hearts and minds.


Knowing this we might wonder then: Who received the greater gift, the man and the woman or The Poet and The Princess?


The Spirit of Giving must never be allowed to fall to the level of a slogan on the back of a greeting card.  It must be restored to its rightful place in life, among all cultures and people that make up Mankind.


Embrace that Spirit, lift it higher and higher in the order of important things.  And one does not advance toward more expensive birthday presents or more gold and diamond things to celebrate the seasons.  We advance toward a far more worthy objective, distant and sometimes unreachable though it may seem at times.  We advance toward Peace on Earth - one man, one woman, one child, one act of kindness, one pure act of "giving" as we go.


E. Laurence Bake

I should have done this long before.

Here is the spirit of giving as expressed by

Treasures Author, Poet and Artist.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: In the Sprit of Giving
9/26/2008 12:10:19 AM
Hi all,

Sometime hereos are closer to home than we think. I have just posted a story about two hereos that mean a lot to me, and who, in the spirit of giving , gave up a lot to see us settle in a new land where we could grow and prosper.

Here is the story:

A New Life, Familiar Heroes


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