
Who is Terry Alger?

Terry Alger

Terry Alger
Member SinceWednesday, January 30, 2008
Last ActivitySaturday, February 16, 2008
LocationMechanicsville, Maryland, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Hello Everyone,


My name is Terry Alger and I have been involved with a home based business for about a year now.  I also do consultant work for the restaurant and retail industry.


I am very passionate about growing my internet business and would love to partner with many of you trying to do the same thing. 


This world doesn't need anymore heroes, just people making friends and caring about each other.  I have been truly Blessed all of my life with family, good health, and lots of friends.


Please join me on my journey as you well know, strength comes in numbers.


Blessings everyone,

Terry Alger

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