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The Naked Truth ...
4/16/2007 4:12:23 PM
The NAKED Truth ...

I want to share my feelings here for a moment on two subjects that I feel are being abused here at AdlandPro.

Identities and Christianity.

When we all start in business on the internet the first and foremost thing is your identity. People can't have the same trust value for purchasing anything on the internet as they do with a brick and mortar business. So, here at AdlandPro, we have a profile that helps build credibility. Honesty is the most important part of your profile. Your name, any pics, address and contact information should be clear and concise. Misleading people by using another name that's not your own (ex. on your identification, Social Security Card, etc ...) false address or any other deception will eventually be caught up with. One example was the guys that ran a surf program and after a few years they ran. Found out later they were not who they claimed to be. Many people don't have much recourse if they are lied to. So using a false name is deception and lying.

The other part I see are claims and postings that use Christianity and Christian beliefs to sway the readers into believing these people of their behavior, their products/services and that anything they say is the truth all in all. I am a man that believes in God and Jesus but I do not use it as a selling tool. Nor do I make claims of being anything holy. I am a mortal. You are a mortal. We are all children of God and are all on equal footing in God's eyes. To convey a messege to people you are anything but is giving people a false image of who you are. I only mean this to those that are not of the cloth, a preacher or someone ordained to teach the word. Even Sister Theresa never claimed to be an angel. So choosing any words that resemble 'being holy' is misleading.

You have only one chance to make a great impression. Make it with honesty and it will last you a lifetime.

Kenneth R Sword Jr

Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/16/2007 4:33:32 PM

Hi Ken:

We had an opportunity this past weekend to air the CD titled:


In line with what you have shared here, I offer this segment from this wonderful blessing...

...." your relationships with others are Holy ground. The first relationship is with God, the next is with yourself..... "

Having been privey to much here on line and having watched the chain of events that create hardships and broken relationships, may I also add that....

.... even if you ask it to outloud, your bathroom mirror will not lie to you....

Have a wonderful day...

Joe Buccheri



Mary Hofstetter

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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/16/2007 4:40:46 PM


You have hit on an "ouchy" subject.  How many times have certain people in Adlandpro been approached about false identity.  Yet it continues to exist. 

What is truly sad  is when false information and religion are mixed.  Now we have double trouble.  Anyone with a suggestion to the administration of Adlandpro will be appreciated but I fear falls on deaf ears.

The only way I can handle the deception I see is to avoid these people.  To post anything negative or approach the dishonest persons will only create dissention.  Avoidance is the only way I can handle this type of situation.

Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/16/2007 5:00:28 PM
 Hi Kenneth

That is a good one. That is what i have been saying all along. Let

everyone know who we ars and what we do. We are all here to

earn a living and help as many do the same in the shortest time


Keep It Up Ken

Neil Reinhardt

1314 Posts
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Re: The Naked Truth ...
4/16/2007 5:27:03 PM
Hi Ken, A GREAT post and RIGHT ON! I place honesty and truthfulness about all else. Many years ago, (around 1964) a good friend and co-worker at NCR's Electronics Division and I went out drinking in some of the Beach Bars in (North) Manhattan Beach, CA. I was hanging out in at the time. Over time, John met many of my drinking friends and nearly all of them had nicknames. There was Chicken Hawk, Beach Bum Ed, New York George, Sue Boat and Bud Boat, Sheriff John, Flannel Mouth Jan, Chicago George. Trash Mouth Tim, Knee Pad Liz, Sleepy Eyed Dave, Landlord Phil, Don the Broom, Vic Tanney Bev, and Hatchcover Tom to name a few of them. (Some of these people are dead and a couple of others, very well off with one being a millionaire.) Anywho John asks: "Why don't you have a beach nick name?" and I said I did not know why. So at work the next day, John walks up to me and says: "I am going to call you Nasty Neil." When I asked why he choose that nick name for me, he replied: "Because you are ALWAYS telling the TRUTH and most people really do not want to hear it." So while people may not like me or what I say, they can take it to the bank what I say is what I totally believe and/or what can be proved to be true. NastyNeil
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